Tame the Beast (Ever After #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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“Well, I’m glad you didn’t.”

Clara’s soft cheeks flushed pink as Adam topped his sentence off with a wink. She may be steps above his usual game, but she was still a woman. Flustered, Clara turned back to the table just as Corin and Deacon sunk their last two cups.

Game over.

Adam jumped at the opportunity. “That’s no way to treat two beautiful ladies,” his playful voice shouted over the music. “All right, my house, my turn. Clara, I’d be honored if you’d help me take the table back. What do you say?”

He flashed another brilliant smile and watched as her eyes shifted back and forth as if she were struggling with an inward battle. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, a motion that had Adam filling with primal desire to nibble it too. This woman had no clue what she was igniting in him. Or perhaps she did.

“All right,” she said and turned to face their opponents. “Let’s kick some ass.”

Adam almost let out a laugh. Everything about her screamed innocence and grace, and yet the spark in her eye and her choice of smack talk had Adam’s head in a spin. He wanted to know what else hid behind those big brown eyes, and perhaps what was under her yellow, flowing blouse.

Within the first couple of shots, Clara proved to be a promising partner. Corin and Deacon were going down, and as the balls fell on their side, Adam caught Clara finishing her drink. A small drop escaped down the corner of her lip. Embarrassed, her hand flew over her mouth. The way her tongue wiped the drop back over her lips sent Adam reeling. Never had he been so aroused by a simple motion.

Keeping his cool, Adam reached for her cup and whispered, “Here, let me get you another. Keep the boys distracted until I come back.”

Adam watched with satisfaction as her cheeks turned rosy. He hoped his closeness had caused the shift in her body temperature. She fascinated him for reasons Adam could not explain. His tool attitude raced to his side to justify that Clara was something he’d never had before. His response to her was pure lust. Plain and simple.

As Adam made his way to the kitchen to refill both their cups, Corin cornered him. “What the hell are you doing, Beaumont?”

“Refilling our drinks, Sander. What’s with the attitude?” Adam asked, baffled by Corin’s outburst. Sure, the guy was a hot head, but there was usually a reason for it.

“I invited Clarabelle.”

So there is a reason,
Adam mused. “Well, sorry to disappoint, but I think the lady can make her own choice.”

Corin puffed up like a blowfish. “Back off, Adam.”

Adam was enjoying the sight of Corin acting like a child. Clara,
or Clarabelle
, Adam thought, liking the sound of her full name on his lips, was old enough to make her own call. If she wanted Corin, then he would back down. Well … maybe. But if she preferred his company instead, Adam would be happy to oblige. He was a gentleman after all.

“I’ll tell you what, I’ll back down just because we’re friends,” Adam replied as he backed his way out of the kitchen. “But I can’t guarantee she’ll back off of me.”

Leaving Corin fuming behind him, Adam sauntered back towards Clara and their little game. He set his drink on the table and made sure to lean in extra close, grazing free hand across her lower back as he handed her the drink. It may have been his imagination, but he swore she stiffened under his subtle touch.

“My friend over there doesn’t look to happy I’m your partner,” Adam whispered into her ear. It took a bit of willpower not to give it a quick nip.

Clara laughed into her glass as she prepared herself for her next shot. The ball bounced high off the edge of the cup. As Deacon dove to retrieve it from the crowd, Clara turned into Adam’s tall frame and said, “I know. It seems he can’t take a hint.”

Adam’s eyebrow rose as he looked down the table at Corin’s scowl. So Adam was right. Clara had no interest in Corin. Adam didn’t blame his friend for the daggers he was sending their way. Hell, he would probably do the same if he were on the opposite end, but as fate would have it, Adam stood a chance with this tease of a woman. He would be damned if he didn’t take it.

With Clara still facing him, Adam pulled her into his solid chest and murmured, “Stay close and I promise to keep him off your back.”

The vibration of her laugh sent tremors down his spine. He moved away before a certain throbbing desire made itself known. He needed to end the game and fast if he wanted a chance to get Clara alone. He knew a girl like her would never put out the first night. To his own surprise, he hoped she wouldn’t, but if he wanted the chance to see her again, he’d have to seal the deal. And he definitely wanted to see more of her.


Chapter Four


Clara lay on her lofted bed and replayed the events of last night. She could not believe how ridiculous she had acted. She was a smart girl, smart enough to have a full ride to Beaumont, but a few smiles from an attractive guy and she was giggling like an obnoxious, hormone-crazed girl. She blamed his eyes. They were a memorizing shade between blue and gray, like storm clouds rolling in, and they poured over her with an unspoken promise.

“Wake up, sleepy head!” Rose sang as she entered the room. “I brought you a bagel and orange juice. Now, get up!”

Clara chuckled and inched her way off the bed. Her head was still pounding from last night’s drinks. “Thanks,” she managed to utter as she took Rose’s offering.

“Here, this is for the headache,” she said, handing Clara two small pills. “I need you in top condition for the football game this afternoon.”

“But I don’t want to go to a football game this afternoon.”

“Oh, come on! You have to. It’s the first of the season. Everyone goes! Our team might not be the best, but I hear the games are always fun. Please, Clara. Adam might be there.”

“So?” Clara tried to come off as disinterested, but her roommate was not convinced. Perhaps it was the rising blush warming Clara’s cheeks.

“Oh, please. I saw the way you two couldn’t take your eyes off each other. Just be careful. He’s cool to hang out with, but he has a huge reputation as a player. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Clara beamed at Rose’s concern. “Don’t worry. I figured he was. He looks the type.”

Rose nodded as she rummaged through Clara’s side of the closet. Holding up a pair of Rose-approved jeans, she pouted. “Please, Clara. You would look super cute in these and the shirt I borrowed from Luke.”


“Well, I knew you didn’t have any school gear in your closet, so Luke said you can borrow one of his.”

Clara held up the over-sized jersey Rose tossed at her. “You couldn’t borrow from someone who wasn’t three feet taller than me?”

“He’s not that tall.”


Rose replied with the very definition of a puppy dog pout. Clara’s brown eyes rolled towards the ceiling, but she couldn’t suppress a smile. Rose was so much like Harper. It was no wonder why they became fast friends. Rose and her sister had both achieved the perfect pout to get what they wanted. Between the two, Clara was doomed. Heaven forbid the two ever team up.

“Fine,” she replied with a groan.

The pout prevailed.

*   *   *

“My shirt looks good on you,” Luke teased as he nudged Clara’s shoulder, almost knocking her into another group of students walking along the path leading to the stadium at the far end of campus.

“Yeah, maybe if it fit me properly,” she replied, opening her arms to show off the edge of the shirt floating around her thighs. “But thanks for letting me borrow it. I’ll have to go to the spirit shop and get my own if we’re going to make a habit of coming to these games.”

“Of course we are!” Rose answered. She was dressed head to toe in Mustang gear. “There’s nothing like being right in the middle of it all. Fans cheering. Your heart starts racing as you wait for your team to make the perfect play!”

“Well, someone’s a fan,” Luke said. From the amused look on his thin face, Clara had a sneaky feeling he was interested.

Rose blushed. “My Aunt Daph has always been a big football fan.”

Luke gazed down at Rose with starry eyes. Clara was positive something was brewing between those two. She could see it in Luke’s eyes at least. Giving him a chance with Rose, Clara moved closer to Deacon. Unlike the others, he didn’t seem overjoyed about the game. Clara could relate. She was delighted to discover he’d much rather be back in his dorm room … with a book.

“The guys have no idea how important this year is for all of us,” Deacon said. He was afraid all the partying would interfere with their studies, and the deeper each of them plunged into their separate programs, the greater the stakes.

Clara was beginning to like Deacon. He had a quiet presence and was just as serious about his studies as Clara was, but where she loved stories about adventure and romance, he preferred history. He was a no-nonsense type of guy, which made his friendship with the rest of the guys mind-boggling.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but how did you guys all become friends?”

With a hefty laugh, Deacon said, “I’ve known Adam almost my whole life. He’s as much of a brother as Luke is.”

“And what about Marcus and Corin?”

He shrugged, but the lack of excitement on Deacon’s face spoke volumes. “They started hanging out with us freshman year.”

That was all Deacon could say before Luke interrupted with chatter about the opening game. Apparently, their topic choice was not boisterous enough in Luke’s eyes. As they entered the stadium, the arena echoed with pre-game jitters.

Hidden in the crowd, Luke broke out a silver flask to pass around their group. “Ladies first.”

Rose took a hefty swig before passing it to Clara.
To new experiences,
she toasted to herself. The liquid burned the back of her throat.

“There you go, bookworm,” Luke said. “We’ll make you a Mustang yet!”

Despite the busy stands, Corin and Marcus were easily spotted standing on a set of bleachers and waving their arms around to get the group’s attention. Luke helped the girls up on the seats as everyone shuffled across the hard metal. Clara took the far end away from Corin. She wasn’t up for fending off his advances today.

Clara took a moment to absorb her surroundings. The cool breeze tossed loose hairs into her face, signaling the end of summer, and yet, Clara didn’t mind. To her own surprise, she was excited for the upcoming semester. Her father would be shocked! Clara blamed Rose and the guys, and possibly the shot of alcohol warming her insides. Their eagerness to enjoy every new day inspired her. Maybe this
the adventure she desperately sought. Even Corin was growing on her, at least enough for her to tolerate his company.

Then there was Adam.

Her cheeks flushed at the thought of him, but she reminded herself not to fill her mind with delusions. She was not going to become another number on his ever-growing list. She was serious about her studies while he was a serious partier. Day and night had more in common than her and Adam. Still, she couldn’t help the warmth that spread through her at the thought of him. And it had nothing to do with Luke’s silver flask.

Clara was pulled from her thoughts when the crowd’s roar echoed throughout the stadium. Men scattered around the field as the brown ball soared through the air. Her father was never the type to get into the game, or any sport for that matter. Clara didn’t know the rules, but she was drawn in by the sheer energy of the fans.

The crowd was in the middle of another racy chant when Clara noticed movement from her right. She felt frozen as she watched Adam take her side. For a brief moment, she met his beautiful blue eyes, and time slowed down. Slow enough for a lump the size of the stadium to grow in the middle of her throat.

Glued to Adam’s large arms was some redhead who looked like she held a grand prize. Clara’s eyes snapped back towards the game before her face could betray her. What a fool she had been.

“Yo, Adam, about time you made it,” Luke yelled from the other side of Rose.

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Adam replied.

The sound of his deep voice put Clara on edge. She didn’t understand why she was so upset by the redhead. Clara had no claim on him. They had only met last night, and all they did was talk while playing a drinking game. There was no reasonable cause to be upset at seeing him with another woman.

“Hey, Clara. Didn’t peg you as the sporty type,” Adam said in a teasing tone.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” Her words came off a lot harsher than she intended. She tried to calm her nerves and forced a cheery tone as she looked toward the field. “I love football. Go Broncos!”

“Mustangs,” Rose quietly corrected, not taking her attention off the game.

Clara’s voice fell to a low mutter. “Mustangs … whatever.”

She could hear Adam’s hushed chuckle from her side. Her cheeks flushed as she turned back to the game. Clara tried to understand why she was so annoyed with him.
It was the way he looked at me
, her thoughts rationalized.

At the party, he looked at her and only her. Every time she would try and steal a glance, he was already looking back. She may be inexperienced, but she was smart enough to know when a man desired a woman, and the looks Adam Beaumont was giving her that night were enough to make any woman weak-kneed.

The roar of the crowd drowned out Clara’s thoughts as the team scored another touchdown. She tried to ignore the nonsense sputtering between the couple beside her.

“I don’t get why we even had to come,” the redhead whined.

“Olivia, I told you before that you didn’t have to come,” replied Adam.

“But I wanted us to spend more time together like we did in the summer.”

Maybe it was Clara’s imagination, but the redhead’s—or rather Olivia's—voice grew louder as she mentioned the summer. A spark of pain flickered through Clara.

Adam seemed equally eager to ignore Olivia as he turned and asked, “So Clara, what are you taking this semester?”

Clara’s face twisted with confusion as she picked apart his actions and held them up to his words. She was positive Adam had flirted with her the night before. But then he had the audacity to come to the football game with another woman? A woman he spent the summer with? She knew she shouldn’t be so irritated about it, but she was!

BOOK: Tame the Beast (Ever After #1)
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