Tainted (12 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

BOOK: Tainted
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gently picked her up, lying her back down on the bed with her head on the pillow. He left her for a few minutes before returning. He spread her legs, cleaning her while he ignored her swatting hand.

“Stop it
, Sawyer, or I’ll get the brush and teach you the hard way to stay still.”

’s hand immediately returned to her side. When he finished, he went back into the bathroom and Sawyer used the opportunity to cover herself with the sheet.

Kaden noticed when he returned to the room. He stood by the bed
, removing his clothes and placing them on the chair beside hers, before sliding into the bed.

Sawyer started to say something then closed her mouth at his sharp look. Her ass was still burning and she wasn’t anxious for another swat.

When he lay on his side, pulling her toward him, Sawyer tensed, not feeling comfortable close to his warmth. She preferred having her space, but she let him hold her, his arm wrapping around her waist with his hand on her breast.

“Go to sleep
, Sawyer.”

“Quit ordering me around
,” she snapped back sleepily.

His quiet laughter almost made her want to pick a fight
, but she was too tired and too sore to face the consequences if she made him angry. She would teach the domineering bastard tomorrow that she wasn’t going to become a pushover to his every demand.

Chapter Thirteen


Sawyer managed to sneak out of bed without waking Kaden.
As she ran water in the oversized tub, she saw several bath bombs sitting on the shelf above the bath. Reaching up, she inquisitively sniffed a few before finding a faint vanilla scent she liked that wasn’t overpowering.

She dropped the bath bomb into the tub
, watching the bubbles and foam appear. She grinned as she enjoyed the treat. Vida and she stayed on a tight budget and wouldn’t splurge on small extravagances.

Sinking into the warm water
, she relished the warmth and the silky feel of the water against her skin. As she settled, she adjusted her butt so she wasn’t putting weight on the sorest part of her bottom.

Taking the sponge
, she appreciated being able to relax and take her time for the first moment in her life, to actually spoil herself. She shaved her legs and underarms. Glancing down, she couldn’t bring herself to do as Kaden had suggested, so she laid the razor down, relaxing back against the side of the tub.

It wasn’t long before t
he opening door had her head turning to see Kaden coming into the room.

“Get out
,” Sawyer said between gritted teeth.

oming to a stop, Kaden asked, “Why?”

“Why?” Sawyer repeated his words. “I’m taking a bath.”

“I can see that,” he said with his eyes on her breasts.

“Get out.” This time he gave her a full
-fledged smile before going to the toilet and raising the lid before relieving himself. When he was done, he flushed and went to the sink to wash his hands.

Sawyer sat with her mouth open at the gall of the man to not wait until she was finished.
When he turned back around, she couldn’t hold back her response. “At least you raised the lid.”

“I try to be a gentleman.”

“A gentleman would be the last word I would use to describe you,” she snapped.

“Really? I think I’ve been very gentle with you
, Sawyer, despite your constantly defiant attitude toward me.” Kaden sat down on the side of the tub, unconcerned with his nakedness.

Sawyer wanted to throw her bath sponge at him
; but instead, she sat up in the tub, covering her breasts with the bright pink sponge.

His eyes fell to the razor lying on the side of the tub. “Tell me
, Sawyer, if my hand was to dip into the water, would I find your pussy the way I have asked for it twice?”

Sawyer paled
, lowering her lashes to cover her eyes. She wasn’t frightened of Kaden, but neither was she anxious for her ass to be on the receiving end of another spanking so soon while it was still pink and sore.

Her silence showed her

Kaden stood up
, looking down at her. “Since you couldn’t follow my directions, I’m going to my room, instead of getting in the tub with you, which is what I wanted to do. I’ll leave you to bathe alone.” Sawyer saw the disappointment in his eyes and swallowed back the unnecessary remorse the bastard was trying to make her feel.

“If I knew your bottom wasn’t still sore with being spanked for the first time
, I would show you how ill advised you are for not listening to me, Sawyer. I expect you to take care of this act of defiance on your part immediately. Do you understand me?”

Sawyer nodded instead of cussing him out
, which she thought was the wisest move on her part. Her nipples tightened, peeking out from behind the sponge. The freaking asshole could arouse her without laying a hand on her.

Kaden turned back before going out the doorway. “And, Sawyer
, I expect you to find a way to make this up to me tonight.”

She would make it up to him tonight all right
; she would kill the freaking bastard before she ripped out his heart.


Jordan had managed to make breakfast for everyone. The eggs were still runny and the bacon burnt, but they were edible, so Sawyer managed to eat enough to stop her stomach from rumbling. She had just finished drinking the last of her coffee when Kaden came into the kitchen.

“Have you finished eating breakfast?”


“Good. Let’s go then.” He took her hand
, ushering her out of the kitchen under Jordan’s amused gaze.

“Where are we going?”

“I thought you’d like to get out of the house for a while and explore the town. I have items to pick up.” Sawyer couldn’t believe that she would willingly spend time with Kaden, but the idea of sitting around another day in R.J.’s house, bored to tears, stopped any protest she would have made.

, instead of a car waiting, she saw a motorcycle parked in the driveway.

She was shocked when he led her to it and handed her a helmet to put on.

She looked at it in bemusement. “I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before,” she said in awe.

he asked, climbing on to the huge machine.

“Hell no.” Sawyer put on the helmet
, grinning. She eagerly climbed on behind Kaden and wrapped her arms around him like she’d seen in the movies. He looked back, smiling at her enthusiasm.

He started the bike, yelling back.
“Hang on.” The bike roared down the driveway, and Kaden waved to the security guard on duty as they passed.

As they pulled out onto the street
, Sawyer noticed a black explorer with Alec behind the wheel and several of his men inside. Alec followed behind as Kaden drove the bike expertly, keeping his speed down so that Alec could keep up.

When they reached town
, Kaden pulled into the parking lot of a small shopping center. The store was tucked between a tattoo shop and a lingerie shop. Sawyer got off the bike as Kaden waited for her. Giving him a curious look, she wondered which shop he was going to. As they walked closer, she saw the one he was heading for was named Naughty Playground.

She was stumped until she drew closer to the sign on the door
and saw that a whip outlined the letters on the sign.

“Hell no
,” Sawyer said, turning around. She saw Alec and his men waiting inside their vehicle, staring at them. So help her God, if any of them grinned at her, she would kill Kaden.

“Sawyer.” Kaden drew her attention back to him. “You have ten minutes while I wait out here to go in and find what you want me to use when I punish you. I’m not fond of using a hair brush. If you don’t find something appropriate in ten minutes
, I’ll come in and you won’t be happy with my choice. Talk back to me and I’ll go inside and make my choice and you’ll really be unhappy.” Kaden reached into his pocket and pulled out some cash, handing it to her. He then crossed his arms over his chest.

Sawyer hesitated.

“Tick Tock,” Kaden said.

Sawyer opened the door
, rushing inside the store where the startled female clerk jumped at her entrance. Sawyer’s dazed eyes took in the store and knew she wouldn’t find what she was looking for in time.

ah, where are the umm… I… th
I guess they’re called paddles?” Sawyer asked, confused on about what exactly what to ask for.

The woman came out from behind the counter
. Seeing Kaden standing outside the doors, her lips firmed to hide her amusement. Sawyer appreciated the effort, but she was in a hurry.

“I’m kind of in a

“They’re over here.”

Sawyer followed the clerk dressed in leather leggings and a shirt with no sleeves. The top dipped, showing her cleavage.

The woman stopped in front of a display
, showing different paddles of different sizes and material. Some were rubber;, some were plastic and some were wood.

“I don’t suppose you would happen to know which hurts the least
, would you?”

The woman reached out
, taking a black paddle that wasn’t as thick or thin as the others. “This one isn’t too bad,” she said conspiratorially.

Sawyer reluctantly took it from her hand
and then turned toward the cash register. A sudden thought had her turning back. She asked, “Is there something else besides paddles men use, which hurts even less than this?”

This time
, the woman didn’t try to hide her amusement. Walking to the next aisle over, she pulled down a box. Opening it, she showed Sawyer a small handle with several lashes. “It’s a flogger, it looks scary, but it doesn’t hurt at all compared to the paddle. It’s made of deerskin. Women love this one because it makes the men feel all Dom while it arouses the women. Just don’t forget to yell and scream. Got to make them think it actually hurts.” She gave her a conspiring wink.

Sawyer grabbed it out of her hand
, handing the paddle back to her. Going to the register, she paid for it with the cash Kaden had given her. She wasn’t going to give him his change back, either. He deserved to lose it for embarrassing her.

She thanked the clerk
and then went back out the door with two minutes to spare, proud of her accomplishment.

Kaden held his hand out for the bag
, and Sawyer handed it to him. Deciding to take the clerk’s advice to heart, she managed to fake a look of fear as he opened the bag. When he reached inside the bag to open the box, Sawyer still didn’t worry until he looked back at her, closing the bag.

Handing it back to her
, he said, “Wait here.”

With that, h
e went inside the store. Sawyer watched through the glass door as he spoke to the clerk then saw her rushing down the first aisle, returning with the original paddle she had given her. Kaden shook his head no, saying something that had the woman dropping her eyes and rushing back down the aisle, quickly returning with a larger, red paddle. The rat bastard had known it was a fake prop and wasn’t letting her get away with it. Sawyer watched as he went down another aisle, picking up several items, which she couldn’t see, before paying the clerk. Her stomach clenched when the clerk gave her a look of sympathy as Kaden left the shop.

“Let’s get some lunch
,” Kaden said, seeming in a much better mood.

Sawyer followed him back to the motorcycle
, watching as he put his purchases into a saddlebag before placing hers in also. Getting on the bike, he turned the motor on as he waited for her to get on.

“Don’t pout
. I gave you fair warning, Sawyer. As soon as you learn that I’m the one with the balls, you might actually have some fun.”

“I doubt it
,” she said grumpily, putting on a helmet. This time, her arms circled him less enthusiastically.

Kaden pulled out of the parking lot
, driving several blocks before he pulled over at another strip mall. This mall seemed more respectable, and she didn’t hesitate to follow him inside the well known department store. She watched as he picked out several items, sometimes even asking her opinion. He chose commonsense items the guys were constantly fighting over on the bus, such as a new pair of shoes for Ax because he had forgotten his favorite pair in a hotel room. Several t-shirts for Sin since he ripped his off constantly when he was on stage. Then underwear for D-mon because Kaden said he was tired of seeing his junk on display.

“Maybe he just likes to show off.”

Kaden laughed at her joke. “It’s hard living on the road. If we don’t replace the essentials, then they start stealing them off each other. If Ax swipes another pair of my socks, I’m going to hurt him.”

He bought
R.J.’s wife a set of cookware as a hostess gift. Obviously, he had noticed Jordan was systemically destroying their current set.

Do you need anything?” he offered.

Please.” Sawyer went to the aisle she needed, picking up a package.

“I see my socks aren’t the only ones that Ax has been pilfering,” Kaden said when she laid the large pack of socks on the counter.

“Anything else?” He questioned.

She looked up at Kaden. “Thanks for getting me out of the house. I’m enjoying myself.” Sawyer spoke the truth. She
enjoying herself, except for having to buy the paddle.

“You can give me a present tonight
to reward me,” Kaden’s wicked voice whispered into her ear as he put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her to his side as they checked out.

Going outside
, the sunny sky lifted her spirits even further. She began to feel like she was leading a normal life for the first time in months. Kaden took her hand, leading her to a restaurant at the end of the mall. The steakhouse was full, but they managed to find a seat without waiting.

The food was good
. She finished all of it. Relaxing, Sawyer leaned back in her seat, drinking the last of her wine. She enjoyed spending time with Kaden when he was like this, engaging without being bossy. He had a quick sense of humor, but it could disappear in a second when something irritated him.

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