Taking What's Wicked (Forced Submission Book 5) (7 page)

BOOK: Taking What's Wicked (Forced Submission Book 5)
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down as she climbs onto the bed, and I see her naked body. It’s all I can do not to pull free the restraints and grab her. But I just breathe and try to give her the illusion she’s looking for. She wants to be in control, and I want her to think she is. It’s how it’s been from the beginning.

All this time she’s thought she’s had the control. It’d be a shame to change that now. All that work for nothing.

From the first moment I saw her, I knew I had to have her. She was mine the second my eyes hit hers, but she seemed so innocent and shy. I wanted to keep my distance and give her time to come around, to get used to me. I didn’t want to go full-on stalker right away, so I just played it cool. Little did I know she was the one stalking me. And then our game started to play out. Cat and mouse. Sometimes I wasn’t quite sure if I was the mouse or the cat when it came to her—something I rather enjoyed. She was so different. I don’t think she even knows how much she stands out in a room, I could never miss her. I had put a security guard on her to watch her. I was surprised when I found out from the guard she was following me. I told him to let her. In fact, I told him to make it easy for her.

I remember the first time she broke into my office. I’d gotten a call late at night from security, alerting me that Valentina was in my office, and they asked if that was okay. I immediately made up a story about how I asked her to go find something I’d lost, and not to disturb her. Meanwhile, I pulled up the cameras in my home office and just watched her go through my things.

Seeing her obsess over me the way I was obsessing over her turned me on more than I’m willing to admit. Maybe one day I’ll tell her about how I jerked off watching the live video feed of her snooping through my desk. How I came all over myself, imagining her touching my things and leaving her mark on my desk. Maybe this is why this has gone so far, neither of us knowing what the other really wants. Is this what happens when two predators think the other is prey?

She was so beautiful that night, the moonlight giving off just enough light so I could watch her move. But it’s nothing compared to now. Seeing her body move over the top of mine, I can barely keep my heart from bursting out of my chest.

As she rubs against my body, she licks my neck, and I close my eyes in bliss. I hope she leaves a mark. It wouldn't bother me one bit to walk around with her mark on me. My cock responds to her touch, and the idea of her leaving something on my body has me hard as a rock. You’d think I would be used to it, seeing her prance around at work every day, but being this close is almost more than I can take without being able to touch her. Feeling her nakedness against mine is torturous, but I don’t want it to end.

Suddenly, Valentina bites my neck.

“Fuck. Baby, that hurts!” I pull at the restraints some, but try to remember that I’m not really trying to break them. I don’t want her knowing how easy it would be for me to get away but, damn, that hurt. That wasn't the kind of mark I was thinking of, but I’ll take what I can get. I like to be the one doing the biting, and when I do it, it’s the good kind of biting.

Valentina sits up and turns on the bedside light. Jesus. Seeing her naked in the light is the single greatest moment of my life. She’s always been gorgeous with her olive skin and long blonde hair, but seeing her like this is just breathtaking. I feel so honored that she’s chosen me as the one to see her body for the first time.

She doesn’t know it but I’ve done my homework on my love. The first day I saw her, I created a file and sent it to my head of security as top priority and strictly confidential. I wanted the name of every man who had ever touched so much as her hand. Surprisingly—and thankfully—it turned out she was untouched. I really would have hated to murder someone because they had seen her beautiful body. I can’t even begin to think about what I would have done to someone who had actually touched it.

“Who is she?”

It’s cute she thinks there’s someone else I would call ‘baby’. She’s the only woman occupying my thoughts, my heart, and my life since we met. Every woman I saw before her, I’ve already forgotten, and every woman she saw me with since she came into my life was merely a ploy to bring out her crazy. Not that there have been many in my life. I have an obsessive personality. I go after what I want. it may be extreme but it’s gotten me everything I’ve ever wanted in life, from my education to my successful career, but never has the obsession lingered on a woman until her. It was the first time I ever felt a need to really have one for my own.

I love how obsessed she got, and how her stalking got progressively more intense. It made me feel better about the nights I followed her home and watched her sleep. Seeing her lose her mind with jealousy only made me harder when I jerked off in the back seat of her car.

Oh yes, I did that quite a few times actually. I’d make up fake appointments and slip out to hide in the back seat of her car while she followed my driver around the city, trying to see what I was up to. She has an SUV, so I would wear all black and duck down on the back floorboard, jerking off to the sounds of her frustrations at not knowing where I was. There’s so much cum on the back seat of her car, I’m not even ashamed. I wanted her to smell me every time she got in, and I wanted her to think of me, even if she wasn’t doing it consciously.

“Who is ‘who’?” I bait her, loving getting her worked up over me.

“The woman you just got hard for!”

She’s shouting now, and I try not to laugh. God, this is making me harder.

“See? You’re getting harder because I mentioned her.”

“Baby, you’re the only person here.”

God, I love her. She’s so worked up.

“Stop calling me that.”

“Calling you what, baby?” I smile a little at her. Her eyebrows are furrowed and she’s acting like a wet kitten. Speaking of, I can’t wait to eat that pussy. I lick my lips and look down at it, then back up at her.

“You think this is funny? You thought I was another woman! Fine, you want to play games? We’ll play games, Archer.”

She straddles me and takes my cock in her hands.

“Easy there, love, I need that.”

At my words, the anger in her eyes eases a bit, and I know she likes hearing me say it.

“I don’t think you’ll need it after tonight, because I’ll be gone after that. But you’re right. Tonight we do need it. This cock is going to bind us together forever, whether you want me or not.”

Anger boils inside me at her words. Why would she ever leave me? I would never ever let her go. She’s mine until the end of eternity, the thought of her not being here has me seeing red.

“And what the fuck does that mean?”

She strokes my cock a few times. The goddamn thing has a mind of its own, leaking a few drops of cum. She leans down and licks it up with her tongue, and then sucks at the hole as if she’s trying to get more. If she isn't careful, she is going to get a mouthful.

“Answer the fucking question, Valentina,” I grit out, trying not to cum.

Instead of answering me, she leans back, showing me her perfect pussy, spreading her puffy lips so I can see her clit. Fuck, I’m too hard. I should have jerked off before I got into bed. I can’t do anything but look at her beautiful cunt and wish I was tasting it.

“Stop avoiding my question,” I growl, as more cum leaks from my cock.

“Stop that!” she snaps. “Stop wasting your cum. We already wasted too much with the drop I took. The rest has to go inside me.”

She pleading now, and I know what she wants.

“Inside your pussy, Valentina? Is that where you want it?” I feel like I’ve got a bargaining chip now. She wants my seed in her, and I’ll get what I want before I give it to her.

“Yes,” she says, rubbing her hard clit.

“Tell me what you meant and maybe I’ll give it to you.”

“You don’t have to give it to me. I’ll be taking your cum all on my own. You’ll give me every single drop, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Each time you cum inside me, I’ll climb off you and suck your cock until it’s hard, and then ride you again. We’ll do this until I can’t do it anymore.”

My eyes are glued to her pussy as she tells me what she wants, cum leaking from my cock. I look up and see her perfect, full tits sway a little with her movements, and I want to suck on her nipples so fucking bad. She wants my cum inside her untouched pussy, that’s all right with me. I’m ready to bind her to me in any way possible, but I want to make sure she’s ready.

“You think that virgin pussy of yours can handle that?”

“I can handle anything to get what I want. We have that in common, don’t we, Archer? We’d do anything to have whatever it is we wanted. I knew we’d be perfect together, but you just never seemed to notice me, and that’s what led us to this point. You forced my hand. The time has come, and I can’t wait any longer. I need you, and I may only get you for tonight, but I’ll be taking a piece of you with me when I leave.”

It’s cute she thinks she’s leaving me. Ever. She’ll be the one tied to the bed if she ever tries. She’ll really see how good my security is when she tries to escape this penthouse.

“Love, you can take all the cum you want, but don’t go chopping off pieces of me or some shit.”

I kind of want to keep poking her to see her true crazy come out. That’s how I know she loves me. When she goes beyond reason and just does whatever her heart tells her to do. That’s how I want our love to be. Fearless.

“Why? Because you wouldn’t look like your normal, perfect self anymore? Maybe then women wouldn’t throw themselves at you. Is that it? You could’ve had me, but I guess I just wasn’t your type. The shy girl who doesn’t stand out compared to the women who are always hanging on to you.”

Oh, how she has this all twisted up in her pretty little head. I’d rather masturbate to thoughts of her taking my cock into her curvy little body than even look at another woman.

“That’s not what I meant, love,” I say, trying to calm her a little and ease her fears. There’s never been anyone but her. There will never be anyone but her.

“It doesn’t matter what you meant. I’m ovulating and you’re giving me a baby tonight.”


at her with wide eyes, not in shock, but in excitement. I want nothing more than to plant my seed inside her and get her pregnant. I want her full of me, growing my baby. I want us bound to one another for the rest of our lives, and this is one way to do it. It really doesn’t matter if I get her pregnant, because she’s never leaving me, but thinking of putting my cum in her virgin womb has me even harder.

Just thinking about her untouched cunt has my mouth watering. I watch her rub her pussy some more, and lick my lips in invitation. If this is how she wants it, this is how she’s going to get it. And my body is more than willing to give her everything she needs.

“You need to kiss me so I can cum. I need to get my hymen soft so you don’t hurt me when you break it.”

I’m a little pissed off at her words. I would never hurt her. Ever. I don’t know who she thinks I am, but she’s my world. I would never do anything to damage her. And if that meant never fucking her for fear of hurting her body, then I wouldn’t. She means more to me than just putting my dick in her.

“Valentina, think about this before you do it. You really want me to get you pregnant? Why don’t you untie me and we can talk about this?”

I want this more than anything, but I don’t want her to think this is the only way she can have me. I also don’t want her hurting herself just to have my cum in her. I want to be gentle and take our time, but I know she needs to have this control. I just want her to make sure this is what she wants, even though I’m terrified she might change her mind.

“No! Stop trying to keep your seed from me. I need it.”

She leans down and gets within centimeters of my lips. I pull at my restraints. I want nothing more than to pull her naked body to mine and fuse our lips together.

“Kiss me, Archer. Kiss me like you love me. And you better mean it. I want our baby conceived in love tonight. Don’t you?”

I want that more than anything. “Valentina—”

Before I can confess my love to her, she seals our kiss. I don’t waste time. I sweep my tongue into her mouth for a taste. She’s like warm honey, and I need her. There’s no other explanation for it. I need her.

She rubs her pussy on my thigh, and I’m dying to have her. I consume her with my kiss, giving her everything with my lips that I wish I could give with my body. Feeling her warm nectar on my leg, I pull away and tell her what I need.

“Valentina, let me kiss your pussy. Please, just a taste to make you cum. I want your cunt soft for me too.”

God, do I want inside her pussy. I want to be gentle and easy with her, and maybe if I get her off, she’ll untie me so I can give us what we both need. Seeing her blush at my dirty words makes me even harder. Jesus, my cock is going to explode.

As she climbs up my body, I wish for the millionth time I could just snap these restraints and do what I want. But instead I have to give her the control she thinks she needs. Maybe I can try asking again.

“Love, why don’t you untie me so I can enjoy all of you with my hands?”

“No. Stop asking. Not until your seed is in me.”

She’s convinced herself that I couldn’t possibly want this as much as she does. She’s wrong. If she hadn’t finally made her move tonight, I was going to make it for her. I knew she was building up to this, and I had everything in place.

Last week I was sitting in my car, watching her on the live camera feed on my phone as she went through my belongings. I ‘accidentally’ left the access code to my apartment sitting on my desk where she could find it. I also informed all of my security she would be stopping by sometime, and if they saw her, just to walk the other way and pretend they didn’t see her. I told them all that she was to be treated as if she were invisible, and that she was allowed full access to my home.

It was all a part my plan to trap her inside and keep her, but now I was the one tied to the bed. Beggars can't be choosers.

I justified going to her home and watching her sleep as a fair trade off. I broke into her apartment the week we met, so she was definitely owed a few liberties.

Most nights I just sit in the chair in the corner of her bedroom and watch her sleep. Some nights I sit in the chair and jerk off, thinking about what I want to do to her. And on a couple of rare occasions, I’ve tied her underwear around my cock, gently pulled back the covers, and come on her. She sleeps in a t-shirt and shorts, and hasn’t seemed to notice anything when she wakes up. Or at least it doesn't look like it on the cameras I have installed in her house.

Oh yes, they went up on my first visit.

“You really want to kiss me there, don’t you, Archer?”

Valentina’s words bring me back to the present as she gets into position over my face. Her scent fills my lungs, and my mouth waters. Seeing her pink lips swollen with need, and her clit hard and begging for attention, I want nothing more than to eat her.

“Please, baby. Sit down on my face. Let me love you with my mouth.”

As soon as her nectar hits my tongue, I nearly lose consciousness. She’s so sweet and pure, and my instincts take over. I begin sucking and licking, devouring her pussy.

“Oh God!”

It takes me just a moment before I feel her cunt clench and she starts to climax on my face. This is my heaven—feeling her passion run down my chin, knowing it’s all because of me. As she starts to lift off my face, I begin to beg.

“More, love. More.”

I can’t have it be over yet. It’s too soon. I need more of her. I want to drown in her pleasure. When she sits down again, I go slower, trying to calm myself. I want to take my time and give her everything she needs. I lick her as much as I can, going inside her pussy and back up to her clit. She clenches again, and I know she’s getting close. I don’t want it to end, but I want to give her what she needs.

I move my mouth a little and go back to her clit, nibbling there, gently biting her lips. I can’t help myself as I feast on her, sucking roughly, letting her know it’s mine to claim.

Valentina rides my face, using me for her pleasure. I want nothing more than to be the body she uses to sate her desires, and if this is the only way I can do it tonight, then so be it.

“I love you, Valentina. I love you so much,” I say against her sweet lips, letting her ride my face to completion.

“Yes, Archer. Yes! That’s it, my love, I’m so close.”

I suck hard on her clit one last time, and it’s her undoing. She grips the headboard, nearly falling off my face, and I wish I had my arms free to catch her.

She shouts her orgasm into the silence, and I smile thinking of how this is going to look on video later when we watch it together. I’m also glad I warned the security guards not to come in, no matter what they heard. My love is vocal.

When she’s caught her breath, she slides down my body, lying on top of me. I want to hold her and pet her like the sweet kitten she is.

“That was so perfect, Archer. Thank you. I’ve never had someone kiss me there before, and I’m so happy it was you. I’m so happy that you’re my first everything.”

“Anything for you, my love. Anything forever.”

My body reacts to her warm pussy being so close to the tip of my cock, and I thrust up unintentionally. I didn’t mean to try to seek entry, but after having her taste in my mouth, I’m beyond controlling my cock.

When Valentina leans up and looks in my eyes, I try to show her all the love I have there. I try to let her see that she can trust me and love me, and I won’t go anywhere. I want to show her how much she means to me. How much I love her.

BOOK: Taking What's Wicked (Forced Submission Book 5)
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