Read Tame: Carter Kids #3 Online

Authors: Walsh,Chloe

Tame: Carter Kids #3 (2 page)

BOOK: Tame: Carter Kids #3
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I wanted to make a mark on her so permanent she would never shake me off.

This woman owned me.

I wanted to own her just as hard.

Just as fucking much.

"Harder," she hissed, bringing her hips up, meeting me thrust for thrust. "I can take it."

She didn't have to tell me twice.

Tightening my grip on her hips so hard I knew I would leave marks, I pounded myself into her, enjoying the loud mewling sounds coming from her throat.

I was violating her body, and she was enjoying every second of it.

Thoughts of another man being where I was currently buried caused the rage inside of me to roar to the surface.

Knowing it was my own damn fault only pissed me off more.

I was a fucking hypocrite…

"Only you, Noah," Teagan cried out, as if she could hear my thoughts. "Just you."

Her skin was so soft, and the smell of coconut shampoo flooded my senses, making me hard as die cast metal. Fuck me.

This woman. Taking me deep, pulling me in further, trapping me in all that she was. I wanted to be trapped. Captured.

I wanted to be fucking possessed by her.

"Damn straight," I hissed.

Passion and lust overrode all other thoughts in my mind and I lost control. Her pale, milky skin was flushed, slick with a fine sheen of sweat, and all I could see.

Teagan was trembling beneath me, the same way she'd trembled when she was seventeen and I'd taken her virginity. She was breathing hard, her pussy tightening around me with every thrust.

Moving inside her, feeling her heat tightening around me, the wetness of her, it was too much. I wanted to bury my dick inside her and never come back out again. This was all I wanted for the rest of my life. I was tired of fighting.

I just wanted a home and with Teagan, I'd found it.

"Thorn, simmer down," I grunted, dropping a hand between our bodies to finger her clit.

I watched as Thorn bit down hard on her plump bottom lip, though it didn't make her moans any quieter.

"Shh, Teegs," I hissed out through clenched teeth. "The whole plane's gonna hear you."

"I don't care," she screamed, voice rising with every thrust. "Let them hear…. ah fuck…let them hear what you do to me."

The harder I fucked her, the louder she screamed. 

She was getting close.

I could feel it.

Seven years apart or not, I knew her pussy well enough to know the signs. The tightening sensation. The dragging feeling on my dick. The catch in her breath. The way her eyes rolled back in her head. The trembling. The tiny jerks her body made as raw pleasure jolted through her.

Ripples of pleasure shot through me, jolting my cock, making me pulse hard, throb inside her.

Yeah, Thorn was coming hard on my dick.

I would never get tired of watching this woman come. Fuck, her facial expressions sent me off more times than not. 

Slinging herself forward, Teagan wrapped her arm around my neck and dragged my face towards her, pressing her forehead to mine.

Her eyes were open, her gaze locked on mine.

It was too much.

She was screaming this fucking room down and I'd lost every ounce of self-control.

I felt myself come, and allowed myself to spill into her, thrusting until every last drop of my orgasm had emptied into her.


Chapter Two



I was back in the States.

Back in the land I had once fled and vowed I would never return to.

And I was back here with the man I had run from all those years ago. Ready to go on tour, moving from city to city, passing through a different state each week, with my MFA superstar boyfriend.

Noah sat beside me in the back seat of a shiny black limousine.

He was all bulging muscles under his black shirt with his sleeves rolled up, tatts, and messy hair.

I swear to god the man had the best forearm porn ever. The veins, the tan, the fucking strength in his arms were something else.

With his Ray Ban’s on, his legs stretched out in front of him, one hand on mine and the other hanging loosely over the back of the seat, Noah looked like a fallen angel.

Someone dangerous.

Someone lethal. 

When he turned his face towards me and cocked a brow, I was immediately transported back in time – back to my youth.

Back to the nights when we were young and stupid. The nights I sat beside him in his hot as hell Lexus, feeling totally badass and unbreakable. Driving around town in his car, skipping school, breaking all of my uncle's rules – not to mention the law – to be with him.

Back then, Noah had been involved with some seriously dark and shady men, and the worst type of illegal activities an eighteen-year-old boy could be involved in.

He'd dabbled in a violent underworld full of drugs, prostitution, and gangland murder, and I, in turn, had been dragged into said underworld. 

That was a world Noah had turned his back on for me years ago, but in that twisted old fashioned gangster way, the underworld wasn't ready – or willing – to let go of Noah. His so-called defection had set in motion a wrecking ball of events and repercussions that had destroyed our relationship and landed Noah behind bars for five years.

But apparently destroying us and taking years of Noah's life away wasn't good enough revenge for the sadistic mob boss, Noah's former stepbrother to be exact. Because now, almost a decade later, JD's thirst for revenge was as intense as ever, and their preferred meat came in the form of yours truly.

Yep, I was being stalked by my boyfriend's freak of a stepbrother who was determined to kill me and make it blissfully painful.

I had no idea what I was doing, skipping halfway across the world when a war of epic proportions was brewing between a freaking mob – it felt like I was jumping from the frying pan straight into the fire – but I couldn't stay away from him a minute longer. Not one incriminating piece of evidence or red flag warning was scary enough to make me run twice…

"You awake, Thorn?" Noah asked in his deep, gravelly voice. He squeezed my hand gently and just like that, all thoughts of JD Dennis evaporated from my mind.

"Yeah," I replied, fighting back a yawn. "Do we have much further to go?" I asked, making a half-assed effort to twist my body towards him.

Noah had a meeting with the disciplinary board of the MFA in about forty-five minutes.

We'd been traveling for almost sixteen hours straight, leaving Ireland yesterday afternoon to get to the damn meeting on time.

Now that we were almost there, anxiety was gnawing at my gut.

If Noah ended up with a suspension, then it would be my fault.

"Another twenty minutes?" Noah drawled lazily.

"So, what am I supposed to do when you're in the meeting?" I asked, feeling uncertain.

I didn't have a job to go to or any long term plans – I'd left it all behind me.

My entire life was back in Ireland and I had bailed on it for Noah.

"Should I just wait in the car…uh, limo?"

"Not a chance," he shot back. "Wherever I am, you'll be, too."

"And when you're training?" Swiping the bottle of water out of the cup holder, I removed the cap and took a sip before backwashing it back into the bottle. Hot water… "Ugh. That's disgusting."

"Be with me?" he offered with a knowing smirk, his gaze flickering between my face and the car window beside him. "I don't know, Thorn… You could shop? Relax. Have fun."

"I'm not going shopping all day, every day." Shifting closer to Noah, I rested my head against his shoulder and the bottle on his thigh. "You don’t know me at all if you think that's something I would actually enjoy." 

Letting out a grunt when the hot plastic touched his thigh, Noah's hand shot out and swiped the bottle out of mine.

"Then work for me," he grumbled, slipping the bottle back into the cup holder.

I scrunched my nose up in distaste. "And take a pity wage from you for doing nothing?" I shook my head in disgust. "That's not me. I'm my own woman."

"Then help me train. Take care of my money. Spend my money. Shit, Thorn, I don’t care –"

"Excuse me, Noah Messina. I am a qualified, not to mention well experienced, gym instructor." Jerking away from his body, I turned my body sideways and glared at his side profile. "I'm far from a China doll. Don't be so sexist." 

"For fuck's sake," Noah grumbled, running a hand through his fuck-me hair before claiming mine once more and pressing a kiss to my knuckles. "I chased you halfway across the world to be bitched at?"

"You most certainly did."

"Well my leg of the tour doesn't officially start for two weeks." Smirking, he added, "Let's just leave all the worrying until then and enjoy this time together."

"What about training?" 

Men didn't look like Noah without sweating their asses off in a gym daily.

"Don't you have some sort of regiment to stick to?"

"It doesn't matter," he replied gruffly. "I want time alone with you. Everything else can wait."

Sighing in contentment, I turned stared at him shamelessly, thoroughly enjoying the electrical feeling surging through my body from the physical contact of having Noah's rough, calloused hand covering mine.

"You know; I don't think I've ever been in a limousine before." Waggling my brows, I smirked. "Posh much?"

Noah barked out a laugh. "You think I'm posh?" Shaking his head in amusement, he said, "I'm used to being transported in the back of a prison van in chains, Thorn. I'm about the furthest from posh you could get."

"Speaking of prison vans." I lazily traced circles on Noah's thigh with my finger. "How long did Lucky serve in prison?"

Since Noah and Lucky told me about them sharing a cell together, I'd been curious. I'd wanted to ask, but I didn't want to bring it up around Lucky.

Noah shifted in his seat. "Eleven years."

My jaw fell open and he quickly pushed it shut with his finger.

"Lucky's one of the good ones," he told me with a knowing smirk. "He got in over his head when he was barely more than a kid. The guy has long paid his dues."

"What did he do?" I asked, wondering how any man that served eleven years in prison could be one of the good guys. Shifting closer to Noah, I rested my head against his shoulder. "You guys never talk about it. Is it bad?"


Lucky killed a man? "How lovely," I muttered in disgust.

I was hanging around with some colorful characters, that was for sure.

"Babe, stem the judgment," Noah reproved, tipping my chin up with his finger. "You don't know his reasons."

"There's a good enough reason to validate murdering a man nowadays?" I scrunched my nose up in disgust. "I highly doubt it."

"When the man rapes and murders your girlfriend, then yeah," Noah growled, turning his face to look at me pointedly. "I'd say abso-fucking-lutely, that's a good enough reason to take his life."

"Oh." My cheeks flamed in shame and embarrassment. "I didn't know that."

"Things aren't always how they seem on the outside, Teagan," Noah replied quietly and just like that, the atmosphere around us changed. It darkened. "Not everything is black and white."

"What's his real name?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from the shit storm it was heading into.



The question seemed to throw Noah and his brows furrowed in confusion. "I don't know," he replied thoughtfully. "Never asked."

"You shared a cell with him for half a decade and never once thought to ask him his real name?"

"You've met the guy," he shot back. "Why didn't
ask him,
Jessica Fletcher

"Because…he's your Lucky." I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. "And honestly, that guy comes across as a closed book."

Lucky seemed friendly enough.

He smiled whenever our paths had crossed, but I had a feeling he kept to himself.

One look at the man and it was obvious that he wasn't the type of person you could pump information from.

Shrugging, Noah smiled sheepishly. "Well I know his last name is Casarazzi."

I frowned. "You do realize that's going to bug me until I find out?" 

Sliding his phone out of his pants pocket, Noah swiped the screen before putting it to his ear.

"Hey man," he said after a moment, keeping his eyes on the road. "What's your real name?" he paused and said, "Cool," before hanging up and dropping his phone back in his pocket.

"It's Hunter."

"Hunter." I pondered it for a moment before nodding in agreement. It suited him. "I can't believe you never told me that you and Lucky were cellmates."

"When was I supposed to tell you, Thorn?" Noah turned to face me. His tone of voice was soft, but the meaning behind his words stung. "During one of our many phone calls, or prison visits these past seven years?"

I flinched like he slapped me across the face. "Are you ever going to get over it?"

"I am over it." His tone was abrupt and strained.

He wasn't over it.

He pretended to be, and sure, Noah could be a pretty good liar, but he couldn't fool me.

It was still there between us, the pain and betrayal buried deep down inside – like an elephant in the room, or a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode…

"Sure you are," I grumbled, choosing to bow out of this argument.

It was pointless.

Neither of us were going to win and I didn't have the energy to go another round with him. I also knew that I had wronged him on so many levels that I wasn't sure if we could ever get past it.

“…I memorized every inch of you. I fucking loved you even when I hated you most,” he roared hoarsely. “You broke my trust, Thorn. You ripped my goddamn heart out of my chest, but you’re still the only one I want by my side. At my lowest point, all I wanted was you. At my highest point, all I want is you. I must be a masochistic bastard because after all these years and all this pain, I still want to halve my soul with you. Split myself down the center and give you ownership of me…”

“…I loved you,” I called out, voice breaking, as I watched him walk away from me, knocking over every piece of equipment he passed.

“You didn’t love me enough!” he roared, slamming both his hands against the door before he walked out…”

"Noah, I'm sorry," I whispered, keeping my eyes shut, my eyelids burning.

"For what?"

"You know for what," I muttered, biting down hard on my bottom lip.

I was a stubborn woman, and admitting I was wrong wasn't an easy thing for me – apologizing was even harder.

"For not staying." God, would it ever get easier? "For leaving you." To rot alone in a prison cell…

"Open your legs, Thorn."

My eyes flew open. "W-what?"

"Your legs, Teagan," he repeated slowly. "Spread them. Now."

Shocked, I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but the look on Noah's face caused my words to shrivel up and evaporate.

Surprisingly, I did as I was told and let my legs fall open, quivering when his warm hand slipped beneath the waistband of the oversized sweatpants I had on and cupped me.

"I'm not gonna lie," he told me as he slipped his fingers underneath the fabric of the boxer shorts I had on. "You broke me."

Sliding two fingers inside me, Noah traced his thumb over my throbbing clit.

"It still hurts," he admitted quietly. "You took everything from me and you didn't even know it." His words were so hard, a contrast to his tender touch. "When you walked away from me, you took my future with you because that's what you represented to me. My future."

He slid two fingers into my slick heat and then added a third, all while massaging my clit with his thumb. "My fucking everything."

"I'm sorry," I moaned shamelessly, thrusting my hips against his hand.

Noah's fingers moved inside me, making me wet, making me ache so hard for him. He was mentally draining me, emotionally ruining me, and still, I wanted to let him take it all.

I owed this to him.

"All those things I've done to you," I moaned, rocking my hips upwards. "I would give anything to make them go away….to erase them from your memory, but I can't."

BOOK: Tame: Carter Kids #3
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