Tagan's Child (39 page)

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Authors: ammyford1

Tags: #romance, #paranormal romance, #womens fiction, #chick lit, #contemporary romance, #romance suspense, #romance scifi, #romance adult, #romance sex, #romance action suspense

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The King sat
down and I took a seat at the other end of the sofa to Ahran.
“Where is Elaya?” I asked, avoiding any eye contact with him.

“She went home
and asked me to say goodbye to you, she will be back again soon,”
replied the King.

“Oh, okay.” It
seemed funny her not being here, it was like the third Musketeer
was missing. “So have you told the King about our adventures?” I
asked Ahran, trying to keep up the appearance of normality when
being near to him was doing funny things to my insides. I had spent
virtually every minute of the last four days with him, why suddenly
was his presence affecting me so much?

“Yes, he has
been thoroughly debriefed,” he answered. His voice was steady but
his eyes blazed into me. His gaze was dissolving my fragile armour
and I struggled to look away. The King spoke, unaware of the
unsettling effect Ahran was having on me.

“I’m sorry?” I
said, looking back at the King feeling slightly dazed. I hadn’t
heard a word of what he had just said.

“I’m sorry you
had such an ordeal,” he repeated. “It’s not the kind of
introduction to our world that I would have liked you to have had,”
he continued.

“I don’t know.
I think it’s given me an understanding of your world I probably
wouldn’t have got from any sightseeing tour,” I said with a

“That’s what I
am worried about,” he laughed.

I sneaked
another look at Ahran. His expression was amused but his blue eyes
had darkened irresistibly. I quickly looked away.

“I have just
spent the last half an hour explaining everything to Toby, about
Ramia and who he is,” I said, trying to focus on having a lucid
conversation with the King. I glanced over at Toby who was picking
things off the platters on the table and putting them on the plate
that Leylana was dutifully holding for him.

“He seems to
have taken everything on board although I did say to him that you
and I need to have a serious discussion about how we take it from
here.” Before the King could say anything I ploughed on, it wasn’t
a discussion I wanted to have in front of Toby.

“I think we all
need to take a bit of time to get over what we’ve just been through
before we make any plans for the future.” Royalty or not, I wanted
Halsan to be clear that he was not going to be calling all the
shots where Toby was concerned. He was our priority; we had to do
what was in his best interest in spite of what we might prefer.
Unfortunately, I quickly realised that I was going to be the only
one who would lose out. I was also painfully aware there was no
possible way I could compete with the King and Queen in terms of
the lifestyle they could offer him. I groaned inwardly as the
reality of the situation began to sink in.

“Yes of course
my dear, I couldn’t agree with you more.” If he was a little taken
aback by my forthrightness he didn’t show it.

“Do you think
he would like it if we were to show you both around today, perhaps
take you to the lake for a swim and a picnic; start to get to know
each other?” he asked awkwardly.

I smiled to
myself, pleased he had taken my hint and at least was asking my
permission. He had probably never had to ask anyone’s permission in
his life. “I don’t know. Why don’t you ask Toby?”

The King looked
at his grandson doubtfully. I couldn’t help but be amused by his
hesitation, he was out of his comfort zone and he had no idea how
to handle the novel role of grandfather. He commanded the respect
of his subjects and ruled his kingdom with authority but when it
came to his eight year old grandson it was clear he didn’t have a
clue how to play it.

“Toby, Halsan
was asking what you would like to do today,” I said, paving the way
for the King. I nodded towards Halsan encouraging him to

He took my cue.
“Toby, would you like to go for a swim in the lake and have a
picnic…with us?”

“Yeah, cool,”
Toby replied. He had sat down on one of the armchairs with his
plate on his lap and was tucking into his food. I was about to
remind him of his manners and point out that he should be sat up at
the table but Leylana was stood with her head cocked to one side
smiling a contented smile, no one else seemed to mind his
casualness. He was obviously going to get away with blue

His response
pleased the King and he visibly relaxed. Leylana looked like all
her Christmases had come at once. “Good, I’ll make the necessary
arrangements.” Halsan spoke to one of the servants who disappeared
to do as he had been instructed.

“Will you be
joining us Ahran?” the King asked.

I hoped Ahran
might bow out of the day’s planned activities and return to his own
matters. The thought that I would have to spend the day with him
and keep a safe distance was problematic to say the least. As
casually as I could, I looked at Ahran and waited for his response.
Childishly I crossed my fingers behind my back. Please say no.

“I am afraid
I’ve got some business to attend to.”

I let out the
breath I had been holding but at the same time felt a crushing
disappointment. I uncrossed my fingers. He looked at me, and I
tried to keep my expression neutral.

“Oh do join us
Ahran, you could do with some down time, it will be fun,” Leylana

hesitated, he was still looking at me. “Okay, why not,” he said,
changing his mind.

Damn it! The
day promised to be somewhat of a bittersweet ordeal.

“That settles
it, we’ll leave in a couple of hours,” Leylana said beaming and
almost clapping her hands together in excitement.

“If you’ll
excuse me my Lord, Aunt Ley,” Ahran said, nodding his head towards
his aunt and uncle, “in that case I shall go and make some phone

I exhaled as he
left the room. The charge between us was almost palpable I wondered
if anyone else could feel it. I thought back to Galius’s house and
the moments we had spent together before he had left to rescue
Toby. I had experienced the full force of our attraction to one
another, it was mind blowing and addictive. How on earth was I
going to fight it?

I finished my
coffee. “I’m going back to my room to try and get some sleep. I
didn’t sleep very well on the plane. Toby, are you coming?” I had
to get away, and build a more infallible protective shell. I knew
one thing for sure, the more time I spent with Ahran the harder it
was going to be to walk away.

“Can I have a
look around the palace Auntie Sophie? I’ve never been in a palace

“I’ll show you
around if you’d like that,” the King offered eagerly. In spite of
my reservations about what the future might hold for me, where Toby
was concerned, I couldn’t help but feel heartened that he finally
had doting grandparents.

“Yes, okay
then,” I replied. I was reluctant to let him out of my sight but
knew he needed to start to build a relationship with his

“Have you got a
coat of arms?” Toby asked excitedly.

The King
chuckled. “As a matter of fact we do.”

I left Toby to
take the royal tour and headed back to my room as the fingers of
exhaustion began to creep up my spine. Judging by the way Ahran had
looked at me earlier his feelings hadn’t changed and I no longer
had the excuse of Toby’s rescue to deter his advances. Deep down I
wanted nothing more than to fall into his arms and listen to his
reassurances that we could make it work but I wasn’t going to let
my heart rule this decision. I didn’t belong in Ramia and I’m
pretty sure he didn’t want to live on Earth and lose everything he
had worked so hard for. Nothing could come of us and it was better
that I stopped it before it went any further.

I slipped off
my trousers and blouse and climbed into bed, I was going to need
all my strength if I was going to survive the day with my heart



I came to,
slightly disorientated. Where was I? Was Toby safe? Where was
Ahran? And then it came flooding back. We were all safe and about
to spend the rest of the day at the beach. I turned over and shoved
my head under the pillow groaning. After a couple hours of sleep I
didn’t feel any more able to cope with the day ahead.

I crawled out
of bed and heard a knock at the door. I slipped on a robe and
padded through to the lounge to see who it was. I stole a nervous
glance at my reflection in the mirror as I made my way through. My
makeup was smudged and my hair looked like a ball of candy floss.
My pulse quickened at the thought of it being Ahran. I pulled the
door open a crack. I breathed a sigh of relief, it was our servant
from earlier waiting patiently.

“The King and
Queen will be ready to leave in twenty minutes,” she said and
inclined her head slightly.

“Thank you, I
won’t be long.”

She nodded and

Feeling a
little flustered, I went back into my bedroom. Outside, the sun was
blazing and I looked through the wardrobe for something cool. After
trying on several outfits at least twice I settled for a pretty
halter neck sundress. Time was ticking on and my hands shook as I
chose a bikini out of a selection of five in one of the drawers. I
was cross with myself for feeling as nervous as a teenager on a
first date. It was not a date especially when I had resolved to
walk away. It was just one more day I had to get through and then
Ahran would go back to his farm. I put on the bikini and slipped
the dress over my head before hurriedly brushing my hair and
re-doing make-up. I selected sandals that matched the dress. I
grabbed a pair of sunglasses and took one last look in the mirror,
giving myself a weak smile. Be strong Sophie.

I joined the
royal party waiting in the entrance hall.

“Did you manage
to have a rest?” Leylana asked.

“Yes thanks, I
did.” There was no sign of Ahran. I should have felt relieved but
all I felt was slightly panicky that he wasn’t there. Had he
changed his mind? I stopped myself from looking over Leylana’s
shoulder to see if he was on his way. In the time it had taken for
me to walk from my room to the entrance hall I had settled it in my
mind that I couldn’t avoid spending a day with him and so should at
least make the most of it. I had reasoned that I could torture
myself all day about my inevitable departure from his life or I
could have my fill of his company and use it as another opportunity
to build a memory to add to those I had already filed away for the
long, lonely days ahead of me. I willed my tears to stay put. I
should have been pleased I didn’t have to spend the day with him.
It would make things a whole lot easier.

“Is everyone
ready?” Halsan asked.

We all nodded
our agreement but I couldn’t help another quick glance down the

“Have you had a
nice time Toby?” I asked, trying to take my mind off Ahran’s
absence. We made our way down the steps at the front of the palace.
Three sleek cars with blackened windows and a top of the range,
sporty looking Jaguar, the likes of which I had only ever seen on
Top Gear, were waiting on the driveway. I couldn’t quite understand
why we needed four cars.

“Yeah, it’s
been brill, there’s a pool and tennis courts and loads of stuff to
do here,” Toby replied enthusiastically. I sighed quietly. He was
never going to want to go home.

I was totally
unprepared for seeing Ahran appear at the top of the steps. I had
convinced myself that he wasn’t coming and had let my defences
down. He still wore the dark coloured jeans he’d had on earlier but
he’d changed into a torso hugging white t-shirt underneath an
unbuttoned khaki, short sleeved shirt. He looked relaxed and upbeat
as he jogged down the steps towards us. My stomach clenched.

“Sorry, have I
missed anything?”

He smelt divine
and I suddenly felt unsteady on my legs.

“No, not at
all,” the King replied.

“Do you want to
take a ride with me? The King has lent me one of his classics,”
Ahran said, addressing me directly, his tone was cool but the
anticipation in his eyes was unsettling. He was assaulting pretty
much every one of my senses and I questioned how I could have
possibly thought I could keep my distance. I just about managed to
keep my head and tried to act like a responsible guardian. “Will
you be alright travelling with the King and Queen on your own?” I
asked Toby. I knew it was emotional suicide being alone with Ahran,
but I just couldn’t help myself.

“Ye-es,” he
said in a drawn out tone which implied I was being over-protective.
I was pretty sure he was trying to make a good impression. I
stroked the top of his head. He seemed more grown up somehow. At
least I still had him. For now. He looked up at me and beamed. He
had taken everything I had told him on board, sensibly and calmly
and even though he didn’t fully understand the long term
implications of his newfound status he had accepted it without
reproach or tantrums. But then what eight year old wouldn’t be
seduced by the idea of royal grandparents, a palace with an Olympic
size swimming pool, tennis courts and a cinema room?

Ahran was
looking at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. A shadow of doubt
touched his features. How could he doubt me? If things had been
different, I’d be declaring myself to him from the rooftops but I
was never going to be able to tell him just how much I felt for
him. All I had was today.

“Yes okay
then,” I replied, throwing caution to the wind and I was rewarded
with one of his heart-stopping smiles.

The King, Queen
and Toby got in the first hovering car and Ahran and I got into the
Jaguar, which although was super sleek, had four wheels like a
conventional car. Ahran had been right, for all their evolution and
technological advancement there definitely seemed to be a certain
nostalgia about Earth.

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