Read Tales of the Djinn: The Double Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotica, #General, #Contemporary, #Fantasy, #paranormal romance

Tales of the Djinn: The Double (21 page)

BOOK: Tales of the Djinn: The Double
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“Did I tell you to do that?” She struck his cheeks openhanded, putting enough strength behind the action that it didn’t seem like play. Each smack resounded through him, driving the heat that wasn’t pain deep inside.

“Sorry, mistress,” he said.

She quickened the rain of blows. “You’re not sorry. You want this.”

He grunted when she stopped, every sexual part of him seeming to expand and contract in its own rhythm. To his amazement, she pressed her lips gently to his ass.

Was it an insult, or did she mean the kiss to be tender?

“Now you’re ready for me,” she said.

She pressed the dildo’s head against his hole. The stone was warm, perhaps from her holding it. It was slick as well, easing the flared tip past his constriction. She pushed, and the hard smooth bulb glided farther in. A sound broke in his throat that wasn’t a complaint. The toy filled him more completely than her finger. Cade let out a muted version of his moan. Obviously, the echoes of his sensations were reaching the double.

When the toy crossed his prostate, Arcadius gave up caring what anyone but him experienced.

“You’re mine,” Elyse whispered—those words his hidden heart wanted to believe. “You and your ass belong to me.”

She drew the dildo back within his tingling passage, fucking him slowly, deeply with the warm stone penis. He moaned louder, his hips beginning to rock back to get more from her motions. On every level, he was at her mercy.

“Tell me you’re mine,” she ordered.

“I’m not,” he lied.

“Shall I stop?” She suited action to word.

Arcadius clenched his jaw.

“Perhaps I should remind you what you’re missing.” She stroked the dildo in and out a single time. Stimulated all too briefly, his prostate cried for more. His testicles clenched with readiness.

Someone besides himself knew this.

“Tug his balls,” his traitor double suggested.

Their mistress reached under him. The oiled hand that caught and massaged his sac was as bold as the rest of her. Though she was a small woman, no one could mistake her fingers for those of a female who was pampered. He believed then that she took care of a residence—that she hammered and shoveled and repaired things. That seemed a good thing to his secret self. She had strength and didn’t hesitate to use it. He sucked in a breath as she hurt him just a bit. Maybe he shouldn’t have reacted. The next time her fingers surrounded his scrotal sac and pulled, the pressure was perfect.

The slow tug made him want to come that second, to have her fuck him with the dildo until it happened. He couldn’t reach backward to urge her on. The chains didn’t allow his arms to move far enough. Wound up by that too, he squirmed helplessly.

The word “please” burst unwillingly from him.

“There is no
. There’s only
I’m yours, mistress.

Her voice was hard. He struggled two more delicious seconds and then gave in. “I’m yours, mistress.”

“Very well,” she said. “I’ll give you what you need.”

The warm stone penis went into him again. She positioned herself behind it as if the appendage belonged to her. When her hand pushed it inward, her hips followed. Her thighs were smooth where they hit the backs of his. She used her left arm to prop herself above him. His ribcage was right beside it and nothing about her arm’s shape said anything but
All these things underscored the fact that a woman was fucking him.

The effect that had on his mind and body drew a long moan from him.

“You’re close,” she murmured beside his ear. “That’s the sound

He growled, his hands clenching on the chains. He didn’t want the reminder of his rival, though in truth it heightened his feelings of imminence. He was so close to coming he was about to scream.

“Finish me,” he demanded. “Fucking finish me, mistress.”

She laughed and picked up the pace. His head flung back, his ass writhing on the hardness that went in and out of him. The outermost inches of his passage tingled and itched at the quick friction. The good sensations shot much further than what she touched, as if the vigor of her strokes propelled them deep into his body. His cock jerked with pleasure, though she wasn’t touching that. He didn’t want her to. He wanted her to bring him off through tormenting a different ache: the ache that proved she’d driven him to submit.

“There,” he snarled as she ran over his inner sweet spot just so. “

She knew what he meant. She shimmied the dildo’s head over and over the hidden swelling, as if she meant to wear it smooth. He gasped, needing to regain the air the uptick in his pleasure stole. What she did felt insanely nice. The sharpness of the almost-climax was too much, and yet the last thing he wanted was for her to stop doing exactly what she was. He tried to say
and could only groan.

“My God, you’re sexy,” she praised.

He loved that she approved. His body gathered and clenched and then he went like the fuse on a bomb catching fire. Seed shot from him onto the sultan’s bed, the violence of the ejaculation both delicious and shocking. Goosebumps rolled along his skin at the force of it, and the hair on his arms stood up. He collapsed as the climax ended, his strained muscles giving out. He was sweating like a pig and utterly relaxed. The only thing that could have improved his afterglow was if Elyse had sagged down on top of him.

She sat back on her feet instead, gently pulling out the dildo. “He came without you this time,” she said.

Arcadius couldn’t remember why that was worth noting.


Elyse had rocked Cade to his foundations. He hadn’t known she had this in her. She’d gotten him—the other him—to submit to her. Cade knew genuine surrender when he heard it. Now he knew how it sounded groaned out from his own throat.

I’m yours, mistress.

Arcadius had truly meant the words.

Just as astonishing was the effect her victory had on him. Cade was a man of action. Voyeurism wasn’t his fantasy of choice. Nonetheless, more than the link with his double gripped him. Yes, he’d caught the fallout of Arcadius’s sensations, but he’d experienced plenty of his own. Standing there stark naked, watching the woman he loved subdue his mirror image, caused sweat to break out on his body. His cock was harder than he’d known it could get. When Arcadius came, he was unable to look away. A normal man would have ground his dick on the hip bolster. The other him hadn’t. Instead, he’d let Elyse and her dildo push him over the precipice. Seeing him come made Cade desire things he couldn’t put in words. Certainly, what he’d wanted was more complicated than a release.

Maybe Cade had fantasies he hadn’t guessed at yet.

Elyse sat back, her adorable butt resting on her heels. The strappy leather outfit suited her lean body. She was a human sex assassin, designed to devastate helpless males. Cade’s hands fisted at his sides. Did he want her to devastate him too?

“He came without you this time,” she said.

“Yes.” He locked his eyes onto hers. “I guess he healed from his injuries.”

“You still felt what he did.”

“Yes,” he said. “Much of it.”

Elyse’s gaze slid to his rigid erection and back up to his face. She licked the soft pink lips that had gotten his lust going since the day they met. “Do you want to come?”

His desire crystalized in a series of erotic images, his cock jolting with each one.

“I want to make you come,” he said hoarsely. “I want to lay you across him and make you moan with pleasure.”

Her eyes widened. “Across him . . .”

She touched Arcadius’s hip. His double lay like a toppled tree. Now his head twisted on the pillow to look at Cade. Someone who didn’t see that face in a mirror every morning might have mistaken the sharpening of his gaze for anger. Cade knew better. Cade could read how very interested his doppelganger was.

“We should take Elyse together,” Cade said, absolutely convinced of it. “We should intensify her pleasure the same way she did for us.”

“I’m done in,” Arcadius cautioned, though Cade noticed his butt cheeks tensed.

“That won’t matter. She’ll enjoy feeling you under her. You can be the bed I fuck her on.”

Arcadius’s eyes probed his a second longer. “Do it. Fuck her nice and hard for me.”

Elyse let out a startled
Because it didn’t seem to indicate reluctance, Cade gripped her beneath the arms. He lifted her negligible weight, laying her across the dip of Arcadius’s back.

“Oh,” she said again as he stretched over both of them.

He’d taken her by surprise. Her legs weren’t splayed wide enough to fit his hips between. He pulled them apart firmly. Sliding his fingers up her silky inner thighs was irresistible. He played the pads of his thumbs along the valleys between her legs and her labia. As he’d expected, mastering Arcadius had excited her. Her wetness overflowed her folds. He pushed the plump flesh into her pubic bone, rubbing it up and down, tugging at her clitoris without actually touching it.

Elyse inhaled sharply and grew wetter.

“He wants me to do this hard,” he warned.

“I, um, wouldn’t mind that,” she admitted.

Her body lifted. Arcadius had shifted under her, like he might not be as
done in
as he’d thought. Cade swung one knee onto the covers, his other foot planted firmly on the carpet. Elyse’s hands skated up and down his ribs. Taking her when she was this eager was going to be good.

“You’re mine,” he said, echoing her.

She crooked her legs behind him as he fit himself to her entrance. Her gaze held his as he pushed in. Penetrating her felt incredible. She was soft and hot and wet enough that her inner tightness was no barrier to his highly excited state. Cade tried not to lose his breath, but the streaks of bliss sparking in his cock made it difficult. Reaching her end caused her eyes to close and her sheath to flicker. He gripped her bottom to steady her for what he intended next.

Her heels dug in behind him.

Don’t warn her,
he thought.
She’s already given you permission. Take her like you and Arcadius want to.

Seeing his resolve, she bit her lip. Cade dragged back within her slowly, teasingly, then let his stored-up desires loose. He pumped his hips like he’d go right through her, like it wasn’t enough to fuck her pussy—he had to reach her heart. To overwhelm her was the prize he craved, to claim her as his in truth. Confusing matters was the fact that he wanted this for Arcadius too. Cade needed to possess her for both of them. He didn’t care if this was the influence of the link. He drove into her with absolute single-mindedness.

The unsteadiness of their platform didn’t hamper him at all.

She began to cry out with pleasure. Cade answered her with groans. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, then shifted to his butt, urging his efforts on. He wanted her to have everything she desired and more. He changed the tilt of his pelvis, each crazed stroke catching her higher, where her passage was sensitive. She came, and he simply went faster. Licks of sharp white heat ran up his dick and balls. He was going to go. He couldn’t hold on longer. He sucked a breath and tried to anyway. Arcadius groaned and heaved beneath both of them.

The chains that held him clashed as his need to move caused him to yank them straight.

Elyse squirmed on his double’s back. Cade wondered how that felt for both of them. Arousing, probably. Arcadius jerked in telltale motions against the bed. Obviously, he was too excited not to try to get off with them.

Cade was sure Elyse noticed.

,” she groaned, her whole body arching with orgasm.

That was it for him. He jammed inside her, the licks of heat that had been lashing him blazing out. He came lengthily.

“Cade,” she sighed more softly.

One of her hands fell from him. He pushed up to check that she was all right. She seemed to be. Her face had flushed with pleasure, dark curls clinging at her hairline, lovely green eyes as lustrous as a djinni’s. The hand she’d pulled away from him rubbed Arcadius’s outstretched and still chained arm. The leather straps that wrapped hers created the impression that she was bound as well.

“We should get those chains off him,” Cade said.

“’m fine,” Arcadius mumbled with a lassitude that suggested he’d climaxed too.

“Go ahead,” Elyse said to Cade, ignoring the other man’s refusal.

Cade kissed her cheek and pulled gently out of her.

Arcadius groaned a small complaint when Elyse sat up.

She laughed at that. “We must have squished you.”

“Didn’t care,” was all he allowed himself to admit.

She climbed over him to release the chain she’d spelled on. Cade noted she reversed the magic like an old hand at it. Thinking it might be better not to make her self-conscious, he didn’t point this out.

Arcadius rolled over once he was free, then sat up and rubbed his wrists. Elyse remained kneeling beside him.

“Did that hurt?” she asked.

He shook his head. “The marks are already fading.”

She took his hand and looked. As she touched him, Arcadius was suddenly the one who looked self-conscious. Elyse peered into his eyes. “Are you okay?”

They all knew she wasn’t talking about his wrists.

“Yes.” He hesitated. “I enjoyed that.”

“Thank you for trusting me,” Elyse said shyly.

Arcadius furrowed his brow, seeming confused by her changed demeanor. She wasn’t a dominatrix now. “You did a good job. I promise you, I wasn’t helping you along.”

She smiled and rubbed her forehead. “Well, um, good. I enjoyed it too.”

“Good.” Arcadius scooted toward the mattress edge. “I’ll get out of your way.”

Elyse shot Cade a concerned look. Cade was pretty sure he understood its meaning.

“You’re not in our way,” he said.

“I’m healed now. I can return to my rooms.”

Cade should have welcomed his departure. Maybe if the pleasure they’d shared hadn’t dulled his sense of rivalry, he would have. “You don’t have to spend tonight alone.”

Arcadius snorted. “Since when have I dreaded that?”

BOOK: Tales of the Djinn: The Double
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