Take Me (A Steamy Short Story Romance)

BOOK: Take Me (A Steamy Short Story Romance)
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Take Me






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This book is a work of fiction. References to
characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination. Any
resemblance to events or actual persons, living or dead, is purely


What’s inside this STEAMY romance?


Mary Tilford is a curvy girl with a
naughty streak and a very strict Christian upbringing. Sent to live with her grandparents
for the summer to quell her lascivious behavior, she’s not looking forward to
the discipline or the crisp mountain air that is supposedly meant to purify her
wayward soul.

So when she arrives at the rural
ranch, she’s more than just a little miffed that her summer is going to be
filled with cleaning horse stalls and pitching bales of hay. Nothing sounds
worse than a morning of farm chores, followed by an afternoon of cooking and
cleaning and helping her grandmother.

But her world is about to be rocked
to the core, because when a horse riding accident forces her to cross paths the
ripped, handsome and charming Dr. Rick Stewart, fresh out of medical school,
she’s going to a confessional she never thought she would ever have to attend.

Now she’s walking a fine line between
Heaven and Hell. Will her admission of guilt force the good doctor away? Or
will his exam table provide them with a platform to bring them both closer to
God, even if it means he might lose his medical license?


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Take Me


"Mary, I just don't

My boyfriend rolled away from me
in bed.

But his fingers lingered at my
side, softly touching my waist. "You said you wanted to have sex," he
complained, "but now I can't even arouse you. You're not even wet. Why did
you make me ditch school and come here if we can't even do it? I think you
might have a medical problem."

"I'm sorry," I
whispered as I stared up at the ceiling. The idea that I might have some kind
of sexual dysfunction scared me. "What if I'm frigid or something?"

"How long am I supposed to wait,"
Alex continued, sounding irritated.

We had been dating for a while,
and I'd actually been the one who first brought up wanting to have sex. We were
both eighteen-year-old seniors at a very conservative private Christian high
school, and sex was something that wasn't ever discussed. But I liked Alex, and
I wanted him almost as much as I wanted to leave hot, conservative Texas.

"I don't know," I
finally replied, reaching out to touch him gently. I was afraid he was annoyed
enough to leave, when I wanted him to stay and be with me.

"Whatever," he groaned.

He started to roll out of bed.

"Wait!" I cried,
clutching his arm. Alex rolled back around and looked at me petulantly. I had
to make him stay, somehow.

Even if it meant doing something
I'd never done before.

My heart started to beat a little
faster as I reached down to feel his prick. He was still halfway hard, and my
fingers stroked him gently, in time to the steady thump of my heart in my
chest. I felt my body heat up, and sweat begin to seep through my skin. Then I
flipped the covers off him and put his prick in my mouth.

He relaxed and let out a moan. I
felt him start to stiffen in my mouth. I'd never given a blowjob before, and I
barely had an idea of what to do.

But I could figure it out.

I sucked the head of his cock and
swirled my tongue around it, feeling him grow hard.

Was I doing it right?

Alex let out another agonized
moan, and he buried his hand in my hair. He firmly guided my head downwards,
and I felt the stiff shaft slide over my tongue, pushing gently into the back
of my throat.

"Like that," Alex
managed to gasp. "Go deep like that, baby."

I almost gagged and pulled myself
away. My skin was flushed, and I finally felt my body coming alive. I looked up
at his big blue eyes as I stroked him. I didn't know what I wanted more: to
feel his cock inside of me, or to put it in my mouth again.

My hands wandered over his body,
feeling his tight abs. Another wave of heat passed over my skin.

Then I put him in my mouth again,
sucking him harder and harder until he pulled away and came all over my chest.

"Oh my God," I gasped.

I had never seen a boy come
before, and I was shocked at how much spurted out of him. He collapsed on the
bed, and I watched as his chest heaved.

But Alex and I never got to have

Because the
next day my dad caught us doing naughty things.

And I wasn't prepared for what was
to happen next.


"I can't believe you're
sending me away," I fretted. I knew I shouldn't have been fooling around
with Alex, but the punishment seemed too harsh, and I was crushed. My dad put
down his fork and leaned forward over the dinner table.

"Mary, we're not sending you
away. We're sending you to live with your grandparents for the summer. There's
too many sinful distractions here in the city, and I know we can count on a
summer on the ranch to teach you the moral values you're lacking."

Sinful distractions?
Living with my grandparents was like living
in the 19th century. And the only thing worse than being under their thumb was
spending an entire summer in Wyoming with them. They were even
conservative than my mom and dad—not to mention they lived in Red River
County, the most remote and unpopulated part of a state that already had more
cows than people.

"We're so disappointed in
you, Mary," my mom said, shaking her head. "We've always done our
best to raise you right. I didn't expect you'd just throw it all in our face
like this."

How could I even begin to explain
that Alex and I were in love? At least, I thought we were in love. I missed him
already, and I knew I was going to miss him even more when I was away in Wyoming.

"Fine," I grumbled,
poking listlessly at my food. "Can I be excused? I'm not hungry
anymore." I knew it wasn't right to not eat my mom's home cooking, but
right now, I couldn't muster the will to eat. I felt a pit in my stomach.

"Good," my mom
conceded. "Now go to your room. And while you're there, spend a minute to
think about what you've done to yourself."


Alex's parents were almost as
strict as mine, and I hadn't seen or heard from him since we'd gotten caught.
I'd heard he'd been sent to military school, but rumors were so rife at our
high school that you never really knew what happened.

I sighed and shoved the last
article of clothing into my bag. I took one last look around my bedroom before
walking out the door.

I was quiet and sullen the entire
car ride
to the airport. My mom drove grimly, not
saying much of anything.

But the full force of her
emotions hit her a few minutes before I left to board the plane.

"You know we're doing this
for your own good, right?" she asked tearfully, drawing me close.

"I know, Momma. I'm going to
miss you."

"Call me as soon as you're
at the ranch."

We hugged goodbye again and I
walked down the jet way and into the plane, not looking back. Once I'd found my
seat and settled in, I felt better. Actually, I felt a little excited. I always
tried to keep a positive attitude, and I thought I might as well try to make
the best of the situation. I'd already done my best to put Alex out of my mind.
After all, I'd probably never see him again after what we'd done.

I watched with a tiny bit of
interest as a handsome young man in gray suit pants and stiff white shirt, with
a matching jacket slung over his arm, make his way down the aisle, looking for
his seat. He looked solid and
, just over
six foot. He looked like he was in his twenties, and his thick blond hair was
cropped short. Some kind of businessman, I decided. He wore a pair of
smart-looking wire-frame glasses, and his blue eyes looked bright and alert
underneath. His eyes caught my gaze, and I turned away, feeling a little
embarrassed that he'd caught me staring.

A second later, I realized he was
standing right next to me.

"Excuse me, it looks like
I'm supposed to sit right next to you. I've got the window seat."

"Oh," I said, looking
up at him and blushing. "Sorry. Let me slide out and let you in."

"What are you sorry
about?" He stepped aside to let me into the aisle, then he slung his
jacket and bag into the overhead compartment and scooted in to the window seat.
I sat back down next to him. He reclined his seat, relaxing. I fidgeted in my
seat. Usually, I would have looked at my phone to avoid what felt like an
awkward moment, but my mom had taken it away, so instead I studied my folded
hands in my lap. The stranger didn't say anything, and the seconds ticked by
quietly as more and more people entered the plane. I snuck a glance over at
him, and felt an involuntary tingle wash down my spine.

My God, he was so good-looking.
The musk of his cologne kept tickling my nostrils, reminding me of his presence
so close to me.

"So why are you traveling to

I was lost in my reverie, and for
a second, I didn't realize he had just talked to me.

"Oh! Um, I'm spending the
summer with my grandparents. They live on a ranch."

"That sounds fun."

I made a sour face. "Not
really. I got in trouble, so my mom and dad sent me away." I blushed a
little, because I'd just admitted to being bad.

"Oh. You don't look like
much of a troublemaker, if you don't mind me saying."

"I'm not," I said
peevishly. "I'm little miss perfect." Then I sighed heavily.
"But I can't be perfect enough sometimes. It just doesn't matter how hard
I try."

"What was your imperfection,
if you don't mind me asking?"

"Um..." I blushed

"Forget it," the
stranger laughed, "I'm Rick, by the way."


"That's a good religious
name," he teased, "the mother of Christ."

"Shut up," I said,
slapping his chest with the back of my hand. The moment I touched him, a cold
wave ran over my skin. It was shocking.

"So why are you going to Wyoming?"
I asked, breaking the lull in the conversation. I pushed my hair back, suddenly
feeling hot.

"I just graduated from
medical school. I'm spending a year serving a rural community in northern Wyoming.
It's a government program; if I practice as a family doctor in an under-served
area, a big portion of my tuition will be paid off. Most doctors wouldn't do
something like that, I guess. They're all chasing the almighty dollar instead.
But I think I could use a change of pace after med school, and I've always
wanted to live in the country. I'm from back East, and I always wanted to see
what the West was like."

I rolled my eyes. "Who would
to live in the country? It's boring."

"I don't know about that. I
think it's peaceful. I've wanted to get away from it all for a while. Maybe
living out in the middle of nowhere would be good for me."

"Yeah, the middle of
nowhere. That's where my grandparents' ranch is. I have no flipping clue what
I'm going to do all summer there."

"Yeah," Rick conceded,
"I guess it's different when you're a teenager."

The flight flew by quickly, and I
was surprised when I heard the pilot's voice over the intercom, asking us to
fasten our seatbelt for our descent into Casper Regional Airport. I felt a
little pit of disappointment in my stomach. I really liked Rick, and talking to
him had felt so comfortable, like I'd known him forever.

"Well, I guess this is
goodbye," I said, as we walked out of the plane into the terminal.

"I guess so," Rick
said. Then, without warning, he pulled me in close for a hug. My heart beat a
little faster as my body pressed hard against his. For one thrilling second, I
breathed in his smell, and felt his hard muscles against my body. Before I
could catch my breath, my grandparents appeared, and Rick was gone.

"Who was that, honey?"
my grandma asked. "Someone you know?"

"Yeah, I guess. Someone who
goes to the same college I'm going to," I lied.

"Oh sweetheart, that's
wonderful. Well, lets go on and get your bags. It's going to be a long ride out
to the ranch."

It really was a long drive to the
ranch, and by the time we finally arrived, I was fast asleep. I awoke groggily
to my grandpa gently shaking me awake.

"What time is it?" I

"Around midnight," he
said, in his strong, raspy voice. "Come on, sweetheart."


I awoke to the smells of breakfast
cooking and the sounds of political pundits growling on the radio. I groaned
and rolled over in bed. We had got here so late last night...couldn't they at
least let me sleep in? I blearily rolled out of bed and headed downstairs in my

"Good morning, Mary,"
my grandma said brightly. "A late riser. And you aren't even dressed yet!
You've got to pull yourself together, young lady."

I mumbled something about being
tired before stumbling into the kitchen to pour myself some coffee. I'd only
just arrived, and I was already being scolded. Chances of having any fun this
summer: zero.

"My lord," she
continued. "You are such a grump." And then she lowered her voice and
grabbed me firmly by the arm, turning me around so I had to look her in the
eyes. She glared at me fiercely. "Don't think I don't know about how you
got in trouble with that boy. Now that you're my responsibility, it's up to me
to set you straight. I raised five upstanding children in this house, and I'm
going to bring you up right this summer, come Hell or high water. You have
responsibilities here, and chores. This isn't a vacation. Do you understand,
young lady?"

"Yes ma'am," I squeaked
and stood up straight, taken by surprise at how stern she had suddenly become.

"And I won't hesitate to
spank you, if that's what it comes down to," she warned, her eyes still
fixed to mine. Then she pushed me away roughly. "Now go upstairs and get
dressed. You have a long, hard day of work ahead of you."

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