Read Take Me Again Online

Authors: Mackenzie McKade

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Take Me Again (10 page)

BOOK: Take Me Again
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Ahhh ... His eyes closed briefly on a sigh of relief. That's what he wanted—needed.

She fit perfectly against him. Her body folded around him so tightly, squeezing and pulling him deeper. She sat back on him and angled her hips in a way that, from out of nowhere, fire exploded in his groin. He tensed, fingers closing around her hips to still her. Holding his breath, he fought to hang on.

Rowdy looked down at Tracy, heat in his gaze as he watched his cock slip in and out of her mouth. “That's it, baby. Take all of me.” She must have complied because he groaned, “Shit.” The curse a sign Rowdy was as close to fulfillment as Dolan.

Balancing on the edge of his climax, he smoothed his hand over her abdomen and further down until he found the pulse of her desire. Her clit swelled beneath his touch. He pressed down and oscillated his finger, faster and harder. Her inner muscles grew taut around him.

Flames licked down his shaft, but he didn't still his hand. He was determined she would come before he did. Burying his head against her shoulder, he continued to fight a battle he was quickly losing.

Her body convulsed. She cried out around Rowdy's erection. That was all it took for Dolan to release his control, setting his orgasm free. He couldn't move, only feel as a blaze erupted engulfing him. It felt as if he was being torn apart from the inside out, his body enflamed in sensations. The sexy sounds she made as her climax climbed, peaked and then washed over her only intensified the moment.

His senses came back to him when Rowdy rose and began to devoid himself of the limp condom.


Well sonofabitch. He'd done it again. Never had he forgotten protection.

What was it about the woman he held pressed against his chest that diminished his control as well as made him throw caution to the wind? They had enough issues between them. Now was not the time to introduce a baby into the mix.

Lord knew he wasn't ready to be a daddy.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Eight

Towel drying her hair, Tracy couldn't believe she'd just spent the night wrapped in two men's arms, especially those of Dolan Crane—her adversary and competition. The evening had been amazing—he had been amazing. Even now her blood heated with memories of his hands roaming her body. It had been unbelievable.

Folding the towel and setting it on the counter, she reached for her bra sitting next to it. As she clasped the bra and pulled it over her breasts, the silk rasped across her sensitive nipples. She cringed, gasping as bittersweet pain splintered throughout the peaks. When she raised a foot to slip her panties on, the sweetest of aches rose between her thighs.

Mmmm ... She dragged the briefs up her legs to rest on her hips. Her body felt deliciously sore, alive. Her senses were unusually heightened. Not only her body, but other senses seemed more acute.

She could hear Dolan's and Rowdy's muffled voices in his master bedroom. Of course, the spicy scent of Rowdy's cologne lingered in the bathroom, but there was something more. A cool breeze from the air conditioning caressed her. She inhaled and a smile crept across her face. It was her skin. She carried both men's scents. She looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her flesh was still pink from the warm bathwater. Her lips were red and swollen from their kisses.

What lay ahead for them?

The boys had asked her to spend the night, but she didn't want their time together to be diminished by morning-after regrets. Leaving on a high note would make this experience as close to perfect as it could get. Or was she seriously deluding herself to think it would be easier this way?

Her confidence took a nosedive and her grin faded. What happened between them was sex, nothing more. They were adults fulfilling each others’ sexual needs. No commitments. No obligations. Accepting the truth would make it easier to walk out of Rowdy's home and not look back.

If that were true, then why did it hurt so much? She pulled on her pants, fastening them as moisture dampened her eyelashes. Blinking several times, she tried to brush away the sadness that stole over her.

Angrily, she pushed her arms through her shirt. “You're being ridiculous.” Rowdy and she had parted ways before and she hadn't felt this emptiness. This time was no different, she rationalized, focusing on the buttons of her shirt. Damn. Her fingers felt like they were all thumbs or was it the sudden tremor in her hands?

Truth was Dolan had made this time different.

This time her heart had been engaged. Bottom line, from the first moment she laid eyes on him there had been something about him that intrigued her. Not even the roadblocks thrown in her way had deterred her attraction for him. She wanted this man.

"Well, missy, he's not yours for the having,” she chastised. There were more important things than her lustful cravings. She had to think of Sheldon. He was her responsibility now. The thought was scary.

Shelly had been both mother and father to her son. She had fit into the parenting role with ease, while Tracy had sought education and a career. Helping her nephew with his school work would be a piece of cake, but what about the other stuff? What did she know about the things a little boy needed to grow up to be a good man?

Her eyes grew misty again. Man, she missed her sister. A few tears fell before she could stop them. Grabbing a tissue she dabbed her eyes and blew her nose.

Glancing into the mirror again, she mumbled, “Crap.” Traces of sorrow brightened her cheeks and nose. “Great. I look like Rudolph,” she grumbled, digging through her purse to find her face powder. A swipe here and there, she got busy masking her emotion.

After slipping her feet into her shoes, she checked her appearance once more, grabbed her purse, and then she opened the door and stepped into the bedroom.

The minute her gaze fell upon Rowdy and Dolan standing next to the big four poster bed her stomach did a double somersault into a full layout. Neither wore shirts, only jeans.

Damn. She'd never forget tonight.

They glanced at her at the same time. Disappointment shined in Rowdy's eyes. Once again Dolan's expression was blank, unreadable. Muscle rippled beneath his golden skin as he tucked his thumbs into his jeans and leaned against a bedpost.

"I see you didn't change your mind,” Rowdy said, moving to take her into his arms. He pressed his lips softly to her forehead. Dolan stayed put and for some reason she felt his sting of rejection.

Forcing a half-ass laugh, she said, “Unlike you, some of us have to work."

Rowdy didn't start his new job for another week. She on the other hand needed to unpack, clean, find a babysitter, and continue to establish her career. Tomorrow she had several appointments and one particularly important one. Before she had arranged to move to California, she had written Dr. Zimmerman regarding renting office space. He had agreed to meet with her, informing her that he was currently sharing the office with another veterinarian. What she hadn't known is that said doctor would be drop-dead gorgeous and irresistible. To complicate matters, she had no doubt this meeting would drive the wedge between her and Dolan even deeper, but she couldn't let that be a factor in her decisions. What happened tonight would need to be forgotten, starting now.

"Maybe you two should take a couple days off. We could go down to Mexico, play in the sand and drink tequila.” Rowdy grinned.

"Can't,” Dolan answered before she could speak.

"Sorry,” she added. “I still haven't unpacked and I have appointments that can't be changed."

"My loss,” Rowdy said. “What about tomorrow night? Same time—same place.” He looked at Dolan and then her, awaiting an answer.

This time she beat Dolan to the punch. “Can't.” She didn't offer further explanation.

"Maybe we can hook up this weekend,” Rowdy continued.

"We'll see.” But she knew tonight had been the first and the last time the three of them would be together. Sheldon was arriving in less than two weeks. She cleared her throat. “Thanks for a wonderful evening."

Placing a finger beneath her chin, Rowdy raised her gaze to meet his. “No.” He smiled. “Thank you.” Lowering his head, he pressed his mouth to hers. The kiss was tender. When his caress ended he rubbed his nose against hers. “Man, I wish you were staying tonight."

She smiled up at him. “Me too.” And she meant it with all her heart. Releasing a heavy sigh, she stepped out of his arms and was immediately pulled into Dolan's embrace.

Where he came from she had no idea. What she did know was that he was a masterful kisser, teasing and caressing her lips with his tongue before pushing inside. Her purse slipped from her shoulder. She heard something scatter as her bag hit the ground, but she was preoccupied when the caress turned heated. He wasn't gentle, his touch more aggressive, almost punishing.

Tracy's pulse leaped. Her heart sped. She fought for control, but it was futile. He was too strong—too virile—too fuckin’ sexy. His kiss left her breathless. Sliding her tongue over tender lips, she tasted him once more.

But evidently he wasn't through with her. “Stay tonight,” he whispered in her ear.

Chills raced across her arms. She could have sworn she heard the sound of her resistance cracking, threatening to crumble. “I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

She had to be strong, but it was hard when he looked at her with such intensity. Almost as if he expected her to lie. “Both."

His arms fell from around her. He took a step backward and it felt like he was placing more than distance between them.

She inhaled a shuddering breath and tore her gaze from his. Bending down, she started to gather the things that had slipped from her purse. Slinging her bag over a shoulder, she got to her feet. “I'd better get going."

"I'll get dressed.” Rowdy picked up his shirt from the floor and put it on. He strolled into the closet, returning wearing sandals instead of boots. They walked to his truck in silence. As he opened the passenger door, he asked, “So when are you going to tell him?"

"What?” She started to climb in, but he grabbed her arm.


"Dolan?” She shrugged out of his grasp and climbed in. Looking down at him she attempted to hide her growing unease. “I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't.” He slammed the door before moving around the vehicle. Opening his door, he slid behind the wheel. “I've never seen two people so hot for each other. You like him. He likes you."

She snapped her head around to face him. “You're crazy.” She swallowed the pulse throbbing in her throat. “Besides I don't even know him. I mean past the fact that he hates me because I'm threatening his career.” Her voice climbed an octave. “Tonight—was just one of those things. It just happened.” She wet her lips and turned her head to look out into the night. “It won't happen again."

He started the engine. “Uh-huh.” She didn't miss the skepticism in his tone. In fact, it pissed her off. Preparing to give more reasons why she would never sleep with Dolan Crane again, she waited for Rowdy to say more. Yet he remained silent, shifting the truck into gear and accelerating.

Why Tracy felt it necessary she didn't know, but she added, “I mean it, Rowdy. It won't happen again."

"Trying to convince me or yourself?"

She jerked her head around. “Smartass."

He looked straight ahead, but she saw his grin.

Dolan stood at the window, staring at Rowdy's taillights fading in the distance.

Dammit. He shouldn't have let her go. What the hell was he thinking?

Removing his hold, he let the heavy curtain fall. “It's for the best.” Even as he said the words, he knew it was a lie. The chemistry between them was unmistakable, he knew it and he'd lay a bet so did she. That's why she left or was he kidding himself?

He pushed his fingers through his hair. “What the hell am I gonna do?” Now that he'd had a taste of her, he didn't know if he could turn and walk away.

Irony echoed in his laughter. The little redhead veterinarian could ruin his bad boy reputation. Then again, he could lose more than his reputation to her.

Dr. Zimmerman had informed him earlier today he was meeting with Tracy tomorrow. She was inquiring on working out of their office. Doc and Carl Epps were friends. Of course, the old doctor had asked Dolan what he thought about the idea of her joining them.

He had treaded lightly, stating that it could get pretty cramped since the office had been built to accommodate two, not three, veterinarians. There would be additional office personnel expenses, conflicts in the operating room and use of equipment. Zimmerman had brushed away each one of his worries, stating he was doing less and less in the office.

"My hands aren't as steady as they use to be. Besides you're performing the majority of my surgeries. In reality there would still only be two doctors. And I hear she's a looker.” Doc had nudged Dolan's arm and winked. “She's intelligent, loves horses and what she does. Hell, boy, she even comes from your ol’ alma mater."

His mentor continued to inform him Tracy was a graduate of the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dolan learned she had earned a full scholarship as he had.

"Like you, son, she needs a chance to get herself established."

Damn. Did he have to play that card?

If it hadn't been for Zimmerman, Dolan didn't know what he would have done after graduation. Of course, he could have gotten an internship with one of the other veterinarians in the city or in a different state. Yet Doc had his foot into some of the most powerful breeders and racers in California. Contacts, networking and opportunities that would have otherwise been elusive were handed to Dolan. Not to mention, he could study with one of the best. But it had been Dolan's knowledge and work ethic that had taken him further.

Of course, there was another way to look at this situation. If she didn't establish herself in California she would leave. Sounded pretty much like a lose-lose situation. Helluva choice. Either they compete for business or she was gone.

Is that what he wanted?

Before he could answer his own question he heard a cell phone ring. This late at night it had to be an emergency. He checked his phone. Not his.

BOOK: Take Me Again
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