Take Me Away (10 page)

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Authors: S. Moose

BOOK: Take Me Away
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SITTING HERE WAITING for Treston to come back is making me nervous. I have no idea what happened, but I have a feeling it’s not good. Looking at my cell phone for the hundredth time, realizing how late it’s getting, I grab my things and write Treston a note.


When you get back text me. I hope you’re okay.

<3 Peaches


I smile writing my nickname. The nickname he gave me.

Walking out of his room, I hear some commotion and giggling downstairs. I roll my eyes thinking that Katy and Gavin are probably getting it on. Rushing down the stairs and heading to the door, I immediately freeze.

“Treston,” the redhead giggles.

“Treston?” He looks up and at me.

“What are you still doing here?” He gets up from the redhead and she gives me the stare of death.

Not tonight hoe bag.

“Waiting for you. But I can tell you’re busy. Carry on.” I need to get out of this house and stay away from him. I couldn’t get away fast enough. Before I make it to the house, I feel my hand being grabbed. I’m spun around and come face to face with Treston. I can see his bloodshot eyes and instantly, I want to hug him.

“Don’t go.”

“You’ve been drinking.” I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I look around for his car and feel pretty thankful it’s not in his normal spot. “Why’d you go?”

“Because,” he looks down, “I heard what you said to Katy. About never wanting to be with me.”

Ugh, I can’t believe he heard me. “It’s not like that. I mean, you’ve been getting around and look at what I saw tonight. We’re friends and I like hanging out with you. I don’t think we’d be good together.” I hate saying that to him and seeing the look of sadness in his eyes.

“Can you spend the night with me?” I shake my head, “Please? I sleep better with you.”

“Go back to her, Treston. I’m tired and need sleep.” Without saying bye or hearing what else he has to say, I turn my back to him and walk away.

Finally settling in my room, I hug my pillow and cry. I’m so stupid. I want him to let me all the way in and let me help him. I hate that he’s putting himself in the dark and pushes me away when I get close. This invisible line he’s drawing is killing me. When I think about Treston, I think about the hope of being really happy and knowing that he’d make me laugh. The hope I have for us is gone. And it’s partly my fault. If I told him how I felt, maybe he’d say the same. I know we share the same feelings. What guy shares a bed with a girl and holds her throughout the night?

The next day at school, I can’t focus and my head is killing me. Professor Clarke cancelled class today so we could work on our projects. I’m trying to come up with any excuse possible because I don’t want to work on this with him.

Trying to sleep last night was hard. I kept thinking about him and trying to figure him out. It was stupid and I seriously need to get over him.

My phone buzzes and it’s him.

Can we meet tonight and work on the report? I have the information printed out

Sure…I’ll stop by after practice

Needing to skip the rest of today, I head back to the house and lay in bed. My body is screaming at me to sleep, while my head is screaming to go to him.

The door opens and I open my eyes to find Jamie coming in.

“Hey,” she says, sitting on the bed with me.


“So I saw Treston last night and he looked pretty sad. Then I saw him this morning and he looks bad. Kinda like you.”

“Stop,” I tell her. “This isn’t what I want to hear or know.” Please don’t cry. Please don’t cry!

“I’ve been watching you two. Why can’t you admit to him that you like him? I think he feels the same way, Zara.”

“Well, if he did then he wouldn’t have rushed off away from me and brought home some skank.”

“Can you blame him? We talked last night for a little while and he was pretty hurt from what he overheard you say. Why would you say that if you don’t mean it?”

I try to look away, but Jamie grabs my face in her hands and forces me to look at her. “Because I’m fucking scared. Is that what you want to hear?”


I push her away, get up from my bed and grab my stick. “I’m going outside. I can’t think like this.”

“Then I’m coming with you.”

Standing outside in the backyard, with the fence staring at back at me, I release the ball from my stick and hit the fence with everything I have. The ball comes back and I do this a few more times before talking to her.

“I gave up on Jackson because I got bored and wanted more. Then I meet Treston.” I throw the ball again. “And fall for his man whore, annoying asshat self.” I feel the tears, but focus and scream to keep from crying. “I really like him. Seeing him with these skanks is annoying. After I left, he didn’t come after me, so who knows what he did with her last night.”


“No!” I throw the ball again. “It sucks knowing that he doesn’t want me. I don’t care what you or anyone else says.” I turn to her, tears running down my face, “If he likes me then he would tell me. He’s a big boy, Jamie. We’re adults and we can talk about our feelings.” I throw my stick across the yard and fall down.

Jamie comes down with me, bringing me into her arms as I cry out of hurt and frustration. “It’ll be okay. Come on. Let’s watch a movie before practice.” I nod and follow her inside.

At practice, I’m useless. Coach Kaler makes me run suicides until I can get focused. Finally, after a few hundred sprints, I’m in lacrosse mode and kill each goal.

“About damn time, Borzilleri!” She blows the whistle and we run a few more drills and scrimmage.

When practice is over, I hurry home to shower and get ready. Putting on shorts and a fitted shirt, I grab my books and bag to meet Treston. Part of me wants to meet him in the library, but it’s too late. Sucking in a breath and putting on my big girl panties, I walk inside and find Treston on the floor in the living room with papers and books all over.

“Hey,” he looks up and smiles. “Wow, look at you.”

“Yeah,” he rubs the back of his head, “I wanted to make sure we were prepared so I printed some articles and highlighted different battles and issues we can research. I’ m thinking something current.”

“Same here.”

I sit down and take out my own notes and books. We silently sit across from each other, reading the articles. A few times I find myself staring at him, the way his eyes would move from line to line and how perfect his hair looks. His legs are extended out and the tight white tee he has on shows his defined and broad shoulders.

I have to force myself to stop staring.
He doesn’t want you,
I repeat to myself a few times. I extend my long legs and let out a somewhat moaning sigh. Raising my arms up in the air, I arch my back and sigh some more.

“My back is killing me,” I tell him, standing up and bending down to stretch. My ass is in his direction and I can feel him staring.
Take that asshat.

“Holy shit,” I stand back up and turn to find Ethan staring at me with his mouth open. “Damn, Peaches. You have a serious ass.”

My face turns all sorts of colors. I sit down and pick up the article again.

“Get out, Ethan,” Treston commands.

I hear him laugh, watching him walk out of the house. Okay, so now I’m a dumb girl. I seriously need to take lessons from the girls on how to seduce a guy and make them regret not wanting you.

“Feel better?” He asks me and I nod. “You do have a serious ass.” I look up and see a smirk on his face. Ugh!

Goose bumps cover my body as I catch him staring at me. Neither of us moves or says anything, even though I’m torn in two. One side is saying to tell him how I feel and the other is saying to back away slowly. He has a lot of issues and if he can’t let me in, then there’s no point. The basis of a relationship is to have trust, communication and love.

The next few days are weird. I can’t seem to put my finger on it. I’ve been texting him, asking if he wants to go for a run or shoot around, and there’s no answer. I hate that we’re not talking.

It’s Friday and everyone’s going out tonight, except this girl. My body is so sore from practice and I want a day to relax and read, probably sleep too.

“You’re so lame,” Katy tells me, “Just get your ass up and come out with us. It’s going to be fun! You’re missing out.”

“No. I’m going to stay home and relax. It’s been a long few days.”

“Whatever. Lame. You are lame.”

“I love you too. Have fun!”

I watch the girls leave and soon the house is quiet. Damn, maybe I should’ve gone out. Getting up, I go into the kitchen to make a small snack. Peanut butter on a spoon is the only way to eat it. Sticking the spoon in my mouth, I sit back on the couch and turn on the TV. There’s a marathon of chick flicks. A night full of love stories is exactly what I need.

The Time Traveler’s Wife
is the first movie and soon I’m in tears. Damn my life. Maybe I shouldn’t have watched this movie. I mean, come on! How does it make any sense? The ending!

The doorbell rings and I get up to open it. Standing in front of me is a very sexy and very well scented, Treston.

“What are you doing here?”

He pushes himself in and I close the door. “It’s Friday night and you’re home alone. Why?”

“I’m sore,” I tell him, walking back to the couch.

"I figured." He rummages through his bag and looks at me. Showing a bottle of Biofreeze in his hands he says, "Let me help work out the muscles. Can you lift your shirt up?"

I don't have on a bra. What the ever fuck. "I um, don't have a bra under my shirt."

His expression immediately changes and he's looking at me as if he wants me. Oh my. "Ah just lay on your," he coughs and clears his throat, "chest." I stand before him with wide eyes. I have no idea what to do.

"Turn around." He does and I slowly lift up my shirt, feeling my muscles crack, and the pain shooting down. "Ow," I whimper, lying back down on the couch.

The cool sensation of the Biofreeze touches my back with his smooth hands. Instantly, I relax. The feel of his strong hands rubbing and massaging my back, arms and hands feels so good. Little moans leave my lips and it's so hard to be quiet. Soon his hands are on my calves and I melt. Oh my goodness he's not only a god, but his hands.

I wonder what else he's good at.

Stop! Stop!
He's your friend
, I shout at myself.

I moan again and feel his grip on me tighten. "Treston?"

"Peaches, you can't make those noises." His voice is rough and needy, making me confused.


He stops massaging me and leans in close to my face. "You have no idea how sexy you look right now and what you're doing to me. Those little noises, because I'm touching you, is making me want to flip you over so I can cherish you."

Reality sinks in and my confusion disappears. Oh my goodness. I’m turning him on. Holy shit. I mean, I know I’m not experienced or anything, so I’m hoping that he doesn’t think I want something because I’m letting him touch me. I turn my head over my shoulder to look at him. “I hope you’re not getting the wrong idea, Treston. I mean, I appreciate you coming over and helping me. I’m not trying to seduce you.”

“We’re friends,” his tone is back to being emotionless. “I know you aren’t.”

My eyes widen and it kills me when he says
we’re friends
. I know this is what we agreed on and I know it’s my decision. When the words slip out of his mouth a pang of sadness hits me. I don’t want to be just his friend. I want more. I’m completely falling for him.

Our eyes stay on each other and the need to touch him heightens. Even though I've only known him for a short period of time, I love everything about him. I love the way he holds me and I love when we run together. I love the silence between us and how he’ll watch all of the
Fast and the Furious
movies with me whenever I want. I love the way he makes me feel and I love how scared I am when he’s around. The fear of Treston doesn’t make me want to run away. I want to embrace him and never let him go. If he’s been hurt in the past, maybe he doesn’t believe in love and being with someone. If I want to be with him, I have to tear down his walls and make him let me in. He’s not going to do it himself.

Treston looks away, "can you put your shirt back on and something else on like a tank top or whatever you girls wear?"

"Can you turn back around?"
Please don't.

Throwing back on my shirt, I head upstairs to put on a bra and a long sleeve shirt. When I’m back downstairs, he’s on the couch. Sitting down with him, I have my legs up with a blanket over my body.

“I hope you want to watch
The Lucky One

“Sounds good to me.” He calmly responds.

The movie plays and soon I feel my eyes getting heavy and tired. Feeling relaxed and sleepy, I shut my eyes and feel an arm pulling me down.

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