Symptoms of Death (Dr. Alexandra Gladstone Book 1) (23 page)

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Authors: Paula Paul

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Historical

BOOK: Symptoms of Death (Dr. Alexandra Gladstone Book 1)
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Alexandra, growing even more hoarse, leaned back into her pillows, which made
Nancy exclaim, “You’re tired now, Miss. I’m afraid ’tis time your guests leave.”

’re certainly right, I’m sure,” Snow said. “It will be a day or two before I need that statement.” He gave Alexandra a courtly bow and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Her voice was weak as well as hoarse. “What about Elsie?”

Snow turned back to her. “Charges have been dismissed, and she has returned to the care of Mrs. Pickwick at Montmarsh, who, I might add, has decided to stay on until the new heir arrives. When you’ve had time to recover, Elsie will want to express her gratitude.”

Alexandra nodded.

Snow cleared his throat and shuffled about in an uncharacteristically embarrassed manner. “I’m afraid there is one other thing, Dr. Gladstone.”


“You have been held in contempt of court for not being present to perform your duty as witness before the Queen’s Bench.”

“But if the charges against Elsie have been dropped—”

“That is of no consequence, I’m afraid,” Snow said. “I’m sorry, Dr. Gladstone.” She watched as Snow once again turned away to exit the room.

Lord Winningham, in turn, took Isabel
’s arm. “May I offer you a ride, Madam? I’m certain this has all been far too stressful for a person of such delicate constitution. My carriage is waiting outside.”

There was a flicker of surprise in Isabel
’s eyes, replaced quickly by a coy expression. “How kind of you, Lord Winningham.” She slipped her arm through his. “It is seldom that a lady meets a man who is so sensitive and understanding.”

Nancy, will you see everyone to the door, please,” Alexandra said.

hesitated, then nodded and reluctantly left the room with Nicholas following behind.

“Nicholas.” When Alexandra called to him, he turned around to face her. “I must know about the two boys who came here seeking my help. Artie and Rob. I think they may have been part of the jewel thief ring, but I didn
’t want to mention it in the presence of Constable Snow.”

“Artie and Rob?” Nicholas frowned, considering the names. “I believe those are the names of your new stable boys.”

“My what?”

’m afraid Nancy took it upon herself to fire your old one and hire new ones.”

Nancy’s a bit cheeky, I’m afraid.”

“Mmmm,” Nicholas said.

Alexandra frowned, troubled. “But when the investigation is complete, the boys may be implicated. I’m not certain, of course. I’m only saying they may be.”

“Then they shall be in need of a good barrister.”

A slight smile touched her lips. “Of course.”

Nicholas nodded again. “Good bye, Alexandra.
Nancy is right, you need your rest.”

“Nicholas,” Alexandra
repeated and once again he turned around to face her. “I must thank you for your interest in this case and for your most capable help. I admire your intelligence.”

“And I admire your intelligence as well, Dr. Gladstone.” And then, as if it were an afterthought, he added, “Perhaps we shall be working together again.”

“A lovely thought, but I can’t imagine under what circumstances.”

Nicholas raised an eyebrow. “Remember, Dr. Gladstone. Your new stable boys aren
’t the only miscreants here. You’re facing a contempt of court charge. You’ll be in need of a barrister as well.” A slightly wicked smile crossed his lips before he turned to leave.



Paula Paul is a former journalist who now spends her time writing novels. She is the winner of a Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal, Texas Institute of Letters Award, a Women Writing the West Award, a New Mexico Book Award, the Zia Award, and a National Press Women’s Award for Fiction.  She lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, with her husband and a dog named Smokey.

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