Tame This (The McCallans, Book Two) (19 page)

BOOK: Tame This (The McCallans, Book Two)
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“That is not the environment that Melanie needs to be in,” Jack sighed. “And I wish you would stop putting her in that position. I understand you care about her and want to protect her, but think about the baby. Do you really want that kind of physical contention going on when she has a child? Jesus Christ, Jay, stop acting like a goddamn brute and put Melanie first for once.”

A brute? Did the guy just use the word

“I do put Melanie first,” Jay growled through the phone. “Why the fuck else would I risk my ass being thrown in jail if it isn’t for

Jack didn’t respond right away, which caused Jay’s question to echo in his own head a few times. But hell, he didn’t need this. Why the hell was he talking to Jack?

“Just tell her I called,” he said and hung up.

He tossed the phone on his bed, and even though it was only nine o’clock, he wanted to crash
for the night. Problem was, he was wound up way too tight thinking about Melanie and Jordan and Jack and Melanie… He needed to forget about it all for a night.

Tyse was out with Kellie and some of her friends, and even though Jay felt guilty for not checking in with his sister, he just couldn’t bother with it this time. He tried to keep tabs on everyone
, but sometimes it just spun him in fucking circles. At least Camryn was with Kellie tonight too, so that gave him some peace of mind.

Jay headed for the kitchen and opened the pantry door. Tonight called for
some hard liquor, and after finding what he was looking for, he headed for his bedroom to get wasted in private.

Chapter Seventeen



“But you’re sure he hasn’t choked on his own vomit or anything, right?” Melanie asked as she headed for the hall.

“I’m sure,” Tyse smiled patiently. “He was just completely and utterly passed out in his room, but definitely breathing.
And no vomit.”

She didn’t care if Tyse felt she was being over concerned. Jack told her about his conversation with Jay when she woke up that morning, and then she wasn’t able to get a hold of him when she returned his call. The last thing she
wanted to worry about was where Jay was.

When she entered his room, she could literally smell alcohol in the air
. There were various bottles on the nightstand and floor, and Jay was sprawled across the bed in just his boxer briefs. He was on his stomach with his face turned sideways, and Melanie felt for his breath against her hand.

With a sigh she began picking up the bottles, but then thought against it. Instead of d
isposing of them, she lined the mix of beer bottles and hard liquor along his nightstand.

When she walked past the bed, his hand reached out and brushed her skirt. She paused to look at the hungover smile on his face as he rolled to his back. Good God, she wished the sight of him didn’t make her stomach dance like it did.
She wanted to climb up on his body and lick every one of his tattoos.

“Whatcha doing here, pretty girl?” he mumbled as he rubbed both his hands over his face. “Thought you were staying with Jackoff for the weekend.”

Melanie sat on the edge of the bed, and when he looked at her, she looked him straight in the eye. “Checking on
, asshole. You wouldn’t answer my calls, and even when I got a hold of Tyse and he said you were home, I still had to make sure.”

“Why?” he laughed as he sat up. “Ah, holy fuck,” he exhaled, holding his head between his hands.

“Slight headache? Couldn’t be because of that, could it?” she pointed to the nightstand.

Jay glanced at the bottles nicely lined up and smiled. “Yeah, I spent the night with Jack, too.”

She rolled her eyes at the empty bottle of Jack Daniels and started to leave the room.

“Hey babe, where you going?” Jay called.

Just hearing him call her that made her want to kiss him and strangle him at the same time. But she wasn’t sure if she was in the mood for his attitude this morning. When Jack told her that Jay got pissed talking about Jordan, all sorts of images flashed in her head. She’d put off telling Jay that her ex had moved closer to her because she didn’t want him to do something stupid.

“I’m going to lunch with Tyse,” she finally answered.

“What the fuck? Why?” Jay asked, sliding off the bed. He came across the room where she was standing at the door.

“What do you mean
? Because I’m hungry and I asked him. It was a two-and-a-half hour drive from Jack’s and I left pretty much right after I woke up.”

“Just t
o check on me?” he asked, his tone softening as he leaned against the doorframe.

Melanie looked him in the eyes as her heart started to pound again. This rollercoaster with Jay was wearing her down. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take, and even though she’d told herself she could be patient, it was harder than she thought. All she wanted to do right now was hold him, but the day in the pool hou
se had made him even more standoff-ish. She hadn’t seen him all week, but she could read his resistance perfectly clear through just his texts.

“Yes, to check on you,” she barely replied. She turned to leave the room but he grabbed her hand to stop her.

There was a moment of silence between them but Melanie couldn’t look at him. It killed her inside every time she thought there was progress between them and then…nothing.

“Well, have fun,” he finally said, and he turned for the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

She took a deep breath just to hold back her tears. These damn pregnancy hormones were also a joke.

When Melanie made it to the front room, Tyse was typing on his phone as he headed out the door.

“Hey, I hope you’re not leaving me,” she said.

“I was just texting you,” he smiled at her. “And yeah, I kinda was. I think you two need to spend some time together.”

“Me and Jay? Are you planning on being out a half-brother? Because I pretty much want to kill him right now.”

“Yeah I figured,” Tyse laughed. “Which is why you guys should probably talk it out. He’s been a damn nightmare this week—more so than usual—so I’m assuming since you haven’t been around much, it has to do with you.”

“Don’t even ask,” she scoffed playfully.

“I wasn’t going to. But since you’re here, and that’s most likely what he’s wanted, you might as well take advantage of it.”

“I’m starving, Tyse. I’d rather eat lunch than deal with Jay right now.”

“Well lucky you, there’s a pizza coming in a half-hour. I took the liberty of ordering it, and I’m leaving because I’m not sure I want to be here while the two of you, um, work out your differences.”

“Oh my God,” Melanie rolled her eyes. But then she laughed because Tyse was smiling, and he just left her standing there as he shut the door behind him.

With a sigh she headed for the kitchen in hopes of finding something to tide her over. She finished off a yogurt and a piece of toast by the time she heard Jay’s bedroom door open and shut loudly behind him. He came down the hall looking slightly pissed
, even though he looked sexy as hell in jeans, a t-shirt, and wet hair.

Good lord, the things she wanted to do to him…

Melanie just leaned against the counter in silence, watching him until he noticed her. He glanced out the front window before he headed for the kitchen, and that’s when he stopped in his tracks.

“You’re still here,” he stated.

“Yeah I’m still here,” she replied casually, throwing away her trash. “Unless that disappoints you,” she added. “I can leave if you want.”

“Why would that disappoint me?” he frowned at her. “You’re always welcome here.”

“Always?” she smirked at him.

She waited for a verbal response, but he only stared at her. He was obviously in a very serious mood today and Melanie wasn’t sure if that was to her advantage or not.

“I need to talk to you,” she finally said.

She could literally see the expression darken on his face, but she didn’t care. Ever since that first night they’d fooled around in his bedroom, things had changed between them. He didn’t talk about things as much with her and Melanie hated that the most. They used to share things all the time, and now it was almost like Jay wasn’t comfortable around her anymore.

She watched him down some pain reliever with a glass of water, but he nodded his head and leaned against the counter. He was obviously not going to help her out with this.

“Okay,” she sighed. “I’m sorry for not telling you that Jordan moved. I feel like any time I mention his name to you, it’s like I’m tattling or something. I know you asked me to tell you about everything he says or does
that affects my life, but I was really hesitant to bring it up this time for obvious reasons.”

When she stopped talking, she finally noticed that Jay looked surprised. Oh God, he was probably thinking she wanted to talk about the pool house, wasn’t he? She didn’t think it was really necessary, being that she knew exactly how things would turn out. She
that she was wrong, but it wasn’t a shocker. But now that she thought about it, she was curious as to what
conversation would be like if they actually had it…

“Just answer me one thing,” Jay finally stated. “Do you
him living closer to you? Is this something that you two worked out for the baby?”

“No,” she answered quickly, shaking her head. “No, I don’t want him living close to me. I can’t believe he even did it.
I know it’s to be closer to music opportunities, but as long as Jordan is still partying like he is, he’s not seeing the baby. I’ll do everything in my power to protect him,” she added, rubbing a hand over her stomach.

“Him?” Jay asked.

With a smile, Melanie said, “Or her.”

Jay seemed pensive for a bit, and it was quiet moments like this that Melanie would give anything just to know what he was honestly thinking. She could always ask, but for some reason she believed it would change the moment by doing so. He looked so solemn this time and it broke her heart that he wouldn’t open up.

She couldn’t stand it any more. She had to wrap her arms around him or she was just going to lose it right there in his kitchen. If he was surprised by her actions she couldn’t tell since her face was pressed against his chest. But she felt his arms envelop her body against him and his mouth on the top of her head.

“What’s going on, baby doll?” he asked quietly.

Oh holy hell, he smelled so amazing. And his voice, asking her something so simple, just melted her from the inside out. She could cuddle up against him any damn second of the day and feel like she was in heaven.

But she was done talking and didn’t want the moment to go to waste. Her lips brushed against his shirt until they reached his neck, and when she kissed his skin, his hands gripped her tighter. She slowly kissed along his jaw as heat pooled between her legs. She couldn’t get enough of this man and feared that she never would.

When their lips met, neither of them was hesitant. Jay kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue in search of hers. Melanie couldn’t help the sounds that came out of her—he just did that to her every time—but it seemed to encourage him. He picked her up and set her on the counter as he pushed himself between her legs, grinding against her instantly. He was right up against her panties since her skirt had been shoved up to her waist, and Melanie unbuttoned his jeans.

And then there was a knock at the door.

“Oh no,” Melanie groaned.

Whoever it is can just fucking leave,” Jay said as he stripped her panties off. He pulled out his cock and slid her forward so he could get inside her.

“It’s the pizza Tyse ordered,” Melanie informed him
, barely managing to focus on anything but what was now pressing against her clit.

is here?” Jay exclaimed, shoving his dick back in his pants. He pulled Melanie’s skirt over her legs and added, “His car isn’t here.”

This time the doorbell rang but Melanie slid off the counter. She made sure her skirt was down and with a laugh said, “No he’s not here.” She went for her purse on the couch, but realized Tyse had left some money by
it. When she opened the door, a teenaged delivery guy looked utterly annoyed that he’d had to wait.

“Sorry about that,” Melanie smiled at him as she exchanged the money for the pizza.

The kid seemed to forget why he was bothered in the first place and smiled right back at her. “Ah, no worries at all.” He looked her up and down and smiled even bigger. “Hey, so I’m—”

“Leaving,” Jay interrupted, pulling the door open further to stare him down. The kid’s eyes widened but Jay added, “Pull your fucking tongue back in and have a great day, okay?”

When he shut the door, Melanie had to laugh. “Oh my God, he might’ve pissed himself.”

Jay smiled, took the pizza and dropped it on the coffee table. “I don’t fucking care. That’s the last time you’re answering the door without any underwear on, got it?”

She had to pause before she busted up laughing. “What, you think he could
?” she exclaimed, laughing even more.

With a grin Jay scooped her up in his arms and headed for his bedroom.
“Well now I gotta track him down to find out,” he said. “Because if pubescent pizza boy saw you without any panties on…” He laid her on the bed and leaned over her. “I’d have a huge fucking problem with that.”

Melanie slid her hands behind his neck while her heart pretty much soared with joy. She was lost in those eyes anytime he allowed her to be, and this time there was no denying that they were connected by more than just friendship.

He started kissing her again, this time slower but just as deeply. Good grief, she needed every bit of this man she could get. He pulled his shirt over his head and smiled at her. That killer smile would melt her panties if she even had any on, and any time she could run her fingers over his muscular body was pure ecstasy.

unbuttoned his pants and kicked them off. When he returned to kissing her, Melanie’s fingers slid into his boxer briefs and pulled those down as well. She took his cock and pressed it to her wet center, encouraging him to enter and leaving no room for doubt as to where she wanted him to be.

Need you. Now,” she gasped between kisses.

Jay pushed deeper inside and she released a
pleasure-filled groan. The feeling of having his body against her, inside her, around her, on top of her—whatever she could get—was absolutely beyond measure. The sexual gratification was amazing, but this time there was something different. This time she allowed herself to feel like she was one half of a committed relationship, whether she was setting herself up for heartbreak or not. There didn’t seem to be anything wrong with pretending there was more to this time with Jay than there actually was—she would be hit with reality later on anyway—but for now she was going to enjoy every second of her one-sided emotional connection with Jay McCallan.

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