Talisman (95 page)

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Authors: S.E. Akers

BOOK: Talisman
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Even though
Harper Riverside was featured in an article on the front page, he was mentioned here briefly as well.  The next name to follow alphabetically and rightfully so, was Katherine Julia Stowell.  I took a deep breath as I started to read the write-up her parents had submitted.

While my eyes traveled over the words in Katie’s tribute, my teardrops fell onto the rough paper,
causing the harsh black ink to bleed.  It spoke about the life she had lived and went on to list all of her accomplishments throughout her mere seventeen years.  Then it detailed her dreams and aspirations: the things she wanted to do in life and all the places she wanted to see.  I knew more than anything that Katie didn’t want to stay in Welch to run her family’s store.  She had never told her parents anything of the sort, because it would have hurt them deeply.  Katie’s passing prevented her worst fear from happening, though her parents ended up broken-hearted anyway.  That too, was bittersweet.  My bosom friend had told me just last week that, “her body would never see the hallowed grounds of Welch”.  I hated that her wish wouldn’t come true.

The obituary closed with a listing of surviving family members.  Katie was an o
nly child, but she had several aunts and uncles, as well as a slew of cousins scattered around the country.  Most of them were from around the New York City area.  I gasped at the next line.  An amethyst the size of a house couldn’t dam up the river that was about to flow from my sad blue eyes.  It read:


Lastly, she is survived by Shiloh Wallace of

Welch, West Virginia, the best bosom friend,

and closest thing to a real sister she ever had.


Her mom remembered

I’d thought about that just last night.
My favorite memory
.  I never dreamed it would have been on Mrs. Stowell’s mind as well.  Funny how the random things we do as children are unknowingly noticed by our parents and treasured in their minds just as much as they are in our own.

Overwhelmed with sorrow, I ripped out Katie’s section and
ran upstairs.  I didn’t dry my eyes.  I decided to wait and let the water from my shower wash away my tears.  This bout of grief was going to be just as hard as Daddy’s, maybe harder.  I knew what Beatrix had said at the hospital was true.  I’d have done the same thing for her, and I wouldn’t have let her stop me either.  It was ultimately Katie’s choice.  I knew if my bosom friend were here, she would probably smack me for even thinking about crying around the house all day over her. 
I’ll compromise.
Only half the day

and then from there, I’ll just have to play it by ear
.  I’d shed so many tears I was becoming a pro at it.  There were still plenty that needed to fall for my father as well.  My “new life” had served as a band-aid, covering my feelings temporarily, but it was time to rip it off.  I needed to let the sorrow bleed out
.  I was going to have to face this head-on.  No distractions and no amethyst. 
I could get away with it.

whisked up the bathroom blinds as soon as I hopped out of the shower.  The sun was rising, and it looked like it was going to be another picturesque fall day — a cloudless blue sky, a crisp breeze whirling all around, and the last of the colorful leaves falling from the trees.  I couldn’t count on many more of them.  Winter was just around the corner.  This might be the last magical fall day.  I couldn’t ignore it and pretend nothing would change.  I certainly couldn’t shy away from it or shut it out.  I’d taken a lot of things for granted lately.  I’d shut Katie out of my life this past week and ignored her friendship,
, just so I wouldn’t have to face my grief.  I never dreamed the few last memories of my father would be of him flipping pancakes in the kitchen or in the bed of his truck, gasping for air.  I’d even taken a pass on several opportunities with Ty.  Daddy had once commented, “I don’t know which saddens fate more? A moment not appreciated or a chance not taken.”  I could feel those words being etched in my mind as I stared out the window.   I couldn’t take anything else for granted ever again — starting with
this day
.  I didn’t want to miss a second of it.

I won’t
, I thought as I dried off and hurried back to my room, determined and raring to greet it.

I had to get moving.  I’d
left the hospital in such a fit that I’d forgotten to ask Beatrix when she was leaving.  I wanted to see her off, and I needed to apologize to Tanner.  I was pretty rough on him last night.  I’d taken both Ty’s memory loss and Katie’s death out on him.  After all, I
this.  The diamond wand knew it and so did I.  This “choice” was something I’d promised myself that I would

In the midst of rushing to
get dressed, I almost tripped on the legs of my jeans.  I passed on all of my college sweatshirts and opted for a taupe, fitted shirt that was a little more feminine.  I did pause to throw on a little make-up. 
Katie would approve of that
.  She never left her house without it.  I pulled my hair back into my trusty ponytail as I glanced down at the little pouch lying on my vanity.  I picked up the bag and rolled the velvet fabric around in my hand for a moment as I stared at my reflection.

Katie hated my ponytail

Maybe I need to give it a rest?
  I removed my hair-band and gave my tresses a quick shake.  I smiled and mused,
Yeah . . . She would like that, too
.  I started to open the pouch when I heard the loud rolling engine of a motorcycle approaching the house.  I placed the tiny velvet bag back on my vanity.


My smile widened as I slipped
on my sneakers and headed out to meet him, with my humility in tow.

I spun back around in my doorw

Crap!  T
he wand!
  I’d almost forgotten it.  Tanner had stressed the importance of keeping it on me
at all times
.  I could just imagine the scowl on his face if I came bouncing outside without it.

When I
pulled the wand out from under my bed, I happened to notice the transparent part of the platinum hilt that housed the diamond was glowing vehemently. 
Yeah, it’s still in there
.  I didn’t want to run out of the house waving it around in my hand, so I shoved it in the back pocket of my jeans.  It was rather snug. 
I probably need to get some kind of holster for this thing…

A strange feeling came over me, so instinctively I reached back under my bed and grabbed my new moonstone. 
I can’t forget this either
, I thought as I gave the shimmery stone a quick toss and then tucked it inside my front pocket. 
But that damn lapis lazuli can stay the Hell over in the corner where I threw it last night for all I care!

Though I flew down the st
airs, I opted for a more casual amble once I’d opened the front door.  I strolled out onto the front porch to find Tanner leaning against his Harley, all healed from his injuries and not surprisingly looking as fine as ever.  I trotted down the steps and straightaway attempted my most sincere apology.

“Tanner, I’m

He interrupted me.  “That’s not necessary, Shiloh.  You were dealing with
a lot

Still embarrassed by my behavio
r, I shyly smiled back at him.

Tanner continued, “
didn’t help matters by snapping at you the way I did…
all day
.  You’ve handled yourself so well this past week…It’s easy to forget that all this is new to you, and that you still have
a lot to learn
.  For that, I’m

I’m sure my
beaming smile expressed how relieved I felt.  I noticed the leather saddlebags attached to the sides of his motorcycle seemed fuller, and there was a small duffle bag strapped down behind his seat.

“Are you going
” I questioned, hoping for any answer other than the obvious one.

To Yardley, of course.  I do have to get back to my classes.”  He laughed and added, “Though I’m sure my students wouldn’t mind if I took a few more weeks off.”

So you’re really leaving? 
This soon?
”  I tried to hide my disappointment as best I could.

He nodded freely.

I could feel myself getting flustered.  “
…don’t I need more training?  It’s not like I can run down to the library and check out a book on any of this stuff,” I blurted.

Tanner seemed a
mused by my crestfallen state.  “
.  You
need more training. 
A lot of it
.  That’s why Bea’s staying in town.  There’s no need for her to leave…now that the mine isn’t being sold, and that Lazarus has…
hopped a train out of town
, so to speak.”  He smiled and added, “That reminds me.  She wants you to come by today and help her unpack her things, since you already know where they go.”  Tanner nudged me.  “Don’t worry.  The time will fly by.  You won’t be preoccupied with a
hidden agenda
this time.”  Tanner started rubbing one of his eyes, attempting to make a joke.

I flashed him a half-hearted smile.  I couldn’t help but think of Ty.  Being over at Bea’s today would certainly force me to think about him —

Mental note to
self: Take the damn amethyst…just in case

Tanner’s radar picked up on my sorrow.  He stepped closer and wrapped his ar
m around me.  I didn’t resist.

Tanner’s violet eyes
softened.  “Shiloh, you have many years ahead of you.  The loss of a love, especially your first, is tough.”  He gave me a tight squeeze.  “He fell in love with you once.  If it’s
meant to be…he’ll do it again.”

I flashed him a lackluster smile.  “Yeah

You’re right
.  It only took him
years to do it the first time,” I countered cynically.

Well, for
it happens
…but eighteen years is just a moment of time in our world.”

I let his comment roll around in my head for a bit.  I needed to change the subject to something other than Ty.  His statement did pro
mpt a burning question of mine.

“Speaking of that…
Are you ever going to tell me how
you are?  You might as well fess up.  After all, I know you predate the destruction of Pompeii, so you’re at least pushing 2000,” I replied as I batted my eyes knowingly.

er grinned and shook his head.  “Maybe one day I’ll tell you, but
today.”  He let out a laugh.  “See, that’s what I’ll miss…all of your

Just then, the front door
swung open abruptly. Charlotte stepped onto the porch smiling, sporting an apron around her waist and waving a spatula in the air.  I couldn’t help but giggle.  At that moment, if someone were to have gilded her in gold, she would have looked like an ornamental topper on a “Mother-of-the-Year” trophy.

,” Charlotte called out.  “Brunch is about ready. 
, you can invite your friend in, if you’d like.”  She smiled and swiftly headed back into the house.

I turned to Tanner
.  “How long is
going to last?”

Tanner grinned and lowered his head.
“About a week. Two, if you’re

laughed for a moment, but even Charlotte’s amusing situation couldn’t distract me from the fact that Tanner was leaving.

“When will I see you again?” I asked somewhat anxiously.

“Soon,” he assured.

“So, can I call you…on the
” I grinned.

Tanner looked away, trying
to hide his amusement.  He straightened his face.  “Yes. That was a good one by the way,” he replied.

I gestured a bow.  “Thank you.”  Still downhearted about not seeing him everyday, my tone turned serious.  “And you’ll answer me

I call?”

“I promise.  I’ll answer
your calls.”  Tanner laughed.  “Hey, I’m just glad you can’t text on it.  You would drive me nuts.”

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