Taking His Hand (Under His Roof #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Taking His Hand (Under His Roof #2)
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It’s almost like you’ve done this before,” I comment as Marilyn directs the man behind the counter to pull a selection of rings for me to look at.

I have. Apparently something about me screams ‘wedding ring shopper’. Along with ‘will never get her own wedding ring.’” Marilyn smiles, but I can tell it’s partly forced.

Don’t say that. You’ll find someone. Though I don’t know that you’ll ever find a guy who I think is good enough for you.”

that would never happen.” She rolls her eyes. “You know, Tommy told me he always knew you disapproved of him?”

Tommy was a guy from last year, I think. I remember something about unfortunate facial hair and a penchant for turquoise.

Good. It’s not like I tried to hide it.”

Anyway. Look at these. Do they scream ‘Rachel’?” She holds one up. “Rachel! Rachel…chel..chel..chel…” Her voice echoes off.

The ring she’s holding, an ultramodern square cut as big as my thumbnail, does not actually scream ‘Rachel’ at all.

For a full hour and a half, we pour through the store’s selection. They even have catalogs of bases and stones for custom rings. Still, none are just right.

I’m disappointed, but I won’t buy something if I don’t think it’s perfect.

There are bigger stores in Raleigh,” Marilyn says as I drive her back to her place. “We’ll go out again next week.”

Okay,” I agree.

And David, I want to say how happy I am for you. Even though it does feel like it’s soon…maybe it’s not
soon, you know? I’ve never seen you like this before. You and Rachel. You’re the perfect fit.”

We pull into the driveway of her apartment and I lean over to give her a big hug.

Thanks, Marilyn. You have no idea how much it means to me, hearing you say that.”






The spanking David gave me for my first rule violation was surprisingly insignificant. I didn’t even feel it the next day. In fact, it was no worse than any of the previous spankings I’d gotten that were merely labeled as ‘maintenance’.

He confirmed what I’d thought—that the relative lightness of the spanking was all about Aria.

Honestly, I feel a little guilty for overlooking her talent. Truth is though, she applied for a job as a secretary. Ultimately, it wasn’t my role to assess her design skills.

I decide I’m not going to beat myself up for it. “That’s David’s job,” something in my brain announced, and I blushed, knowing I was right.

But still. I make a point today to swing by her desk to say ’hey’.

Rachel!” she squeals when she sees me. “Perfect. Hang on a sec, I have something for you.” She scrounges through a messy-looking purse the size of a car door and pulls out a crisp black portfolio.

The girl has a portfolio. I seriously underestimated her.

I thumb through it. She’s good. She has a lot to learn, but she’s good.

When the following Wednesday rolls around, I arrive five minutes early to my meeting with Sandy, the lady in HR who runs the scholarship program. She isn’t busy, and waves me into her office with a smile. I explain my chance discovery of Aria’s talent and show Sandy the portfolio. She instantly agrees to put Aria on the list.

Really?” I ask, surprised it was that easy.

Yeah. There’s a board that decides on recipients. It helps she’s been working here for such a long time. I’ll just need her high school and any college transcripts, and she needs to write an essay. Here,” Sandy says, handing me a single sheet of paper. “You can give this to her. The board meets next month, so the sooner she can get me the documents, the better.”

Thanks, Sandy,” I exclaim, taking the paper. “Thanks so much!”

Elated, I invite Aria out to lunch. This is something worth celebrating.


Aria’s mascara is smudged when she meets me by the front door of our office building. She notices me noticing it, and looks away. But I know that smudge.

Hey,” I say, pulling her in for a hug. “What happened?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing. Nothing happened. Just…Jeremy…”

What did he do?” I demand, pulling away and holding her at an arm’s length. “Tell me.”

He’s just a jerk, Rachel. I don’t want to get into it..” She pulls my arm. “How ‘bout you distract me instead?” She forces a smile.

I decide not to press her for information. We walk to Nigel’s, a brewpub across the street. The scholarship information will be a perfect distraction.

Aria winces as she slides into the booth across from me and I look at her curiously.

Did you…?”

She nods, sheepish. “Yeah. Yesterday afternoon.”

I blush, feeling embarrassed to know she was just spanked. By my boyfriend.

It’s still weird for you, isn’t it?” she asks.

I think it’s a little weird for all of us.” I feel the heat on my cheeks and will it to fade.

It really does help me, but I know it can’t be easy for you.”

It’s just hard to understand the dynamic…” My voice trails off and I’m suddenly silenced by shyness. Did she really want me to talk about my boyfriend with her?

Understand what dynamic?” she asks. I hear genuineness in her voice.

It’s weird. With us, the spanking is…you know…intimate. But with his clients, he’s so professional…”

That’s true. Rach, I assure you, he has never been anything but strictly professional with me.”

I can’t believe how good it feels to hear her say this.

How’d it change for you, when you decided to date him?”

Well…he’s dominant with me, with day to day decisions and things. I’m still getting used to that. He can also spank me whenever he wants. Which is good and bad.”

Wait, so you don’t schedule it?” she asks.

I shake my head.

So he can just…decide…that you deserve one?”

I nod. Suddenly I’m nervous. She’s right. There’s a distinct difference between scheduling one’s own discipline with a professional and having a boyfriend spank you when he thinks you need it.

Is Aria going to judge me? Think I’m weak?

She takes it in slowly.

Well,” she finally says, “that is pretty fucking cool.”

Exhaling with relief, I smile at her. “I’m glad you think so. I’ll admit, it’s taking some getting used to.”

So did you get spanked for drinking the other day?”

I feel myself blush even more. “Yeah.”

Interesting. I bet I would like that kind of relationship.”

Really?” I ask hopefully.

Yeah. I mean, there’s something comforting in the idea, at least. Having someone hold that power over me…not controlling my decisions, exactly, but punishing me if I make bad ones. How does it feel for you?”

It’s comfortable, like you said. With David…well, you know David. It’s just right. He’s so calm and level-headed. He’s always careful. Sure, he makes mistakes. But he admits it, and we move on. One thing I do know is that if I ever disagreed with him about a punishment, he wouldn’t go through with it. He doesn’t abuse me. I mean, he hasn’t punished me often, but when he spanks me just because I need that release, I always agree with him. So far, at least.”

Aria smiles, and I feel incredibly happy to be sharing this with her. Finally, someone who understands. I’m not such a freak, not so unusual. She would like this kind of thing, too!

Well,” I say, reaching for my folder with her scholarship information, “this isn’t the reason I asked you to lunch. Here, take a look at this. Sandy, from Human Resources, thinks you have a good chance of getting this, if you want to apply.”

She takes the paper from me and her eyes widen as she reads.

Are you serious, Rachel?”

Very serious.”

No, say it again. Are you fucking serious, Rachel?” Her grin is huge, engulfing her face.

I am absolutely fucking serious, Aria!” We both crack up.

Sandy says you should get your paper work in as soon as possible,” I say when I can breathe again. “If you want, I’ll proofread your essay for you before you submit it.”

Yeah, that’d be great,” she says, tucking the paper into her purse.

On our way back to the office, I decide to prod her more about Jeremy.

Spill it,” I say. She got me to talk about David, after all. I find myself hoping she’s comfortable enough to open up.

It’s weird. He just…he said he can probably get me a raise.”

I feel my eyebrows arch with disbelief. “Really?”

Yeah. If I…do some extra work for him.”

What extra work?”

That’s the thing. I know what he’s trying to insinuate. But I don’t have enough on him to call him out. He says sometimes he works from home, and maybe if I can put in extra hours with him, outside of the office—“

Ew!” I say, cutting her off.

Yeah. Ew.” She fiddles with her purse strap. “He told me that this morning. But it isn’t just that. Everyday it’s something. Some comment. Or ‘accidentally’ touching me. Asking me to get things for him that I know he doesn’t really need. Commenting on my outfits, sometimes in front of male clients. It’s just wrong.”

I think for a minute. “So here’s what you do. Record everything. The daily comments, the compliments, the time and date, all of it. Especially if they’re overheard by clients or other employees. If you get enough compiled, and keep it organized, you can make an official complaint.”

Okay,” she agrees. “It would be great if someone could actually do something about it.”

And another thing, Aria? Jot down that you told me about this today. I can come in and corroborate that part at least, if someone needs me to.”

Thanks, Rachel. I mean it. Thank you.” She gives me a quick hug before hopping out of my car.

It’s the least I can do.”






Rachel and I are heading to my parent’s place for a family dinner tonight.

I drive, and Rachel sits beside me in a low-cut blood-red summer dress. It shows off her cleavage just enough to make me want to rip the dress off but not enough to be inappropriate for a family gathering.

I love her. She’s the perfect girl to bring home to my parents. I squeeze her leg when we’re at a red light. She smiles back, lost in her own thoughts.

We’re the last to arrive. Marilyn has brought along some oddball date—
and I’ve discovered that he’s an accountant who ’adores the French cinema’ when Marilyn shushes me away,. I join Rachel, who’s gabbing with Erin and Mitchell.

Erin is starting to show. She’s definitely glowing. I’m so happy for them, and I notice a new sparkle in Mitchell’s eyes. He’s going to be a great dad.

I smell something cheesy baking in the kitchen and join Mom to see if she needs a hand. She hands me a peeler and a cucumber and I head to the sink. I was always the kid to help her in the kitchen—it’s how I learned to be a decent cook. The kitchen is where Mom and I have had our best conversations, and our worst fights.

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