Take Me (18 page)

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Authors: T.A. Grey

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Gray caught Dom’s look and shook his head. “Don’t worry it’s not the first time. This was just the first time she had passed out during and he kept going.”

Dom started to speak but Gray held his hand out.

“I took care of it.”

“And the vampire doing it?”

Gray flicked his butt out the window and lit another one, the scent of poppy filling the car with its sweetness. “Don’t worry about it. I took care of it,” he said gruffly.

Dom bet he did. The man knew how to protect for a living but he also knew how to take life.

Grayson used to love Anita with an intensity that anyone who wasn’t blind could see. They fought sure, but they loved each other too much to let the fights bridge them apart. Then came the miscarriage. It had been hard, a brutal slice of pain that went through the whole family. But they had survived it, all of them. Anita had even started to smile again; her laughter came back after a few months. Then she’d gotten pregnant again and miscarried for the second time. That’s when she took to drink. Grayson’s life hadn’t been the same since.

The problem was Grayson blamed himself for her miscarriages. He still loved his
. He couldn’t let her go. He had tried to get her help, but she wouldn’t take it. Grayson was stuck between a shitty rock and another shitty rock. He’d live with her in this misery until the day he died. And there was nothing Dom could do about it.



Chapter 11


Felicity had been fast asleep before she felt the bed dip. Now, she popped one eye open, gasped, then scrambled to sit up. Didn’t move fast enough though. Dominic smiled down at her in the dark, captured her flying wrists and pinned them to the bed above her head.

“Hello, Felicity,” he said deep and low. His voice flowed over her like a gentle caress. He leaned into her and she bucked her hips at him to try to throw him off. He only smiled broader.

“What are you doing in my house?” She looked over her shoulder to try to peer into the hallway but he’d closed the door. And, she peered closer, locked it. “I am not giving it up to you,” she said, one haughty brow raising.

One corner of his mouth stayed cocked into a smile as he laid his very heavy body atop hers, nearly crushing her. “Give what up?”


He gave her
the look
and she cursed. Of course he wouldn’t make it easy. “I am not sleeping with you.”

“Good because I don’t want to sleep right now. We’ll sleep later.” With a nudge of his knee, her legs spread open. With his other knee he did the same until her legs were spread and his hips pressed into her core. She gasped. The long, hard line of his erect cock pressed against her. An answered flood of wetness formed where he touched her.

His lips came down moving fast and she barely ducked her head to the side. Seriously, this was starting to piss her off. It might piss her off more if she didn’t really want to taste him again.

“How’s Julianna?”

He lips touched her cheek and stilled. “What?”

“Last I saw you ran off after her.”
Leaving me behind, chilled and pissed off with arousal for you.

He lifted up enough to glare her. “I want nothing to do with her.”

“Then don’t mate with her.”

Had she really just said that?

His eyes narrowed. Yes, she did.

His eyes started to glow and she shivered. He was losing control of himself. “You know I can’t do that.”

Yeah, she knew it. He was high and important and she wasn’t. She was nobody. He needed rich blue blood that everyone recognized running alongside him, not a woman who lied on her resume to get a job. A woman who had an eighty-dollar couch in her living room.

“Get off of me.” Her voice broke on that one declaration.

His eyes flared, but he moved off her. She didn’t waste any time and ran to the door. Without a sound, he crashed into her back, curving his incredible heat around her, and stilling her hand on the doorknob.

“Don’t leave. I just got back.” His voice sounded ragged, deep with emotion. It made her heart twist like a knife in her chest. He turned her around. Only then did she catch sight of the bruises and cuts across his face.

“What happened to you?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.”

She reached up before she thought twice about it, her hands cupping his cheeks where dark bruises had formed over his eyes. His nose had a bloodied cut near it, and his top lip had split open. The wounds would heal fast depending on how long ago he got them but still it made her ache to see him hurt.

Felicity sighed. “Come here.” She grabbed his hand and led him into her bathroom. She didn’t have a fancy en suite bath. Hers was halfway down her small hallway and only one person could go in at a time. She made him go in first then pushed him down on the toilet.

His eyes caught his reflection and two dark, arched eyebrows rose. “I didn’t know that bastard left any damage. I should have hit him harder,” he muttered under his breath.

Felicity moistened a washcloth under the faucet with warm water then set about getting the dried blood off his face. God, he had such a good-looking face. All hard angles, a wide forehead, a strong nose, and lips meant to be kissed...and bitten. Warmth flowed through her and she forced it down lest he smell her arousal. That just wouldn’t do. The man would have her down on the floor in no time, she just knew it.

“Who did this?”

He peered at her, his eyes heavy, hungry. That look pulled her lower body tight. “The alpha Zeke.”

“I’ve heard of him. They say he’s mad.”

“He is.”

Felicity took her time cleaning his face. She was close to him. He’d spread his knees but she didn’t stand quite in between them, just near. They were almost like a couple, almost.

“Why’d he hit you?”

“I hit him first.”

A smile tugged at her lips. “You hit the mad
? Maybe you’re the crazy one, Dom.” She rinsed the cloth under water then set back to work. His face was clean but she didn’t want this to end so soon.

Apparently neither did he because his hands caught her hips. The jersey pajama bottoms were no protection against the heat of his hands. She could feel it like a blast of heat from a furnace. His thumbs rubbed along her hipbone in slow, taunting circles that pulled liquid heat from between her legs.

“He said the wrong thing. That’s all.”

“What did he say?” She rubbed the cloth across his forehead then down over the stumble along his jaw. The man always had a perfectly shaven jaw but he must have had a busy day. The black stubble growing in on his cheeks made his naturally scowling face look positively sexy.


She raised an eyebrow at that. Finally, she’d cleaned his whole face and didn’t have a reason to tarry any longer. She stepped back and he let his hands fall.

I will not be disappointed.

She rinsed the cloth then dropped it in the hamper.

“I need you to move back in with me. This time we won’t be in separate rooms,” he said.

Her mouth went dry. She turned to leave, she had to get out here. She could not talk to him about this in such a close space. He sucked up all the oxygen in the room. She grabbed the door handle but his hands landed on the door on either side of her head. His body curled over her back.

“I can’t do that when you’re mating with another woman.”

He growled, the sound making her shiver, and then he buried his lips against her neck. Her breath caught as her breasts grew heavy at his touch. His lips nibbled, hot tongue sucked on her skin, hard enough that she knew he’d leave a mark. The slight scrape of fangs told her just how careful he was being so he didn’t bite her.

“I always get what I want, Felicity.”

“People can’t always get what they want, Dom.”

He cupped her hips, squeezed until he had her backside tilted into him. The steely press of his erection bit into her like a rod of burning steel. Her fluttery gasp fell on silent ears as he rocked his hips against her. Rubbed that hard shaft against her core. The thin pajama pants didn’t stifle anything. She felt every erotic inch of him.

“I always find a way to get what I want, Felicity. And what I want is you in my damn bed. I want inside your body.” His fingers sliding inside her pajama pants accompanied his guttural words.

He stopped an inch above her mound, taunting her. If she but said the word he’d do anything she wanted. “I want to lick you here,” he said, fingers pressed into her feverish skin. “I want you to sit on my face until all I can taste is you.” His fingers moved just an inch and then he was so close, his fingers curled into the crisp hairs of her mons. A moan bubbled out of her and her head fell back at his touch. She was so wet now, burning hot for him at his words and the images they presented. “I want your legs spread open so I can watch my cock slide into you. I want to see your wetness drenching my cock as I pull back out, and shove back in.”

His voice had gone so low she almost couldn’t hear him. His heavy breaths panted against her neck. His erection pressed into her, throbbed, and grew harder. Warm fingers dipped into her skin then slid another inch lower to cover her wet lips. He circled her wet bud in a gentle caress yet the touch brought forth a strangled moan from deep in her throat.

“Come with me. Say yes. Be mine, Felicity and I‘ll give you more pleasure than you’ve ever dreamed of. Together we’ll feel something that neither one of us has ever felt. Pleasure that only you and I can feel together. You know it’s here, between us.”

Deep inside she knew everything he said rang true. What they had between them was special, different. Yet, something stood between them and that something had the name Julianna Greenwich. “What about your mating ceremony?”

His hands stilled on her then abruptly his heat vanished. Slowly she turned around. His flushed cheeks could have been from anger, but she knew it wasn’t. Their sweet scents clouded the room.

“One day I’ll stop asking so nicely.”

She laughed at that. “And you’ll what? Attack me?”

He leaned in close, his eyes blazing with anger. “No, I won’t back off every time I touch you. I’ve been doing you a kindness. I could have had you many times before and we both know it. Every time we touch you grow so wet I can smell it. You ache for me as I do for you. Give me the answer I want or I’m done playing your game. We’ll play it my way, and I guarantee you I will win.”

Felicity swallowed hard.

Standing up straight with his bruised face and determined eyes, he crossed his arms to wait for her answer. Felicity wanted to please him. She wanted to give him the answer they both wanted, the one that would give them the pleasure that could explode between them. But she had values and just a little bit of pride.

“It’s either me or her.” She narrowed her own determined eyes on him and crossed her arms for good measure, mimicking him.

A devastating smile curled over his lips transforming his scowling face into something captivating. “Now we play my way.”

Before Felicity could ask what that meant a knock sounded at the door behind her. She jumped, letting out a little yelp before she opened it.  

One of the guards stationed to protect her stood there. His face seemed to look perpetually grim as if he got paid extra to look fierce. His name was Graham, and he didn’t talk much.

“We just got news, Mr. Blackmoore.”

Dom flicked a glance to her then said, “You can say whatever it is in front of her.”

“Julianna Greenwich has disappeared. We believe she has run away. None of her family or friends has had any contact with her. According to the cameras at the estate, she was seen climbing the gate before jumping over it and running away empty handed at dusk.”

Felicity’s eyebrows rose to her hairline. The prim and proper Lady Greenwich hurdled the massive black iron gate? God she’d love to see that.

“She’s disappeared?”

“Aye, sir, so it appears. At your word, I’ll gather a team to find her.”

Felicity watched Dom, gauging his reaction. He looked stoic as ever. The man truly didn’t feel anything for Julianna.
Then why not mate with me!
she wanted to scream.

“Get Vas on it.”

Graham blinked. “I thought Grayson might be better for the job.”

“Just get Vas. Gray’s got a lot going on right now, and he’s working a case for me. Vas can take care of it.”

“Aye,” Graham said in his heavily accented voice. He sounded Scottish or maybe Irish when he spoke more than one word that is. “What’ll you like done with her?”

Felicity jerked her gaze to the giant redheaded man and
stiffened. He meant
not Julianna.

“I’m taking her to my home up north.”

She could feel the waves of frustration roll off Graham. “That place is not nearly as protected. I don’t recommend it with the recent assassination attempt.”

Dom stepped forward and before she knew it, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and her body pulled alongside his. He did it almost casually...naturally. Why did it have to feel so good?

“It’s closer to the capitol so I’ll stay there. Just get extra guards for both of us and work with Vas to get a team to find Julianna. I want her back.”

Felicity stiffened and then jammed her elbow back into Dom’s side. He grunted at the jab. God, she couldn’t believe him. Shoving away from him, she ran.

“Felicity!” he yelled after her.

His man Graham wasn’t quick enough moving out of the way so he was thrown back into the wall as Dom stormed after her. Her wall caved in and debris exploded into the air to the ground.

Turning, Felicity glared at him. “You’ll pay for that! I’ll lose my security deposit over that.”

Dom tossed his head back to see what she was talking about and growled, his eyes starting to glow amber. A lick of fear raced down her spine. “I’ll fucking pay for it. I’ll buy you a new fucking house, and a new car. I’ll buy you anything you want. Just say yes to me.”

She was tempted, really, who wouldn’t be?
she could want. Admittedly, a lot filled that list.

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