Tainted (27 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Tainted
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“Noted.”  Wow!  I never thought about their end.  To see that men are that devoted to one is so amazing when you are THAT ONE.  “Thank you for your insight and honesty.” 

He nodded. 

“Oh, and Bane,” he looked down at me only, “
like roses,” I smiled devilishly.  “
Cupid...draw back your bow...and let your arrow flow...straight to the one beside and behind me....”

Sarah was in total cherry red blush attack.  Bane was looking straight ahead and remained that way.  Rigidly!

Ian sent his mom to have a talk with me once at the book club about how this guarding me was a proper thing to do because I was in such grave danger.  No one…NO ONE wanted to hear what really happened since it was more of an eye opener than a real live evil doer kidnapping took place and not a good ole fashioned heart to heart among friends.  And I never mentioned the alone in a bedroom time with Kin or that I was his slave girl.  They questioned how he got me into the court, but gave up instantly when I said he hid my face with a shawl. They must know.

I promised the girls at the book club each ten times that my guards were mostly mute and repeated nothing, but Sarah rattled on tonight about how Rion once followed her around the court to confirm there was a secret meeting without the prince or queen knowing about it only to find out that it was our book club in the forming stages of my bath area. Her flowing mouth suddenly shut closed when Bane had joined us.  Weeks later after much matchmaking the arrows from cupid’s bow seemed to be bouncing off the two lovebirds and coming back.  Neither one would make a move.  I’d become quite enthralled in the whole Bane and Sarah saga and my little reality TV already determined romance for the two of them.

The days went on.  The same routine daily with my two guards and less Ian.  My patience was thin and my need for him was thick like pea soup.

On the fifth day of solitude vs. surrounded by all, I confronted Ian.  I couldn’t take the locked up in a tower princess mode anymore.

“Ian, can I talk to you?” I cornered him at the lunch table after spending the morning taking out my rage on the arrows and the target they tore up.  I was getting very accurate as Pike reminded me daily. 

“Sure,” Ian said between mouthfuls.  I got the distinct impression he’d been avoiding talking to me lately.  He’s hurt or scared or something!  I needed to resolve this by telling him what happened while I was there.  I’d told him some.  I beat around the bush when interrogated in front of all, but I had yet to tell him what I should not of held inside for he is who I should have told everything.

He met me in the garden where he sat and brooded just like a man.  He wasn’t going to help me with this.

“Ian I want to tell you a few things.  First, I think you’re being ridiculous about all the surveillance.  I know for a fact that he will not take me again at the trampoline because he said you would expect it now.  He promised he wouldn’t take me without me asking, for which I don’t desire either and assured him I wouldn’t come alone again.  I didn’t ask for it this last time or the time before that.  He misinterpreted my call and lastly, he was more than cordial the entire time only claiming to convince me that his court is the better call.  I left him with the reminder that that wouldn’t happen and I wished the best for him.  I learned more about his life and why he is the way he is.  He changed in some ways for the better however I feel the same Kin is lying underneath and can pop back into play at a moment’s notice.  He didn’t harm me, didn’t force me to do anything, and returned me like he said.  I didn’t want any of this to happen, but fighting it was a possibility I had to consider that would have ended me into a difficult situation I might not of recovered from.  I was deathly afraid I wouldn’t come back from his court because of the way he represented me, but I did.  He made me his slave to hide my identity and therefore angered me with the representation, but what could I do?  He did as I asked and I am all the richer now for seeing his court up close and knowing my enemy better than most.  He will hold off the Nyms from our territories as I have made sure of it and he delivered the message.  The real enemy is his father and that is what we should be focused on.”

Ian braced and took his turn though he patiently waited for me to finish.  And he didn’t flinch at knowing my disguise to get into the Unseelie court.  “You are right.  I am selfish.  I know you can handle yourself Grace, but I am to be your king as you say and I have boundaries that have been crossed many times now.  I will not accept what he is doing as something light.  He betrayed you however you want to see it.  He betrayed our court system and me by doing it.  He is from the winter court and this is simply not done unless he is waging war.  I am but one man and I can’t seem to make you happy and help run this court.”

“Make me happy.  You suggesting it is just preposterous.  Ian, the day you told me who you really were and that I wasn’t alone in how I felt was the happiest moment in my life.  I can’t wait to be married to you and call you my own.  You have no idea what you do to me inside and out or how you seem to stop me from breathing just by seeing your eyes look at me.  I’m drowning.  I can’t surface when your focus is strictly on me.  I am selfish too. I don’t like to be ignored and seen as easily discarded.  I want your full attention and allow nothing to ever pry your eyes away from me.  You anger me more than anyone I know simply because you go so far beyond what you should to shelter me and keep me safe.  I know this is the only way you know and I try to remember that, but I am a survivor and independent when I need to be.  Always have.  Always will.”

He pulled me to him and that was that. No more argument.  No more sharing. I came to a new conclusion about his way of dealing with me, kissing solves all.

“I need to tell you more about Kin.”


We held each other, locked our faces together a while…well a lot and then some more.  I was shaking all over from the impact only then realizing I’d held in a lot of emotion lately and now letting it unleash on him.  He felt my body going into the next level of danger zone, base loaded making out when
forced the break.  Why did he have to be so virtuous with my virtue?

He walked me to my room.  “Why are we here?” 


I was lost.  I wanted to be in his room.  “But…”

“For now.  I will come see you.”

“Why?”  I was hurt.

“Grace, you misunderstand.  I can’t…I need a really,
cold shower.”

Oh!  Virtue Vulture Ian!  Now that I think about it, his eyes were silver. Would we ever make to the wedding? 

“You better missy.”

What?  I turned to see Danella staring into me motherly pure thoughts.  He
be my husband.

Not yet.

He will be, so back off a little.  We’ve been good.

“I know, but only by his doing.  So let’s keep it that way.”

I folded my arms.  “And how do you know?”

“Miss Grace, we will all know when you two have completed.”

Were they…no I’m not going to ask.  My look begged for answers.

“I only mean that you will be moved into more of your powers.  We will all see it, hear it, know it.”

Oh! That’s a little better, but still embarrassing.

Chapter Thirty Four
- v. occur again, periodically, or repeatedly



The day was here.  Or rather, it was tomorrow.  I was nervous and with good reason.  The court was going about the normal day to day business and frolicking with a nervous queen giving them half smiles and weak nods. 

“You are going to be fine,” Ian leaned over to me at the breakfast table and told me for the umpteenth time.  I smiled the same half smile at him and he upturned his eyebrow at me.  “Don’t believe me?”

“Ian, cool you jets.  I’m just crazy nervous.”  He put his hand on my arm and I jerked, “No calming the queen without her consent
  Unless it’s to lead me to the bed!

I heard you.

My head jerked at him
.  Dang it!
This unpredictable mind reading since I’ve gotten more control was maddening.  I was so good at it and then, boom!  I was losing control when I didn’t focus.  Just around Ian.

“So no touching.  Got it!  Any other requests or orders, my love?”

So not going there.  Interesting that he heard that small tidbit but not the rest.

“No talking either?”

I turned my imprudent glare at him, but it was clearly doused by the intensity of his eyes and what they were telling me.  He was all silver and desire.  I was fast running out of restraint with this man.  Didn’t he know that showing me those glowing eyes and just open lips were killing me? Can a person die of overcharged hormones?  That’s it.  Focusing on him was my out.  If I thought long enough, I bet I could name every important event pegged with Ian’s smoldering looks.  Having the hots for Ian…calmed me.  Distracted me.  Why not?  Love and war.

“Okay, we’ll talk later then.”

I finally took a quick breath, then a long one.  “Thank you Ian.  I feel better.”  He’d successfully masked my worries and made me forget what was very far from my mind right now.

He shook his head and laughed. 

A breeze hit my neck telling my senses that Danella was behind me so I turned sideways to see her.  She didn’t come to the table unless it was urgent.  “My lady,” she bowed and turned to Ian, “I have the items ready.  You will need to have them wrapped and delivered before the day arrives.  Shall I have this done now?”

My shoulders tensed.  Ian’s chair screeched and he stood behind me.  I stayed where I was.  “I will take care of it.  Please have it sent to my chambers.”

I found it funny how he called it his room when he was with me and chambers when referring to the court.  It was more like a chamber to me since it included a bathroom the size of a house, but who cares, right? 

Danella left.  I turned back to my food, but was still not anywhere near hungry.  Ian wasn’t beside me where he should so I turn the other way and found him standing slightly above still.  “Can I take you somewhere?”

Specifically or just take me?  I giggled at my double meaning that wasn’t meant that way initially but I found that I was doing it more and more.  His head cocked left and I blushed knowing by his look that he couldn’t have read the thoughts.  The silver in his eyes  would have most likely surfaced.

“Yes,” I whispered out.  He took my hand and led me to the garden.  We sat in the very spot we’d sat on the first day he brought me here.  He positioned me exactly as before and with the same gestures.  I remembered this so well.  Did he?

“Do you remember what you said the first time we sat here?”

“Which part?” He did remember.

He smiled.  “You told me not to leave you.”

I nodded remembering that he’d told me that he would look different and would leave me by myself till the nighttime. I had panicked.  “Yes, I said that.”

“And I meant to keep that promise to you.  You know this, right?” 

I didn’t know what to do next with this seemingly impervious to my wrongdoings man before me.  “I do Ian.  Why are you telling me this?”  I thought I knew, but wanted to hear it.

He pulled out from behind his back a red rose and held it up to my face forcing my eyes to attempt looking around it but leaving me cross eyed.  “I want to make sure you know that you are not alone and I am with you in this, right beside you.”

He was truly amazing.  Truly.  I felt ashamed that I couldn’t say the same.  I didn’t think I could say anything worthy of expressing it so I just folded my hand around the hand that held the rose and pulled it down to lean my forehead to his.  Eyes open, I touched my lips to his and concentrated on what I hoped was forgiveness. 
I love you.

He smiled. 
I love you too

We both seemed on a high note of elation at this small secret recurring development between the minds.  I was beyond deserving of this man.

“One more thing.” He snapped his fingers and two guards busted in with two white steaming boxes.  “Your list of requirements.”

I smiled knowing my hunger returned at the very scent of them.  When I opened the box and took a bite before it could disappear, I hated seeing the audience of three males noting the audacious manner of how unladylike I was presenting myself.  I reached for the soda and Bane held on to it so I would look up.  Examining his eyes and smile made his face look different than ever before.  He let go of the drink allowing me to hold it and his other arm curved around and presented me with a dozen red roses.  I melted a hundred times over.  After the guards left, I finished my burger and had the last of the soda slurped down when Ian took my box and empty cup, sat them away from me, and turned my knees to him. I wondered about my third request, but knew better to ask when that would be with Mr. Chastity.


Chapter Thirty Five
- acronym for public display of affection


It was midnightish.  Five girls, my guards, Ian, Pike, and Bane were all standing in the middle of the range area deciding how to divide up.  Ian’s possessive nature claimed me, not that I’d have chosen otherwise.  Bane directly moved close to Sarah as she inched over closer to him.  They were still in the I-don’t-want-to-make-the-first-move mode so I spoke up for them.  “Bane, will you help Sarah with the bow?” He nodded a little too quickly.  Ian eyed me giggling at her. 
, I messaged him with my eyes.  Cell phones had nothing on me and my man’s mind texting.  He nodded, but watched Bane’s hands shake as he tried to choose a bow for Sarah.  Ian’s smile told me he was figuring it out.

“Pike can help Lorah and the other girls with the daggers?  Only one to start probably.”

He nodded, not really happy with his task. 
Poor baby.

His head jolted at my mind texting which gained me a growl.

I laughed. Three women.  One man.  What’s the problem?

They’re not you.

As always, I’m flattered, but hop to it.

One of the girls kept eyeing Ian a little more than I was comfortable with, but was quickly extinguished by Pike’s overbearing growl and yank in a different direction.  Who did she think she was?

I moved back to my man setting up for a little one-on-one lesson with my own black onyx bow that I fully planned to act very novice in.  As it turned out, Bane was taking cues from Ian as to how to woo and teach at the same time.  Ian was getting bold and very PDA on me with Bane mocking every move.  This is a little too much for a still on the first step couple like Bane and Sarah, but Ian wasn’t thinking of them it seemed.  Ian was folded up against me now with his arms tangled around and his front touching my back.  Now, I loved this so much I let it go on until I looked over my shoulder and saw Pike having a conniption over our little display.  Well, I am the queen.  I can PDA all I want, right?

Ian stepped away and we cooled the moment by talking Sarah through a shot that hit far from the target, but gave us a good laugh.  It hit Lorah’s dagger board, bounced off and landed back in front of the arrow target board Sarah had just aimed to hit. 

I looked over at Pike and asked if he’d switch with us and he obliged.  In passing he bent down meaning to speak to me to no doubt give me something to chew on, but I stopped to use one of Caylie’s best used moves.  I put my pointer dexter finger in the air near his face.  He could bite my finger if he wanted too.  “Wait for it,” I said with such sarcasm a monkey would laugh. And I kept my face in that ever so eloquently posed face that Caylie coined as her I-don’t-want-to-hear-it face. It worked.  He was so shocked, he just followed my finger and continued to tango our steps in opposite directions.  The girls all caught this entire scene, clapped, and bowed towards me.  Lorah hooped and hollered, “We bow down to the queen of sarcasm.  You rock!” This was very bold for Lorah.  I was rubbing off on them.  “How very human you ladies sound.”

We all giggled in a huddled group now high-fiving.  I finally came up for air seeing the wall of three men with folded arms all watching us.  I had an idea.  A very human warp-the-Fey women, moment. Somehow they wanted a diplomatic stuffy queen to rule their court, but that just wasn’t me.  And certainly not now. A song pooled in my head from the pep rallies at school. And I wasn’t the cheerleader type.  I pulled the girls back down to a football huddle and whispered my radical plan.  I ran to the room and grabbed my mp3 player.  It was tough at first because the girls had not ever heard of mp3 players or hip hop or what a poker face involved.  However, they had read enough classic literature where the girls show out to the guys that they were able to comprehend what I was proposing.  When finished calculating words and moves we stood up to form an all female wall to the male wall that seemed enthused with what we had stewing.  I counted off quietly, pushed play, and then...



I’ll get him...


We danced in sync better than expected.  The suggestive moves warranted all three men at full height attention.  The song continued and so did we.  Lorah was a bit shy at first, but soon realized the dancing was rather fun and sporadic, so having rhythm wasn’t important.

I didn’t need the whole song to make my point.  We popped and locked and slapped our backsides with the only move I was able to get them in sync with.  Now we were all high fiving each other.  I’d taught them this friendly gesture during our book studies.  After much feminine giggling and such we turned back to our men.  It wasn’t really anything to boast about, but it was

Their shocked faces would have been wonderful to capture on my cell phone if I still had one.  Priceless.

Ian broke the spell by raking his fingers across his stubble, the sound traveling to my sensitive hearing and sending shivers up my spine.  Ohhh!  Ahhh!

“Well, I think you ladies have learned enough about weapons for the night.  I feel my queen’s female human weapons have taught you more than our Fey men can handle.”

“Oh Ian.  It was only meant in fun.”

“Oh, I know that my queen.  But I can’t have my men panting and distracted with things like that especially if they are panting over my future wife.  I’ll have to kill them.”

I squeezed my eyes in a glare at him.  “You wouldn’t.”  All eyes bugged out on us without a doubt watching the argument they could no sooner interrupt even if they wanted too.

“Oh, but I would.  Don’t let me catch you pulling that kind of stunt again, my love.”

I was angry. “Ian, it was fun.  Don’t take my buzz.”  My human lingo always tripped him up.  Or, it used to.

“Oh, I didn’t say you couldn’t do it for me.  You can cheer for me in our own private space at any given moment.  Just say the word.”  He knew just what to say to me and in front of a crowd no doubt.

“Word!”  I challenged. 
              His hand shot out and I was being dragged away.  “If you will excuse us we will see you all tomorrow at breakfast.”

“Ian, they are going to think—“

“You should have thought of that before you broke your promise.”  His hand was in the nook of my back guiding me towards a direction I knew would lead to his room.  Once there, he motioned for me to lead in and I was shaking like a leaf as I did.  Oh, what is he going to do?


“To not flaunt what is mine.”

He steered me through the door, locked it, and leaned me back against the wall beside it.  This was new.

His eyes danced all kinds of danger.  I flattened up against the wall as if it might move and let me fall through it.  My hands spread against the cold panels.  “You’re mad I did that in front of others?”  Both of my shoulders arched.  “Why Ian?  What did it do to you?”

His emotions were tucked away, but his eyes told me everything I knew the answers too.  His growl was low and husky coming from his throat.  He put one of his hands around my waist and I felt his fingers trace and move down to my behind.  It stayed there.  Then the other hand captured the other side.  My heart was leaping up and down and screaming at me as I pressed both of my hands against his rock hard stomach that wasn’t moving.  Wasn’t he breathing?

“This is mine.  No one is to entertain thoughts about my queen.  I tolerate the Pike thing because he is somehow tangled up in this prophecy, but I’ll be...Grace, I can’t handle anyone looking at you like that.”

My OH HECK moment had passed and was moving onto the HELLO jealous possessive boyfriend moment.  And this is not a boyfriend you take it lightly from since he walks softly and carries a big stick.  I was keeping a futile hold on his stomach as if it really created a barrier between us, but since his hands were still on my buns, I held tight.   Nothing could take me from this flash in time nor take away the thrill of what I braved to get it.

“Are we clear on the dancing in front of others part?” I nodded very slowly in response glancing down at my hands on him.  His shirt had ridden up and my hand was touching the edge of his hip.  My thumb to be exact.  The perfect finger that could just slide down into....

“That’s not a good idea right now.”

I burned.  “Good idea.  Bad idea.  Better idea.  I’m up for

“You’re playing with a danger you can’t control, Grace.  You know nothing about the male species no matter how much you read in your books.  You have no idea what is happening to me right now.”  His hands moved too quickly to straight above me taking my hands with them.  I was caged in.  I wasn’t thinking clear thoughts anymore.  Like a quiet suffocation of the hot and bothered variety. 

I made the sore decision to glance under his arm at his bed. 

“Oh, and that is a much better idea,” his voice was like silk to me.  I sucked in my breath. “Are you scared Grace?”  This was the very bad boy ride that bike, full of the devil Ian that I fell for.  He knew what he was doing right now and I prayed I’d survive this without melting under his spell.  I didn’t answer him.

I chose the burn ‘em down fast method and bolted out from under his arms and straight to the middle of the bed.  I somersaulted up and stood up crouched and ready with vigor in my step.  As hard as I tried, I bounced and he missed me.  I dodged three more of his lightning fast moves.

Come down or I’m coming up. 

You’re scaring me Ian.

You should be.

  Our mind passage was wide open.  High emotions!  Being able to talk to him this was...getting me hot

The temperature kind.


“Because, I’m trying to show you what you did to me back there.”  His voice was hoarse and all manner of mint and woodsy and something else hitting me strong.  I can’t take this...I’m going to give in to him.  I jumped down fast and shoved my hands hard into his chest.  Common sense went home to the human world.

He stepped closer.

I shoved him again. 


His breath hitched my own to a nonexistent barely there breeze. 

“What Grace?  What are you going to do?”  He was in control and it was time I stopped it.  “Stop.  You’re making me crazy.  This is to—I want to—”

I did it.  I looked up at his eyes and that was it.  The air left us both when I attacked him like a spider to a fly at his last meal.  My legs went up around him.  He balanced me in the air and then sat me down on the edge of the bed, his mouth all over me.  I broke it as fast as it started and backed up in the middle of the bed where I’d stood before.  We both panted and stared. 

I watched as his eyes looked at the locked door where two guards were probably on the other side of them.  Why I was thinking of them as if my safety were a concern was baffling.  “What are you going to do now?” His eyes blinked rapidly and he appeared to change his mind from what he was about to say. 

“Grace, I will refrain from saying what my mind is shouting at you and choose to save it for the right time.  But know this, I hope you understand now what displaying yourself in public does to a man.  I cannot allow it.  You are mine and mine alone.  If it is your desire to dance around so suggestively, then by all means, I will oblige.  But not again anywhere else.”

I had to admit. This animal possession was doing wild things to my libido.  I felt very much chased, and on top of my future husband’s bed no doubt.  Talk about mating dances.  I think we just rewrote the book.  I slowly moved over and off the bed.  I moved around him and walked backwards all the way to his bathroom with his eyes on me the entire time.  Okay!  So he got the point across.  Couldn’t he have just said it outright?

I cooled my face with a splash of water and dried off.  I sprinkled some on my neck and hairline. 
  I sprinkled it all over.  He’d know, but I wasn’t in a caring mood.  No, that wasn’t the MOOD I was in at the second.  And I had to return sometime.  Maybe dawn would come first!


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