Tales of the Forbidden (10 page)

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Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Tales of the Forbidden
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Feeling her contract around him tightly took his last bit of resolve. Devon threw his head back and moved his hips in long, hard, and fast thrusts. He pounded into her, enjoying not only the feel of her tight pussy stretching for him but also the pleading and moaning of her pleasure.

“It’s so fucking close!” he cried. “Give me one more, Kera.

Come for me one more fucking time!”

Devon picked up his pace and slammed into her as brutally and as fast as his hips would move. His balls slapped against her ass as they started to tighten the closer he came to his release. Sweat rolled down his back to the crack of his ass as he worked to give her one more orgasm. He fucked her hard and fast, fucked like a man haunted. Peering down at her, he saw sweat gathering in the valley between her breasts and leaned down to lick at the salty liquid. Not once did he miss a beat with his hips.

“Oh shit!” Kera screamed.

Her pussy tightened down ruthlessly on his cock, nails dug 81

deep into his arms, and legs wrapped tightly around his hips as her orgasm slammed into her. He kissed her ferociously, thrusting his tongue past her teeth as his cock erupted almost painfully. He spurted deep into her womb, emptying not only his seed, but also his heart and soul. Devon Noved realized he was starting to fall in love with Kera.

He braced most of his weight on his arms as they both came down slowly from the intense passion that washed over them.

Drowsy, Devon kissed her neck and said, “If this keeps up, you are going to be the death of me.”



Chapter Eight

Devon and Kera didn’t say a word to each other as they headed back toward the house. He noticed Kera wouldn’t look him in the eye, and every time he said something to her he only got a nod of acknowledgment.

Just before they turned onto the path leading to the back porch, Devon grabbed Kera’s arm and encased her in his own.

Quickly he swept her into a kiss to express his satisfaction.

Before he could get carried away, he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. Cameron came striding around the bushes with a smile on his face.

Kera pushed herself out of Devon’s arms, her face blushing.

“I’m going to take a shower.”

Devon glanced at her as she headed away, then noticed the way Cameron watched her. The expression on Cameron’s face, as he looked at Kera was one Devon didn’t like at all.

“What’s up?” Devon asked.

Cameron looked at Devon slipped his hands into his jean pockets and took a deep breath. “Dane called while you were out playing. He told me to tell you that you can either go over to his place tonight for dinner, so he can meet her, or he’s heading over here.”

Devon shook his head, “Great.” Devon stared at Cameron as he turned his gaze in the direction Kera had gone. Until now, Devon had not realized what kind of man his cousin really was. It was something he didn’t like, and Cameron was someone he didn’t want around Kera.

“You leaving?” Devon asked.

Cameron nodded, “Yeah. With Dane heading over, I think it’s best. He doesn’t like me.”


Devon didn’t argue. None of his friends cared for Cameron, mostly because of the fact that Cameron turned out to be a bum.

Only Devon bailing him out repeatedly kept him from being considered completely worthless. However, now that he was married, he refused to let Cameron guilt him into loans. Devon was going to give his all to his bride. Cameron could learn to stand on his own two feet.

Cameron left, the same way he showed up, with nothing; no luggage, no goodbye. Devon went inside and up the stairs to let Kera know they were having a guest after all.

She was still in the shower when he went into the bedroom.

Standing in the doorway to the bathroom, he just watched her as she enjoyed herself under the flow of water.

Damn if she wasn’t a vision! Just looking at her made him instantly hard, but his desire to have her again was going to have to wait. If Dane was heading over then he wasn’t going to have much time for anything but a fast shower himself.

The water turned off, glass door slid open, and she walked out of the shower and had the towel around herself before she jumped, noticing him. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Long enough to know I need to take a cold shower.” He pushed away from the doorway, walked up to her, and kissed her on the cheek. “We’ve got company coming over.” He reached behind her and turned the water back on.

“Who?” she asked suspiciously.

“Dane.” Kera’s face began to heat as he started to undress before her. “Guess he can’t wait to meet you after all.” Devon had his shirt off and was working on his jeans before she started to move out of the bathroom. When the jeans fell down his legs, she was gone.

Not even an hour later, Dane Knight pulled up the drive in his bright red, ’67 Mustang convertible. Devon’s hair was still wet from his shower and Kera was pacing nervously in the living room, biting at her thumb nail.

Dane stood at six foot-two inches tall and was solidly built, like Devon. He had shaggy blond hair and sparkling blue eyes.

Growing up, Dane had been the prankster. He loved to flirt with the women, tease the fathers, and drive his grandmother up the wall. Between the four of them, Dane and Blaine were the two 84

who messed around the most, until Blaine got himself shipped off to who-knows-where. Dane used to give Devon a lot of shit about how many more ladies he’d been with. And he also made it clear he didn’t care for the idea of Devon stopping the wildness and settling down.

It was one thing when Devon began his horse business. The business was the first indicator that he was growing up. With Blaine and Darius gone, Dane only had Devon to hang out with and, being the golden boy Kera thought Dane was, he had a lot of free time.

“I’ve brought a shitload of Chinese food, so I hope like hell you’re hungry.” Dane smiled and held up two large bags that looked like they were about to burst open.

“I thought we had a deal.” Devon put his hands on his hips, narrowing his eyes at his friend. “You were going to give me time with her alone.”

“And I was, but you have got to hear the shit being spread around town like a wild fire with explosives!” Dane kept smiling. “I mean,
in shock you got married.” He handed a bag to Devon. “There’s talk of a bet about which one of us is next. Oh, and they’ve heard.”

“Let me guess,” Devon took a deep breath, raising his head up to the sky and acting like he was thinking hard, “You had to flip a coin to see who would get the call first.”

Dane laughed and walked right into the house. Devon followed.

“Wow.” Dane stopped in the middle of the room to stare at Kera. She stood at the table, her body language telling Devon she was very nervous about this meeting.

“Stop drooling on my rug.” Devon went up behind Dane, slapping him on the back of the head and taking the bag from him. “Kera, this is one of my very childish best friends, Dane Knight. Dane, Kera.” He put the bags down and strode into the kitchen for a bottle of wine from the fridge.

“The last time I saw you, you were knocking Devon right off his feet.” Dane went right up to Kera, taking both of her hands and extending her arms out from her body. “I do have to say you look a hell of a lot better standing up than as his personal blanket.”


Kera blushed and took the glass Devon handed her. He also gave one to Dane, “Knock off the romantic shit. She’s mine.”

Dane chuckled and took a drink. Kera turned from them both and began to unpack the food.

“So what’s been going around town?” Devon sighed, putting his glass down on the table to help Kera with the food.

“Oh you know,” Dane shrugged, also putting his glass down and helping. “Just the usual talk— people wanting to know who you married.” Taking the plate Kera handed him, he sat down, and then began opening boxes of food, putting some on his plate.

“They know who I married,” Devon snorted.

Dane nodded, “Yep. Sure do. And it’s the usual bullshit about that too.”

“That he married trash,” Kera added. Devon gave her a dirty look, which she only shrugged at. “Come on, Devon. Stop living in a fantasy land. I am what I am.”

“Honey, just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean you’re trash,” Dane said as he pointed his fork at her. “I know a lot of girls with their pockets lined with gold, and they are the trashiest bitches I’ve ever known.”

“How’s your grandmother doing?” Devon asked.

Dane was about to take a bite of his food but stopped and dropped his fork on his plate, “Man, why did you have to mention her?”

“I was just asking,” Devon quickly defended.

“We were having a pleasant time and you had to bring her ass into the conversation.”

Kera started smiling at the two of them arguing good-naturedly. She ate, saying very little.

“So, are you going to the Charity ball?” Dane asked curiously. Wiping his mouth, he picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

“You know I don’t fit in with them, Dane,” Devon sighed. “I don’t make enough money, and I sure as hell don’t have the extra for those kinds of charities.”

Dane snorted, “Bullshit. Besides, my grandmother is in charge of it this year and has informed me to invite you. She’s also not taking no for an answer and wants to meet Kera.”



“Why?” Kera asked.

“She wants to meet the woman who has made Devon a respectable young man of Treece,” he squeaked his voice and wrinkled his nose, which had Kera laughing.

“Jesus, Dane, between you, your grandmother, and the rest of the town, Kera and I aren’t going to get any time alone.”

Devon sighed.

“Now who’s whining?” Dane smiled.

“Why don’t you go,” Kera said. Both of them looked at her.

“I’ll stay here and—”

Devon shook his head. “Hell no! Don’t even go there or think that. After what you tried to pull today, I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“I won’t run.” She rolled her eyes at him.

Devon snorted, “Try to bullshit someone else, babe.”

“Look, you’ve got until tomorrow night,” Dane stated. “Take this lovely thing shopping. Get her a gown that’ll knock the others off their feet. Make a small appearance and then go home. My grandmother will be happy, and you can be home before midnight to have that alone time you want so much.”

Devon kept his eyes on Kera, thinking over what Dane suggested. He didn’t like sharing her with anyone right now, and he sure as hell didn’t want to go to a damn party where he knew she would only be ridiculed and made to feel inferior. Just thinking about that damn place had his stomach rolling.

“How’s the horse business doing?” Dane asked, getting Devon back to the present.

Devon knew a quick change of topic when he saw one. He gave his attention back to his friend. “Good. One of my mares is getting ready to have a foal soon.”

“Got a buyer for it yet?”

He shook his head, “Nope. I like to wait and see what they look like before I put them up for sale.”

“Has he taken you over there yet?” Dane asked Kera. She answered by a quick shake of her head. “Man, you need to take her over to see them. He’s filled Blaine stables to the max. Last time Blaine came home, which was like six months ago, he was really impressed with the horses and the breeds.”

“I plan on taking her over there soon,” Devon added. “We 87

just got here yesterday.”

“What about tonight?” Kera asked. Devon turned his head sharply at her. “I mean, it’s something I can see you taking great pride in. You also said that the stables weren’t that far away.”

“She’s got a point.”

Devon opened his mouth, but was stopped from answering by his cell phone going off. He stood up, reached into his pocket for his phone and answered it in the kitchen. “Yeah.” His foreman was on the other end, talking so fast that Devon had a hard time understanding him. “Slow down. What happened? Is the foal okay? No, I’ll be there in a few.” Hanging up, he walked slowly back to the table. “Well, I guess we get to go tonight after all. My mare gave birth, but didn’t make it.”

“Damn, man, sorry.”

“Yeah, well. Guess I need to head over there to visit with the foreman.” Devon rubbed his face tiredly, stood up, and began to clean the table off.

“Well, I’ll head out.” Dane also stood up, stretching his body before helping with the clean up.


* * * *



Kera stayed seated, watching the two shake hands. Dane gave her a big smile as he headed for the front door. She didn’t know what to say to Devon. He appeared to be upset over the loss of his horse, which gave her a bit of hope that he wasn’t like all the others. “If you want to go check on your horse, I’m fine with it,” she shrugged, trying to act like it wasn’t a big deal. Kera really wanted to go check out the stable that Devon talked so much about. She needed to find out more about him.

“It’s okay,” he told her. “We can go tomorrow some time. I’m going to have to head to town anyway to find you a gown for this ball.”

Her gut dropped. “You sure you want to go to something like that?” Kera looked to the floor for a second before standing up and finishing the clearing of the table. “With me?” she added under her breath.

Devon snaked his arm around her waist when she tried to brush past him. He pulled her close, holding her tight. “Am I going to have to put you over my knee and spank you until you 88




stop thinking that you’re not worthy of this life?”

“You should be worried about being shunned by your friends,” she stated. “They’ll turn their backs on you if you stay with me.”

“And what if I turn my back on them? Besides, I only have a couple of friends anyway.”

“This isn’t a laughing matter, Devon.” She pushed hard at his chest until he let her go. Taking a couple steps back and crossing her arms over her chest, she narrowed her eyes on him. “This town has a very clear set of rules on where people belong. Upper and lower classes don’t mix. Ever. Reputation is everything.”

“The upper class, as you put it, can’t have everything if they refuse to follow the rules, Kera.” Leaning back against the counter, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Just because the upper class can afford to go to the Compound doesn’t always mean they come out with the same type of woman.”

Kera rolled her eyes and snorted, “Please.” She turned and headed out of the kitchen with Devon following right behind her.

“You’re afraid to go.”

Again she rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see it.

“Give me a break.”

“You know, I’ve discovered real fast how you work,” he went on. “When you’re scared, you fight, and I’m going to bet that when you don’t know how to get out of something you don’t want to do, you initiate a conflict as well.”

She started up the stairs, refusing to look back at him and acknowledge how right he was. “You’re full of shit.”


“Yeah, really.”

Halfway up the stairs Devon grabbed her arm. He turned her, climbing the stairs to stand on the same step face-to-face with her. “Then prove me wrong.”

“Fine.” She jerked her arm from his hand. “I’ll go to this damn party of yours, just to show you how right I am and how wrong you are.”

A slow smile spread across his face. “Then I’m looking forward to this game.” He finished going up the stairs, whistling as he went.






Devon surprised her by not trying to fool around with her. He changed his clothes, crawled into bed, and turned to his side.

Not once during the night did he touch her either, but come bright and early he was waking her up with a hard shake to the bed.

“What the hell is your problem?” Kera rolled over, pulled the covers up over her head, and tried to go back to sleep. Devon yanked the covers off of her body.

“Get up! I have something for you.” He almost seemed excited. Huh.

“Go to the bathroom and deal with it yourself,” she groaned.

A slap to her ass and she was flying out of the bed with the intention of hitting him back, but she stopped when her eye caught sight of a gown hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

Kera’s eyes about bulged out of her head gazing at the silver silk, satin, and synthetic lamé gown, covered in embroidery with clear and silver beadwork, hanging from a silk hanger.

Diamonds, sprinkled the straps as well as the tight-fitting bodice, caught the morning sunlight and glimmered.

In complete awe over what she was seeing, she walked over to it and carefully, touched it, just to see if it was indeed real.

“Nora, from the shop, is going to come out and help you get dressed,” Devon told her. “She’s also going to do your hair and make-up.”

“Devon, I can’t wear something like this,” Kera said softly.

“Sure you can. And I bet it’s going to look fabulous on you as well.”

The party was at six, so by four Devon was pushing Kera up the stairs to take her bath and be ready for the makeover.

Nora Mathews, an employee of the store the gown came from and make-up expert, showed up at five to help. When Kera came out of the bathroom, the woman was waiting for her.

Nora was kind and had a friendly smile. Her bright brown eyes sparkled with good humor. She was the same height as Kera and had the same figure, strangely enough. First she helped Kera with her hair. It was dried, curled, and piled up on her head with curls hanging everywhere. Make-up was next, before she slipped into the priceless gown. One zip up the back, 90




a shake of the small pleats that cascaded down to the floor, and she was dressed in something that could pay for her college tuition. She sat down on the bed to slip the matching silver shoes, with the same beads and diamonds, on her feet.

Kera truly felt like a princess in a fairy tale right then. She turned around over and over again, watching herself in the mirror. Believing she was the person looking back at her was difficult.

“You are gorgeous!” Devon remarked breathlessly. He smiled, placing his coat and a fur-lined wrap on the bed. Kera stopped her twirling and faced him. “I have something else for you,” he said, gliding up behind her. “I came across this and thought it would be perfect with the gown.”

Devon opened the blue velvet box in his hand, keeping whatever the box held hidden from her view until the very last second. Opening his hand, he held a large marquise-cut diamond necklace created from six large stones that formed a circle. Kera held her breath as he placed the necklace on her throat and clasped it. Another quick glance at the box revealed matching stud earrings and a note that read $50,000.

“I’ve looked at this necklace many times on my way home from school,” she said touching it gently. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would hold it, let alone get to wear it.”

“Well, this dream gets better.” He kissed her on the shoulder and met her gaze in the mirror. “This is now yours.” He grinned when she looked at him in the mirror in shock. “And I demand you wear it for me, with nothing else, later on.”

Kera turned around, astounded. She gazed at Devon as if he had lost his mind, then she did something that neither one of them would have expected. Kera kissed Devon.

“Thank you,” she said, blushing.

“Come on.” He turned her around and placed the new wrap over her shoulders. “If you keep looking at me like that we’ll never get to the ball.”

Kera blushed even more, which caused Devon to laugh as they walked out to the waiting car.







Chapter Nine


Devon rented a limo for the night, which drove through town slowly. The moon was full, giving off a romantic radiant light.

Town was quiet, except for the many different cars and limos that all seemed to be heading in the same direction.

There were several different mansions in Treece, and each one was just as grand as the other. Kera heard the stories about how each important family that owned those houses would take turns hosting charity parties. They raised thousands and thousands of dollars that were supposed to go to the not so fortunate ones like her. And if it did, well she never saw any of that charitable money. But then again, any time her father got some cash he disappeared for a time, even as much as a few weeks.

Kera felt her fear increase and her heart pound a little harder with each block they passed. She couldn’t figure out if she was more frightened of going to this party or the fact that she was coming out in public as Devon’s wife in a gown that was worth more than what she had ever seen in her life. She, herself, was still trying to come to grips with both of these things.

“You okay?” Devon asked, sitting across from her.

Kera could only nod her head. She couldn’t speak, and knew if she did she would only squeak. That was how scared she was right now. In addition to the fear was the feeling she didn’t belong here, which kept reoccurring over and over in her head.

She knew where they were heading. Hell, she used to walk past the iron gates every day on her way to school. The mansion was the biggest, grandest home in the whole of Treece. The property line was over a hundred acres and had a massive iron fence going around it, with double iron gates and two cameras to see who was coming and going. It was the one place girls like 92




Kera only dreamed about entering. Now, she was about to drive through those gates and up to the front door. The thought alone gave her the chills.

“You’re shaking.” Devon stated.

“I don’t belong here.” Kera whispered.

Devon leaned forward, taking her chin gently. “You belong by my side, and you belong here.” He smiled. “Have I told you that you look good enough to eat?”

Kera rolled her eyes at him, pulled away from his hand, and went back at looking out the window. She tried to relax but found it almost impossible. Her nerves were wrecked. There was no way she was going to fit in with these people. She came from the poor side of town.

Kera gave in to her fear slightly when the large house got closer and closer. Her hands were fisted in her gown and sweat started to gather on her forehead. Tonight, men dressed in tuxedos were lining the drive with women in sparkling gowns and jewels.

“You shouldn’t have brought me.” Kera told him.

“You’ll be fine.”

The door was opened for them the second the limo stopped.

Devon got out first, took hold of her hand, and half-pulled half-tugged her out. The first thing she noticed was the perfectly trimmed grass. All kinds of flowers in all colors bloomed everywhere and in the center of the lawn sat a white marble water fountain. Three cherubs with their backs to each other bent over pouring water from pots.

Hand in hand, they walked up the steep marble steps. Other couples joined them and Kera felt the eyes of the women upon her instantly. It didn’t settle well. She didn’t like being stared at, and tonight she would have many sets of eyes upon her.

“Welcome to The Chateau,” Devon told her.

Kera was speechless as she walked through a double set of glass doors. White marble stone at her feet, golden walls, and row after row of crystal chandeliers lighting a large foyer. People were standing everywhere, and many of them seemed to stop talking to look at Devon and her. He smiled. She didn’t.

Devon took her to a set of stairs going down into a ballroom right out of
. More eyes followed her as she walked on 93

Devon’s arm. She tried to smile a couple of times when men came up to shake his hand, but she found it was too false. They were only coming up to check her out.

“Relax,” Devon whispered. “The only one you have to worry about biting tonight is me.”

“Great,” she mumbled, rolling her eyes. “More shit to worry about.”

Devon chuckled, and Kera went back to watching the ladies dance around the room in their elegant dresses and flashy jewels. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, yet Kera knew deep down that it was all too good to be true. Her gut was screaming that this was all going to come crashing down on her any second.

“Excuse me sir, but might I inquire as to where you have found yourself such a fine thing as what is on your arm tonight?”

Devon looked over his shoulder and Kera felt as if her heart was going to beat right out of her chest, until she saw Dane standing behind them smiling widely.

“Damnit, Dane,” Devon chuckled. “That ‘sir’ shit will get your ass kicked every time. And don’t sneak up on me like that!”

“Well, you are older than me.” Dane’s baby blue eyes turned and looked at her. “How are you doing, Kera?”

“I feel like prey in a lion’s den waiting to be eaten,” she stated. Devon chuckled so she elbowed him. “Everyone’s staring at me.”

Dane took her hand and brought it up to his lips for a soft kiss. “Because you look better than them,” He smiled a big flashing white smile at her.

Kera couldn’t help herself. She began to relax and even smile a little.

“Behave yourself.” Devon stated, taking Kera’s hand. “So who are you with tonight? Or should I even ask?” Dane narrowed his eyes on Devon, who laughed. “Ah, so she has you once more by the nuts, huh?”

Dane chuckled dryly. “You have no idea. She’s hoping like hell I’ll find a bride at this shindig.” He waved with his hand to the crowd of people. “Most of what’s here are snobs and bitches.

Current company excluded, of course.” He looked at Kera with a kind smile on his face.


Kera smiled. “I feel out of place here.”

“Oh, but darling you fit in very nicely.” Dane grinned. “In fact, I think you look better than the rest.”

Kera blushed.

“Smooth talker,” Devon muttered . He looked around the room. “Where
your grandmother?”

“Rubbing elbows with the rich and famous, I think.” Dane answered. He grabbed two glasses of champagne from a tray and handed one to Kera. “And I bet trying to arrange my wedding.”

“Well, I need to find her.” Devon looked at Kera. “Think you will be all right with him?”

Dane placed his hand over his chest. “You wound me, sir.”

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