Tainted (20 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

BOOK: Tainted
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Chapter Twenty-five


“You could stay and finish the tour with us,” Sawyer said, wistfully taking Vida’s hand in hers.

“We can’t
. Colton needs to get back to his shop, and I have a couple of job interviews. You could come back with us until Kaden finishes his tour,” Vida countered with tears in her eyes.

Kaden’s arm around her shoulder stiffened
, letting her know that he wasn’t happy with that solution. She smiled up at him before taking a step forward, hugging Vida close. “He only has six more concerts then we’ll come for a visit,” Sawyer promised, subtlety letting Vida know she would be staying with Kaden when she returned to Queen City.

Vida nodded
, returning her tight hug. Stepping away, she turned and walked a few feet, coming to stand in front of Ax, whose shoulder and arm were in a sling. Ax looked down at the woman who came to his shoulder.

“You saved my life. I’d hug you
, but I don’t want to hurt you,” Vida thanked him.

“Maybe you can think of another way to pay me back
,” he joked.

“I’ll do that
,” she said, reaching up to kiss his cheek before going to Colton who sat on his bike, patiently waiting.

The passersby cross
ed the street to keep from getting near the rough looking bikers. All except Jordan, who was giving Max and the one with the scar on his face, hell for not moving their bikes so that her cab could park. Max was edging his bike forward, out of the way, but the other one was just staring at Jordan like she was a pest to be ignored. It wasn’t until Ice spoke that the biker edged forward, finally letting the taxi into the driveway.

waved goodbye to them as she climbed into the cab, making a different movement of her hand to the biker who had ignored her request.

“Did she just give Jackal the
…” Vida laughed, but quieted when all the Predators’ glares turned on her.

She gave him the bird.” Sawyer couldn’t help but grin at the bubbly girl who hadn’t been the least frightened by the large group of bikers. They all watched as the cab pulled out, taking the woman to the airport.

Kaden hadn’t made a decision to hire her yet
, but she planned on guilt tripping him into it to pay her back for almost getting killed by Digger. To give Jordan credit, she hadn’t been too upset; she had been more relieved that the situation had been resolved before she’d regained consciousness.

Vida climbed onto the back of Colton’s bike
, waving as the large group of bikers pulled out. Kaden’s arm returned to her shoulder as he led her onto the bus. Ax and Alec brought up the rear, closing the bus door behind them.

Sawyer sat down on the chair, looking sadly out the window, Kaden leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Sawyer as the bus pulled out. Her hand was tugging her hair, twirling it around her finger.

Ax sat down on the leather couch groaning.

“You need a pain pill?” Kaden questioned.

, thanks; I just took one.”

“What are we going to do about tomorrow’s concert?”
D-mon asked.

“Jesse is flying in tomorrow. He’s recovered enough that he can sit on a stool and take Ax’s place until he’s better. By the end of the tour
, both of you can take the next few months off while whoever we decide to hire sets up another tour,” Kaden said, pulling out a bottled water from the fridge.

“Sounds good to me.” Ax stood up
, stretching. “I’m going to go lie down.”

were all grateful their friend was still alive as they watched him go to his compartment, closing the sliding door. It was a horrific moment watching Digger’s gun go off. If not for Ax’s quick action, there was no doubt that Vida would have been mortally wounded.

Digger was lucky for the second ti
me that day when Alec knocked Digger out instead of killing him. There wasn’t a person in the room who didn’t want to see the crazy man dead, but they’d all wanted the women he had kidnapped safely returned.

Alec had told them this morning that Digger was under guard at the hospital and that the FBI were waiting to question him.

Sawyer rose, stretching. “I’m going to follow Ax’s example and go to bed.” Telling everyone goodnight and then reaching up to brush Kaden’s mouth with hers, she went into the bedroom and got ready for bed. She lay down on the bed, thinking she would wake up when Kaden came in; instead, she woke up the next morning, wrapped in his arms with him staring down at her drowsy eyes.

“That’s the first time that you let me hold you through the night.”

“Is it?”

“Yes.” His mouth lowered to her
s, his tongue slipping into her mouth, and Sawyer’s arms slipped around his shoulders as he deepened the kiss.

A knock sounded on the door.

“I have a photo shoot this morning with the local television station.”

Her arms dropped to her sides as he levered himself off her
. She rolled to her side as she watched him dress.

“I have to go.
I’ll see you later.”

He bent down
, giving her a quick kiss before leaving. Sawyer lay in bed several minutes, staring up at the ceiling, before she climbed out of bed and then got dressed. As she pulled out her suitcase, she decided to unpack a few of her clothes since they would be staying on the bus until they finished the tour. Opening the built in drawers, she searched for an empty one. The first few drawers were filled; however, the next had a large envelope in it that was opened. When she started to close the drawer, a photo slipped loose.

Sawyer looked down at the face she recognized. Reaching out
, she picked up the thick envelope. She pulled out several pictures of Tatiana that had her nude with Kaden. Sawyer flipped through the pictures, wishing she had never touched the envelope.

eeling something else in the envelope, she pulled out two cassettes that would fit in a camcorder. When she had heard Kaden tell Alec to get the tapes back, she had assumed he was talking about tapes with songs on it.

had been a naïve idiot. The pictures in her hand told her that. Carefully sliding the pictures back into the envelope with the two cassette tapes, she closed it before placing it back into the drawer.

Going to her suitcase
, she zipped it closed before slipping on her sneakers. Grabbing her purse and suitcase, hoping like hell all the men would be at the interview with Kaden, she stuck her head out of the bedroom door. Seeing no one on the bus, she slipped out of the room. She was passing the bathroom door when the door opened and Ax came out dressed in his jeans.

His eyes fell immediately to the suitcase and purse in her hand.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m leaving
. There’s no need for me to be here any longer now that Digger is in custody. Goodbye, Ax.” Sawyer kept walking, but was brought to a standstill when Ax’s hand jerked her to a stop.

“What’s with the attitude? I go to bed last night and everything is cool. I wake up and you
’re sneaking out of the fucking bus. You get in a fight last night with Kaden?”

Sawyer refused to answer
, attempting to jerk away. “I’m leaving, Ax. Let me go.”

“What the hell!” He pulled her backward
, shoving her back into the bedroom and locking her inside.

“Let me go!” Sawyer yelled
, banging on the door.

Silence from the other side of the door was her only answer.

She paced back and forth across the carpeted floor, looking at the clock on the nightstand every few minutes. It was an hour later that the bedroom door was unlocked and a grim Kaden came into the bedroom, staring at her silently.

Sawyer stood
, staring back at him angrily. She wanted to throw something at him; she was so hurt.

“Explain yourself
, Sawyer.”

“I’m done explaining myself to you. I want to leave and I want to leave now!”

“Watch your tone of voice with me or you’re going to be sorry. I’m trying to be understanding because I can see you’re upset over something, but you’re straining my patience with your sarcasm.”

“Deal with it
, Kaden, or don’t, but I’m leaving.” Picking up her suitcase was a bad move because Kaden took it from her, throwing it across the room, just before she found herself being lifted and carried to the bed. Expecting to be put over his lap, thinking she would never forgive him, he instead sat down with her on his lap.

“Tell me what’s wrong.
Couples talk their problems through. They don’t run.”

“We’re not a couple anymore
,” Sawyer snapped back.

“Sawyer, you
’re about five seconds away from an extremely painful life experience if you don’t explain what has you so angry.”

Sawyer’s lips tightened then her ginger broke through.
“I found the pictures of you and Tatiana.” Her expression revealed her revulsion.

“You went through my things?” Whoa. How did this get turned around on her
; she was the one that was angry.

“I didn’t mean to
. I was looking for a drawer and one of the pictures slid out,” Sawyer explained.

“Did all the pictures fall out?”

Damn it, Sawyer thought.


“Those pictures were taken six years ago. You’re going to be angry for something I did six years ago?”

no. You’re trying to confuse me,” she said, frustrated at his refusal to see that he was the one in the wrong.

“I’m not trying to confuse you. I have news for you
, Sawyer; I wasn’t a virgin when I met you. I’ve led a very active sex life. In fact, there’s not much I haven’t done.”

“From those pictures
, I know there’s nothing you haven’t done,” Sawyer snapped, jerking off his lap. She went to the drawer, taking the envelope out. She opened it and dumped the photos on the bed.

Sawyer pointed at one.
“I wasn’t the first one you talked into getting her nipples pierced, was I?” She was hurt and angry at herself. She had felt special because she had wanted to have them pierced to please him. When she looked at the picture with Tatiana, it didn’t feel special to her anymore.

Kaden reach
ed out, pulling her stiff body between his thighs.

’s nipples had been pierced before I even started dating her. A couple of women I’ve been in sexual relationships with have them, plus a variety of other piercings. Some have had their tongue or lips pierced. A couple their pussies. I didn’t try to talk you into those, did I?”

,” she admitted reluctantly. Damn, she wasn’t ready to be talked out of her madness.

, there is no comparison between you and Tatiana.”

I know.” Her lip trembled.

’s hand splayed the pictures onto the bed. “Look at my face.”

Sawyer looked at the photos on the bed
, this time looking at his face. The Kaden in those pictures was not the one in this room with her. The Kaden in the picture’s face was filled with lust. He was also obviously drugged, the photo catching the glazed look in his eyes. The man in those pictures didn’t look at Tatiana the way he looked at her when he made love to her. Sawyer felt a lump in her throat. The way he was staring at her now. The Kaden in the photos had died with his family.

“I’m sorry.” Her arms went around his shoulders
, her mouth going to his. “I’m so sorry.” Kaden’s arms pulled her back onto his lap.

“I love you, Sawyer.”

“I love you, too, Kaden.”

“I have to get back to the interviews
. They all probably think I’m back into drugs again the way I took off.”

“Go ahead. I’ll see you later.” His hand cupped her jaw
, bringing her eyes to his. “You can destroy those pictures and tapes if you get bored,” he said, standing up.

Going to the door
, he was about to open it, but he turned back.

, and Sawyer, you will be punished tonight.” He raised a finger for each of her offenses. “You were rude to Ax when he asked where you were going. You were very rude to me when I asked. You went through my personal items, but the one that will really hurt and the one you will never forget, is that you were going to leave without talking to me first.”

then opened the door and closed it behind him.

Chapter Twenty-six


My love for you consumes me, drowns me.

, why can’t you see, you’re mine for eternity.

Like a bird in a cage with nowhere to go,

These tainted hands hold your soul.


I will make you love me, crave me.

just you wait and see. I will become your disease.

Like a bird in a cage with nowhere to go,

These tainted hands hold your soul.


You flew away. You didn’t stay.

Baby, why didn’t I see, you could be stolen from me.

I’m like a bird in a cage with nowhere to go,

These tainted hands need your soul.


You came back
. My heart was black.

Baby, look and see
. You have finally rescued me.

Like a bird in a cage with nowhere to go,

These tainted hands won your soul.


Sawyer watched Kaden sing from backstage with Alec standing next to her. Kaden had his shirt off and was wearing leather pants that hung low on his hips. The music was erotic as hell and was thrumming through her body. The sultry lyrics combined with his voice had the audience swaying, holding lights in their hands. The song was moving with an emotional depth that she hadn’t heard before.

“Is it a new song? I haven’t heard it before
.” Sawyer turned, asking Ax who was standing behind her.

“Yeah, he started writing
it when you were missing. He just finished it a couple of days ago,” Ax answered.

Sawyer looked back at the stage
, seeing Kaden’s eyes were on her. She gave him a sweet smile, loving the song and the man who’d written the lyrics.

When the song ended
, another began. Sawyer should have known the touching moment couldn’t last. The familiar chords of the song started as Alyce strutted out onto the stage. Kaden and her sang, walking back and forth across the stage. When it came time to do their usual bump and grind on the middle of the stage, Kaden made a turn, walking back to the side of the stage toward her. When he didn’t stop, but took her hand and led her out onto the stage, she tried to pull away, embarrassed with the arena’s eyes on her. Alyce looked furious; however, she moved to the right of the stage and kept singing while Kaden moved them toward the center before coming to a stop.

Sawyer was frozen stiff at being the focus of attention
. She turned to flee the stage, but Kaden’s arm went around her waist, holding her in place. Her eyes flew wildly to his, scared to death. She had been kidnapped twice, been beaten by Digger, had bullets shot around her twice, yet standing on stage terrified her.

“Dance with me.” The look in Kaden’s eyes had her struggles slowing as Kaden’s movements against her began to cross the barrier of her stage fright. His hands went to her hips as he continued to sing into his headset.

She gradually relaxed against him, forcing herself to look only at him as she began to move against him. The music she had watched him dance numerous times to with Alyce was easy to move to; however, she couldn’t let herself go to the extent that Alyce did. When the song ended, he let her flee the stage back to Alec and Ax’s side, who were laughing at her like goons.

him.” Her comment only made them laugh louder at the same time that Ax’s good arm went around her shoulder, drawing her to his side.

After the show
, they returned to the VIP room. Kaden had gone to the airport that afternoon to meet Jesse’s plane. Then, before the show, the promoters had kept them busy, so it was the first opportunity she’d had to meet Jesse. He was good looking and sexy, but in her eyes, he paled in comparison to Kaden.

Several of the women fans were overwhelmed backstage
, unable to restrain themselves and had to be shown out by Alec.

Sawyer sat on one of the couches
, watching as Sin, D-mon and Jesse ushered one star struck fan into the restroom. Sawyer could only imagine how wild the group had been when they were younger, if they were like this now that they were older. They showed no signs of slowing down, either.

Ax took a seat next to her on the couch
, wincing as he jarred his shoulder.

Sawyer got up
, going to get him a beer before bringing it back to him.

,” he said with a pained smile.

’re welcome.”

“You and Kaden kiss and make up?”

“Yes, we’re okay.”

“That’s good. I don’t think he would make it losing another person he loves
, Sawyer.”

Sawyer lowered her head
, feeling guilty that she would have walked out on Kaden with no explanation.

“I have a little bit of a temper
,” Sawyer confessed.

Ax shook his head at her ruefully. “I think Kaden will help you get it under control. It’s a good thing for you that we’re spending the night on the bus and don’t have any privacy
, but Kaden’s promised me a weekend visit when you two find a home. You really shouldn’t have been so rude to me this morning when I asked where you were going. I had to take another pain pill after I locked you up.” His twinkling eyes promised retribution. Her body clenched and her nipples pebbled under her shirt.

Kaden sat down next to her
, his hand pressing down on her thigh, preventing her from getting up from the couch.

, Ax. I can’t tell if you’re scaring her or turning her on,” Kaden said, searching Sawyer’s red face.

,” Ax answered for her. Both men sat on the couch with her, talking about the show. Kaden was letting Jesse handle the press and promoters.

Alec escorted them through the remaining crowd as they left the arena back onto the bus. The men were tired but pumped, throwing themselves down on the chairs and couches and pulling out the liquor bottles. Sawyer knew when it was time to retreat.

She went into the bedroom
, preparing for bed. She was about to take a shower when Kaden walked in, closing and locking the door behind him.

His eyes took in the nightgown in her hand.

“You’re not going to need that tonight, Sawyer.” Sawyer paused, looking at his hard face. “Take off your clothes and prepare yourself while I take my shower.” She swallowed hard, aware he was not going to let her get away with her behavior from earlier today.

Kaden went into the bathroom
, closing the door behind him. Sawyer hurriedly undressed, making sure she folded her clothes and put them away. The running shower shut off and a squeak escaped Sawyer as she barely remembered to lay the paddle on the bed before she took the position Kaden expected to find her in.

She was leaning over the bed with her ass stuck out
and her hands on the bed overlapping each other when Kaden opened the bathroom door a second later.

“I see you remembered the paddle.”
His hand reached out and picked it up. “Tell me something, Sawyer; did you even consider how I would feel when you tried to leave this morning.”

“No.” The truth got her a hard swat on her bottom.

“No, what?” Another swat.

“No, Kaden.”

His fingers went between her thighs.

“That’s better.” He stroked her clit until her hips thrust back at him.

A firm swat on her ass had her back in position.

“This is for disrespecting A
x.” Swat.

“Disrespecting me when I asked what was wrong.” Swat, swat, swat, swat, swat.

“Going through my things.” Swat.

His hand rubbed the
pinking flesh of her butt before going once again to the gathering wetness that gave her excitement away.

“Which one did I tell you would hurt the most?”

“I was going to leave without talking to you first.” The hard swat on her bottom had her standing on her tiptoes, but she didn’t break position. Sawyer heard him lay the paddle on the nightstand.

“I’m ready to accept your apology
, Sawyer.”

Sawyer obediently went to her knees on the carpet before him. His naked body gleamed in the light of the bedroom.

“May I touch you, Kaden?”


He groaned when she reached out
, taking his hardening cock deep into her mouth. She scooted closer to him on her knees as she began to suck on his dick. Her tongue explored his length as her hand reached out to cup his heavy balls.

His hips thrust forward
, driving more of his length inside her warm mouth. Kaden put his hand in her hair, holding her head still as he fucked her mouth. Sawyer whimpered as her pussy clenched, wanting his cock inside her.

Pulling his cock away
, he took a step back. “Get on the bed, Sawyer.”

Sawyer eagerly went to the bed
, thrilled he wasn’t going to extend her punishment by not letting her have an orgasm. She should have known he wasn’t going to let her off so easily.

Kaden climbed onto the bed
, his back to the headboard. He lifted her onto his cock her knees going to the bed beside his hips. She was so wet she slid easily down his length. Her back arched in pleasure at the feel of him inside of her.

“Fuck me, Sawyer.”

Her hips began moving, sliding his length deep inside her, finding a rhythm that drove her passion higher.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

Sawyer’s hands immediately crossed behind her back, which thrust her breasts out.

A moan slid
past her lips when Kaden’s hands glided to her pussy, spreading her pink flesh until she felt the flesh of his cock with every slide. His thumb rubbed her clit until the nub exploded into an orgasm that stopped her from moving.

A swat landed on her ass. “Did I tell you to stop?”

“No, Kaden.” Sawyer rode out her climax on Kaden’s cock, shuddering as he kept playing with her clit, not letting her body come down from her climax.

“Give me your tit.”

Sawyer leaned forward until his mouth could reach her breast, keeping her hips moving.

Kaden’s lips circled her breast
, sucking her nipple into his mouth where his tongue played with her nipple ring. Sawyer’s body began to rebuild the fire while he continued stroking her breast into a hard nub before moving to the other one. Taking the breast in his mouth, his teeth grazed her nipple. Her stomach muscles rippled as another climax surged through her.

Kaden didn’t let her stop. A bead of sweat slid between her breast,
and his tongue licked the salty wetness.

Her thighs started to tremble from the strain of fucking him,
and her pussy felt swollen from the number of climaxes around his cock. Tiny screams were now escaping as each climax led into another.

“I’m sorry, Kaden
,” Sawyer panted as his thumb continued to play with her clit. “I will never try to leave you again.”

His teeth bit down on her nipple ring.

“I am so, so sorry. I won’t even think about leaving you again, Kaden.”

His cock thrust upwards as he suddenly rose up. Sawyer fell backwards on the mattress with Kaden’s cock still buried deep inside of her. Her hands went to the mattress above her head
, grabbing the sheets.

His hands went behind her knees
, bringing her thighs high against her chest as he began to pound her with his thrusting cock.

“Why are you never going to leave me
, Sawyer?”

His eyes blazed down into hers.

“Because you love me.”

“Why are you never going to leave me
, Sawyer?” he repeated.

“Because I love you.”

Kaden’s mouth found her, stifling his moan as his climax carried them both into a realm that only the two of them shared, each feeling what the other felt in their souls.

Kaden’s body collapsed on her
, his hands stroking her thighs until she managed to lower them back to the bed.

, if that was meant as a punishment, I plan on being bad, a lot,” she said playfully.

Kaden laughed
as he rolled to his side. “Woman, if you’re going to challenge my authority, at least give me time to recover.”

Sawyer giggled
, jumping out of bed and going to the bathroom. Just before she shut the bathroom door, she bent down, wiggling her ass the way Vida had told her she would do at the end of every show.

Kaden lay staring at the closed bathroom door with his mouth open. A second later
, he was manfully climbing out of the bed. He was never a man to pass up a challenge.

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