Take (Need #2) (25 page)

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Authors: K.I. Lynn,N. Isabelle Blanco

BOOK: Take (Need #2)
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Then everything breaks, causing me to shake beneath him as my pussy pulses and floods around him.

He’s cursing above me, but it’s lost as my brain is blasted of all thought. Just the pleasurable agony each time he thrusts, drawing my orgasm out as he finds his.

A few strokes with me coming and they become jerky. I can feel each pulse of his cock firing off, his body convulsing from the strain.

He falls down on top of me, our panting breaths in sync.

Neither of us move for a minute, both spent.

I can’t stop from caressing his back and shoulders with my fingers. Light strokes that pull contented moans from him as he kisses my neck.

When he pulls back, his lips are soft against mine, almost reverent. The madness is gone, his eyes clear, staring straight into me. Still inside me, he caresses my hair, forehead resting on mine.

“Did you drive?” he asks.

I shake my head. “Jenna picked me up.”

His lips move lightly against mine. “Can I take you home?”

“To Columbus? No.” His lower lip juts out, and I can’t help but giggle at the cute expression on his face. “But, you can take me to my home. I’ll even let you sneak in the shower with me once the parents are asleep, if you’re good.”

His face lights up, and he bites his lower lip. “I’m always good, baby.”

I roll my eyes and slap his chest.

“Just imagine when you move to Columbus. Sex, sex, sex all the time.”

He pulls out and steps back, walking over to the small sink and grabbing some paper towels.

“We have to have some study sessions where there is actual studying, otherwise I’m going to flunk out of school,” I say.

He wipes his cock off, licking his lips as he stares at my pussy. “Okay, sex first, then studying.”

“Why first?”

He puts my panties back in place, giving a little pat, letting me know he wants his come to stay right where he put it. “All that sexual tension in the air. How are we supposed to get anything done with that looming over us?”

“Sexual tension? Please! Just an excuse to fuck me.”

He nods. “Kitty, I would fuck you every minute of the day if I could.”

I reach up and caress his cheek before pulling his lips down to mine. Soft, sensual, spine-tingling bliss, and something I would never stop doing, because kissing Brayden is becoming my favorite thing to do.

“I have to get back to the movie,” I say. I’m no longer concerned with it really, and I’m sure it has already started, but I don’t need my friends sending out a search party.

Grabbing onto my waist, he puts me back on my feet and threads his fingers with mine, pulling me to the door.

“I suppose, if you have to get back. I can go hunt down our brother.”

“Ew, don’t say it like that after we just had sex!”

He laughs, getting what I’m sure is the response he’s after. Making fun of our situation does help a little with the reality of it.

When we get back to the door leading to the lobby, he stops and releases my hand.

“Thanks for attacking me.”

“Anytime,” His lip twitches up. “Seriously. Anytime.”

I pop an elbow into his side and find I’m having a hard time leaving him. “You’re such a jerk.”

Leaning down, he gives me a kiss on the temple, along with a slap on the ass. “Have fun. I’ll see you after the movie.”

I sneak out the door, leaving him to follow a minute later. The halls have emptied some, but there are still a lot of people milling around.

The couple hundred feet down to theater nine seem to last forever, my heart beating wildly against my chest. I’m caught between wildly excited about our public sex and extremely terrified that someone who knew us saw what was going on.

The movie is already going when I enter, spotting my friends in the second row. I duck down to slide in next to Ashley.

“Where have you been?” she asks as she points to my drink in the cup holder.

I give her a blank stare and from the other side of her, Jenna starts laughing, but not at the screen, earning a glare from the person in front of us.

“You totally had a movie theater rendezvous, didn’t you?”

I purse my lips and glare at her as I grab a handful of popcorn and try to make sense of the movie that started fifteen minutes ago.

While it helps me to ignore the giggles of my friends, it does nothing for the feel of thick liquid slowly pooling in my cheekies.







Yeah, I just came at her like a beast. Manhandling her until my dick was pumping inside her like a male ruled by the basic need to fuck my seed into a female of the species.

Only, it was really a shit day with pent-up anger and blue balls after she fucking teased me this morning. Walking into the bathroom as I was getting ready for work, wearing almost nothing, smirking while she stripped off her clothes and got in the shower, knowing I didn’t have time.

How the fuck was I supposed to stop the cock busting through my zipper or the madness that took over with each passing minute of the day without being inside her? Did she really think not being home when I got there was going to help her cause? That because she was in public I wouldn’t come after her?

Hell, no. My dick couldn’t wait.

I’m calmer now, the testosterone no longer pulsing through my veins like I was jacked up on steroids or some shit.

“Better?” Dana asks as I sit down at a table a few blocks from where Kira is to wait.

My brow scrunches. “Better?”

“Ryan said you were having a rough day.”

I turn to my best friend and cock my brow.

“Don’t give me that look.” He knocks back his half-gone beer. “You’re the fucker who sent me a text going off about my ‘cock tease’ of a sister.”

Fuck. I did do that when replying to his text about meeting at Fox and Hound.

“Yeah, well . . . Better.”

“Good. Now can you do me a favor and stop fucking telling me anything that goes on between you two below the belt? That’s my fucking baby sister.”

I nod. “Sorry, man. So, where’s Craig?”

“Should be here any minute.”

“It’s been a while.”

“He was at the graduation party, wasn’t he?”

“Yeah.” But I hadn’t seen him since I abruptly stood to follow Kira on her trek to the bathroom that led to us both leaving. “How’re the Reds doing?”


And that was how the game ended just over an hour later. I’d timed it out, my exit, making sure to head back to the theater right as the movie let out.

“All right, I’m out,” I say as I throw down thirty bucks for my beers and burger.

Craig throws his hands up. “Dude, you just got here.”

“Sorry, man. I told Kira I’d pick her up from the movies so these two can have their date.”

Lies. They’re beginning to flow. Soon, they’ll be the norm. An everyday occurrence to hide our relationship.

Ryan quirks his brow at me but says nothing while Dana smiles up at me and waves. “Thanks. And be safe!”

Craig grabs my hand in a firm shake. “See you in a couple weeks.”

I nod. “It’s about time, isn’t it?” I step back, giving a last wave and “See you later” as I walk toward the door.

Spending the rest of the night with my girl is exactly what I need, so I’m happy she relented and let me pick her up. Just me and her. Maybe we’ll go to the basement and cuddle.

Yeah, cuddle. She promised me shower sex, and after sex, my favorite thing is my girl curled up next to and on me.

My fingers drum on the steering wheel, excited to pick her up, to just be able to chill with her the rest of the night.

There’s a horde of people streaming out of the theater doors, making the drive through to park a near impossibility and grating on me. I scan the crowd, but don’t see her. About a hundred feet away I spot a group of girls, two with identical hair, walking toward the other side of the building. It’s then I see my girl’s gorgeous hair that I’m suddenly dying to fist as I fuck her.

Looks like chilling is going to happen after my cock pops in her again. I’m still a bit pumped up from earlier.

Three break off just as a tall blond walks toward them, and I crawl another twenty feet, getting more frustrated by the second. My fingers tighten around the wheel, turning my knuckles white, because the blond stops at her and I can finally make out who it is.

The second I see him, my blood begins to boil.


The exact moment I see he’s stopped, standing next to Kira, my insides implode. I’m unable to take that he’s near her, no longer able to contain the anger coursing through me.

Everything is bathed in red.

He’s giving her those puppy dog eyes again, touching her, trying again to take her from me.

They’re getting way more comfy looking than I can stand, but I’m still stuck in the droves of idiots who won’t get out of my fucking way.

A gap finally opens, and I manage to get a parking spot about five in on the farthest aisle.

I’m out of my car as soon as it stops, pulling the keys out and stalking my way over.

There’s only twenty feet between us when I hear the advocacy of death by my hands.

“I want you, Kira, please, give me a chance. Be my girlfriend.”

I don’t know what he’s said to her before I got in range, but his pleas have my fists balled up tight, ready to lay him out in front of everyone. Make an example of him for all fuckers to see. Mash his face until he’s an unrecognizable, bloody, pulp of a human.


I don’t know if she responds, but I stop in my tracks as he dips down and presses his lips to hers. She jerks, and tries to pull back, but he’s got her arms in his grip.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I scream so loud, so harsh, it startles everyone in a fifty-foot radius.

Murder pumps through me, ready to finish this once and for all.

They both jump. Kira’s eyes go wide, while Austin’s harden. He stands straight, chest pumped up, fingers curling into fists as well.

Fucker wants to have it out.

Fine by me.

I finish the gap and we’re here again, facing off, foreheads pressed together while every muscle in our bodies is tensed, waiting to blow.

“Are you really this stupid?” I ask between clenched teeth.

“Brayden, stop!” Kira tries to push us apart, but neither of us is budging.

“Butt the hell out, Hunt,” he snarls. “This is between me and her.”

No, there is nothing between them, and my rage and anger toward him snap, unable to be contained. Pushing against his chest I move him just enough to swing my arm back and fly it forward, connecting with his face.

He falls down to the ground, giving me enough time to step over to Kira, who’s staring down at Austin, hand over her mouth.

“Are you okay?” I ask, drawing her attention back to me.

She nods, her beautiful hazel eyes wide. Another look to the bastard on the ground, one who’s getting up, and she pushes against my stomach.

“Let’s go,” she says, almost frantic.

She’s worried, and rightfully so. Austin glares up at me, stretching his jaw. I don’t even notice the ache in my hand.

“Come on, Brayden.” She’s still trying to get me to move, but it’s not happening.

I pull my car keys out of my pocket and place them in her hand.

“Wait in the car.”

She glares up at me. “What the fu

The breath gets knocked out of my lungs as Austin’s football moves come into play, digging his shoulder into my abdomen, a solid hit, sending us both down to the ground.

It’s fucking hard, concrete scraping against skin, knocking my head at least once. There’s no pause as we pick ourselves up. I grab onto his shirt and jab my fist into his ribs.

“I fucking told you to stay the fuck away from her!”

I don’t care that we’ve gained an audience. The sounds of surprise and shock, some egging on, are the soundtrack of my hits connecting, beating into him the ridiculousness of his grievances.

My head is flung to the side as he gets in a blow. I can taste the tang of blood in my mouth, probably from a split lip. Everything is a bit blurry as I turn back to him, my glasses missing.

“She’s an adult. She can make her own decisions,” he says as if that’s some type of argument in his favor.

We’re grappling, stuck in a hand-to-hand struggle, both straining to gain the upper hand.

“Yes, she can, but you can’t seem to take no for a fucking answer.”

He sneers at me. “She hasn’t told me to leave her alone.”

Fuck! My gaze snaps to her as my chest fucking clenches at the worst time. She’s horror struck, but staring right at me, not him.

The words may not have passed her lips, but she doesn’t talk to him, doesn’t hang out with him, and most definitely doesn’t have his come inside her.

A strike to my abdomen brings me back to the assclown whose arm I have pinned in place with my own. I grab onto his neck, pushing him away as he gets in another few hits.

“She doesn’t want you.”

With all my force, I swing my fist around and land a punch right at his cheekbone. It sends him stumbling to the ground again.

He spits on the ground, painting the concrete red, and looks up at me. “You’re just a pathetic asshole who can’t get it through his head that he can’t have his stepsister.”

Rage comes over me again and before he stands back up, I lay him out again.

“You’re the pathetic one who can’t tell when a girl doesn’t want you!”

He bolts up and charges again, digging his shoulder into mine, slamming me into the brick wall. The impact knocks the wind from me and the disorientation gives him time to pummel my sides. It takes more than a few ticks to get my breath and focus back to retaliate.

I swing my elbow into the side of his head repeatedly until he lets go.

He falls back, and we’re grappling for control again,

“You’re in love with your stepsister,” he hisses at me. “Do you understand how sick that is?”

“Shut your face!” I scream, folding his arm under mine, trying to punch at his ribs again until I can get to his head. I need to knock the fucker out.

The crowd is far enough away they might not hear the shit coming out of his mouth, but he needs to stop, and I’m determined to shut him the fuck up. He doesn’t get how what he’s saying affects Kira, too.

I don’t give a fuck anymore if people know how I feel about her, but Kira does, and I’ll be damned to let this asshole put her through that.

A siren goes off and suddenly I notice the blue and red lights flashing, bouncing off everything around.


Austin lands another hit to my face, setting a ringing off in my head and my vision to blur.


I swing blindly back at him and connect with something, just as the booming authoritative voice ends it all.

“Break it up, boys.”

Fuck all that is fucking fuck.

We’re both breathing heavily, reluctantly breaking apart.

“Get on your knees, hands behind your head.”

“Kira, catch.” I pull my phone out of my back pocket and toss it to her before complying.

I get a dirty look from one of the two cops, who eyes Kira. She looks at me in confusion, but there’s something else in her eyes I can’t make out.

“Call my mom,” I say to her. The last thing I need or want right now is my father finding out what happened, at least not first.

The theater manager is there now, talking to them.

We’re only on our knees for a minute or two, a spectacle for all to see. Whispered words, gossip in the making, but it’s all about the fall of Brayden Hunt and Austin Reed’s friendship. A few talking about protecting my

It’s all people we went to school with and a few curious onlookers.

One cop walks around and pulls my hands behind me, linking, caging me with metal handcuffs before hauling me up to my feet. This is a moment I never expected to happen to me.

A hand on my head as I’m stuffed into the back of the patrol car.

I look back to Kira. Her brow is furrowed, my phone clutched in her hand. I want to kiss the worry from her lips, but I have a feeling the next few days are going to be full of nothing but shit.

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