Take the Cake (36 page)

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Authors: Sandra Wright

BOOK: Take the Cake
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“Real good.” She smiled. “I just told Emily my dastardly plan.”

“How did she take it?”

“I think she’s in shock, but she’s accepted the offer.”

Michael twisted in his seat. “Congratulations, Emily,” he called, grinning when her “Thank you” carried back to him from behind the counter.

“That was a big step you’ve taken, handing the reins over to someone else like that,” Michael commented.

“Bear said the same,” Kate agreed, “but he thinks I’m doing the right thing.”

“If Paul gives it the nod, then that’s good enough for me. In fact, I think you deserve a reward.” He lifted the Saks bag onto the table in front of him and gestured for Kate to open it.

“What have you done?” Kate asked, straightening up in her seat to peer into the bag. All she could see was tissue paper.

“Got you a present,” Michael replied with an expectant grin.

Mystified, Kate reached into the bag to pull out the contents. Tissue paper rustled and fell away to reveal a cherry red cashmere coat. Kate gazed at it for a moment before clutching it to her and rubbing the collar against her cheek as she gave Michael a delighted smile.

“For me?”

Michael was very pleased with her reaction. “I didn’t want my girl to be cold when I’m not around,” he said in a low voice, leaning toward her to give her a kiss.

They both looked up as Wren gave a low whistle. “Michael,” she said as she walked toward them, her eyes not leaving the coat. “I’m impressed. That’s the new Kenneth Cole wing collar trench.”

“Huh?” Michael gave her a blank look.

“I think that means it’s good,” Kate said by way of translation as she reached up to give Michael a kiss of thanks.

“Better than good. It’s one of this season’s hot looks,” Wren added as she reached out for the coat. “May I?”

“Sure,” Kate said as she handed the coat over.

Wren took the garment by the shoulders and gave it a quick shake so that it hung properly and after turning it this way and that for inspection, held it out for Kate to put on. “Come on, let’s see it on you,” she commanded.

“Here?” Kate glanced down at her apron and jeans.

“Why not? Come on.” Wren jiggled the coat for emphasis.

“You might as well. David’s told me what she’s like when she’s on a mission,” Michael whispered into Kate’s ear, making her giggle.

“Preaching to the choir,” Kate said in an undertone, untying her apron and handing it to Michael before turning and slipping her arms into the waiting coat sleeves.

Emily strolled out from the kitchen to see Kate trying on her gift and grinned. Crossing the store, she indicated the apron in Michael’s hands.

“Give that to me and I’ll hang it up,” she offered. “I think she’s done for the day.”

Michael handed it over with a smile of thanks, and Emily retreated to the kitchen again. Wren helped her pull the coat on and then made her turn around, fussing over her as she made sure the coat was sitting properly before reaching for the belt.

“I think I can manage—” Kate began, only to be shushed by Wren as she quickly knotted the belt and stepped back with a nod of satisfaction.

For a moment, Wren and Michael just stared at her, making her blush a little under their scrutiny. Kate ran her hands down the front of the coat, loving the feel of the soft fabric beneath her touch. The coat fell to mid-thigh, which Wren assured Michael was perfect.

“How does it look?” Kate said after she decided they had been quiet long enough.

“You’ll do.” Michael smiled. The red cashmere was a perfect foil for her dark blond hair and pale skin, and her lips curled invitingly as she smiled back. He took up the silent offer and leaned forward for a soft kiss.

“It’s gorgeous,” Wren said approvingly. “Now all you need is something to keep your head warm and—” She broke off as Michael reached into the shopping bag again.

“You mean something like this?” Michael held up a smaller tissue-wrapped bundle.

“There’s more?” Kate was feeling very spoiled. Again the tissue paper was dispensed with to reveal a gray cashmere cap that fit softly onto her head like a beanie, along with a matching scarf.

“Forrester,” Wren said once Kate had been accessorized to her satisfaction. “I like your style.”

“I can’t take all the credit,” Michael admitted at last. “I spoke to my mom about where to go, and then the saleswoman at Saks picked out a few to choose from.”

“You didn’t talk to me first?” Wren tried to look affronted. “I think I’m hurt.”

“I only just got the idea this morning,” Michael explained, “but trust me, next time I get an idea, I’ll be sure to call.”

“Good.” Wren nodded. “You guys look pretty cozy now. Why don’t you take off?”

“Huh?” Kate looked surprised.

“What, you think Emily and I can’t lock up for the day? You’re standing there all rigged up and gorgeous; go enjoy yourselves.”

“But—” Kate began, blinking as Wren snapped her fingers peremptorily at her.

“No buts, we’ll call this a training run,” Emily joined in. “Give me the keys and then you two can go.”

“What, you’re drunk on power already?” Kate teased.

Emily laughed but stood firm. “You were saying that you wanted to check out some winter warmers, so why don’t you just go do some research or something if calling it that is going to make you feel better.”

“Winter warmers?” Michael looked interested at this.

“The boss here likes to have a winter drink menu. We were talking about getting some fresh ideas this morning, so I think this is your cue to take her out for some research,” Emily replied.

“Winter drinks, huh?” Michael looked thoughtful. “You know, I think I know just the place.” He’d glanced at a menu in passing when he had left Saks, and on the basis of Emily’s conversation knew that it had to be just what Kate was looking for.

“You are
bossy.” Kate laughed at the two determined women before her. “Wren,” she appealed, “a little help?”

“Sorry, boss.” Wren grinned. “New boss has a point: you’re outta here.”

“So it’s mutiny, huh?” Kate replied.

“You should be getting used to it by now,” Wren quipped. “Really,” she went on to Michael, “Emily and I gang up on her all the time these days.”

“So I see.” Michael grinned. “And who am I to argue?” He gave Kate another kiss. “Get your bag. We’ve got research to do.”

Kate retreated to the kitchen to get her bag, and Michael congratulated Emily again on her promotion.

“Thanks.” She gave him a shy smile. “It was quite a shock.”

“It’s well deserved,” Michael assured her. “Kate has been thinking about it for a while.”

“It’s a great opportunity.” Emily nodded. “She really is something.”

Michael looked up as he heard Kate laughing at something Wren had just said. She was still laughing as she rounded the corner from the kitchen and walked toward him to take his hand.

“She sure is.” Michael smiled. “C’mon, let’s go research.”

“See you tomorrow,” Kate called as Michael tugged her toward the door.

“Not too early,” Wren answered. “We’ll open up.”


Michael took her to the Flatiron Lounge, an art deco bar that was warmly lit and already getting busy for the evening with the after-work crowd.

“Look at those red leather lounges. I’m warming up just looking at them,” Kate marveled as she stepped inside.

After a brief wait they were seated side by side at a booth, and Kate was poring over the menu as she unwound her scarf and gloves.

“Wow,” she said after a considered pause, “their mixologists here really know their stuff.” Her eyebrows went up in surprise. “Jasmine-infused vodka with white peach puree?” She gave Michael a happy smile. “We’re going to have to come back here when I don’t have to work the next day.”

“Which could be sometime soon now that you’ve got more backup,” Michael said as he settled himself more comfortably and put his arm around her shoulders.

Kate leaned into him and kept reading, and then sat up straight, tapping the menu decisively. “Sold. I’ve just found what I want.”

“What’s that?” Michael leaned forward to check the menu.

“Cocoa Chanel,” Kate read for him. “Valrhona hot chocolate mixed with Herradura Reposado Tequila and served with a floater of loosely whipped cinnamon cream.”

“Cocoa Chanel?” Michael chuckled with quiet amusement as he remembered his afternoon.

“Am I missing something?”

“When I was at Saks this afternoon, I smelled you, or rather, your perfume. I followed the trail and it let me to the Chanel counter.” He had smiled at the thought of Kate’s scent trail leading him throughout the store, and wondered, not for the first time, if argon had any scent of its own. The more time they spent together, the more their breaths mingled, the more the immortal molecule continued to bind them together. It was an invisible bond that he never wanted to break.

“Ah.” Kate nodded knowingly. “My

Michael leaned in to give her a soft kiss, and when he pulled away, Kate smiled at the intensity of his regard as their breaths washed softly over each other. “It certainly is,” he agreed.


Chapter 21

The L Word

Kate finished her cocoa and swiped some of the cream off the rim of her cup with a finger and licked it off.

“How was it?” Michael asked as he watched her over the rim of his cup of affrogatto.

“Just as good as the first,” Kate replied, and scooped up some more cinnamon cream on her finger and held it out to him. “Want some?”

Michael dipped his head toward her hand by way of answer and gently sucked the cream off her finger, kissing the tip of it as he withdrew.

“I see what you mean,” he said. “Do you want another?”

Kate had another lick of cream and then pushed her empty cup away with a regretful sigh.

“I think two is my limit,” she said as she leaned against his shoulder, nestling against him as he pulled her closer. “I’m actually kinda tired.”

Michael set his cup down so that he could check his watch. “It’s just past seven,” he commented. “Do you want to do something for dinner?”

Kate played with her spoon aimlessly as she considered his offer and then glanced up at him. “I don’t think I’m hungry.” She lifted a hand to her throat as she swallowed.

Michael watched as she rubbed her throat and sipped at a glass of water with a slight grimace. “Is everything okay?”

Kate looked surprised. “Sure, the day was good.” She patted her collar of her coat and gave him a pleased smile. “And I adore my present.” Her smile faltered. “I guess I just feel a little off.”

“Hmm.” Michael stroked her face with the back of his fingers. “You’ve been working pretty hard; maybe you’re burning out.”

“Like you can talk,” Kate scoffed. “You’ve been putting in some ridiculous hours yourself.”

“True,” Michael conceded. “But sitting on my butt is different than what you do.”

“I guess we’re busy in our own way,” Kate commented, shrugging off his comment.

“Just as well I’m here to make sure you look after yourself, then,” Michael teased, and then was startled to see Kate looking at him with her eyes watering. “What’s wrong? Sweetheart, are you—” He broke off as Kate’s face crumpled and she sneezed three times in quick succession.

“Guh,” she said, groping for a napkin and blowing her nose. “That was unexpected.”

“That’s it. I’m taking you home,” Michael said as he signaled for the check. Kate was looking a little flustered now, and he began to rub her back with one hand as they waited. The check was delivered, and Michael spared it a cursory glance, pulling out his wallet and tossing down a few bills as he stood up.

“No, I’m okay,” Kate protested as she wiped her eyes. “If you want to get something to eat we can—” Her words were cut short by another sneeze.

“You were saying?” Michael started to laugh as he helped her to her feet.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on,” she muttered as he allowed him to steer her toward the bar. “I felt just fine earlier.”

“So what happened between then and now?” Michael asked before stopping her at the door to make sure she was bundled up against the cold before ushering her outside.

“Nothing.” Kate shrugged. “I had a talk with Emily about the new arrangement.”

“And it all went well?” Michael put his arm around Kate’s waist, hooking his thumb on the belt of her coat as they walked.

“Better than,” Kate confirmed. “She’s excited and scared, but I think she’ll be great.”

“And Wren is okay?”

“Oh, sure.” Kate nodded, swallowing and wincing against the slight pain. “Managing the store is something she never wanted to do, so she’s good.”

Michael nodded as he listened to Kate talk. She had been worried about broaching the subject of the store with Wren and had talked it over at length with Michael. Wren certainly had more experience with the store than Emily, but it was obvious that her natural creativity would eventually lead her into a world beyond the bakery doors. They paused at the traffic lights, and Michael glanced down in concern as Kate sneezed again.

“That definitely doesn’t sound right,” he commented as she blew her nose with a groan.

“There’s a right way to sneeze?” Kate quipped as the light changed and they crossed the street.

“Oh, sure,” Michael replied. “Dad and I made it a point to sneeze in a manner we saw fit.”

“Really,” Kate said with amused skepticism.

“Yup.” Michael winked at her and then moved his attention back to the sidewalk as he navigated them through the pedestrian traffic. “Practically anyone can say
when they sneeze, but Dad and I worked on different sayings.”

“Such as?” Kate blinked and, feeling fatigued, leaned against Michael a little more.

“Well, there was
,” Michael began. “That’s always a classic, and
. Of course,” he went on in an off-hand tone, “Dad went through an Al Pacino phase after
Scent of a Woman
came out, so all of his sneezes sounded like
for a while there.”

Kate shook with laughter, and Michael quirked an eyebrow at her in mock disdain.

“You mock our time-honored efforts when the best you can manage is some kind of cat sneeze?”

“A what?” Kate rubbed at her nose; it had started to tickle again.

“You haven’t noticed? You come out with a kind of—” He broke off and performed a serious of soft high-pitched
ish, ish, ish

“You’re telling me I sneeze like a cat?” Kate managed when she’d stopped laughing.

“I am,” Michael said as he gave her a fond look. “And I, for one, think it sounds cute.”

“Fine,” Kate said, waving a hand with resignation. “I’m the girl with the cute sneeze, whatever.”

“More than that,” Michael said as he pulled her close to kiss her temple. “You’re
girl with the cute sneeze.”

Kate considered that and nodded. “Works for me. So where are we sleeping tonight: yours or mine?” she asked as they kept walking.

“Tricky,” Michael mused. “Your place is closer, so I’m happy to go there—”

“Your place.” Kate decided while he thought aloud, making him glance at her in surprise.

“Really? I thought you’d want to go home if you weren’t feeling well.”

“You’ve got a king size bed,” she admitted with a sheepish grin, “
a bath.”

“Ahh, now we get to it.” Michael nodded sagely. “You only want me for my bed and bath.”

“I guess you had to find out some time.” Kate sighed. “Now take me home.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Michael answered, grinning to himself as Kate tried to muffle another cat sneeze with minimal success. They exchanged a quick sidelong look but said nothing as they kept walking.

The first thing Michael did when they arrived at his apartment was to run Kate a hot bath. A quick rummage in the bathroom cupboard produced a bottle of bath foam that Kate had purchased, and she settled back into a sea of foam with a sigh of satisfaction as soon as the water was to her liking.

Some time later, Michael peered at Kate around the bathroom doorway. “Do you think you’ll be up for something to eat after you’re done soaking?”

“I think so, but nothing big,” Kate replied after a considered pause. “You know,” she went on as she scooped up a handful of foam, “there’s plenty of room in here for two.”

“Oh, I’m well aware of that,” Michael said as he crossed the room to kneel beside the tub and gently kiss her shoulder, “but you’re not well.”

“I could feel better,” Kate said in a hopeful tone, turning her face toward him for a kiss that quickly became heated.

“I think,” Michael growled when he managed to pull away at last, “you need some rest before I have my way with you.”

“I feel rested now,” Kate argued as she reached out a wet hand to grab a fistful of his T-shirt.

Michael put up a half-hearted resistance at best before his tongue licked inside her mouth as he cupped her face in his hands. Her skin felt warm to the touch, and he looked at the flush in her cheeks and beads of sweat dotting her forehead.

“Baby, you’re hot,” he said in concern.

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” Kate smiled as she evaded his hands and nipped at his throat.

“Uh.” Michael’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment as her breath puffed against his neck. “Wait, no, I meant you could be running a fever.”

He drew in a shaky breath as he watched a clump of suds slide down her arm and rest against her naked hip that peeked out of the water. He shifted slightly and slid a hand down her arm and across her body so that he could cup a breast, his thumb rubbing over the rosy tip. Kate closed her eyes and relaxed in the bath, curling up slightly in pleasure. Michael watched her as she opened her eyes and gazed at him, the tip of her tongue darting out to moisten her lips.

“Sure you don’t want to join me?” she asked as she ran a damp finger along his forearm.

“No,” he admitted as he dipped his head to kiss her again. This time when he broke the kiss they were both looking flushed. “I’m going to get you something to eat,” he said, his voice sounding hoarse now. “And you’re going to get into bed and get comfortable.”

“Okay.” Kate smiled, although her bottom lip was sticking out a little.

Michael cocked his head and regarded her demure acceptance for a moment.

“Are you pouting at me?” he asked.

“Maybe a little,” she admitted. The tequila in her cocoa had been minimal at best, but the combination of a little alcohol on top of feeling tired and then a hot bath had her feeling more than a little silly.

“Just when I think you can’t get any cuter,” he muttered. He got up and yanked a fluffy towel off a nearby hook to leave beside the bath. “Take your time. I’ll be about twenty minutes.”

“Will do.” Kate lifted a leg out of the water and gazed at her foot to see how wrinkled she was getting before relaxing back into the water with a splash. She could dimly hear Michael moving in the kitchen, the run of a tap and the clank of what sounded like a saucepan. A small part of her wondered what he was up to, but she dried her hands and picked up the magazine she had found on one of Michael’s bookshelves earlier. It was a copy of
Vanity Fair;
a couple of years old by the looks of it, but the articles looked interesting.

She flicked through the pages, giving them a cursory glance. Her mind felt too fuzzy to handle anything too intellectual at the moment; most of the articles looked to be beyond her tolerance levels for the evening. The magazine was glossy and the advertisements catered to the wealthy, but an Annie Leibovitz portfolio of Hollywood actors soon distracted her. The bath water had cooled slightly, but her skin was still flushed. She wiped some stick tendrils of hair off her forehead and kept reading.

“Hey.” Michael’s soft voice interrupted her, and she blinked up at him owlishly as he leaned against the door frame, his arms folded over his chest as he regarded her with a slight smile. “You done?”

“Sure,” she replied, startled when her voice came out sounding like a tired croak.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Kate stood up with a slight wobble and stepped out of the tub into the towel that Michael held out for her. He rubbed her down with gentle movements, wrapping her up in it and giving her another kiss as he steered her toward the bedroom.

“Get changed, and I’ll get your snack.”

“Why are you being so good to me?” Kate asked, the question bubbling out of her without any conscious thought.

“Because I can,” Michael said in a mild tone. “Because I want to.”

“Really?” Kate stood at the foot of his expansive bed, naked but for the towel she held clutched around her damp body. Her hair had half-fallen out of the sloppy knot she had tied it up in, and it straggled around her shoulders, making her look like a wet dandelion. Michael didn’t think he’d ever seen her look more vulnerable.

“Really. You just make yourself comfortable, and let me take care of the rest.”

Another smile of reassurance, and he was gone.

Kate stood in the bedroom blinking at his retreating back, and then turned to look at the bed. Even when she and Tom had been dating, he’d never fussed after her like this. The bed had been freshly made by the looks of it; the comforter was a beige waffle-weave bordered with white sheets, and there were enough pillows to make a fort. She crossed to the dresser and opened what she thought of as her drawer to grab some clean underwear and an old T-shirt of Michael’s that she liked to sleep in. Retrieving the magazine from the bathroom, she climbed into bed. The sheets were crisp and cool against her warm skin, and she settled herself against the pillows with a sigh.

She could still hear Michael banging things in the kitchen and wondered again just what he was up to. Flicking some damp hair off her neck, she thumbed her way through the magazine to the last photo she had been studying. She let her gaze dwell on the couture gowns worn by a group of A-list actresses posed amidst an elaborate set of chaise lounges, packing crates, and Afghan rugs. Lost in a study of plush fabrics and body language, she looked up at the sound of movement nearby to see Michael padding toward her with a small ceramic bowl in his hand.

“Here you go,” he said. “I know it’s simple, but it’s what I want when I don’t feel good.”

“Mashed potatoes?” Kate surveyed the bowl with surprise. The mash was creamy and topped with cracked pepper and a generous curl of butter. She smiled when she realized that Michael had drawn the shape of a heart in the mash with the fork that accompanied the bowl. She looked up at him with a smile of thanks, and suddenly the words that she had been hesitating over were there. “I love you.”

Michael looked at her and a slow, pleased smile spread across his face.

“If I’d known mashed potatoes would earn that kind of declaration, I’d have made it weeks ago,” he commented as he sat down on the bed.

Kate looked down at the bowl in her hands and then gave him a tremulous smile. “I guess it’s been a while since I’ve been looked after like this.”

Michael leaned closer and gave her a kiss.

“It’s no less than you deserve,” he said. “And I love you too.” He straightened and gestured to the bowl. “Now, eat.”

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