Talosian Chronicles 6: Armageddon (13 page)

BOOK: Talosian Chronicles 6: Armageddon
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"We destroyed the drop containers of neurotoxin before they could reach the atmosphere, but the troops did make it down. They are the ones that managed to destroy the city of Starlight and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. At the point they arrived, the fighting was all but over, the planet was ours. Those troops had to have known it was a one way trip even before they reached orbit. It is now believed that those troops are not Imperial military, but rather a type of temple guard, or religious soldier. They fought like they were insane and it took the focused efforts of almost all our assets to stop them.

"My main worry is will those troops be involved in this fight, and if so, how many of them?" Ian said worriedly. "Even without that bio-weapon, they are bad news. At first we thought we were fight some kind of giant robot, or piloted mecha. When we analyzed the wreckage we discovered that we had been right on both counts. There had been a living being grafted into the machine; it was… just wrong."

"Don't we have something similar? I seem to remember seeing that you had deployed big robots as weapons too," the Secretary asked.

"Sort of; what we developed is a type of combat drone. It's 'driven' by a human, but the soldier is a remote operator and the interface is a combination of holographic projection, bio-mechanical and neuro-synaptic control systems. The operator can leave the machine and nothing has been done to alter them in anyway. With a little training, you or I could climb into one of them and be able to use it.

"One of the areas where Alliance and Imperial technology differ is control systems. The Empire doesn't use, or even have, computers in the sense that we know them. While they do have advanced computing methods, they are not… artificial like ours are. They use living beings installed with cybernetic implants specific to their purpose; it's really gruesome. It has to be worse than hell for those poor souls chosen for that," Ian replied.

"Perhaps they use convicted felons?" The Secretary suggested.

"Maybe, but would you let a felon have control of the engines, environmental or defensive systems of a starship? From what they've been able to discover about the navigational computers, the beings used for that don't even have personalities; forensic medical analysis shows that those poor bastards were implanted from birth, and their life functions are maintained by the machines." Ian shook his head. "I'm sorry, I know it may be simply the way things are for them, but you can't tell me an Empire that can do that to it's own people is anything but evil."


Chapter Eight



Chipaque, Colombia

Earth, Sol System

Sol Sector



"Thank the gods for armor! Damn it's hot out here!" Sam said after driving the hover-rail out of the Raptor.

"If it's too hot for ya, Sam, I can always request we have a rotation out at Chevron; I hear the summer heat is a balmy minus seventy there!" Cindy said as she followed him out of the Raptor.

"Is that Celsius or Fahrenheit?" Sam asked, grinning.

"Who cares? No matter what scale you use, if you put a minus in front of the number, it's too damn cold!" Shannon replied. "I'll choose heat whenever I can!"

"Company boss," Sasha said over the comm. "It's Lieutenant Marco from the emplacement."

"Lissa, stay here with Sasha and coordinate our operations with the Marines. Has Interpol let you know where we're dropping this assholes?" Cindy asked.

"Still working on that Ma'am, Colonel Carlson has offered the terrorist detainment facility for our use until they can figure it out. We can drop them at the Neptune Platform in the Atlantic," Lissa replied.

"Excellent, make sure the Marine pilot knows that since they will be doing most of the hauling for us." Cindy then smiled at the approaching officer. "Lieutenant, I heard you have a pest problem?"

"Sorry I got you guys out here in this weather, Colonel. Honestly, I didn't think command would even bother to send anyone. After all; it's not like they can actually do anything to us," the young officer replied. "Although it is a pain in the ass when we go try to work out the civil stuff with the locals. This jerk has everyone so scared they won't even talk to us. Most folks run when they see us."

"Well, we probably wouldn't have come except that the Admiral wants to use these animals as an example. Our orders are to round up the whole bunch and hand them over to Interpol. We should probably have the drones destroy the crops too," Cindy explained.

"Uh, about that. There are a couple of coffee plantations in the area, but shutting this guy down is going to have a serious impact on the local economy. Is Command aware of that?" the Lieutenant asked.

Cindy nodded. "Yeah they are. If you've the time, call… uh, Lissa? Who is that person we were supposed to call about this?"

"Mrs. Julia Rosewater. She lives on Atlas, but the council asked her to look into methods to counter the issues generated by the removal of the Drug Cartels and other industry altering actions," Lissa replied.

"Thank you Colonel, Officer Lissa, I'll give her a call as soon as time permits," The Lieutenant replied.

Cindy grinned at him. "What can you tell us about the asshole we're about to go visit?"

"His name is Jesus Santiago and he is a very bad man. He has a standing militia of around three-hundred, controls this entire province and produces tons of cocaine and marijuana every year.

"His younger brother is the provincial superintendent, but Jesus is the one in charge; which means Jesus has access to the federal troops in this province as well. His private force has all military equipment 'stolen' from the local federal troops. Of course, they also have 'friends' at the federal level as well. However, the federal level conspirators are sort of 'shared' by all the Drug Lords in Colombia. Although only inferred; El Presidente must also be involved as he is the one who hires and fires senior officials in Bogota," the Lieutenant explained.

"Wow, you've been doing your research; I appreciate the extra information. I'll have to call the Admiral and ask him if he wants us to clear the whole country or just this province for now," Cindy replied.

The Lieutenant grinned at her. "I've done no extra research, Colonel; I grew up about sixty miles from here. Most of what I've told you is common knowledge to the average citizen, the rest… Well, I've kinda been looking for a way to help these people since I got recruited. The issues here are not just Colombian, the whole region is affected. Their are a lot of issues in this region; the drug trade is only the most publicized.

"People here are poor and hungry. Children have no promise of a better future and that creates strife. Industries must be found to replace the ones that are entrenched, Until that happens, there will always be problems here." He paused. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to begin preaching."

Cindy waved off the apology. "Don't worry about it; you care about the people here. That is as much an aspect of our duty as weapons proficiency. But, the day is wasting and we do have a job to take care of. How has he attacked so far?"

"He's hit the northeast and west sides of the shield. Nothing stronger than mortars, RPG's and heavy machine guns though. He did try to dig under the shield on the west side. I do know he has at least one small attack-helicopter but he hasn't used it on us yet," the Lieutenant replied.

"What are the heavy machine guns?" Cindy asked casually.

"A couple of man=portable mini-guns and some vehicle mounted .50 caliber guns. Sensors haven't detected anything threatening," the Lieutenant said. "That little gunship of his might have something a bit bigger though. I do know it has missiles too, just not what kind yet."

"Doesn't really matter, if we get hit by them, we'll get back off, dust ourselves off and go tell him how pissed off it made us," Cindy replied grinning. "We're going to use part of your protected area here as a transfer point. As we arrest people, we'll send them back here. The Marine shuttle will then start hauling them to jail."

"One last thing, Colonel. Many of the people in that militia and other that are working for him are only there to try to feed their families. They do know what they are doing is wrong, but the alternative is starving," the Lieutenant said. "Please try not to hurt them."

"I have all the data from the site computers, Cindy. You can launch any time," Lissa said.

Cindy nodded acknowledgment to her. "Lieutenant, did you get the area shelters finished?"

"Yes Ma'am. We've even got the weapons and armor facility ready to go, we just don't have anyone to use it on," the Lieutenant replied.

"Good, so your construction drone is idle. I want you to build a small Marine depot for five hundred Marines that will be sealed into their armor. Lissa try to give him a hand with the design. I'll get approval from command for this, but let's try to keep the militia here to protect the people. If this works out maybe we could do it at the other facilities in the region. After the coming battle we can let them out of their armor and go from there," Cindy suggested. "But those folks will have to follow our rules, not a drug lords."

"Does the standing order for the drug lords and their people still apply?" The Lieutenant asked.

"What's the order?" Cindy asked.

"If they show up at one of the shelters, they are not to be allowed to leave again until a Marine unit or approved civil authority arrives to collect them," the Lieutenant replied.

"I didn't know that. I would imagine that order still stands then. Let me go call the boss and get this going, then we'll deal with Senior Santiago," Cindy replied.



Cindy could tell that Ian's day had not improved when she spoke to him. He agreed with her plan and said she could go ahead with it, but to be prepared to change it if the Council over-ruled him.

Before she returned to her team, she sent a quick message to Jenny about Ian. She was a little surprised when Jenny called her back immediately.

"Yeah, he's not having a good day. Our guests kept him up late. He overslept and was hit with some pretty nasty stuff when he did get to the office. I'm working it out with Alex to make sure he has a very relaxing lunch," Jenny grinned. "Alex said she would try to make sure he didn't work late tonight as well."

"Good luck with that; he seemed pretty stressed after finding out about those Imperial ships. You know he's going to be obsessing over this," Cindy replied.

"We're going to have to make sure that doesn't happen. I'd planned on talking to Beth about keeping a close eye on his health during this. She's already threatened to drug him if starts neglecting himself again."

"I hate to say it, but it might come to that," Cindy replied. "He's damn good at what he does; but he'll let something like this kill him if we don't stop him."

"We'll thanks anyway for the heads-up. Will you be home tonight?" Jenny asked.

"I don't think so, maybe tomorrow or the following day. This little mission could get pretty involved, really quick."

"Just be safe down there and come home soon. We all miss you when your out," Jenny replied.

"Maybe not for much longer. Ty wants me to retire from active missions and become his operations officer. I haven't decided if I want that yet," Cindy replied. "I was planning on talking to all of you about it; it would mean less risk to me and more time at home with you guys and the kids. I just don't know if I'm ready for a desk job yet."

"Yeah, you do like to be active. What would happen to your team if you accept?" Jenny asked.

"Sam or Sasha would be promoted to Major and the team would adopt a new member. We're currently over-strength, but Shannon has always been a temporary addition so a replacement would be needed," Cindy replied. "I love talking to you Jen, but my team is waiting, I gotta go."

"Okay hun. Be safe!" Jenny replied and closed the channel.

When Cindy got back out to her team, she saw that the Lieutenant was huddled with Lissa off to one side. She waved her team together, including the Marines officer and senior sergeant.

"Okay kids… and you too Sergeant O'Dell," Cindy began and winked at the older NCO, who was all of twenty-seven years old. The man grinned back at her. "I had an idea to basically conscript Santiago's militia into a local defense force. The Admiral liked the plan and gave us the green light, but reminded me the civilians haven't approved. So, here's what's happening:

"As planned we capture and bring the prisoners back here. Ell-tee Marco is going to be building a small base for about five hundred Marines locked in their armor. We give the militia the choice to either stay here and help us protect the civilians of the area, or got to the holding facility to await trial. Only the militia fighters are to be offered this; everyone else goes to lock-up."

She paused and changed mental gears. "Our original orders were to arrest everyone involved in this cartel, but that's changed. We grab everyone up to the regional level. The coming battle is too close for us to mess with the federal boys yet. Command would rather leave the criminals in place so the people have someone in charge during the fight."

"Colonel, why would command favor adding these criminal's private armies to the defense plans? Aren't those people criminals too?" the Marine Lieutenant asked. "Will we be staying here to train them and keep them under control?"

Cindy shook her head. "No, training will be done by the suits and their existing officers will be tasked with riding herd on them. Keep in mind that most of those men are only trying to feed their families. Yes, they are aiding and abetting a criminal organization, but what choice do they have? There are no jobs here, there's even less of a welfare system because the country can't afford it. Hell, the President only makes fifteen-thousand dollars U.S. per year!

"I'll admit, there are real criminals in this bunch. Dependant on their guilt, they will be offered the job. Officer Shannon will try to screen them before we leave here."

"Gee, thanks Boss!" Shannon teased back.

Cindy winked at her. "The Regional Superintendent will be coming with us, we won't know about his staff until we get there. We will miss a few; but that's not our goal this time. We are really only sending this idiots a message. So, once the arrests are made, the people are cleared out, we level the mansion, warehouses and labs, then find and raze the fields. Any questions?"

"It's a long held belief that most of these animals keep a large amount of cash and other valuables in their mansions. Do we search for that before we destroy the mansion, or just say to hell with it?" O'Dell asked.

Cindy frowned. "Search. I'm not so worried about the cash, but I'd hate to destroy irreplaceable art or other objects. If you find the cash, we'll turn it in to command. After all, it really isn't worth anything to us. Guns, ammo and explosives, feed to the drones. I'd prefer not leaving that stuff lying around for any kids to pick up if you know what I mean." She paused. "When we leave here, I want no trace that there was ever a drug lord in the area. Understood?"

"Yes Sir!" everyone replied.

"Alright," Cindy grinned. "Final prep, we're leaving in a few minutes. Dismissed."

The Raptor teams had been issued new, hover-rails in place of the old land rail. It was basically the same machine except it was now on a heavy duty hover-car frame. The since this would be a far-flung mission, the Marines had a couple of their anti-grav armored personnel carriers. The would be used to take the troops to where they needed to go, and haul the prisoners back to the compound. As Cindy moved over to speak to Lieutenant Marco one last time, she saw that the Marines were loading up, and her team had already gotten strapped in.

"We're about to head out. Everything coming together, Ell-tee?" Cindy asked.

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