Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 (28 page)

Read Switched: Brides of the Kindred 17 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Tags: #scifi, #alien, #scifi erotica, #scifi romance, #scifi erotic romance, #evangeline anderson, #fated mate, #kindred, #brides of the kindred

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Kerov made a
surprised sounding noise in the back of his throat.

What makes you think I do not like your

Well, I mean it’s obvious—look at Xirnah. She was your ideal
and she had the boniest ass I’ve ever seen.”

Yes, she did,” Kerov acknowledged. “But that does not mean a…”
He coughed. “A
posterior is the only kind I admire.”

You’re saying you like a girl with a juicy booty?”
Frankie was skeptical. As
far as she’d been able to tell, every girl on his home planet was
skinny as a skeleton. Why would he ever want anything else
was what he was used

To be honest, I’ve never had the privilege of being with a
female who had a ‘juicy booty’,” Kerov said. “But I find
yours…intriguing to say the least. And I do not mind washing you
there. In fact, at the risk of offending you, I rather…” He cleared
his throat again. “Rather enjoy it. And I’d like to enjoy it

Oh, well…”
Frankie wasn’t sure how to take that. But she felt at least a
little of her self-consciousness fading.
“Um, enjoy it how?”

I’d like to
Kerov told her in a low, soft voice that was somehow masculine even
though it was coming from her own mouth. “I’ve never been with a
female with such lush endowments.”

Frankie bit her lip.
“All right then—as long as you’re careful not to, you
know, go too far.”

How far is too far?” Kerov murmured, sliding his fingers
teasingly down the curves of her ass. For a moment Frankie thought
he was going to let them slip between her cheeks and indeed, he was
very close.


But I
to wash
you,” Kerov reminded her softly. And then his fingers
slip inside, caressing gently over
her tightly puckered rosebud, making Frankie jump and


Sorry, are you too sensitive there?” he murmured, letting his
fingers slide away. “I noticed earlier how sensitive you are in
other areas.”

What…what areas?”
To Frankie, her mental voice sounded breathless.

These areas.” Kerov cupped her breasts and gently circled her
nipples with his thumbs.

Frankie bit back a moan—
that felt good! Even though she knew it was actually her own
hands cupping her breasts, it didn’t feel like that. It felt almost
like he was in the shower with her.

sensitive,” Kerov murmured and plucked gently at her tight
peaks, making her almost groan as sparks of pleasure shot from her
nipples straight to her throbbing pussy.

protested, but despite the Catholic guilt nibbling at the edges of
her mind, she didn’t exactly want him to stop.
After all, I’m doing it to myself.
It’s not like he’s really touching me,
she reminded herself.

brought a mental image of Kerov standing with her in the shower,
his big, well-shaped hands running all over her naked body. He was
standing behind her, the muscular wall of his chest at her back,
and he was so close she could feel the massive shaft between his
long legs branding the small of her back as he washed her up and
down with long, slow strokes…

Mmm…is that what you’d like,
?” Kerov murmured, his hands slipping even lower. For
just a moment she thought she felt his fingertips teasing along the
cleft of her incredibly sensitive, freshly waxed pussy.

To her
mortification, Frankie realized that she’d somehow sent him the
X-rated picture through the strange link they shared. Guilt
overwhelmed her and she suddenly wanted to put a halt to all

protested breathlessly.
“No, I…I don’t want this. In fact, I think it’s time
for this shower to be over.”

As you wish.” Kerov withdrew his hands at once. He rinsed
away the soapy body wash in a businesslike way and turned off the
shower. Then he wrapped up in a towel so fast Frankie could hardly
believe it. Before she knew it, they were getting out of the

Though he was only
doing what she had requested, Frankie couldn’t help feeling
disappointed. It was like they had started eating a meal together—a
meal she was incredibly hungry for—and then, before she had even
begun to be satisfied, they had stopped.

Maybe that was the
reason she had him choose her skimpiest nighty when he looked into
her dresser for something to wear to bed.

That one,”
she told him, as his hand hesitated over the black lace teddy.
She’d gotten it as a gift from some well-meaning girlfriend who was
trying to help her spice up her love life. However, shortly after
getting it, she had served Carlos with the divorce papers so the
sexy little set never got worn. Frankie had been saving it for a
special occasion. On impulse she decided to wear it tonight. After
all—what was more special than spending the night with the new guy
in your life? Granted, said guy was literally all in her head but

This little bit of nothing?” Kerov took it out and held it up
by the fragile lacey spaghetti straps.

What’s wrong? You don’t like it?”
Frankie challenged him.

It just…doesn’t seem like it will cover much. But if this is
what you wish to wear…” He shrugged and slipped out of the towel.
With a little direction from Frankie, he managed to put on the
teddy which tied in the front between her breasts and ended just at
her hips. Then he looked down at her body, clad in the black lace

Do you like it?”
Frankie couldn’t help asking.

It’s very…revealing. I can see your nipples.” He gestured at
the black lace which barely covered her thrusting breasts. The
tight brown points of her nipples were pressed hard against the
black lace and were, indeed, clearly visible.

That’s just the way it’s made,”
Frankie said, feeling both uncomfortable and
sexy at the same time—a strange combination.

can see your pussy too,” Kerov informed her in a low

Looking further
down, Frankie could see it was true. The bare mound of her pussy
was visible beneath the hem of the black lace teddy. It still
looked slightly pink from the earlier wax job Kerov had endured on
her behalf and the outer lips were swollen and puffy though she
didn’t know why.

There are panties that go with it,”
she told him, thinking that her mental
voice didn’t sound exactly steady.
“You can, uh, put them on.”

All right.” Kerov stepped into the tiny black lace panties
that went with the teddy but the moment he pulled them up over her
hips to settle them in place, both of them jumped and made
exclamations of surprise and pain.

Frankie complained.
“That hurts!”

Maybe because this area is still irritated from the torture
session with Helga and the hot wax.” Kerov sounded grim. “And
because these undergarments are made of more abrasive material than
the others.”

Wait—I know what we need!”
If Frankie could have snapped her fingers she would
“Didn’t they
give you any kind of lotion to use for afterwards? After the
waxing, I mean?”

exited the building in a great hurry,” Kerov growled. “They did not
have time to give me anything.”

Well, never mind. I think I still have some left over from
the last time I had my legs waxed.”

With a little help
from her, Kerov found the half-empty bottle in her medicine
cabinet. He looked at it, frowning.


It’s a special kind of soothing oil you rub on the area that’s
just been waxed. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it
told him.

And…” Kerov cleared his throat. “You want me to…to rub this
into your mound?”

Well, I mean if you’d rather not do it…”

No,” he said quickly. “No, I…don’t mind at all.” He started
to unscrew the cap but Frankie stopped him.

Maybe…maybe it would work better if we laid down first—you

Oh. Certainly.” He took the bottle back into her bedroom and
lay down on her bed.

Frankie was glad
they had cleaned up the mess earlier. Her bed looked naked minus
her coverlet but at least her sheets were neat and clean. The scent
of air freshener she’d had him spray after he bundled everything
into the hamper still hung faintly in the air.

Now.” Kerov looked down at the half full bottle of soothing
oil. “How do we begin?”

don’t know…”
Frankie felt suddenly shy.
“Just…put some on your fingertips and, uh, rub it in,
I guess.”

Should I rub it everywhere it feels sensitive?” he asked in a
low voice, tipping the bottle to capture some of its contents on
his fingertips.

Yes…yes, I guess so.”

All right.” Moving slowly, he put his hand between her thighs
and began to caress her sensitive, bare mound, covering it with the
soothing oil.

The sensation drew a
moan of relief from both of them. Frankie hadn’t realized just how
raw this area had felt until she got some relief from the pain. She
wondered how she could have gotten through the entire evening
feeling so irritated. Probably she had been too busy concentrating
on other things—like the disastrous dinner date with Ramlow—to

Don’t think about that now,” Kerov murmured to her and she
realized he had caught her thought—or more likely the image of Todd
Ramlow in her head. “Concentrate on the here and now. Tell me…tell
me where to touch you. How you need to be caressed.”

Frankie caught her
breath at the soft, sensual words and then she saw the image he was
sending with them. She could see the two of them in bed together,
Kerov’s big, muscular body bending over hers as he cradled her
shoulders with one arm. With the other hand, he was reaching down
to cup her pussy. Instinctively, it seemed, she was spreading her
thighs for him. His fingers were gentle as he stroked over the
outer lips of her pussy, tracing her slit as he looked into her

Is this good,
murmured. “Is this how you like to be touched?”

What…what does ‘shalla’ mean?”
Frankie whispered breathlessly, caught up
completely in the fantasy.

It’s a term of endearment on my planet—it means ‘beautiful
one,’” Kerov murmured. “And you are, you know, Frankie—very

I’m not your type,”
she protested softly.

You’re different from every other female I’ve ever known,” he
told her. “But that doesn’t mean you aren’t my ‘type’ or that I
don’t find you extremely lovely.”

You don’t have to sweet talk me, baby,”
Frankie pointed out, laughing a
already got your hand between my legs. Or…
hand, anyway.”

wish it
my hand,” Kerov told her.
In her mind’s eye, she could still see him leaning over her,
holding her eyes with that intense pale gray gaze of his. “I want
to touch you for myself…want to explore you and feel your soft
folds on my fingertips.”

Do you really?”
Though she still felt a little bit guilty, Frankie found that
pleasure was overcoming her inhibitions. In her mind’s eye, she saw
herself spreading her thighs more for him and arching her
“Then go

Do you really mean
it?” Kerov asked in a low voice. “You’ll let me touch you? Pleasure
you? No other female has ever allowed me to do such a thing. On
Tarsia it is forbidden.”

It’s not forbidden here,”
Frankie assured him breathlessly.
“It…it’s okay. I trust you. And
besides, it’s not really your hand—it’s mine you’re

Wish I could use more than my hands,” Kerov growled softly
and then he parted her swollen outer pussy lips and dipped his
fingertips into the heated well of her inner pussy.

Immediately Frankie
felt a shock of surprise run through him.

What? What is it? What’s wrong?”
she demanded.

Nothing’s wrong,” Kerov hastened to assure her. “It’s
just…you’re so

Oh—you mean between my legs?”
Frankie nearly laughed.
“Well yes—I told you we Earth girls were
probably about the same body temperature as the

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