Tamara's Future (12 page)

Read Tamara's Future Online

Authors: Cyna Kade

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Tamara's Future
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she asked.


“Central Command.”


“The Mercury vessel named
Tamara’s Future
is currently in orbit around the planet Central Command.”

“Where did Gage land?”

“Captain Lightgo landed at Space Command Central approximately ten minutes


Tamara’s eyes widened at both Gage’s designation and location. She felt as if she’d stepped into zero gravity. All reality suddenly shifted.

“What is the ship’s current mission?”

“To find and destroy the pirate who has been killing all his victims.”

What? Why would one pirate care about another one? A horrible suspicion flittered

into Tamara’s head.

“Display Captain Lightgo’s personal records.”

Data scrolled across the screen. She gasped. Gage was a cop! Gage was an

undercover space cop working for Space Command. He wasn’t a pirate. He wasn’t a

criminal. He just played at being one so he could catch the bad guys. Bad guys like her, she realized with a sinking heart. Why hadn’t he told her? Why hadn’t he arrested her?

Instead, he’d caged her just like Randall had so many years ago. Were all the cops bad?

She scrolled forward in his file. It contained screen after screen of citations,

commendations, medals and promotions. It was a long list for a thirty-two-year-old

man. Tamara read the case summaries. Gage had caught nearly every criminal he had

pursued. She found the file on the job where they’d worked together and proceeded to read his summary of the case.

Female accomplice escaped with loot. Will continue to search for her.


She glanced through the rest of the cases. No wonder Gage had been so fixated on

keeping her caged this time. She was one of the few unsuccessful cases in his file. She swallowed the bile that threatened to erupt.

“Do not cry. You do not understand. Gage is not a bad cop,” Fakzi said.

Tamara quickly wiped away the tears she hadn’t realized she’d been shedding.

“Then what about this?” she asked waving her hand toward the display. It certainly

looks like he is a bad cop.”

“You ask me a question?”

“No. I don’t need an answer from you. The truth is here.”

“That is a partial truth. Not a full truth. Wait for Gage and he will explain.”

“He’s a liar. I don’t want his explanation. Display ship plans,” Tamara commanded

the computer.

She sniffed once then proceeded to memorize the ship layout. It was imperative

that she leave. She didn’t want to be thrown in jail. Being held captive by Gage when she thought he was a pirate was bad but now that she knew he was a cop, the thought of being held was intolerable. She pushed away the memory of his hands and his hard body. She had to get away from him. Even though CenCom was not a place she’d choose to go, maybe she could still sneak on to it for a brief period until she made other arrangements.


Gage parked in a shuttle bay and signed papers for the upgrade he wanted. Then

he headed toward the main city hub.

Once at Space Command, Gage walked toward Mark’s office. The main corridor

was a busy mass of people flowing in all directions. He nodded to a few people he

recognized. Then he saw Randall in the corridor. He debated tackling the man now but he knew it wasn’t the right time. He didn’t have enough evidence. Randall ignored him.

Gage did the same, even as he wondered if Randall knew Tamara was with Gage or if


Randall knew Gage’s latest sting included him. Gage frowned and turned and watched

Randall walk down the corridor before shaking his head and continuing to his


Gage walked into the command center. To get to his boss’s office he had to walk

around the upper walkway of the operations center. He looked down into the gigantic room. There were numerous view screens from many different planets and ships. The noise level was like a physical blast. All the operators wore special headsets. They couldn’t hear how each murmured conversation added to the controlled chaos. Gage heard them all as he walked around the upper walkway. He shook his head, wondering

how anyone could make sense of all the individual pieces of information that was

gathered at the command center.

He entered Mark’s office.


Four hours after leaving, Gage landed the shuttle back on his ship. The hangar bay

contained three other shuttles. Gage had forbidden any of the crew to make landfall. He wanted to make a quick trip in and out. He didn’t want crewmen scattered across the planet. He’d known he’d have to move fast but he hadn’t thought the time pressure would be this bad. He had four days to wrap up everything.

David was in the hangar bay to meet him. “Well?”

“Let’s go to the briefing room,” Gage said. The corridor lights were used to give the crew a feel for night and day. They were dimmed now, because it was “night” aboard the ship. He and David walked through the quiet halls. Gage ran his hand through his hair and reviewed his plan one more time. He saw lots of potential for failure but he dismissed that possibility. He wouldn’t fail. He wanted Tamara and he would have her.

He wanted to nail Fells and Simon for their treatment of Tamara and he would do that too.


He entered the briefing room. David followed. Gage moved to the bar and poured a

generous helping of chot, a fiery alcohol. He downed it in one gulp. Then he threw the glass across the room. It smashed into hundreds of glittering particles.

“Was it that bad?”

“Yes. According to Mark, I have no hard evidence, only the word of a criminal. Fells is considered an average, midlevel officer. Command didn’t think he was smart enough to pull off this kind of long-range planning. Luckily I could argue enough circumstantial evidence that they’re willing to let me run with it. They can’t explain how the needle ships got out of salvage. The signature on the release was blurred and the vids from the night they left were unclear and of no use whatever. Even they admit that it is very suspicious that we were attacked by ships supposedly locked down tight at Space Command and that the ships knew our route—a route only known by Space Command. They agree there must be a mole even if they doubt it is Fells. However,

they did approve the plan with a few modifications. We have a very short window of

time to find the mole and pull in Simon. They refused to fund any more stings. They want me to use the money from the luxury cruiser, thus the short window before the holovas and the credits are returned.”

“What about the lassie?”

“That’s a little more complicated. I got what I wanted but I’m not sure she’ll be

happy with the deal.”

David cocked an eyebrow.

Gage smiled. “Later. Let me go break the news to her. It’s time that I finally tell her my real job.”


Tamara tackled Gage as he walked into his cabin. “You lied to me! You lied to me!

How could you do that if you really cared about me?” She threw a vase at him.


Gage frowned and ducked another projectile. He’d never seen Tamara so hopping

Fakzi what happened? I left her in the cage. How did she get out?

She is very resourceful. She got out and accessed your computer. She found out you are a

Gage groaned. This wasn’t the way he wanted to break his cover to her. Tamara

threw another object. “That’s enough!” he shouted and sped across the room to grab

her. “Let me explain.”

“Just like you let me explain? You lied to me. You’re a cop! How could you betray

me like this?”

Gage wrapped his arms around her as she fought and tried to escape his hold.

“Darling you’re supposed to be safely locked up. If you went looking for dirt it is no wonder that you found it.”

“I’m tired of you locking me up. Or was that just practice for when you turn me in

to Space Command and I get locked up for real. Let me go, you bastard!”

“You’re not going anywhere Tamara. You belong with me.”

“So you plan on using me just like everyone else and you had the nerve to be angry

about their treatment of me? Let me go!” Tamara squirmed but she couldn’t get any

leverage and Gage easily held her tightly against his chest.

“I’ll let you go when you calm down and promise to listen to me.” Tamara’s anger

was palpable. She was so beautiful, such a little spitfire. Her rage fueled his desire and for a moment he wanted to throw her to the floor and fuck her. If she continued her furious tirade, he wasn’t sure what he’d do.

“There’s nothing I want to hear from you except that you grant me my freedom.”

“And what would you do with that freedom? Go back to scrounging in the muck?

Trying to find a mark? Always wondering where your next score is coming from? I can offer you something much better.”


“Yes, jail, where I’ll always know where my next meal is coming from. Sorry, not

interested. Let me go!”

“If you don’t calm down I’ll toss you on the bed and chain you so you have to


Tamara stilled. She knew she wouldn’t get anywhere fighting him. He was too

strong. She visibly controlled her anger, took a deep breath and said, “I’m listening.

Explain yourself.”

Gage loosened his hold on Tamara. She immediately squirmed out of his grip. He

let her go. She needed to have some control in her life right now. As long as she didn’t fling any more projectiles, she’d stay free. He ran his hand through his hair and started pacing.

“Yes I’m a member of the Space Police.” Gage saw Tamara stiffen. “Just hear me

out. I’ve been working undercover for many years. My crew is all military. My job is to ferret out thieves and pirates.”

“Like me?”

“There is no one like you. When I first met you, I was on a job. I wanted to recruit you for the very reasons I told you. I needed a female. I needed a con artist, someone who could think on her feet and was fearless. That was you. I didn’t expect to fall in love with you.”

Tamara’s eyes widened. Gage had made it clear that he wanted her but this was the

first time he’d told her that he loved her. She remained silent. Gage continued.

“You were amazing. You followed my plans. I didn’t have to explain twice. You

never complained about the risks we took. You were—are—perfect. No, I didn’t tell you my end goal. Would you have helped me if I had?”

“Probably not.”


“That’s how I read the situation. So I kept quiet and didn’t tell you everything. That was my mistake. If you’d known I was a cop, you might not have run out on me in fear when Fells showed up. We might have captured him three years ago.

“You were using me,” Tamara stated, her voice flat.

“That’s my job, darling.”

“Don’t ‘darling’ me. You bastard!”

“Don’t you want to nail Fells?”

Tamara whirled and stared at Gage. “What do you mean?”

“Help me and we’ll nail him. I never considered the possibility that there was a

mole at Space Command. Your claims led me to investigate Fells and I’m certain now

that he’s betrayed his oath. He’s not only a mole but he’s Bloody Simon’s mole.” Gage continued, “I believe Randall and Simon are working together and you’re the key to proving that,” Gage said. “You’re the lure. I want to nail both of the bastards, and with your help, we can do it. Don’t you want revenge?” Gage tipped his head and cocked an eyebrow waiting for her answer.

“Why should I believe you? What’s in it for me?”

“Your record will be cleared if you help us.”

She shook her head. “I don’t know how to trust you now,” she paused then she

tilted her chin and asked, “Will you answer my questions?”

“Ask me anything.”

“Why did you rob the luxury cruiser?”

“Two reasons. The most important reason was because I wanted you back.”

“And the other reason?”

“We knew the pirate who’d been killing his victims has a collection of holovas. We

thought it would be the perfect way to lure him into a trap. He’s escaped us for years.

We want him stopped. The holovas and all the stolen accounts will eventually be

returned but not until we’ve used them for this sting.”


Tamara shook her head. “It’s a dangerous game Gage. I don’t want to help you. I’m

tired of being used by men. I’m tired of the fact that all of you seem to think I’m a game piece to be moved at your will. When have any of you ever cared about me?”

“Tamara you belong with me. You’re not going to escape me again, not even by

going to prison.”

“Well prison would certainly not be my first choice as a way to escape.”

“I want to keep you but I’m a cop. I can’t keep you if you’re a criminal. So, I’ve

made sure your name will be cleared.”

“What do you mean?”

“Command has agreed. If you help me capture Randall and Simon you’ll be

pardoned.” That was only part of what Command had said but Tamara didn’t need to

know the rest right now.

“Pardoned? A full pardon for anything and everything?”

“That’s right. Sorry but in the overall scheme of things your crimes don’t weigh

anywhere near as heavy as theirs. Help me catch them and you’re pardoned.”

“How can I trust you?”

“I’ve never lied to you.”

“How dare you say that? You just forgot to tell me you’re a cop and you want to

use me—just like my father did, just like Randall did and just like Simon did.”

“You never asked me if I was a cop. So technically I didn’t lie to you. I may have

omitted some information but I didn’t lie to you.”

“And if I say no?”

“I’ll have to turn you over to command. Neither of us wants me to do that.”

“It might be better than being used again.”

“Are you sure about that? What happens if there’s another bad cop?”

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