TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4) (5 page)

BOOK: TAKING OVER TROFIM (Dominion of Brothers series Book 4)
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“Go ahead and lay back. I’ll have a nurse come in and we’ll take you down for some chest x-rays.” Dr. Laszkovi instructed his patient as he stepped out and nearly walked into Trofim. “Trofim? Everything okay?” Pavle looked Trofim over with a slight start.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. I, ah— I was just hoping I could bother you for one second.”

would be an understatement right now, Trofim. Is it urgent?” Pavle waved him to walk with him.

That meant getting to the point
. “No. But Shay has my phone and I was hoping you could get it from him for me. I’ll just wait outside.”

Pavle stopped, giving him a hard look. There was some serious accusations lurking behind his older brother’s eyes, but was disrupted when one of the RN’s came up, passing over one of the latest digital tablet pads in exchange for the clipboard Pavle had.

She gave Pavle some details for another patient in another room, while Pavle nodded to her then looked Trofim over when she stepped away, “I am sure I don’t want to know why Dr. Wilks has your phone, but as you can see, I have more than my share of people needing my time. Dr. Wilks is working in the pathology lab tonight. You’ll have to deal with this yourself if you want to keep me out of it, altogether.”

Trofim fidgeted, he wanted to press, but he bailed on the attempt last second when he got a warning glance from Pavle anyway.

“John—” Pavle called a nearby orderly over, “Show my brother to the pathology lab would you, please?”

“Certainly, Dr. Laszkovi.”

Trofim reluctantly followed John. Each step sending his stomach into nervous flips. It was a good thing they were in a hospital, ’cause he really was going to throttle Shay for this.

John led the way to what seemed like the far end of the hospital, until they came to a set of stainless steel doors. The orderly pushed one open and showed Trofim in. “Dr. Wilks! There’s someone here for you.”

Shay’s face popped out from behind one of the lab tables in the center of the room; his eyes brightening immediately, “Thanks, John.” Shay waved Trofim in as the orderly disappeared and pointed him to a chair against the wall, set up for blood draws. “Have a seat.”

Trofim stopped dead in his tracks and glared at Shay, “I only came for my phone, Shay. Nothing else.” He pursed his lips to stop everything else from coming out of his mouth.

Shay smirked back at him, “Then I suggest you have a seat, because I’m not giving it to you until you cooperate with me.” Trofim kept his place, watching Shay step over to the chair, changed out his gloves for a fresh pair then pulled out a couple of tubes, a sterile package from the organizer and then waited for Trofim to give in as if he knew all along he would.

Trofim still held back, trying to prove to himself he could do this. He could get his phone and walk out without succumbing to Shay once more tonight. But as he looked at the man waiting, he could already feel his strength waiver. Those eyes— looking at him with never ending adoration. Like the world had been rescued from some deluge of ill will all because Trofim had arrived. The weight of it once carried on the shoulders of the man before him now lifted and there was nothing but relief now.

If it weren’t for the small miffed attitude Trofim had developed over this stunt, he’d have already caved. He dropped his gaze a moment and shook his head at himself, fearing he already had. He was trying at least to
no. “Where’s my phone?”

“In my office.” Shay began setting up the needle and hub kit.

“I wasn’t aware interns got offices these days.” Trofim crept closer.

~  *  ~

“Even as an intern, I am still a licensed doctor who gets a work station.” Shay glanced over his shoulder at Trofim, who was still keeping a safe distance.

Even dressed in casual, evening garbs, Trofim looked like a million bucks. Like he just stepped off the page of one of those men’s cologne ads he was a regular on.

Trofim was so sexy in those ads. Shay’d even gone and bought some of the advertised colognes, pretending Trofim was wearing it when he posed, so Shay could pretend he was standing next to him. It was a small ridiculous thing to do, but it was all he had left of the man who’d disappeared from his life.

Just look at the Laszkovi hunk
. The heavy mop of curly hair, the color of black leather, falling in his eyes, adding to the timid shyness he’d always been known for. The fine dust of hair that shadowed his jaw matured his face. It was a good look and Shay certainly liked it on him. Trofim used to look
innocent before; even for a man who was four years older than himself.
Damned if he hadn’t missed him so much

“Come here and take a seat. I promise to give you your phone back when I’m done.” Shay called to him gentler than he had been. He could read Trofim’s body better than a lab test result and right now Trofim was hovering on the edge of flight and that wasn’t good.

Trofim still didn’t move. “Come on, it’s just one prick. Otherwise I’m gonna start my verotoxins and once I start those, I won’t be able to walk away. It’ll be another two hours before you can get your phone.

“Bastard.” Trofim muttered under his breath as he skirted around him and sat down in the hard seat and dropped his arm over the narrow arm rest attachment.

Shay knew he was starting to push it and he needed to give some for all the pull he was doing so he worked fast, finding the vein and drew the necessary blood for the tests and let Trofim go,
kind of
. He still hadn’t surrendered the phone yet.

~  *  ~

Trofim pressed the cotton ball to his arm and glared up at Shay, “My phone.”

“Like I said, it’s in my office.”

“Where’s that exactly?”

“Right this way.” Shay scribbled across the labels of the color coded collection tubes then dropped them into a tray. He got up, waving Trofim to follow, and together they left the lab, down a long corridor and through a door on the left near the end of the hall.

The room was dark at first, but once Trofim’s eyes adjusted he saw through the dim lighting it wasn’t an office at all, but a bunk room where the doctors were able to get some rest when pulling long shifts.

“Damn it, Shay.” He spun, but Shay was blocking his escape. He furthered the assertion by snagging his waist and pulled them together. Shay’s mouth came over his and demanded its way in. Trofim made a futile attempt to push him away, but the light clean oceanic notes of Shay’s cologne, the warmth of his arms and that tongue that laved over his, had him melting instantly. He had loved being in this man’s seductive embrace long ago, he loved it still, and he craved it so much, he was helpless to fight against it.

Shay rolled them around until he had Trofim pressed against the wall. A blind hand stuffed the confiscated phone along with a yellow piece of paper in Trofim’s jacket pocket before Shay got well underway with his other intentions. He reached down taking Trofim’s hand and brought it up to caress his own cheek as he kissed him deeper, then broke away to kiss the inside of Trofim’s hand.

“This is sexual harassment. I could sue you for it.” Trofim protested.

“Well in that case, I might as well make the best of it.” Shay dropped Trofim’s hand down to the bulge building in his scrubs and ground into his palm. He nipped Trofim’s lips, just enough for the sensual act, but careful to not break the skin. “God, yes—” Shay moaned against Trofim’s cheek, nuzzling him, “It feels so good to be next to you again. I’ve missed you so much.” Shay pressed against him harder and let out a groan when Trofim’s fingers tightened around the shaft caught behind the fabric.

Trofim new he shouldn’t be encouraging him, but Shay was right, it did feel good to be next to each other again. Listening to him moan against his face wasn’t helping Trofim’s resistance.

~ * ~

Shay traced over Trofim’s lips with is tongue just savoring the fullness of them and the taste of his mouth. Allowing himself to become lost in the moment. He knew he didn’t have much time but he also knew he may not have another chance to remind Trofim what it felt like to be together. All these years apart there was nothing but the pain that surrounded them, but Shay had realized one thing, the darkness of the world was easier to cope with when they were together. He just needed Trofim to see they’re being together was the only cure.

There was a sound on the other side of the room, outside the secondary entrance—
a key
. The door pushed open, letting a flood of light spill from the hallway into the room.

Shay spun to see who it was and that’s when Trofim bolted out, making his escape before Shay could stop him.

“Oh— sorry I didn’t know anyone was in here for some personal time.” The young lab tech gave Shay an embarrassed expression.

Shay let out a sad chuckle, looking back at the spot where his lover had just been standing, “Ever see one of those cartoons where the amorous skunk is chasing that sexy black and white cat?”

“Excuse me, Doctor?”

Shay turned and looked at the baffled twist on the tech’s face. He smiled, shaking his head, “Nothing.” And he walked out.

~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~





~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *  ~



Trofim rolled his lips tight, glancing at the caller ID on his phone screen. He had half a mind not to answer, but Bethany, their wardrobe assistant, said he’d already called twice while he was on the set and had told him they would be taking a break at two. It was barely ten after now.

Good morning, beautiful.”
Shay’s voice came over the wave with a sleepy slur to it.

“It's afternoon. I’ve been up since five-thirty.” None too thrilled he had practice before coming in. It was the price of having a team goal and a job.

Mmm, I just woke and I was dreaming about you. Would you like to know what I was dreaming of?”

Trofim could already hear the deepening of Shay’s breath blowing across the phone; the alluring sound was enough to spark an arousal of his own.
There wasn’t a sound sexier than the sound of Shay’s deep breath when he was excited. He could picture Shay laying stretched out on the bed, naked, while his hands roamed over his body in tandem to lurid thoughts

Trofim rolled his lips once again, licking at them. Fighting the urge to chew. It nearly tore a groan from him.

I’m so hard for you right now.”
The confession breathed over the phone, rather than spoken,

I’m pretty sure I could keep you busy for an entire weekend without ever stopping.”
Shay let out a soft sigh, then sucked in a tight breath.

Trofim let out a slight groan.
Dammit, Shay was masturbating while talking to him on the

So what do they have you wearing right now?”

Trofim stepped further away from the set, turning his back to the others lounging nearby. “Swimsuit line.”

Nice— surfers or briefs?”

Trofim let out a heavy sigh, rolling his eyes. He couldn’t believe he was actually enabling Shay this way. “Briefs and bikinis.” He whispered into the phone. “Bone white with navy blue piping.” Those kinds of details were important according to the fashion designers, but damned if he knew why he was now telling this to Shay.
He wouldn’t possibly care

Damn, I love you in those.”
Shay’s voice broke up into ragged breaths. “
How the color draws a line severing the view of your happy trail. And I can see your package all laid out horizontally across your groin— mmmm— niiice.”

“Places!” The set manager called out behind Trofim.

“I gotta go.” Trofim stammered and hung up on Shay. He dropped his phone back into his backpack and stepped back up to where they left off. But, quite suddenly, several of the other guys also modeling today, began snickering his way— all except the photographer, Hugo and his set manager, Sam.

“Photographers such as Rick Day or Bruno Gmunder might appreciate you showing off your goods for them, but we can’t use you this way.” The manager’s eyes dropped to Trofim’s crotch region with a quirked up eyebrow.

Trofim followed Sam’s gaze, glancing down his torso to the hard-on tenting against his swimsuit briefs. Anymore swelling to life and he was going to have a major wardrobe malfunction as the briefs hardly afforded him suitable coverage to start with. “Shit. Shit. Shit.” Trofim cursed as he felt his face turn red with embarrassment. His hands fidgeting about his chest and front side until finally making a half attempt to cover himself. Which only fueled the other’s chuckling at his expense further. “I’m sorry. Just give me a minute.” And Trofim side stepped off the set, “Sorry.”

Un-phased, “Drew, you’re up then.” The manager was calling one of the other models up.

Trofim made his way to the pitched dressing room tent, Bethany following right behind him. She dropped a towel on the chair and held out a cup of ice water and a magazine to him.

“What’s this?” Trofim recoiled, “I’m not jacking off in here.”

Bethany rolled her eyes at him. “Drop your trunks, use the cold water, and flip through the magazine a moment.” She made a begrudging like expression.

Trofim glanced at the magazine, catching the triple x letters across the front, “How’s porn supposed to help?” He gave her a startled look. He needed to kill his hard-on not make it worse.

“Hello? Duh— girls.” She held it up to reveal it was a Swank mag.

Trofim cringed; he’d seen plenty of photos of naked woman. Hell, he often had to pose with girls. It didn’t offend him but they didn’t do anything for him either, nor did the idea of them being naked around him make him ill. However, he was certain whatever was in that magazine, would. He took the water, passing on the magazine.

“So your boyfriend’s hot, huh?” Bethany nonchalantly shifted her gaze away. “He certainly sounded hot.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Trofim returned defensively.

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