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Authors: Elixa Everett

Tag, The Vampire's Game (7 page)

BOOK: Tag, The Vampire's Game
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"Nooo!" he screamed out rising to his feet. As he rose up he pulled the arrows from both his back and leg. He wanted to run to Gina but knew he needed to deal with the second assailant first. Seconds later, his body slammed into the second assailants midsection with the force of an out of control freight train.

The assailant, Lance now knew to be a hunter was tossed to the ground, Lance on him.

The second hunter was destined to the same fate as the first. Lance bit into his neck, draining him until his heart stopped.

He heard a moan from behind him.

He leapt to his feel and raced to her. Falling to his knees at her side, he pulled her into his arms. She was pale. Deathly pale. The arrow had caught her in the chest and she was bleeding profusely. He could hear her heart rate weakening by the second.

"Lance?" she whispered, her hand reached out to touch his face but she was too weak.

Her hand dropped limp into his lap.

"Oh God Gina, oh God!" he stroked her hair from her face. Her chest as covered in blood. It flowed out quickly from around the arrow. Not certain he was doing the right thing but knowing he had to do something, he took hold of the arrow.

"I'm so sorry honey," he took a deep breath before cautioning, "This is going to hurt."

She nodded, closing her eyes.

In a quick, swift motion he dislodged the arrow from her chest leaving a large gaping hole in its place. He pulled his shirt off over his head and held it tight to her chest, applying pressure to the wound.

"I love you Lance," she coughed, as blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth. "I'm so sorry."

"I love you Gina," he bent down, kissing her on the forehead. She was so cold. The sweet heat of her body draining fast. Her words kept repeating themselves in his head.

She loved him.

"I don't want to die, Lance. Not now. I need to be with you," a single tear trickled from the corner of her left eye. She coughed again. More blood.

"Gina? What?" she had passed out, but she was still alive, but barely. It would only be the matter of seconds before she would be gone. Lost to him, forever. His mind was whirling. What did she mean? She was a hunter, sworn to kill his kind. Could she possibly be asking him to-to turn her?

Time was running out and so he made the most important decision of her life for her.


Gina opened her eyes. She felt strong. She felt powerful. And
was she ever
! It was a hunger unlike anything she had ever experienced in her life. A savage hunger deep within her that consumed both her body and mind. She imagined she felt like someone would after being off cocaine for a couple of days.

Sitting up she looked around. She was sitting on Lance's bed, looking down she noticed she was completely naked. There was a small, barely noticeable scar on her chest.

Sudden flashbacks came rushing to her. She had gotten to Lance's house to see there were already a couple of hunters there preparing to kill him. The first had fired, missed. Lance had gotten up and attacked the first hunter. A second hunter fired a shot at him, but the second one didn't reach Lance, instead it went through her chest.

She had died. Cradled in his arms.

She told him she loved him and he told her the same.

Where is he?


Then there he was, standing in the doorway of the bedroom holding a glass of red liquid.

He crossed the room and sat on the bed handing the glass to her. "Drink up, you'll feel better once you do."

The liquid smelt so, so good. She took it quickly and drank as if she were a man trapped in a desert without water for a week. It helped, but the hunger still lingered, she wanted more.

"Thank you."

"How are you feeling?" he held the side of her face with his hand, his thumb stroking her cheek as he looked deeply into her eyes.

"Good. Hungry," but more than that. The feel of his hand on her cheek was sending electric jolts of pleasure through her. Her hunger for food, quickly being replaced for something entirely different. Her desire for him, multiplied several times over now. All of her senses seemed to be heightened.

He chuckled, knowing exactly what she was longing for. "We need to talk for a moment. Then," he smiled that wickedly sexy smile that turned her knees to jell-o.

"You turned me," she stated.

"I. Reacted on impulse. I'm sorry. I hope this is what you wanted," despite the smile genuine concern was lurking him is eyes.

She leaned forward until her forehead was touching his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "What I want is to spend an eternity with you."

"Good, because like it or not your stuck with me now," he joked as he placed a quick kiss on her lips.

Alarm shot through her then. "We have to leave here, more hunters will be coming for you!" She paused a moment. "For us."

She made a move to hop out of bed.

"Let them come," he growled as he pulled the comforter off her, exposing her naked body. Gina was about to protest when he added with a smile, "besides I have a hunter here now to protect me."

"Hmm, that you do."

Pushing her back against the bed he climbed between her legs. Lowering himself on top of her be began kissing the side of her neck starting with her collarbone and working his way up to her ear. In her ear he whispered, desire evident in his voice. "Let me show you one of the greatest benefits of being a vampire.

The End

The Everett Vampires Fact Sheet

(May contain spoilers effecting the Vampire Queen Series)

* The exact age and origin of vampires is unknown, the two oldest vampires are considered the mother and father of all vampires. The King Griffith and the Queen Louisa. There is speculation that the King and Queen were created by God as vampires originally and had never lived a human life.

* The King and Queen have not been mates for over 2000 years. Their differences in ideologies has caused a rift between both them and their aligning clans.

* The vampires sired from the Kings bloodline are considered the "Kings Clan."

Vampires from the Kings Clan are considered to be more ruthless, aggressive and rely more on instinct and feral urges than on reason and intellect. If a vampire from the Kings bloodline is provoked their eyes will turn red. When a vampire from the Kings bloodline turns a human there is a great chance the newborn will become more beast than human.

* The vampires sired from the Queens bloodline are considered to be of the "Queens Clan." Vampires born of the Queens bloodline are generally stronger, more skilled and mentally stable then those of the Kings Clan. It is speculated that the reason vampires of the Queens Clan are more in control of their feral side and are born more advanced physically, mentally and emotionally is due to the selective turning of humans by the Queen over the centuries. When a vampire of the Queens bloodline is provoked their eyes will turn white.

* When a human is turned in most cases they will obtain a special ability upon being turned. Normally the special ability will be in direct relation to their skills and abilities as a human. For instance, a human that is naturally intuitive may become clairvoyant as a vampire.

* As a vampire ages throughout the decades and centuries they will develop a resistance to the sunlight. For instance, the King and Queen are virtually immune to the sunlight's rays. However, like with human genetics a newborn vampire may develop a sunlight resistance quite quickly if they are turned by an ancient or by the King or Queen. The older the siring vampire is the stronger and more developed the newborn will be.

* While there is currently no war between the two vampire clans there is animosity between the two sides, the racial divide between the clans has been widening as the centuries pass.

* Only three things can kill a vampire. Decapitation, Stake through the heart or being drained of blood. Many younger vampires can also be killed when exposed to sunlight.

For more information on Everett Vampires or other Everett Supernaturals

Soft & Hard Erotic Publishing

Works By Elixa Everett

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Night at Club Vampire

Night at Club Vampire 2 : Nigel

Erotic Flash

Visions of the Vampire Queen (Book 1 of the Vampire Queen Series) Tag, the Vampire's Game

The Vampire Whispers Bundle (Dark Paranormal Erotic Romance Collection) Escort With 1000 Faces

Lust, Love & Luck

Children of the Vampire King (Non-Erotic title, Book 2 of the Vampire Queen Series) Coming Soon

The Djinn's Destiny

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Frat Party Partner Swap

All For Daddy

Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry 2: Never Say Never

Sibling Rivalry 3: In It Together

Hitching A Ride

Hitching a Ride 2: To Trust A Con

Moan For Uncle

Moan For Uncle 2: Keeping It Secret

Moan For Uncle 3: No More Secrets

Moan For Uncle 4: Skeletons In The Closet

Moan for Uncle 5: Love Or Duty

The Marine's Naughty Sister

Doing Her For Dad

Little Virgin Sister's Webcam Show

Daddy's Special Christmas Gift

Under The Officer's Command

Conjugal Visits (Good Girls with Bad Boys)

The Cop And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

The Politician And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

The Assassin And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

Mirror Editions

Seducing Blake (A rewrite of "All For Daddy") The Marine's Naughty Neighbour (A rewrite of "The Marine's Naughty Sister") The Virgin's Webcam Show (A rewrite of "Little Virgin Sister's Webcam Show") Doing Her For The Boss (A rewrite of "Doing Her For Dad") Bundles

Moan for Uncle: Forbidden - (Books 1-3: The Moan Erotic Bundle) Sibling Rivalry: The Collection - (Books 1-3, the Erotic Bundle) Coming Soon

The Firefighter And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

Moan For Uncle 6: To Love & Honour

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Daddy Says: Ménage Sex Games

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Naughty Nuns: The Confessional

Contact Information


Email: [email protected]

Twitter: ElixaEverett

Facebook: Elixa Everett

Excerpt From

Erotic Flash


Elixa Everett

Available Now

Chapter 1

As Sabrina opened the front door of the house she and her fiancé Oliver had just purchased she knew something was wrong. Oliver was not due home for another couple of hours, but his black Ford Mustang was sitting out in the driveway. Strange indeed, considering he never came home early. Work always came first, his friends and family a close second and her running in a close third. She'd grown to accept this fact as much as it hurt and angered her.

She had gotten off work early to prepare a special surprise anniversary dinner for him.

Her arms were full with several large, heavy, bags of groceries, which she deposited on the kitchen table. She rarely had time to cook a nice, extravagant meal. Generally, they lived off prepared food and restaurants, which made this extra special.

If he's home where is he?
She peered into the den. Normally he would be on the computer reading emails or playing online games. He wasn't there. Upstairs she could hear something, movement. Oliver. She jogged up the short flight of stairs to the second floor. The master bedroom was directly in front of her with the door shut.
So strange.
She reach out of flung it open.

A gasp escaped her at the sight she confronted her.

Oliver was on one side of the Queen sized bed pulling up his jeans. A woman of average build, short brown hair and a sour expression was on the opposite side zipping up her short green dress.

Oliver's face went pale upon seeing Sabrina.

"Listen, Sabrina, I can explain," he snatched his white t-shirt from the floor as he took several strides towards her.

Sabrina ignored Oliver. Her interest was on the woman.
Who the fuck was she!
She intended to find out!

She took a step towards the woman, fire in her eyes. Someone was going to get physically hurt today, her money was on the tramp in the green dress.

How dare she! How dare he!

She felt his hand on her arm, attempting to hold her back. Turning her rage onto him, she jerked her arm out of his grasp. "I'll deal with
later," she spat, venom in her tone.

Cheating bastard!

She attempted to move toward the woman once more.

Oliver grabbed at her arm a second time.

Spinning around to face him, she did something that she had never done in her lifetime.

Her fist drew back and connected with the right side of his face. He let her go and took a couple of steps back, his hand rubbing his jaw. A small trickle of blood trailed its way down the side of his lip. He looked at her, shocked.

The woman in the green dress took the opportunity to scurry her way around the couple, and with shoes dangling from her hand she ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Sabrina watched her as she disappeared down the stairs and out of sight.

Seconds later, she heard the front door open and close.

That took care of one of her problems.

Sabrina took a few strides toward Oliver until she was within a foot of him. "Get out!"

Her body vibrated with the anger.

He hesitated for a moment, considering what to say or do next.

"Get out. Now," she bellowed, her hands balled up into fists once more at her side. She took a couple deep breaths trying to control her emotions. He was very close to getting another wallop.

BOOK: Tag, The Vampire's Game
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