Take Me Now (Take Me Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Take Me Now (Take Me Series)
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Brady poured another cup of coffee and carried it to the
back porch. It would be interesting to see which of Sari’s fantasies she chose,
he thought. At least it would give him a better idea of what she really wanted.
The shower and the incident in the woods had been hot, but intense. He was
hoping for something a little more sensuous, soft and gentle. If he didn’t slow
down, he would never make it through the end of the week, much less, the

He stared deep into the pines. Who was he fooling? Even if
he made it through the week how could he return to work and not look at her
without remembering every intimate moment, every quiver and sigh, the peaks of
her nipples, the golden curls, the taste of her mouth? At least Sari wouldn’t
have to endure the torture

she didn’t know that it was him.




Sari paced the room from one end to the other. The
exhilaration of the morning had pushed her over the top.
She glanced down at the laptop. She was going
to go with something softer, but what? What did she want? She remembered the
slide of his tongue along the heel of her foot, the tender kisses and nibbles
up and down the length of her thigh. Everything that he did to her made her
yearn to be filled with him.

So, what could she choose that would keep her desire in
check? She sat on the bed and considered her options. There was no reason why
she couldn’t pick a fantasy that had been intended with Brady Thompson in mind.




Brady knocked on the door and waited for Sari’s response.
“I’m coming in,” he said. “I want you to put the blindfold on. There will be
grave consequences if you disobey me.”

There was a paused, and then she answered. “Ok, you can
come in.”

Relief washed over him when he saw her sitting on the bed
with the silk scarf in place over her eyes. He took her hand and led her to the
kitchen. He’d prepared a dinner of steak, broiled potatoes, and broccoli, with
fresh strawberries for desert.

“Smells good,” she said. “I’m famished.”

So was
he, but his hunger was of a different source. “I’ve made steak. It’s medium,
just the way you like it.
I’m gonna have to feed you.”

“Ok.” She felt a flutter in her stomach. He knew more about
her than she imagined. It was scary, way too scary.

Brady saw her nervously bite her lower lip. God, she was
sexy. He cut a small slice and lifted it to her lips. “Open.”

Sari took each forkful of food into her mouth and chewed it
slowly, deliberately, delaying the inevitable.

“Did you make a decision?” he said.

“Yes,” she said quietly, “I left the page open for you to

Brady wanted to rush into the room and read it immediately.
He had waited the entire day, worrying, hoping that she hadn’t chosen a fantasy
that he wouldn’t be able to follow through to the end.

Instead, he stared across the table looking for a hint of
what awaited them, but Sari simply smiled that knowing smile that warned him
that she was one step ahead of the game.

“I have desert,” he finally said. He reached for a
strawberry and lifted it to her lips. “Open.”

Sari took it into her mouth and delighted in the taste of
it. “My favorite, but you already knew that, didn’t you?” She ran her tongue
across her lower lip, savoring the sweetness.

Brady felt the heat rise in his cheeks as he watched her. He
touched his finger to her lip, following the same path that her tongue had
previously traveled. He was surprised when she drew it into her mouth, sucking
on it, drawing it deeper, all the way to his knuckle. His imagination ran with
the sensation, visualizing those same lips wrapped around his penis.

Suddenly, he was aware of the swelling pressure in his
groin, and wanted release. She was doing it to him again, he realized. The game
had turned into a battle of wills and he falling behind.

He withdrew his finger from her mouth and replaced it with
another strawberry.

“Did you like that?” she asked. She licked her lips even
more seductively than the first time.

Brady was at a loss for words. There was no way that he was
going to give her even the slightest advantage in the game. In lieu of
replying, he placed another strawberry in her mouth and cleared the table.

Mint, White Chai, and Lemon.”

“All of my favorites,” she sighed. “Yes, tea would be
nice.” She listened to him fill the kettle, place it on the stove and return to
his chair.

“Can I touch your face?” she suddenly asked.

Brady looked up with a start. It took him a moment to

“I’m intrigued.” She shrugged. “If we’re going to play this
game, then you have to play fair
–you seem to know everything about me,
even my most intimate secrets, while
I know nothing about you.”
the exception of the way that you work your magic on my body and drive me
through the roof
, she thought.

At least give me something.”

Sari had a point, he reasoned, and what harm could it do.
He took her hands and placed one on each cheek, then closed his eyes.
Starting at his lips, she covered every inch
of his face, ears and throat, dancing through his shoulder length hair to his
scalp. Her fingers were soft and light as a feather, and just as titillating.

When he felt the tingle travel down to his groin, the red
light flashed in his head and he took hold of her wrists and placed them in her
lap. “Enough,” he said.
She was seducing
him and he had allowed it.

Sari leaned back in her chair with a discerning smile. She
recognized the crack in his voice and knew that she had gotten to him

that his penis was swollen and
throbbing for release

she was the only one who could satiate his desire.
She was taxing his nerves, breaking him one
piece at a time and relishing every minute of it. The ball was in her court,

Brady needed air. He took her by the arm, ushered her back
to her room and turned the key in the lock.




Sari removed her blindfold and sat down on the bed.
Gratification raced through every cell in her body. Her captor was pissed at
her, or maybe pissed that he was weakening. She had definitely gotten to him,
and tonight she was going to take him so close to the edge. But the real
challenge would be in not tumbling into the abyss with him. “Let the games
begin.” She smiled.

Her eyes passed over his laptop. Through the entire day,
she had been so concerned about choosing a fantasy and a game plan that she
hadn’t even considered searching through

She cursed when she realized that he’d logged in as a
Other than the file, “Homework,”
the document folder was empty and she had no access to the rest of the
computer. He was covering all of his bases.

It seemed like an hour passed before she heard the knock at
the door and the demand that followed. “Put your blindfold on, Sari. It’s game

He was still mad, she realized, but he wouldn’t be for
long, not when she started working
magic on him.
“Come in,” she said.
She listened to his footsteps as he crossed
the room. “It’s there. I left the page open for you.”

Brady sat on the edge of the bed and looked over at the
He’d been dying to see which one
of her fantasies she had chosen, but now it scared the hell out of him. He
pulled it closer and began to read.

The color instantly drained from his cheeks. He remembered
her biting his lip

was no way in hell that he was going to allow her to…

His thoughts stopped abruptly in mid-sentence when he heard
her speak.

“I won’t bite you,” she said.

He was going to make sure of that. He drew the knife from
his side, lifted her chin, and laid the blade against the hollow of her
“Don’t play me for a fool, Sari.
I will use this, if you so much as scrape with me your teeth. Understood?”

Sari‘s reply was barely a whisper. He would hurt her, she
He was like night and day, and
what made him dangerous was that he had planned out every detail, covered every
base. He spiked her wine, loaded her into her SUV in the garage so that no one
would see him take her; brought food, ropes, knives; and had even gone as far
as to bring her luggage. A man who had gone to so much trouble would leave
nothing to chance, even if it meant killing her if necessary. Hell, he probably
even had a plan for that.

No man had ever aroused her and scared her in the same
breath. She would continue to play the game, because she had no idea what the
outcome would be if she didn’t, not to mention that she was enjoying the game as
much as he was. But this inning was going to be hers. She was going to imagine
that it was Brady’s penis that she was licking and sucking.

Sari hadn’t even realized that he had removed the blade
from her throat until she felt the rope go around her wrists. “Don’t, please. I
want to touch you.”

There was a long pause then she felt the rope slide away.
In the next instant, he was lifting her tank top up and over her head and
releasing her hair from the braid. He ran his fingers through it, pulling it
over her shoulders so that it lay across her breasts.

Sari recognized the rustle of clothing and knew that he was
Oh God, what if she couldn’t do this?
He was big, she recalled. He
took her hand and placed it around his penis. It was already pumped and
swollen. Her pulse quickened. She fisted the base in her palm and glided her
tongue along the length of it. It was everything that she had imaged of
She closed her eyes and saw his
image as clearly as if he was standing before her.
Yes, she could do this.

She placed her lips against the tip of it, swirling her
tongue around the opening, circling it, stroking it, moving in the direction of
the rim. She drew the head into her mouth. It was smooth and velvety. She
teased it with long and sensuous kisses. While her lips clamped around the rim,
her palm tightened around the base and she sucked hard.

She felt his penis pulse and swell even larger.
One more point for her.
Pulling her mouth away, she licked her lips
then nibbled up and down the shaft, one side, then the other.
She felt his shudder.

Suddenly, his hand fisted her head and he pushed the tip
against her mouth. She opened and drew him inside. Wrapping her lips around his
arousal, she slid her mouth back and forth, pulling him in, one inch at time
until the entire shaft was buried deep in her throat. Slowly, she worked it in
and out, her lips moving back and forth until she felt the quickening of it,
its pulse beating against the back of her throat. She swallowed the whole him.
A second later, his hands tightened around her head and she felt the swift
thrust of him and the hot sperm spilling down her throat.

She heard the panting of his breath as he pulled back and
lifted her chin. She knew that he was staring at her, but he said nothing.

Brady gazed down at her and smiled. The woman had
incredible talent. This was one fantasy that she had to have performed in the
o work her
tongue, lips and mouth, even her throat in such a way

was not something that you
learned from a textbook. He was definitely fucked.




An easy smile crossed Brady’s lips. Sari was the one who
changed the equation. She had shifted the restrictions in his favor by tasting
Now, he was going to taste her.
Yes, he was going to taste her for the first time, to make her squirm, arch her
pelvis and cry out, and God willing, she would surrender to him.

Sari felt the pressure of his bare leg on her thigh and
realized that he was naked as he laid her back against the bed. In the next
instant, he was lifting her ass and tugging her shorts down over her knees, her
ankles. Her wrists tugged at her restraints. The only piece of clothing between
them was her lace panties. Her stomach quivered at the thought. She tried to
stop it, but the harder she tried the more it shuddered.

Brady stood back and gazed down at her like he was admiring
a beautiful piece of artwork. There could be hundreds of paintings in the
museum, but Sari was the one that captivated him

the dark circle of nipple peering through the veil of honey
colored hair lying across her breasts; the rosy tint of her lips, slightly
parted; the soft lines of her face. His eyes trailed to the tremor of her
abdomen to her red silk panties. He scooted her up on the bed then leaned back
on his heels, lifting her legs until her calves rested on his shoulders. He saw
the air hitch in her throat; the muscles of her stomach roll like a wave, while
his prick swelled to match it.

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