Taken (Breaking the Darkness) (10 page)

BOOK: Taken (Breaking the Darkness)
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“Perhaps, Ziona, I was thinking about just what might please you most at our opening celebration.” His brow line lifted twice before he let the side of his mouth tilt up.

“Hmph.” Ziona puffed a bit of hot air out of her nose. Her right shoulder lifted forward and she tossed her hair over before moving near the television screens. Her attention moved on to blabbering about some other investments with a few other men in the room.

As soon as she shifted her body and eyes from Graven, he looked back in my direction. After our eyes met again, he gave me a quick wink. I wasn’t sure how he found the right moment for no one in the room to see, but he took the chance. His eyes glided up and down my body. This action instantaneously shot a bit of embarrassment straight to my cheeks. I completely forgot that the last time I projected with Patience and Phaela, my body was void of clothing.

My face may have turned any shade of red, but I would never know. I gazed down at my body. It was a bit more perfect than I saw it in my physical state. I was a shimmery bluish-gray. My breasts were full and sat at just the right height. The funny thing, though, was that my nipples and my precious areas were a little extra sparkly, disguising their true form. I was glad that my subconscious censored me from an X-rated presentation of myself. I didn’t feel as bare as I would be unclothed.

I had two choices: show him I was embarrassed and ashamed of my nudity or own it. I decided to throw back my shoulders and keep my chin held high.

The meeting was coming to a close. Everyone began to rise to their feet and collect their belongings. Graven’s eyes never parted from mine. I couldn’t really look away either. When our eyes first connected across the room, it felt like when cartoon characters’ eyes lit up and twinkled at each other.

He gave his head a nod to the side, inviting me to follow him. I really should have kept my attention on Ziona. I needed to find a way out of there. Decisions, decisions. To follow an intriguing and handsome guy that saw me and said nothing, or follow the she-devil bitch that threatened my very existence?





AN OPPORTUNE MOMENT may have just passed me by. I couldn’t believe I just watched Ziona walk away. I was having a stare-off with the graphs and charts that filled a few of the television screens. They had no significance to me other than a momentary escape from my potentially devastating decision to let her go. In my mind I imagined myself taking a few cleansing breaths to help deal with my anxiety.

Graven was gathering his belongings at an amazingly slow pace. By the looks of him, I wouldn’t take him to be a dawdler. I inconspicuously tried to cover myself in clothing, not really sure how to alter what I looked like. I was guessing maybe if I focused really hard and pictured in my mind what I would want to look like, it might happen. Kind of like how I focused on Ziona and found myself at her meeting.

I focused on a simple tee and a pair of leggings, an outfit that would have little to no detail. I couldn’t bother myself with the thought of shoes. How could I chose a style, let alone what they might look like? Barefoot was my favorite choice anyway.

Graven nodded his head at me. Either in approval or disappointment that my body was no longer exposed. He was pretty good at talking with his eyes and his head. Either that or I was just really good at interpreting his intentions. I had no doubt in my mind that he was ready to get out of there. He was beckoning me to join him.

I watched him bend over to pick up his sack off the floor, and he showed me one reason worth following behind him. A pair of well-fitted dark-washed Black Label Levi’s hugged his rump. They weren’t the cheap ones you could get at your local department store, either. He had two perfect resting spots, ideal for a lady’s hands. I internally chuckled.

At a time like that, I needed to really sensor my increasingly dirty mind. I was usually not like that. Maybe being kept locked up had strangely made me aroused for every good-looking guy I saw. I should’ve been scared and working my butt off to find out how to get back to my mundane life. There I was having fantasies about some guy I saw for a split second and thinking about lady handling his tight ass.

Mostly everyone had filtered out of the room. It was now or never because Graven was making his way out the door. The men scurried like roaches down a long black hallway and packed themselves into an elevator.

Graven and another man who stood about five-foot-eleven waited for the ride to come back empty. Graven bumped elbows with him. The man’s shiny, bald black head glistened as the light bounced off it.

With the deepest of voices, he asked, “Anything good going on at Black Reign this weekend?” He shuffled back and forth, looking down at his spotless, spit-shined shoes. He kept rubbing his head in a forward motion.

“Anton, when have you known me to not have something going on? If you’re looking for something or someone special, give Maritza an e-mail or call. You know she never lets you down,” Graven responded.

Anton twisted and shook his head and a very animalistic growl escaped him for a moment. Anton’s ebony lips stretched across his face and he gave Graven a manly slap on the back. The elevator opened and in they went. Anton was off to the side, pushing some buttons for their next destination, which I assumed and hoped was out of there. Graven gave me the eyeballs that reminded me of a mother trying to get her child to listen in public but didn’t want to cause a scene by having to yell at them directly.

Even though I hesitated, what else could I do at that point? I had to see where he might lead me. I already let my chance with Ziona get away. I swiftly entered the elevator and just hovered there soaking in the scenery.

Graven was very pretty, but not in a feminine kind of way. His nose was prominent and his jaw was strong. His cheeks had just enough softness to them that I could see having my own pressed against them. There was something inside me that screamed to trust him. But Gram and Patience both warned me against trusting anyone.

The elevator dinged and Anton got out first. I moved out of his way. Although he probably could’ve just walked through me, who knows what kind of abilities these cats had? They wanted me for some kind of powers I might possess, and Graven could see me in astral form, so that probably meant something. And Ziona certainly was no ordinary human, with her glowing skin and vanishing acts. They were all probably gifted in some way.

The elevator let out into an empty alley. After we exited I watched the door close and vanish into a brick façade. I stopped to take a double look, but Graven didn’t slow his pace. We walked out to the street and crossed over to a full parking lot. In the distance I recognized a few faces from the meeting as they got into their vehicles.

For the brief walk I contemplated what kind of car this guy would drive. He was incredibly sharp-looking. His attire was simple but up to date and his clothes were undeniably high-end. I was thinking some sort of flashy sports car. It would probably be the latest model with wood paneling and seats draped in fragrant new leather.

To my dismay, he stopped in front of a truck. I couldn’t believe it. It was the same model Cherokee as mine, but this one was in way better shape. It was lifted and had large shiny tires. The paint was a flat dark mineral grey, similar to his eyes. There was mud splattered across the lower half. Without looking at me, he opened the heavy door and climbed in after he tossed his computer and sack in the back seat.

I was still a bit in shock that he had almost the same truck as me. The sudden realization of traveling in a vehicle while astral projecting had me concerned. It might not be doable. The influx of anxiety sent my hand up to grasp my amulet, but of course it was back at my physical body.

Graven just sat there and fiddled with the stereo. I could tell he was stalling, waiting for me to join him. He couldn’t talk to me or tell me to get in. That would’ve looked crazy to anyone walking by. Not to mention he probably shouldn’t draw any attention to himself from his peers. Ziona already had suspicions of someone entering that meeting uninvited.

I willed myself up into the seat next to him. As if it weren’t at all weird enough, I never got in a car without my seat belt. I guess I had to skip the ritual. I wasn’t really even sitting on the seat. I hoped when the car started moving, it didn’t leave me behind.

I also normally would never get into a strange man’s car and go God knows where with him. Lucky for me, in that state he couldn’t do much to me. There wasn’t much to lose at that point.

My face must have shown signs of concern. Graven leaned forward and rifled through the glove compartment. “Just focus and believe in yourself riding in the truck with me. It is your will that will keep you connected. You can also focus on staying connected with me. I can help anchor you.”

Believing he couldn’t read my mind, I wasn’t about to let him know who I was or what I might be. He was hooked up with Ziona and that couldn’t be a good thing. The rumble of the engine turning over brought my attention back to where it needed to be.

The truck pulled out of the lot and into traffic. The road was crowded; it must have been rush hour. I almost forgot that I had no concept of time anymore. He grabbed his phone out of his rear pocket and held it up to his ear.

Looking over at me with wonder in his eyes, he asked, “Who are you? What were you doing in that meeting?”

I stared at him, trying to decide what would be safe for me to tell. Probably nothing. I rubbed my lips back and forth. “Hmmm?” I asked, as if I didn’t hear him or understand the question.

“Look, I don’t know what your deal is, but you better start sharing. You don’t want to know what would’ve happened to you if I outed you in there. I’m still asking myself why I didn’t.”

“Yeah, why didn’t you say anything?”

He just continued to look at me, demanding an answer with his eyes.

“I was looking for someone.”

“Did you find who you were looking for?” He probed.

“Not really.”

“Not really? What kind of answer is that? What’s your name? You already know mine’s Graven.”

“Lyra.” It wasn’t really lying if I told him my middle name.

“It’s nice to meet you, but I have this feeling that I’ve known you before. Is this your true form?”

“My true form? I guess.”
I scrunched my face a bit in response to that question.

“You’re new to this form of travel, are you not?”

“What gave me away, my inappropriate travel attire or the constant confused look on my face?”

A deep rumble resembling a chuckle came from his direction. He smiled in confirmation.

“I’m curious about what you’re doing out here like this. It is rare to see travelers. If ever someone dares travel in astral form into our presence, they are usually skilled and much better about concealing themselves. Who is teaching you how?”

“Teaching me? No one’s teaching me anything. If they were, I would have to give them a poor rating as an instructor.” I looked out the window. “It just kind of happened. I’m experimenting with it a little. To be honest, I have no idea how I made it here. I actually don’t even know where here is.”

“We’re in Sedona right now. I stay here during the week if I don’t have too many meetings at my establishments. It worked out well that my meeting was local today. I love my clubs, but being home in the desert… That’s where I find solace.”

The traffic was starting to break up. I hoped we were getting off the busy road so he could stop pretending to talk on the phone. It was really distracting.

“Why did you want me to follow you?” I asked.

“Intrigue. It was obvious you didn’t belong in that room. Although, for someone who looked lost, you were quite attentive to what was going on in there.”

Graven put the phone down on the dashboard. He lifted his non-driving hand and stroked his chin, leaving his pointer finger resting just above his top lip.

“Where is it that you’re taking me exactly?” It was the first time I really looked at him since we got in the car. The sunlight shone across his smoky eyes, intensifying their glow.

“I’m heading home. You will not be seen by anyone there. I can maybe give you a few pointers about your appearance and how to take control of your journey.”

He gazed into my eyes long enough that I wasn’t sure if he was able to watch the road. I kind of wished I were really there. It was a look that beckoned for touch. I was waiting for him to reach over and touch my leg, which wasn’t really there. It was easy to get lost in his endless grey irises.

“I hope you aren’t in a rush. It is a bit of a drive. I prefer to live away from the crowds. Most of my time is spent working on herding them into my establishments. The silence out here helps me get rejuvenated to go back to the grind. Don’t get me wrong. On the rare occasion I’m not overly busy at work, I give myself a few minutes to get lost in the rhythm of the beats. I let my feet take away my worries, even if it’s only for one song a night.”

“You like to dance I take it.” The image of him moving across a crowded dance floor and working his hips into a few purposeful thrusts was enough to get my heart rate kicked up a notch.

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