Szot, JC - The South Window (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (24 page)

BOOK: Szot, JC - The South Window (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“He’s perfect for us.” Dan’s lips ran over her shoulder, his teeth biting her skin. The eroticism of it all had her pussy swelling despite the cool sea water.

“No more secrets.” Allie sighed, her body unwinding, at ease with the idea.

“No more secrets”—Dan grinned—“but so much love.”

* * * *

Twilight tinted the sky with strokes of purples, oranges, and grays. A thin finger of heat slipped below the horizon, ending another day. A cool breeze blew across the beach, rustling the palms above, the churning sea a soothing, therapeutic music to the ears. Lines of a low-tide sea crept up the sand. The water’s surface gleamed like polished silver as the moon bled through a darkening sky.

Allie was reclined between them on the blanket, their beverages of choice nestled in the sand. Dan had ordered a picnic supper from the resort’s kitchen. They’d just finished their meal. If he wanted this to happen, he’d have to make the first move. He’d planned Marty’s surprise arrival. Marty’s stunned expression was still fresh in his mind when he’d approached him late one night in his workshop. Allie had been sleeping as he crept out of the house. Marty seemed rattled at first, but the more Dan talked to him about it, the more comfortable he became.

Dan rolled over on his side, meeting Marty’s dark eyes. He was leaning up on his elbow, his other hand already in Allie’s hair. Marty knew Dan trusted him, those words had already been said. Dan reached for Marty’s hand, placing it on Allie’s breast. Allie’s head turned, her eyes glazed over. Dan stroked the soft skin of her neck.

“We all trust each other, that’s what it’s all about.” Dan’s voice barely audible.

“We also love you.” Marty’s calloused thumb grazed over her lips. Allie’s hands reached for them. She felt the smooth skin of Dan’s face, the other stroking the abrasive cheek of Marty.

“Show me,” Allie panted. Dan fingered the thin straps of her suit, easing them over her curved shoulders. Her chest rose, her breaths rushing as he exposed her breasts. Marty’s gaze locked on Allie. Dan nodded as he dipped his head to kiss Allie. He felt the wavy strands of Marty’s hair graze his arm as Marty’s mouth took Allie’s nipple between his lips.

“Oh, God.” Allie’s lips parted against his. Dan moved away, allowing her to relish in the sensation. He leaned back on his heels, moving her suit down her legs. Marty buried his face into Allie’s soft flesh, and Dan was fully aware of how decadent it felt. Allie’s nipples beaded as Marty’s mouth and hands worked over her body, preparing her for both of them.

Dan parted Allie’s legs, smoothing his palms down to her center. Her lovely pussy opened before him, the auburn hairs neatly trimmed. He stroked his thumbs along the sides of her pussy, separating her folds, finding her magical button. His tongue lightly touched her clit. Allie’s muffled moans drifted through the night air. Her honeyed taste had him clawing at her hips. She was ready for them. Allie’s hands clung to his head as he licked her. Her hips rose from the blanket, meeting his hungry mouth.

“Jesus, Dan,” she said, her words a rushing breath.

Dan felt his cock harden into stone, pushing against his swim trunks. He had hit the wall, his body on sensory overload. His balls filled with fire. Dan stood up and freed his body, tossing his suit into the sand. The balmy, tropical breeze coated his skin, the freedom exhilarating. He knelt down on the blanket, observing the heated kiss between Allie and Marty. As if he’d given a cue, Marty rose from the blanket and began to undress. Dan pulled Allie into his arms. His hands slid down her body. He whispered his intentions, falling into her lush, green eyes.

“We’re going to make love to you now.” Dan stroked her lips, his eyes feasting on her breasts. Her smoky-pink nipples were puckered, begging for one of their mouths to feed on it. Glittering rays of pearly moonlight illuminated her beautiful body. “Come on, baby.” Dan reclined on the blanket. Marty stood over them, stroking himself. His cock sprang forth from a dark thatch of hair. Dan took in the entire scene. His pulse jumped at the sight of their bodies, a series of dark, lean lines, perfectly balanced by the curves of Allie’s silhouette. Allie crawled over to Dan, straddling him. Dan held his cock, eager to feel her internal heat.

“Take it inside, honey. Ride me good, just like old times.”

Her eyes widened. The soft brush of her thighs had him crying out, the anticipation too much. Marty lowered himself to his knees behind her. Allie guided his cock inside. Her pussy pulled him into a warm, passage of heat. Marty’s hands reached around her, cupping her breasts. Marty’s teeth nipped at her neck. Hissing breaths and guttural groans wove through the air around them. Allie’s hips began to move with a light ebb and flow. Dan covered Marty’s hands with his, four hands and two mouths tending to her.

Marty’s hands glided down Allie’s back, slipping down into the seam of her ass. Dan focused on Allie above him, her eyes fluttering, her lips parted. He needed her confirmation.

“You feel good?” Her head lowered, her eyes gleaming.

“I’m floating,” She moaned, grinding her hips into his harder. Dan thrust up into her. The feel of her slick heat had him entranced.
How had he taken things for granted? How great she felt? Was watching Marty savor Allie with him adding to the eroticism of it all?
Dan couldn’t see what Marty was doing, but Allie’s body began to twitch and shudder. Marty’s hoarsened words reinforced Dan’s thoughts.

“Relax baby, we’re gonna fill you up, flood you with our love.” Marty’s breaths were heaving.

“Oh.” Allie’s eyes popped open.

“It’s all good,” Dan whispered, holding her face. He could feel Marty’s fingers moving through her pussy, spreading her slickness back, over her hole. Dan could feel Marty’s finger slip inside, moving through her opening cautiously.

“Oh my.” Allie lifted her hips, rocking back into Marty.

“You like that, baby?” Marty’s hand gripped her hip, his finger stretching her. “You trust me?”

“Yes,” Allie breathed. “Oh God.”

Her hips moved over Dan’s faster and faster. Dan held her, feeling the bones of her ribcage move under her skin. He gazed up at her, her breasts rising with each breath. He buried himself between them, her heart beating wildly.

He felt Marty’s cock make the pass inside her ass. His gruff voice rumbled through the air.

“For the love of God!”

It was a harmonized rhythm that seemed to come naturally to the three. Allie rode him, just as he’d asked. Dan’s body coiled into a tight knot. He was on the edge, knowing Allie was close, feeling her body over his go rigid. Her face was slack, her breaths hot and fast. Her head fell back. Satiny strands of her hair brushed over his hands as his fingers traced over the knitted bones of her spine. Marty tunneled into her from behind, his thighs pushing her closer. He fucked her in slow, sweet strokes.

“I don’t want to hurt you, baby.” Marty’s words were straining through the darkness.

“I want to feel. Want it all.” Her tone hard, voicing her needs. Her pussy pressed down on his cock, clenching around him, milking his stalk. Dan fought for air, crying out to them.

“I’m there, so good, sweetheart, Fuck!” His cock pulsated, his orgasm siphoned out of him, showering Allie’s pussy. Marty moaned. His thick fingers cupped Allie’s ass. Flesh slapped into flesh, their cries of pleasure a choral symphony.

“Ah, God, give it to me, baby,” Marty whimpered like a lost, little boy. His mouth fell open, his eyes rolling in agonized pleasure.

“Love me,” Allie called to them, her body convulsing, her head thrashing. Dan reached for her, caressing her face. The current was strong. Dan could feel it between them, carrying them away into foreign territory, a world he knew they could function in, a lifetime of love. He had no regrets.

“We do love you, Allie.” Dan steered her eyes to his. Strands of hair stuck to her heated cheeks. She flinched as they slipped out of her. Allie slumped onto Dan’s belly. A lazy smile turned her lips, her eyes sleepy and contented. Marty wrapped his hands around her waist, his tone dark with need.

“I’m not done with you yet.” He rolled Allie over, hovering over her. Marty crawled to the foot of the blanket. His skilled hands slid up her legs, spreading them as his touch moved over Allie’s skin. “I need your taste. I’m starved.” His teeth gritted in hunger, an appetite he could now cure. Allie’s legs spread wider as his head lowered between them.

“Take her, Marty. Lick her beautiful pussy, make her fly again.” Dan reached down to curl his hand around her knee, spreading her, giving Marty all the access he needed. A rushing thrill shot through Dan’s veins like an injected stimulant, a high he couldn’t get enough of.

It was a frenzy of passion. He knew Marty could no longer contain his longing, and now he wouldn’t have to. Dan had given Marty free rein, enabling him to unleash a fire he’d struggled to keep contained.

Marty slowly worked his tongue deep into Allie’s wetness.

“You’re so sweet, baby. Who the hell needs sugar.” Marty’s eyes blazed as Dan watched his tongue feather through her pussy. Allie writhed below them, her eyes heavy. She gave a voice to her delight in faint moans and whimpers. Dan held her, kissing her softly as her body trembled in ecstasy.

* * * *

The briny sea air coated her skin as the men slept. Their breaths cycled in and out of her ears like the oscillating sea. Allie stared into an endless sky. Dan and Marty’s bodies surrounded her in their warmth. Salted tears spilled down her sticky cheeks. Thoughts of Tess plagued her mind.
Was she a hypocrite?
As if sensing the torment, Marty rolled into her, his eyes sifting through her. His forehead lined with worry.

“What is it, babe? We didn’t hurt you, did we?” His finger caught her tears, tasting them with his tongue. Allie nodded, wiping her face, her voice scratchy.

“I said and thought things about Tess, degraded her because of her behavior and the swing club.” Dan was now awake, his eyes wide with concern. “What does this make me?” Allie waved her hand over the three of them. Dan’s face stiffened, shaking his head. Marty sat up, his brown eyes glaring down at her.

“What Tess wanted was recreational sex with strangers, and hey…it works for some.” Marty gripped her arm. “But you cannot compare that to this.” Marty took her chin in his hand, forcing her eyes to his when Allie tried to escape his pinning stare. “Remember what I told you about depth, Allie?”

“I do.”
Her words a burning sob.
She guided Marty’s lips to hers. Dan’s smooth face grazed against her cheek, his airy words reassuring.

“This is about the love, our love.” His fingers threaded through her hair. “Our love for you is so deep, and so strong, that there’s no room for anything else. No games. You hear me.” His tone was unwavering.

“What happens when we get home?” Her eyes moved between their shadowed faces.

“We begin our life.” Dan smiled. Marty’s deep voice eased through the sloshing sounds of the sea.

“Dan wants me to start a furniture business. He’s gonna help me get a website up and running.” He stroked her lips, bending to kiss her. Marty pulled away to see her eyes. Dan rolled into her, grabbing her hand.

“I think Marty should doze his house, and build a new workshop and warehouse. People want a good product from a skilled craftsman.”

“I guess you’ve both thought about this already?” Allie compared their expressions.

“Are you alright with it?” Dan’s eyes held hers, his fingers gripping around hers.

“It’s perfect,” she whispered, leaning over to kiss him. Marty’s hand caressed her back as he observed their kiss. She turned her cheek. Dan’s lips trailed down her neck.

Allie’s lips took Marty’s again. His taste, once a part of her past, could now latch onto her present, and take her into the future. She turned, wanting Dan’s mouth again. Her lips parted, welcoming the soft strokes of his tongue. Marty and Dan’s arms wrapped around her, sealing them together, ensuring none of those haunting thoughts from the outside could ever touch her again. Dan’s heated words filled her ear.

BOOK: Szot, JC - The South Window (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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