Sword of the Gods: Agents of Ki (Sword of the Gods Saga) (140 page)

BOOK: Sword of the Gods: Agents of Ki (Sword of the Gods Saga)
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"How many times did you dream of that fantasy?"

"Every single night."

"Now that you have Ninsianna where you want her?" Lucifer said. "Wouldn't you like to know what it feels like to experience it for real?"



"No," Jamin said. He gestured towards the thirteen women who all looked like Ninsianna. "First there was love, and then there was hate. But now? Now there is nothing. She is irrelevant to me."

Lucifer tilted his head, his expression puzzled as he probed Jamin's mind.

"How can you let such a heinous offense go unpunished?"

"I don't know," Jamin said. He thought back to the moment he had looked into Mikhail's cold, blue eyes and recognized that killing him would never solve his problem. He had no answers, so he asked a question.

"What about you? Do you still want
woman back? The one who hurt you?"

"Yes," Lucifer's eyes glowed brilliant red.


"I want to show her that I'm better than she is."

"I know that feeling," Jamin said.

"I know," Lucifer's eyes glowed redder. "I want to tear down everything she has ever built; and wish for her to suffer until she begs for me to end her existence. Only then shall I be satisfied."

A deep sense of
resonated in Jamin's gut. He knew this feeling. He knew it so well that, for a while, it had been the only emotion that had existed for him.

Lucifer stood up, molting listless white feathers as he towered above him, taller than Mikhail, although Lucifer was far more slender. He tilted Jamin's chin up and probed his mind, those fiery red eyes searching deep into his psyche until he found the trigger he needed.

"There is
you have been unable to forgive," Lucifer said. "One who usurped you. One who took your rightful place."

The image of the woman in question danced into Jamin's brain. Anger burbled in his veins.


"Look now," Lucifer said, his voice dripping with seduction. "Look now, and tell me if you still feel nothing."

Jamin followed Lucifer's gesture to the thirteen tied-up women. It was no longer Ninsianna's tawny-beige eyes or luscious curves which whimpered though their bindings, but the brown eyes and slender figure of the young woman who had taken his place.

"Pareesa," Jamin hissed.

He felt Lucifer magnify his hatred, feed it and fuel it as though he shoved wood unto a fire. The flames ignited like a bonfire fed a diet of bitumen and tinder, fiery hot and burning red, its flames so hot it felt as though his body might be consumed in the conflagration.

"This woman stole your village from you," Lucifer said.


"She replaced you in your father's heart."


"She had you banished," Lucifer said. "A nameless, stateless criminal; a man without a home."

"Yes," Jamin said. Tears of anger slid down his cheeks. "She shot me in the hand in front of the warriors."

"She castrated you," Lucifer taunted him. "And then she thwarted you when you went to kill your father for revenge."

"Yes," Jamin whispered. He remembered the arrow which had pinned him to the wall, the way she had sunk into the fire, and yet somehow she had survived.

"What do you want to do to her?" Lucifer asked.

"Kill her."

Lucifer leaned forward so that his nose lay almost against his neck, and then he sniffed, as though he found something delicious.

"If you simply kill her," Lucifer said. "You cannot make her suffer."

Jamin strode over and grabbed the nearest woman by her bindings. She looked like Pareesa. She
like Pareesa, even though, in his mind, he knew she bore no resemblance to her at all.

Lucifer's breath tickled his ear. Warm. Seductive. He pressed his lips against Jamin's neck and kissed it.

"There is only
thing a woman is good for," Lucifer whispered. "Isn't there?"

An image danced into his head.
Take her. Take her…

"Yes." Jamin's breath was a guttural cry.

"Take her, little chieftain. And put her back into her place."

Jamin dragged her to the sturdy table where only moments before
had lay and shoved her down, his rage so real it felt physically palpable. The room grew hotter. Every aspect of his
resonated with the rage he felt emanating from the creature which inhabited Lucifer's body, and as he felt it, some part of his spirit cried out and rejoiced, for this anger was familiar, and it was

Lucifer gripped his hands and placed them around the woman's neck.

"When you see Pareesa again," Lucifer said. "What shall you say to her? What shall you say as you watch the light leave her eyes?"

"You took my village," Jamin said.

"Say it like you mean it," Lucifer said.

An image of being cast out of his village, all of his warriors, even Siamek, turning their backs on him, almost made him weep.

"I want my village back, you bitch!" Jamin shouted.

The woman fought him, unable to scream because a gag had been shoved into her mouth. His erection grew larger, so big it hurt to press against the constricting, foreign pants.

Ungag her," Lucifer's voice was warm and gentle in his ears. "Ungag her, so you can hear her tell you that
are the one she shall submit to, and if she does not, you can listen to her scream."

Jamin fumbled with the gag. The woman screamed, but it was not
scream he heard, but Pareesa taunting him. He could see it. He could see the memory as if it happened now.

Pareesa wrinkled her nose and pantomimed his words, rolling her eyes and crossing them as she mocked him. He aimed his spear inches from the little snit's foot and hurled it into the ground. It quivered with unspent energy, his message clear.

“Foot!” Pareesa called. In one seamless move, she reached into her quiver, strung her bow, and let an arrow fly. It landed in the ground against the edge of his footwear.

“Goddamn you, girl!” Jamin bellowed. “I’ll teach you your place!” He lurched towards her, intending to wipe the smirk off her face.

“Hand!" Pareesa reached into her quiver in a move so fast it was barely visible and let fly a second arrow.

Some portion of his mind noted the twang of the bowstring -after- the sharp pain registered in the hand he’d been about to use to strike her.

Jamin shrieked, holding his hand as he stared with disbelief at his palm. The old scar bled, the wound which had limited his ability to use a weapon for months until it had healed.

The twelve captive women sniggered, only now they looked like children from his village. They taunted him and egged on Pareesa to shoot him again.

"She humiliated you in front of your own warriors," Lucifer caressed his cheek. "You lost your village because of her. What do you wish to do about it?"

"I shall go back into Assur," Jamin said, "to blast down its walls and kill her."

Lucifer pressed into his back, his torso aligned with his. His white wings curled forward, enclosing the table in their spread.

"Why wait when she lies beneath you now?"

It was no longer a stranger who lay upon the table in front of him, but Pareesa, her shawl belted high around her waist like a man's kilt. It had fallen open to display the soft, furry folds between her legs.

"Take her," Lucifer's voice tickled his ear. "Take back from her what she took from you."

His cock grew hard as images flooded into his mind. Sinking his cock into her softness. Fucking her until the life fled from her body.

"She is just a little girl," Jamin groaned.

Hope, anger, envy, and hunger trembled through his body like the cord-string of a bow, unable to control the maelstrom of emotions that Lucifer had released.

"Look again, little chieftain," Lucifer said. "While you were away, your nemesis has grown up."

The same woman fought beneath him, kicking, crying, trying to escape, but her features had grown older. She wore a five-fringed kilt, and around her neck sat his father's golden torque.

Hatred burned through Jamin's body like fire.

"That's my torque!" He clutched at her throat and tried to twist it off, but his hands came up empty.

Lucifer's voice filled with power. He could
the shade which inhabited Lucifer feed upon his anger.

"It is time to remind her of the only thing a woman is good for," Lucifer said.

He reached around and undid the front of Jamin's pants. Jamin was transported back to the moment when Pareesa had shot him.

“Bitch!!!” He yanked his spear out of the ground and swung it up to thwack her off the side of her head, ignoring the stab of pain which streaked up his other arm. He'd survived worse wounds than the insignificant toy sticks!

Lucifer caressed his manhood. Jamin gasped, but he was not here, but there; back in the moment in Assur. Lucifer ran his hands along the shaft until it throbbed beneath his hands like a hungry animal. He shoved Jamin towards his quarry, laid out upon the table like a feast.

“Heart!" Pareesa grabbed a third arrow and drew her bow, aiming straight for his heart. Her eyes took on an icy stare that was familiar.

"Impale her, my sweet prince," Lucifer kissed his ear. "Impale her with your spear."

He grabbed the woman's legs and yanked her towards them, spread-eagle, and pushed Jamin's rump until his cock sat between the folds of her feminine mysteries.

Pareesa wrinkled her nose and pantomimed his words, rolling her eyes and crossing them as she mocked him.

Laughter from the other women.

Laughter from the villagers as she had pranced into the square, carrying four ducks, and presented them to his father.

His father had hugged her, and then nearly broken his arm when he'd told him to go inside the house!

Jamin rammed his cock into the woman's cunt. His eyeballs rolled upwards as a sensation more powerful than any he had ever felt turned his knees weak and rippled powerful currents throughout his body.

Lucifer groaned behind him. He ground his pelvis into Jamin's back, aiding his thrusts with swoops of his powerful white wings, feeding his hatred with the images he projected into his mind.

"Teach her. Teach her that she cannot do this to you again."

Jamin clenched his hands around her neck until her eyes bulged and her lips began to turn blue. He felt Lucifer's cock slip between the crack of his ass, but it felt so heady that he wanted it in this moment. Oh, gods, he wanted this feeling of power to never end!

Lucifer spit onto his hand and slid the spittle between his cheeks. Jamin trembled as he thrust into the little bitch, his cock lubricated with her juices and her blood. His balls clenched as Lucifer squeezed the base of his cock, prolonging the sensation of sitting on the edge. He was so close his eyes rolled back into his head, the most overwhelming sex he'd ever felt.

"Focus on your anger, little chieftain," Lucifer's voice cracked with hunger. "And do not be afraid of what you see."

Lucifer bit into the back of Jamin's shoulder like a stallion mounting a mare. Jamin trembled like a virgin. The warriors always had joked about what it meant to be a
a man who lay down with other men, but they had never told him what it would feel like to

"Do it," Jamin whispered.

Lucifer's cock slid into his tiny sphincter. Jamin cried out. It hurt! It hurt! Lucifer gripped him tighter, blocking his escape as he bit down upon his shoulder and buried his cock up to its hilt. A curious ripple of sensation, like the pleasure one experienced when taking a dump, only deeper, dampened the pain with pleasure.

"We shall take her together," Lucifer said.

Lucifer rammed his pelvis so that he
rammed him into the woman who was now unconscious upon the table, again and again, clawing at him like that lion he had just killed until his flesh bled, but he could not stop the images which played upon his mind. It was no longer
anger he saw, but Moloch's, and he knew his name, and he saw him as he had been before the goddess had stripped him of his body.

Lucifer roared an inhuman, animalistic roar. He pounded his wings and the air flew around them like a storm. The sparks from the fireplace filled the air, but he was not burned by it. The fire was drawn to them, eager to consume whatever lay in its path, for fire was Moloch's natural element. Jamin could
the power. He could taste it. He could feel it. And he wondered … what would it be like wield such power for himself?

Lucifer showed him what he wanted to see.

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