Taking Chances (5 page)

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Authors: S.J. Maylee

BOOK: Taking Chances
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Her father first rammed the concept home when he
took all their money and left town on her eighth birthday. Lydia’s mom tracked down
her father only to find him nestled in with another family, his first family. The
man had been married before he met Lydia’s mom and was still married. Lydia
even had a half-brother, Sean. Just like back then, feelings of being unwanted and
unloved tore at her self-respect. Her father had walked out on her, and her
brother didn’t even want to meet her.

When Lydia was twenty-one, she had tracked her
brother down. She had driven eight hours to knock on his door, and he had just
stared at her like she was an alien. “I’m your sister,” she had said in glee.

Sean’s brows had pinched together, and his eyes had seemed
to water at first as they took her in, but she was mistaken. Strong hands took
her shoulders, and he said, “Don’t come back here, ever again
” He gently pushed her back a bit and
let go, but then slammed the door in her face.

Lydia couldn’t count on Jake for anything more than
what he offered her today. She ignored the cheated feeling. Today, she would
continue on with her adventure. Maybe her heart would get swindled out of a
happy ending, but in the end Lydia knew she’d stand up and move on.

Lydia always moved on. She pulled on her bucket of
strength and kept her shoulders relaxed.

The afternoon had been tricky and pretty lucky. She
kept thinking about what would happen that night. A fresh fantasy would pop
into her head, and inevitably Jake would ask her a question about the policy
they were writing. The last time Lydia bluffed her way through an explanation. She
expected to be called out, but it turned out she’d made a brilliant point.

Each time her mind entered the latest fantasy, it
would start where she left it. Warmth radiated and tickled her core.

relentless fingers dug into her hips. She held herself steady and waited for
his slick cock to pound into her again. Tingles heated her body as he pushed and
slammed back into her warm sheath. She teetered on the edge of orgasm.

Fortunately, they were now on the L heading to her
place. The packed train forced them to stand close together. She mentally measured
the space between their fingers on the pole holding them both upright.

She silently willed the train to jerk them around, like
it usually did, and force their bodies to meet. He stood behind her. One step back
was all it would take, and she could blame the train. Her free hand longed to
hold onto his powerful thigh. The urge to lean into him pulled at her courage.

The train came to her stop, and her chance to touch
him evaporated. The disappointment ran deep and sour. How would he know she was
open to his advances if she couldn’t even touch him? Usually her shyness was a
badge of honor she kept close and tight. She held a lot of pride in her cold
exterior. Tonight, she knew she would live to regret it if she passed on this

They walked out of the train, across the platform, and
down the dingy steps. Plans for a quick trip and tumble into his arms swirled around
in her mind. The turnstile out of the depot kept getting closer. She needed to make
her move.

“Sorry,” someone shouted. A bump along her right
shoulder started it all.

In a swirl of arms and legs, she stumbled. Momentum
kept her moving. Jake’s fingers found their way to squeeze around her forearm
as she tripped past him towards the wall of the exit ramp. Her back landed with
a thud against the wall, and his body followed.

“Oh, sorry, I was pushed from behind. Did you see that
guy?” She didn’t even pretend to look for the helpful stranger. Her sight stayed
locked on the man pressing into her body.

“No, I was too worried about stopping you from
falling. Are you okay?”

His body pressed hers deliciously into the wall.
The arm pinned above her drove her desire
higher. All noise around them fell away. Her heart accelerated at a fascinating

She was lost.

“Lydia … Lydia?”

His free hand brushed across her cheek waking her
from her dream.

“There you are. How far are we from your place?”

“My place?”

“Yes, do you live far?”

“Ah, no, it’s a couple of blocks.”

“Okay.” He stepped back, but he studied her. “Let’s get
to your place first, and we can decide on dinner later.”



The air held a tender chill and smelled like dirt
and wet cement. They were a block from the heavier traveled road. The wind
slowed, and he could hear rustling in the nearby trees. The magic of Chicago he
recognized. One block you were in the city and the next, a neighborhood. Her area
enchanted him, much like the woman he followed. The way her body heated under
his hold would be his undoing. He wanted to breathe her in and have her inside
him like the chill of the evening air.

“You have a nice spot here, Lydia.”

“Thanks, I like it here. The city may be huge, but
each area makes its own little neighborhood. It’s nice to know my dry cleaner
knows me. He wouldn’t dare starch my shirts.”

His mind tumbled around the tip she’d thrown. He may
be lost in the beauty of their day, yet he took a moment to store away the morsel.
She didn’t like starched shirts. He was determined to need to know the
information in the future. She could be his. She fit him like a glove in all
ways but the one they hadn’t explored.

“I’m on the second floor. We’re not far now.” She unlocked
the front door to her brownstone and held the door for him.

The plain narrow staircase took them upward. He’d
been hard most of the day, but since her tumble at the station, his cock
throbbed. Each time he pressed her with a bit of dominance, she melted in his
hands. He needed more, wanted to press her more. Could she take it? Would she
want to submit as he craved to dominate her? Quietly they reached her door. She
unlocked it, and they walked inside.

The room opened into what must be her family room.
He could just make out the back of the couch facing them, which was bordered by
a side table and a floor lamp. The sun cast an amber glow through the large
window. The effect was a dream. Here she was standing before him, this woman
who intrigued him and challenged him. His mind had one thought.


and I’ll get
the light,” she said.

The light clicked, and before she could turn around
he made his order. The low growl from deep within pushed out his words. “Remove
your blouse, Lydia.”

Silence filled the void in the room. Nothing moved
except for the nerves running through him filled with rocket fuel, which catapulted
his desire.

“Don’t turn around. Remove your blouse first.”

His heart thundered in his chest. The challenge was
out. What would she do? Breaking your own rules was risky business, and he
would pay dearly if he’d read her wrong. Patience struggled its way in with
every beat of his nervous heart.

Her arms moved to her front. Excitement raced
through his veins. After a few ticks of the clock her blouse slid off her arms and
onto the floor. Without even a question she submitted. A natural submissive,
his heart wanted to explode. She deserved special care. The honor would be his
to show her the way. He swallowed his eagerness. He didn’t want to rush the

“Very good, Lydia.
release your pants.”

Again her arms moved. He heard an intake of breath,
a long second of nothing, and she let go of her pants, revealing her backside.
A silent thank you seeped from him. They had passed a pivotal moment, and his pleasure
threatened to boil over.

The sight before him stole his breath. He locked his
knees to keep himself from charging her. She was the most beautiful creature
he’d ever seen. Her long hair swung with her movements and made her back even more
enticing. He took his time lowering his gaze to the curve of her waist and the
highly erotic flare of her hips.

A thong, she had outstanding taste in undergarments.

Admiring her clothed backside didn’t prepare him for
the creamy skin or the rounded globes of her ass. His hard cock lengthened and
pulsed. How would he be able to control his raging desire once he touched her?
The yearning for this woman, a real woman, was fully justified.

“Well done, Lydia. Take off the rest. Let me see all
of you.”

He wanted to keep talking to assure her, but he
stopped himself. He couldn’t encourage her in her task. He needed her to do this
on her own. In this moment, she would choose what she wanted.

Next he would choose what she needed.

She slid out of her heels and stepped out of the
pants. His body tried to compel himself forward. It was a battle he was going
to lose. He crossed his clamped fists across his puffed out chest and locked
his knees in place. He would allow her this moment. She needed to accept his
domination. They were no longer at work, and once she took this step, he would
control the rest of the evening.

She reached behind to grab hold of the bra clasp and
released its hold. The sight of her arms pulled behind her back took him by
surprise. He knew it was coming, but was fully unprepared for the reality. Her
thriving body would be exquisite in restraints. He wondered if she had ever had
the pleasure.

The groan that escaped his lips was part in yearning
for her and part in horror at the thought of another touching what he wanted as
his. He locked away thoughts that pulled him from what was right in front of

He busied his hands with the buttons on his shirt
and tossed the confining thing. In a few more seconds, she would be nude and
waiting. A few more seconds and he could claim her.

She had done it. He hoped his choice to have her
facing away had made it easier on her. She stood there without a stitch of
clothing on, and his body pulsed with life and emotion untouched for too long.

He still stood several steps back.
The need to run to her clawed at him.
Normally he was a
pretty patient person, but at this moment he wanted to scream with need. He
forced his legs to take slow strides. The effort aided him in reining in his
longing. He took one last step forward and pressed his body along hers.

“Lydia,” he growled. “How are you feeling?”

She turned her head and looked up at him, her eyes showing
the rawness of her emotions. It took all his willpower to hold back from
ravishing her.

“I’m feeling needy.” She pressed her beautiful form
along his body. He inhaled her sweet and spicy scent, and he watched as her
teeth scraped along her bottom lip.

She’s perfect.

She took a loud deep breath, and his feet nudged her
legs farther apart.

“Lydia, reach forward and place your hands on the back
of your couch.”

Her hesitation was understandable. She couldn’t know
where they were headed. Oh, he thought she might have an idea by now, but first
she would need to answer an important question.

Did she trust him?

He forced the panic aside and waited another minute
before he spoke. “Take your time. I want you to be sure. This is your decision
to make. No one can make it for you.” He took a slow breath. “What do you want,


She knew exactly what she wanted, but her limbs
couldn’t seem to get with the program. Her nerves felt like a clunky heap
standing in the way. At least her silent prayer to the heavens had been answered.
He hadn’t apologized or requested she put her clothes back on. She’d feared he’d
be disgusted by her large rump. Her hands smoothed over her curves, the curves
he’d seen naked of their cover.

Her erratic pulse quickened when she remembered his
Remove your blouse.
He was
efficient in his words, which only made them more powerful. He wanted her. She
no longer had to worry about whether or not he wanted her, because it was now
perfectly clear. Her lungs expanded a few times to help calm her breathing.

He had been letting her decide. His desires were
stated, and he left no wiggle room. She had to decide her actions, which gave
them and her more power.

Her body flipped a switch long forgotten. Little
tingles buzzed along the edges threatening to dive deeper. First, her hair
swished across her lower back, and it reminded her of his gaze on her. Second,
her nipples beaded into tight nubs, begging to be touched. Now she recognized a
warm hum from between her thighs.

He tested her. She wanted to pass the test. At this
moment she wanted his touch, but more so she wanted to please him. The feeling was
strange and foreign, but acceptable. In fact, she liked the whole situation.

Somehow he had gotten her past her inhibitions. She
stood there totally naked letting him decide the actions. Leaving the decision
to Jake freed her to live in the moment. More pleasure filled her, because his
decisions brought him right up against her. She would combust if some of the
pressure wasn’t released fast. Just the thought of Jake touching her sent ripples
of pleasure through her body. She needed what was on the other side of the thought.
She needed his touch.

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