Take What You Want (46 page)

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Authors: Ann Lister

BOOK: Take What You Want
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Another growl rumbled from
Danni's agitated body. She wrestled with Chase some more, then
slumped forward in his grip, exhausted, but still not ready to forget
the reason she had stomped her way into Alex's kitchen. She pinched
the bridge of her nose trying to collect her thoughts.

hundred thousand dollars, Alex?” she finally said. “A
hundred fucking grand! Did you think that piece of information
wouldn't get back to me?”

Chase looked at Alex.
“What's she talking about?” he asked Alex.

Alex sighed. “I met a
friend of Danni's at the beach. She was struggling with two
wheelchair-bound clients, so I gave her a hand.”

met Griffin,” Danni said to Chase. “After flirting with
her, he went on to tell her he was living with us. Then, this
morning before I got to the Pilates Center, he dropped off a nice fat
check; saying it was for Griffin's special needs clients.”

for Griffin's program,” Alex said, his voice was soft, but
stern. “The money isn't a big deal, Danni.”

Danni shoved Alex in the
chest. “You arrogant prick,” she said. “That
money may not be a lot to you, but it is huge to the people living on
this island.”

is why I gave the donation!” Alex said. “Jesus, Danni!
It was to help fund her program.”

you sure about that?” Danni asked. “Or, maybe your
donation had more to do with securing yourself in our lives? Maybe
you thought your very generous donation would sweeten up the deal to
get me – or perhaps Griffin, to sleep with you? Is that it,
Alex? Or, maybe you want us
in the same bed with you! The more the merrier. Isn't that what
gets you off?”

Chase saw anger flare in
Alex's eyes. It was an emotion Chase hadn't yet seen on Alex's face
and it unsettled him. Alex's normally tranquil green irises turned
into the turbulent color the ocean takes on during a storm, and Chase
felt certain they were in for a storm. He watched Alex's fingers
curl over the lip of the counter-top and grip so tightly his knuckles
turned white. When Alex finally spoke, his words were controlled and
even; which defied the tight posturing of his body.

keyboard player for my band had a sister with a progressive form of
MS,” Alex said. “She died a few years ago from it. I
try to help out people when I can and helping Griffin with her
clients was a no-brainer for me. You or anyone else won't make me
feel bad about that.” Alex watched the agitation rise again in
Danni. It seemed there was more to this outburst than his donation
to Griffin, and Alex needed to get to the bottom of it. He glanced
over at Chase. “Would it be rude of me to ask for a few
minutes alone to talk to Danni?”

at all,” Chase said. “Play nice.”

Alex watched Chase exit the
house and waited a few more moments before he began talking. He
wanted to gather his thoughts first and be sure he used the right
words. This tension between him and Danni needed to stop and her
anger tonight was out of line. If he couldn't make her see he wasn't
the enemy, he would need to reevaluate his living on the island once
and for all. He pushed off the kitchen island and began pacing in
front of Danni.

don't even know where I should start,” Alex said, He rubbed at
his forehead and looked at Danni. She remained standing in front of
him with her arms crossed over her breasts. “My donation to
Griffin was done with good intentions, whether you want to believe
that or not.”

Danni scoffed at his comment
and rolled her eyes at him. The action only spiked his anger more.

told me her program would have to stop soon, due to a lack of funds,”
Alex said. “I noticed the handicap van she was driving was old
and ready for the scrap heap, too. I didn't take me long to figure I
could help fund her program. My check will allow her to buy new
wheels, add another instructor, and take on a few more clients. It
was money well spent and I'll continue to do it, too.”

thought it was nothing more than money well spent?” Danni
asked, sarcasm ringing off each of her words. “Then, I guess
the flirting with Griffin was an added bonus?”

it, Danni,” he said. “You sound like a jealous

flatter yourself,” Danni said.

stepped closer to her and she backed up against the kitchen island.
“I was not
with Griffin, nor was I trying to get her into my bed, and it's
insulting you'd think I'd need to pay
to sleep with me! Do you really think that little of me?”

didn't make much of a first impression, Alex.”

can you say that?” he asked, his face moving into hers. “I've
done nothing to disrespect you!”

slapped her hands against his chest. “You're fucking my
fiancé!” she screamed.

Alex grabbed her wrists and
squeezed them tightly. “You gave him permission to explore his
sexuality – and, he did,” he said in a strained whisper,
each word more emphasized than the last. “How can you resent
me for that?” Danni jerked on her hands, but Alex made no
attempt to release his grip.

weren't supposed to fall for him!” Danni yelled.

She struggled in Alex's

wasn't looking for that to happen either, Danni,” he said, and
set his hands on the counter at her sides, pinning her in between his
muscled arms. “But, even that isn't the bigger of the problems
here. Is it?”

off, Alex!”

until you admit what's really got you so pissed off,” he said.

me alone,” Danni said, trying to wiggle free of Alex.

He pressed closer; his chest
and stomach leaning on her. “Admit it, Danni,” he said.
“Admit you're feeling it, too.”

out of your freaking mind!”

at the beach when you and I were in the water,” he whispered
beside her ear and she shivered. “You. Felt. It.” He
kissed her temple; let his lips hover over the pulse point. “And
you're feeling it now. Aren't you?”

feel nothing, Alex, because I don't like you,” she said.

tipped his head and looked at her. A faint smile pulled at his lips.
the one lying.”

you're arrogant,” she said.

been called
worse, Danni,” he said. “Admit what you're feeling.”

have nothing to admit, you ass, so back the fuck off!”

Alex rubbed his cheek to
hers and he heard her sigh. Her chest was rising quickly, brushing
against his. The tension in her hands pressing against his chest
went slack; she almost seemed to bend into him. Alex pressed his
fingers to the nape of her neck. The slight touch had her throat
arching and his mouth dropped down and took it; lips nuzzling under
her chin, his tongue teasing the skin.

it, Danni,” he whispered. His breath warmed the wet spot
created by his mouth. “Say it and make it easy for yourself …
Chase … and me.”

Alex heard her soft whimpers
first, then felt her tremble against him. He slid back from her and
saw the emotion shimmering in her eyes. His hand cupped the side of
her face; the pad of his thumb rubbed the skin.

don't want this,” she said. “I don't want you.”

body language betrays you, Danni.” Alex inched closer and
kissed her cheekbone.

could have any woman you wanted – including Griffin. Why don't
you seduce her?”

I don't want her, Danni,” Alex said. “I want you.”

me? I just don't get it.”

beautiful inside and out,” he whispered. “And, we both
happen to have very strong feelings for the same guy – which
makes you even more attractive to me. But, this goes way beyond the
physical, Danni. I feel a connection with you that is difficult to
describe; almost spiritual, and I don't want to walk away.”
can't cross this line – I won't betray Chase,” she said
in a breathy voice.

isn't betrayal, Danni,” Alex said. “Chase wants this,

Danni struggled again in his
arms and Alex held her still. “Say it, Danni. Tell me you
want this and set us all free,” Alex said. His lips skimmed
across her face; feathery light touches, then his mouth sought her
throat again and sucked the skin. The suction of his mouth made
Danni moan.

god,” she said. Her hands slid up his chest and over the tops
of his shoulders; her fingers disappearing into his long hair. “I
… I love Chase,” she said.

love him, but you
us both,” he said. “And, that's okay, baby, because you
can have us both.” He dragged his tongue up the slender column
of her throat to her chin. “Think of how good it will be with
all three of us in bed; Chase and I both pleasuring you, until you
beg us to stop. Tell me you want that as much as I do, Danni. Tell
me and I'll make it happen.”

can never happen,” Danni said.

Alex held her face in his
hands. “Why not?” he asked. “What are you afraid

grabbed for Alex's wrists and more tears pooled in her eyes. “I'm
afraid of you.”

dropped his hands from her face and took a step backward. “Afraid

nodded and looked at the floor. “You make me feel things,”
she said. “Things I shouldn't feel with anyone but Chase, and
that's not right. Going there with you would make me feel like I was
cheating and I won't do that.”

Alex pulled her against him.
He made sure she felt all of him this time; his arms surrounding
her, muscled chest and stomach pressed into her, and his erection
nudged in the warm notch between her thighs. His hands settled on
her ass and slightly lifted her; rubbing her against him. His lips
hovered over hers. He could feel her quick breaths heating his face.

really need to kiss you,” he said, against her partially open
mouth. “Tell me you want that kiss, too. Danni, please. Be
honest, once and for all.”

Danni's nod was so subtle,
if Alex had blinked he would have missed it. His arms tightened
around her waist. He needed to be certain she was with him on this.
“Say it out loud,” he whispered, lightly nipping at her
bottom lip. “I need to hear you say it.”

A long moment passed.
Danni's fingers squeezed the back of his neck. Her body perfectly
molded to his, making every inch of her skin touching him tingle.
The ache between her legs was almost unbearable. If she rubbed her
thighs together she would have climaxed with no other touch needed.
Her eyelids slowly lifted and held Alex's smoldering gaze. His
fingers dug into the firm muscles of her butt cheek.

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