Take a Chance on Me (11 page)

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Authors: Debbie Flint

Tags: #fiction, #contemporary, #romance, #business

BOOK: Take a Chance on Me
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His face was now only inches from her warmth, and she felt his breath through the thin fabric of her panties as his mouth closed in on her. He shut his eyes as he brought his mouth down and exhaled through the fabric – a long, hot breath – directly onto her core.

‘Ohhhh …' She couldn't stop herself screaming a little, and writhed in pleasure beneath his touch, mouth open and eyes screwed tightly with passion, trying not to lose it completely.

‘Sam, look at me,' he said.

As she opened her eyes, the sight that greeted her was his tongue tracing a path across the top of her panties from one side to the other, then down, across her thigh to the material now barely covering her pulsating centre. He licked his lips slightly as he looked at her, and slowly, teasingly, his tongue pushed the fabric into her folds. The roughness of the lace against her nub had her shuddering with pleasure. He did it again, harder this time, licking up and down along her creases, then sucking in earnest, her wetness seeping through and making him moan too.

‘God, you taste so good.'

‘Mac, what are you doing to me!'

‘Told you – what I've wanted to do all day. And this …' he whispered hoarsely, as he roughly pulled her pants aside, to gaze upon her quivering sex. ‘Beautiful.'

His breath was hot on her skin and she bucked up towards him, groaning.

Then he gave her exactly what she wanted – his mouth touched her body, and she felt his hot tongue slip inside her. She struggled to keep herself still as he drove her crazy – kissing at first, and then sucking and nibbling.

She bucked, then her hands finally came down onto his head, gripping his hair, pushing him further into her. His tongue slid downwards, into her depths, and she cried out and lifted her hips to drive him deeper. Then he brought his thumb up to her throbbing peak and hastened her journey towards complete abandonment, while he kept on sucking then plunging his tongue deep, sucking then plunging, obviously loving the taste of her and moaning as she moved against him, his mouth, his tongue and his thumb.

I truly am in the hands of an expert,
she thought.

Sadie was losing herself completely now, as he continued pleasuring her with his mouth.

Then he gave her a wicked half-smile as he inserted his two fingers inside her, and slowed the pace to an excruciating ecstasy. Every area became super-sensitive, and she watched him take all of her into his mouth, then start sucking, while flicking his tongue around her, sucking all the while, and stroking his fingers in and out. He seemed to unleash a connection to her soul, with these skilful movements, and those mesmerising eyes of his watching her, his body working in perfect unison with her body's needs.

Without the connection she felt to him, it would have been a pretty stunning session, but
this undeniable connection, she began to feel a little tremor, a quivery feeling deep inside, aware that a door was opening that she'd find hard to close again when it was all over. In that moment, she knew that all the other lovers she'd ever had were just a preliminary flirtation with real lovemaking, and this was finally, overwhelmingly, the real thing.

Before she could consider it further, she felt her body go into overdrive, racing to a crescendo, stoked by his artful motions, and she came in a shuddering wave that seemed to go on and on, as he stroked in and out, up and down, cradling her as she rose, then slowly fell back down to earth. Somewhere in the distance, someone was crying out in ecstasy, and she realised it was her.

Panting, Sadie gasped, breathless, ‘Incredible. Absolutely incredible …'

A half-smile crossed his lips. His eyes were black with desire.

‘God, you're so wet,' he said, sucking his fingers, and then inserting them back inside her slowly, tenderly and delicately as her body's spasms slowly subsided. One finger, then two, stroking against her gently, while he freed himself, with his other hand, then produced a small rustling packet. A few moments later, he was proudly erect before her, sheathed, and she gazed at him in awe.

Stunning. Utterly, utterly stunning

‘Are you ready for me now?' he asked.

‘Now,' she replied, and realised she'd never wanted anyone more in her whole life. With a passion, she pulled him down on top of her, and with one smooth motion he was at the edge of her, their faces only inches apart, gazing deeply into each other's eyes as inch by inch he entered her, and their bodies became one.

‘Ohhhh …' The feeling of being filled so completely, and finding a fit she never thought possible, took Sadie to a place where the gentle motion of the yacht ceased to exist. It was replaced by an urgency, a building flame, that made her feel alive and panicked that it'd all be over too soon. Passion overwhelmed her as he gained momentum, rising towards his own climax, and taking her with him.

Together they exploded, falling into the abyss, and hearing each other's cries of passion – distant, then coming nearer, until their breaths were synchronised, grounded once more, satiated, spent.

‘That … was … incredible, absolutely incredible,' he said, echoing her words playfully, and kissing her once again full on the mouth, with a tenderness that took her breath away.

This didn't feel like a ‘one night only'.

Stop it, Sadie, he probably has this effect on all the girls.

‘You were amazing,' she replied, ‘and this tongue …' she pulled it into her mouth as she kissed him deeply. ‘This tongue should be licensed. It's dangerous.'

He smiled, warmly, and turned over, disposing of the evidence of their lovemaking into a nearby bin. Then he returned and laid his head on her breasts, his fingers entwining with hers, stroking her palm fondly.

For the longest time, neither spoke. It was as though no words were needed, their bodies had connected so thoroughly and said all there was to say. For Sadie, whose other previous partners amounted to a couple of college fumbles or one-night stands, the errant husband and the last psycho ex, this felt like she'd always known it

And she'd only ever get this one night.

Still, what a night.

Years ago, Sadie would have become upset at this point, dwelling on what might have been, mourning. But nowadays
Sadie was more worldly, more pragmatic. Besides, tonight she was Sam.

A wry smile curled at her lips, feeling very content and pleased with life. And it had got her through this evening without having to stress about tomorrow once. Staring at the ceiling, she was filled with a warmth, a buzzing happiness, the throbbing afterglow still bubbling through her body.

‘Penny for them,' he said, raising his head.

‘Nothing much, just … everything.' She smiled and bent down, placing a tender kiss on his nose. ‘Mind-blowing.'

‘I was, wasn't I?' he teased.

She smiled and stretched languorously. ‘Not bad for a beginner.'

He laughed and reached up to kiss her lips.

‘I've got to say I won't forget these in a hurry,' he said, tapping on her stiletto heels, still firmly in place on her feet, despite the rest of her attire being in a heap around her middle. She'd wondered why he'd insisted she put them back on again when they got into the salon after their tour.

‘I haven't got the energy to reach down and take them off.'

‘Don't – I like them. Even if I have got puncture marks on my bum.'

She laughed and snuggled down a little.

They lay there in silence for a time, semi-clothed on the cushions that were now on the floor. Sadie replayed the whole experience in her mind, biting her tongue in case she said anything more meaningful.

Mac was particularly intrigued by the emotions coursing through his veins. He'd reached his peak quickly – speedier than he'd known it for a long time. Which surprised him – she was obviously ringing bells inside him, this irresistible woman.

‘It's pretty breathtaking, isn't it?' Sadie said after a time.

‘Incredible, breathtaking, keep them coming.'

‘No, I mean this boat.'


‘Superyacht.' She smiled, shaking her head. ‘I mean, not just the size. Sure it's the biggest one I've ever experienced, but when you get below decks, it's magnificent too.'

‘You sure you're not talking about me?' he joked.

She laughed and elbowed him. Back in familiar jovial territory. This felt safer.

‘Whoever owns it has great taste. It's done out so well – in a sophisticated but understated elegance.'

‘Have you swallowed that brochure?' he teased.

But she'd said it in genuine awe, and it made him fill with pride, taking it as a personal compliment. He nodded appreciatively and tenderly kissed her lips, then laid his head back, sighing and looking upwards.

‘Just think, Mac,' she continued. ‘How fabulous would it be to live a life like this. Can you imagine?'

‘Em, I can … yes.'

‘What's it called again?'

‘A Ferretti Custom “blah blah” – you got it right earlier on.'

‘Tell me.'

‘A Custom Line 124 from Ferretti. Wait-list as long as your arm. It was a real buzz the day it was delivered.'

‘You were here then?'

‘Er, yes.'

‘Bet the owner was overjoyed.'

‘You could say that.'

‘How it must feel to own something like this … The likes of us, we only glimpse it – well, you more than me, you being around them all the time.'

Slightly phased, Mac just nodded.

She went on, ‘But to have that kind of wealth – not to have to worry about money – ever. The daily grind, bills and all that. No problems, just cruising, in the lap of luxury.'

He wasn't replying.

‘Just rescuing the odd handbag from the deep blue sea,' she said. ‘Hey, maybe I'll hang around to see if the Captain will introduce me to the owner, eh?'


She was joking, he knew that, but he frowned. Both for deceiving her, and for the gut reaction of suspicion that he felt when she said those words. After all, he still didn't know her, not even her full name for goodness sake, and she could be playing him along.

But it all feels so genuine, so different from last time

Mentally chastising himself for being cynical, he took a deep breath. Almost exactly at the same time, she did too.

‘What a lovely life it would be. Ahhh, one day.' She sighed, and propped herself up against the opulent sofa, so his head rested on her tummy.

‘Yes,' he agreed. ‘One day. And one amazing night …'

Her hands stroked the suede of the sofa, and the furry cushion, and she had a far-away look in her eyes.

Mac turned his face slightly so she couldn't see that his brow had furrowed, his eyes narrowed, and he bit his lip.

Should he own up?

If he wasn't leaving tomorrow, things might be different, but everything that had happened tonight had played out so successfully – possibly
they'd kept it all so anonymous. And anyway she'd practically insisted. Maybe she had a partner already? He didn't think so, but you never know with some women. Which type was she? He'd probably never find out.

And it had been a good night. To confess right now would break the spell.

‘Too bad we couldn't have made it two nights, but I'm due back in London tomorrow,' she said.

That decides that one
. She's obviously making a point. One night it is then. Better she leaves without feeling fooled.

Or worse, feeling hopeful.

She was probably no gold-digger, but better to avoid the awkward last-minute confession and all the complications that would bring. They'd only been on the yacht about half an hour and were already fast approaching the deadline she'd mentioned for her departure. Would it be different if she knew who he was? He hoped not.

She'd fantasised about meeting the owner of this sixty million pound baby – little did she know she'd just slept with him.

‘Of course,' she went on, filling Mac's silence, and coming back from that far-away place, ‘the high life would be all very well, but it wouldn't mean as much without someone to love – you know, to share it all with.'

‘Now where did that come from?' He sat up beside her and pulled her to him and kissed the side of her head. ‘You're not going to get all soppy on me now are you, Samantha?'

She frowned and looked away. ‘Sorry, did I say that out loud?' She forced a smile. ‘Guess it's a while since I've felt this relaxed. You know what I mean though, don't you? After all, this is great, and I'm so glad we got to know each other better, and you are pretty gorgeous.' He was smiling and nodding, waving his hand as if to say ‘carry on', so she did. ‘And amazing in bed. Incredible, actually. But this place – it's a fairy tale isn't it? Hey, it's the sort of place you'd go for a honeymoon.'

‘You can rent it out for honeymoons as it happens.'

‘Can I? Are you offering?'

He laughed, but said nothing.

‘Gosh, just imagine it, having this to share with someone special,' she said. He didn't answer, so she looked up at him. ‘Or maybe, since you've gone all quiet …' she bit her lip, ‘… maybe you've secretly already got someone?'

Talk about great minds think alike.

‘Hey, we're not supposed to discuss things like that, remember?' He tickled her playfully.

She responded by throwing a cushion on his head. He threw it off and turned over to face her.

‘As a matter of fact, I do have someone, right now.'

She looked alarmed.

! So, thank you, Sam.' He smiled up at her from under his brow and was hit with the sudden realisation that he really meant it. ‘Thank you for sharing all this with me.'

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