Synarchy Book 2: The Ascension (6 page)

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Authors: DCS

Tags: #2012, #spirituality

BOOK: Synarchy Book 2: The Ascension
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I think my brain just
exploded.” Lucien chuckled.

We’ve felt the same way the
last few weeks, Lucien,” Derek said.

Abe rolled his eyes. “Okay, again, more
unproven theories. The only thing scientists are certain of is that
Earth’s magnetic field is at the lowest it’s ever been. That sort
of decline only happens when the magnetic poles are reversing. At
this point, there’s no denying it. They’re going to flip,” Abe

And what happens to humans
when the poles flip?” Lucien asked.

Abe shrugged. “Probably nothing.
Animals that rely on the magnetic field for direction might get a
little turned around. Electronics may be affected.”

The issue is the
combination of the magnetic field being weak and the influx of
solar storms that are supposed to peak by the end of the year,”
Shirley added.

What’s a solar storm?”
Simone asked.

Think of it as a big blast
of radiation and energy being hurled at the earth. The Earth’s
magnetic field protects us when the Sun has its hiccups. At the end
of this year the storms are going to hit maximum, and the magnetic
field is weak. That has the potential to affect the Global
Satellite Communications network. Transformers could get fried, and
that means worldwide power outages that could take years to fix.
Commercial airliners would have to be grounded, things of that
nature,” Derek said.

Lucien whistled low. “No wonder all the
doomsayers are having a field day.”

Could the peak of solar
storms be caused by all this, what did you call it?” Simone glanced
at Shirley. “Torsion something?”

Torsion waves?” Shirley
nodded. “That’s a possible theory. Another interesting point about
the magnetic fields is that there are studies, which even Mr.
Skeptic can’t argue with, that point to a direct correlation
between our consciousness and earth’s magnetic field.”

And before she takes it to
the New Age place,” Abe shot Shirley a heatless glare, “studies
have shown that where earth’s magnetic field is low, change happens
faster. Take California for example. Where the magnetic field is
high, change happens much slower. IE the bible belt.”

You could theorize then,
that when the poles reverse, we could be wiping our plates clean.
The patterns in the field will be released during the reversal,
which could leave our consciousness open to, well…” Derek shrugged.

Exactly,” Shirley shot
Derek a quick smile. “Add to that what could happen when we line up
with the Galactic Center.”

We could get completely
reprogrammed.” Lucien interrupted, his brows furrowing. “But with

That’s the million dollar
question,” Abe said, lacing his fingers together behind his

Simone rubbed her temples. All this
scientific terminology made her want a drink. “Well, we’ll find out
soon enough won’t we?”

What about your team in
Piedras Negras?” Vasco asked Derek.

They’ve found something
underneath the site. After we spoke with you all, we were going to
join them and see about going in,” Derek said.

Vasco clucked his tongue. “Pull your
team back.”

Derek blinked in surprise. Shirley and
Abe shared his expression. “Sir?”

Pull your team back for the
moment, Derek. Send them to the nearest town and have them wait for
further instructions,” Vasco said.

Derek frowned. “May I ask

Because if you’re right,
and you have found the Cave of Creation, the Anunnaki are not going
to let you get near it. And we’re not ready for that move, yet.
I’ve got something else for you to work on, in the

Wait, how do you know about
the Anunnaki?” Shirley traded glances between the three

We are the all-knowing.”
Lucien winked.

We wouldn’t be very good
protectors if we didn’t.” Simone smiled

Abe groaned and rubbed his hands over
his face. “It’s true isn’t? It’s all true. I’m going to have to
stop eating red meat and go to stupid yoga classes.”

His complaint brought light chuckles
from everyone but Vasco, who continued looking at Derek. “Have you
ever heard of Nicholas Tesla?”

Derek nodded. “Of course.”

Later this afternoon,
Robert will be here. He’s bringing a semi-functional prototype of
one of Tesla’s designs. I need you to build six of them, and you
have a little less than six months to get them fully

Nicholas Tesla was a genius way ahead
of his time. That the Terenzios had gotten their hands on one of
his blueprints and were giving them the task to build one of his
prototypes fueled the excitement in Derek’s eyes. “Yes,

Utilize your other team as
you need on this. When we’re ready for you to go in, you’ll have
support and protection.” Vasco held out his hand.

Derek shook it. “You got


June 12, 2012 - 11:21 AM

Alexandria, VA

Commonwealth Avenue

To get from downtown Alexandria to
Commonwealth Avenue was a twenty minute drive. Caleb navigated the
tinted window SUV down the quaint, tree-lined streets to the two
hundred block. Their destination was a large house sitting on the
corner. An old chain link fence surrounded the property, and a
massive oak tree dominated the front yard. Roses in full bloom
wound their way around the front gate. Caleb pulled the car into
the driveway and stopped in front of the closed garage door. “Don’t
get out.”

I have this great mental
image of us walking somewhere, or doing something before Caleb
tells us it’s okay, and getting bum rushed by him.” Lucien grinned
from the back seat.

Caleb looked at them in the rearview
mirror. The humor in his eyes was hidden by his sunglasses. “If you
see me running at you, do me a favor and help out by hitting the

I don’t know if I’m the
duck and cover kind of girl. I think I’d want to shoot back,”
Simone mused.

That’s the Liliana in you
talking.” Lucien chuckled.

If I’m running at you, just
duck. We’ll get around to the shooting afterwards.” The garage door
slowly opened. Caleb pulled the SUV inside. Once the door closed,
he turned off the engine. “Now, you can get out.”

Simone climbed out of the car first,
just as her cell phone vibrated. She glanced down at the caller ID,
and her eyes hardened.

Vasco caught her expression.

Yes.” She glared at the
phone as if Victor could see it.

C’mon, let me put a hit out
on him. Divorce takes too long, and we’ve got plenty of bored
assassins on the payroll,” Lucien said in all

Are you expecting any
important calls today?” Caleb asked quietly.

Simone paused, then shook her head.

Caleb walked up to her, took her phone,
and pressed the button to answer the call. “Mr. Russo, Simone, will
be unavailable for the rest of the day. She’ll call you at her
earliest convenience.”

Who the hell is this?”
Victor demanded.

Miss Terenzio asks that you
don’t call again. If you choose to continue this harassment she’ll
be forced to exercise her Presidential powers. You don’t want that
Mr. Russo. She’ll be in touch.” Caleb ended the call without giving
Victor a chance to respond, and turned the phone off.

Simone’s lips twitched. “My

It took a lot of self-control for Caleb
not to let Simone notice how that simple statement affected him. A
lifetime ago, she had called him a big hero all the time. “The
thousand messages he’s going to leave you, I can’t do anything
about. Your brother’s idea is solid, though.”

Simone’s smiled faintly. “Thank

Caleb walked over to the door that led
into the house, knocking three times before he pushed it open. The
intense set of his blue eyes stayed on Simone, though, even as he
pushed open the door. “Anytime.”

Vasco watched the interaction between
his sister and Caleb. Behind the natural veil of steel that hid his
emotions, fond amusement lived. They would have been good for each
other this lifetime, too. He would allow them a small taste of that
soon, but not yet.

Inside the house, Tony DeMarco was
waiting. When the triplets filed in, hugs were given and
introductions were made.

You DeMarcos are pretty
slick, staying so close to the inside all these years,” Lucien said
as he took a seat at the dining room table.

Bet your ass we are. You
Terenzios aren’t the only ones who can hustle people,” Tony said,
turning his laptop around to face the triplets.

Your place?” Simone asked
idly, admiring the huge china cabinet that dominated one wall of
the small dining room. Across from it was a row of bay windows. The
entire house had a very elegant, old feel to it, as if nothing much
had been changed over its decades of existence.

No. It was actually owned
by the grandmother of a famous writer. When I need a really obscure
spot for something, she lets me use it,” Tony said.

What have you got for us,
Tony?” Vasco asked, pulling out one of the high-backed chairs and
lowering himself into it.

A lot, and not a lot of
time. But first, I think a li’l history lesson would be pretty
prudent. I doubt even you were told this much by the Anunnaki when
you were working with them in your last lifetime, Vasco.” Tony
looked at the eldest.

Vasco shook his head. “As far as their
history on this planet, no, they didn’t tell me much. But, I didn’t
particularly care at the time either.”

Figures. All right, look, a
few millennia ago…”

Chapter 3

Nothing can be more
contemptible than to suppose Public Records to be true.”

-William Blake

Before The 2nd Great Flood – Time does
not exist yet

E.Den Medical Facility

Mt. Sahand

The floors glowed underneath the weight
of his steps. His large, white wings were tucked in against his
back, but easily visible over the deep purple robe that covered his
muscled, flawless skin. His long black hair flowed over his
shoulders. He passed through the lab’s doors instead of opening
them, his movement causing what looked like solid steel to ripple
like water.

The entire complex was a flurry of
activity, but in this lab, the organized chaos ceased. The lights
were bright, but not obtrusive on their sensitive eyes. Stainless
steel surfaces gleamed. Pyramid-shaped crystals sat on each table,
along with rows of test tubes. At the longest table, in the center
of the room, an Anunnaki stood in front of an LCD screen, a long
green finger sliding with expert familiarity over the touch

Noah is on the way,”
Lucifer said to Enki.

Noah was Enki’s most trusted, most
loyal, and most intelligent creation out of the thousands. A short
time ago, the explosion of the planet Atlantis damaged the
atmosphere of the Anunnaki’s home, Nibiru, and knocked it into a
much longer orbital path around the sun. In order to sustain life
on their planet, the Anunnaki had to find more gold in order to
create a reflective shield. The great ship Babel, which looked like
two massive towers connected by a walkway through their center, had
been dispatched to find a planet nearby that could provide plenty
of the natural resource that was scarce on Nibiru.

They had found an abundance of those
resources on a planet the Anunnaki called Terra. When they had
landed, they had discovered the planet mostly uninhabited, expect
for a very primitive version of what they had named Man. The
Supreme Anunnaki Council had decided that they would task their
geneticists with turning Man into a capable worker who could mine
the gold for them.

It had worked. They created them by the
thousands, and after the initial bugs were worked out, gave them
their own ability to reproduce. While the more war-like and
dictatorial members of the Anunnaki had taken control of the
planet’s activities, the geneticists had been fascinated by the
many life forms on the planet. They had dabbled and created many,
many others. The varied DNA of Man, some giants as tall as the
Anunnaki, others dark skinned, were all in the test tubes that
surrounded Enki.

But Man was given limitations in their
knowledge. It was important to the ruling class of the Anunnaki
that the many slaves never realize that they, too, had the capacity
to be like what they had come to call their Gods.

Enki turned and nodded at Lucifer, a
friend who looked so different than himself. Lucifer was an Angel.
Enki, like the others of his race, was tall, with small black
wings. His skin was dark green, and leather-like. His hands were
more like claws, though their razor sharp points only extended in
battle. His reptilian eyes were expressive, but penetrating, and
his serpent-like tongue often tickled his lips as he spoke. “You
are sure there is a greater plan at work here?”

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