Taking the Fall (43 page)

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Authors: W. Ferraro

BOOK: Taking the Fall
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They are only a few feet away and she hasn’t noticed me yet. She looks at Erica and her smile fades as she recognizes her.  The anger and hurt on her face is evident.  “How are you Iz?” Erica asks reluctantly, not sure of what her reaction will be.  I don’t know what to expect either.  I hadn’t ever expected to see her again, so I never put much thought into what would happen if I did.  I see the anger in her expression as she takes a deep breath. “Hey Erica, how have you been?” Isabelle asks formally.  “Good, what can I get for you?” Erica responds, the tension hanging in the air.  “We will both have a Cosmo please,” she says, delivering a fake smile.  I can still see the hurt in her eyes and I know she has to hate me for what I did to her.  It still bothers me, even more so now that she is in front of me.  Erica nods and walks away to start making the drinks.  I watch her as she turns to find a seat and sits down at the closest High Five Table, giving herself some distance from the bar.  She is facing me and just seeing her, reminds me of the day that I broke her heart. Suddenly her friend’s head whips toward the bar. They are sitting far enough away now that I can’t hear their conversation but I can only imagine that Isabelle is telling her the story about that day.  I can’t take my eyes off of her, she still doesn’t notice me and I wonder what her reaction will be when she does.  Erica personally walks over to the table to deliver their drinks and Isabelle tries to hand her some money. Erica refuses to take the money, looks in my direction and Isabelle’s eyes follow hers across the room to the end of the bar.  Her soft brown eyes connect with mine.  All I can think of to do is tilt my beer and smile.  Her eyes widen in surprise, she holds the connection and that usual spark I remember in her eyes returns for a brief moment, the corners of her mouth turn up a bit, and damn she is sexy.  Just at that moment, the pain appears across her face, her eyes squint, the smile fades and her head drops down to avoid any further contact. Her friend turns around looking over her shoulder and glares at me.  I’m not quite sure what to make of that look, she is little, but that look is kind of scary. 

“You ever plan on telling her Shane?” Erica returns behind the bar and asks, removing my empty beer bottle and replacing it with a full one.  I shrug because it was something I hadn’t thought I’d ever get the chance to explain. I take a sip of my beer and get up from my seat to walk over to her.  Here goes nothing.



Before I decided to move back, I wondered if it was the right decision.  When the opportunity of opening my business and buying my dream house presented itself to me, I couldn’t ignore how right it felt to be back.  I convinced myself that I was over him, it had been four years since I left, since he broke my heart and I had moved on. 

Now he is sitting in the same bar, directly in front of me.  His emerald eyes are still mesmerizing, enough to make you melt.  His hair is a little longer on top than I was used to, and has that sexy messy look as if he was just running his hands through it; his smile is still devastatingly charming.  I feel the instant connection with him, a warmth throughout my body as he looks at me, my heart flutters, it feels as if my insides are being tickled by butterfly wings, a feeling I haven’t felt in four years.  Seeing him instantly brings a smile to my face.  I have the urge to run to him, throw my arms around him, and put my head to his chest just to hear his heartbeat as he wraps his strong arms around me. I want to get lost in him, like I did so many years ago.  I hold his stare, admiring that smile that can make any girl drop her panties.  I notice the concern in his eyes, the wonder of how I will react to him after all these years, reminding me of that night he ended us.

“Hey Iz
, can you swing by Carter’s house, I need to talk to you.” I read the text from Erica.  I hadn’t heard from Shane all day, but he knew my mother and I had been finishing up the shopping I needed to do for my college dorm.  I was leaving in three days.  I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the time I had with him, but knew if Erica was telling me she needed to talk to me, it had to be something important.  I rushed over there as quickly as I could, hoping that everything was alright.  I walked in the front door which led to the porch and knocked on the door that entered the living room.  The door opened, Shane’s best friend Carter greeted me. “Hey
,” he said as he opened the door wider.  I was about to step into the living room, and that was when my heart shattered.  Shane was sitting on the couch with Erica in his arms and he was kissing her, his hand in her hair, as if he couldn’t get enough of her.  When they finally parted, he sat there staring at me, not saying a word.  I was in complete shock just waiting for him to say something to me, to tell me it’s not what it looked like.  But he just sat there, not making eye contact, not saying a word.  My eyes turned to Erica, her eyes were wide open and her hand was over her mouth.  Was this why she asked me to come over?  Is this what she had to talk to me about? How long had they been screwing around? I had so many thoughts running through my head.  I couldn’t make sense of any of it. All I could think was that he lied to me, he didn’t love me. Tears welled up in my eyes, I ran out of the house back to my car hoping Shane would follow me.  Hoping that what I just saw was a joke, a mistake.  I sat in my car for what felt like an eternity just hoping, wanting him to come after me.  I watched the door, wishing and hoping he would walk through it and explain that what I saw wasn’t what it looked like, some kind of explanation as to why.  When he didn’t, I started the car and drove home with tears spilling out of my eyes. I felt hollow and empty.  I left for college three days later; I never heard from him and never got an apology.

As I recall the memory of that day, my heart feels heavy and it hurts all over again, as if it happened yesterday.  “You okay Iz?” Josie asks, realizing whom I was staring at.  I look down at the table; playing with my hair, I take a deep breath to regain my composure, when suddenly butterflies tickle my insides, just as they had always done when he was around.  “Something I can do for you?” I hear Josie ask with a bite in her tone.  I tense up when I hear his sultry voice. “Hi Princess.” My heart sinks at the sound of the pet name, and with as much confidence as I can muster up, my eyes meet his, and I fall into the sea of green.  His eyes are so vibrant and breathtaking.  His shoulders are broad, he feels like a giant standing next to me.  He is still thin but he is wider than I remember, his chest broader, and his arms look as if they are about to bust out of the t-shirt sleeve.  His jawline is covered in stubble, and it makes him look undeniably sexy.  I feel tingles throughout my body.  “Hi Shane,” I say as I look him straight in the eyes in an attempt to exude more confidence and strength than I am feeling at the moment.  His eyes are a sparkling green and the color of gemstones as he stares back at me.  “Thank you for the drink,” I say, taking a sip because I don’t know what else to say to him.  My emotions are like a roller coaster. I want to hug and yell at him all at the same time.  I want to cry and laugh.  I want to know why, and I want him to walk away but I don’t want him to leave.  I knew that I would see him again when I moved back, but I just wasn’t expecting it to be so soon.  I am not prepared.  As I take him in, I realize I would never have been prepared; my body, my mind and my heart still react to him as if I was seventeen again. “You’re welcome,” he smirks at me, bringing the beer bottle to his lips but never taking his eyes off mine.  After all the time we spent together there had never been an awkward silence between us, but right now, it is definitely awkward and silent.  I can sense his unease around me, which makes me feel a little better knowing that the usual confident Shane Roberts is feeling just as uncomfortable as I am right now. 

He just stands there, with a smirk on his face, staring at me, not saying a word, as if he can read my thoughts. “Again, I ask, is there something I can do for you?”  Josie’s spitfire attitude comes through once again.  Shane lets out a cough-type laugh at her, showing off his charming smile as she gives him her infamous glare, shaking her head, clearly showing her disapproval of him. He responds to her glare with a cocky grin making even Josie smile.  The man is a charmer and that smile could melt a glacier. Shane chuckles at her obvious change of demeanor. “This is my friend Josie. Josie, this is Shane.”  I introduce the two, knowing that if things were different, they would have gotten along famously.  “Best friend and business partner,” she says, picking up her Martini glass to take a sip of her drink.  “Business partner?” he repeats. “The store front across from the coffee shop, is that yours?” he inquires with a genuine smile.  My cheeks flush with embarrassment as I nod. “How did you know that was the location?” I question with true curiosity.  He responds with a smirk, “Just a lucky guess.  I was getting my coffee this morning and noticed that the store front was sold, so that’s where you will be working from?” he asks. Realizing that this meant I will be running into him every day, I just nod and again silently wonder if I did the right thing moving up here.  “We are celebrating her closing on her new house too,” Josie explains, taking another sip of her drink. “On the beach,” she elaborates, lifting her eyebrows, indicating that he should be impressed. I know she is saying this only to remind me of what I have accomplished so I won’t second-guess my decision on moving back.  I am not that heartbroken girl that ran away four years ago.  His eyes widen in surprise. “You’re living in town?”  He sounds surprised at the decision.  “Moving in tomorrow,” I volunteer the information, answering his question.  “Tomorrow?” he cocks an eyebrow and smirks as if he has a secret. “Congratulations,” he responds, putting his hand over mine. The moment he touches my hand, I feel the electricity between us, reminding me of when I was seventeen. I haven’t felt that way in four years but now it is stronger than ever, tickling me throughout my entire body from a simple touch, the sound of his voice, his smile and those eyes.  “How’s Erica?” I ask, pulling my hand away, needing to regain control of my feelings. This man broke my heart, he is here with his girlfriend and I can’t allow myself to get caught up in his charm again.  He lets out a chuckle as he rubs his hand through his hair. “She’s fine,” he responds and it makes me even angrier with him.  I’m glad he finds it funny.

“Hey girls!”  I hear Jules’ perky voice and I’m thankful for the interruption. Jules went to college with Josie and I, along with Jules’ roommate, Vanessa, and we spent all of our college days together, sharing stories and secrets.  They are three of the best friends a girl can have.  “Hey Jules! Glad you could make it, where’s Van?”  I ask as she sits down. “She’s coming,” she responds as she looks up at Shane and her eyes widen with adoration, then fill with curiosity. “Order whatever you want, it’s on this guy here,” Josie says, nodding toward Shane.  Jules blushes and I smirk at Josie, admiring her confidence and thankful she’s here.  He chuckles at Josie’s comment, putting his hand over mine again, squeezing. “It was great seeing you again,” he says, staring into my eyes with an intensity that I haven’t felt since the last time I was with him.  “I’ll leave you ladies to celebrate.  Order anything, apparently, it’s on me,” he says with a sarcastic tone, then he winks at me and walks away.  “OH MY,” Jules says while fanning herself. “Who’s the hottie?”  “That my friend,” I say, taking a big sip of my drink, emptying the glass, “is my biggest heartbreak.” Jules’ eyes widen as big as plates, she looks to Josie and then to me. “That was Shane?” she asks, completely surprised. “Holy hell Iz, he is fucking hot.” I glare at her, making Josie laugh. “You need to work on that glare my friend. You. Are. Not. Scary,” she teases. “I don’t need to be reminded how hot he is, trust me.  I think I need to change my underwear,” I mutter, making the girls burst out in hysterical laughter.  I turn my attention to Jules with an attempt to change the subject fast but then Erica walks over and our laughter dissipates. “What can I get you?” she asks Jules.  Jules points to my drink and with a huge smile states, “One of those, please,” after regaining her composure and wiping the water from her eyes. “You girls want a refill?” she asks me and Josie, never making eye contact.  “Please,” I respond and Erica doesn’t say a word and walks away.  “What’s with the tension?” Jules asks. “That is the reason for her heartbreak,” Josie explains.  Jules slaps her forehead at the realization. “Holy hell!  That’s Erica?” I nod, biting back the tears, remembering how Shane had his arms around her, kissing her.  I had spent years trying to forget that memory.  Why does it still hurt so much? “One hell of a welcome home huh Iz?” Jules asks. “I figured I’d run into him eventually, but I can’t believe it’s on my first night back,” I admit. “Anyway…” Taking the last sip of my drink, needing a change of subject, I ask, “You sure Luke is ok with helping?”  Jules had mentioned that her brother, Luke, was going to help me move and I need a change of subject.  Erica returns with the drink and this time Jules looks at her as if she had just kicked her puppy.  She acknowledges the look and says, “There is more to the story than you know,” before walking away. Jules looks at me skeptically and I shrug not knowing what she means by the comment. I saw all I needed to see, my friend kissing my boyfriend, what else is there to know?  “Anyway, yes, he enlisted a few of his friends to help too,” Jules responds to my question about her brother. “You know he would do anything for you Iz, you are like a sister to him too.” The thought makes me smile, Luke has been very good to me over the years, he is like the brother I never had.  “Jack helping?”  Josie asks.  I shrug again. “Not sure, he hasn’t really mentioned it.” Josie shakes her head with disapproval, but doesn’t say anything. 

Jack and I have been together for about a year and Josie has never approved of the relationship. He is my first relationship since Shane, but I can’t say how I feel about him. He’s tall, dark, handsome, and fun to party with.  We don’t have much in common, but he keeps my mind occupied from thinking about Shane…for the most part.

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