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Authors: Desconhecido(a)

switched (11 page)

BOOK: switched
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Chapter Twelve

Gus finally let Bastian out of the room they were using; it was time to be introduced to Jacob’s lover, and for them all to make their way to the temple. It was time to get his Precious’ body and mind put together again.

He followed Bastian out, eyes on that ass.

Jacob and Walter were in the kitchen, Jacob watching Walter cook. Bastian smiled at Walter. “Good morning, Walt.”

Jacob arched an eyebrow. “You two took long enough to get up. What? Does Sebastian want to keep my fine body?”

Gus growled at the man. “Absolutely not. I was, however, putting it through its paces.”

Walter’s gaze flew to his, startled.

Jacob chuckled, winked at him. “Easy, baby. He’s all bark, no bite.”

Gus glowered a little longer, growling. “You are the most arrogant bastard I have ever met.”

Bastian leaned against him, snuggling close. “Can we go? Soon? I want things right again.”

“Patience, Bastian. We need to eat first. I have plans.” He gave Bastian a wink and then glared at Jacob. “Are you going to introduce me to your man?”

“Plans? With my body? Tsk tsk.” Jacob hopped down, smiling. “Gus, this is the most beautiful man alive. Walter? This is a big growling asshole who plays backgammon.”

Gus did indeed growl. “Walter? Nice to meet you. Though I have to say you have a poor choice in lovers.”

Walter bristled, mouth opening and closing. “Master...”

Jacob laughed again, kissed Walt thoroughly. “He’s just grumpy that I ended up with the nipple rings.”

“Yes, I do want my Bastian back in his proper body. I’d think you’d want that soon, too, before I start decorating this one.” Gus slid his hand up Bastian’s belly and tweaked a nipple through the plain dark shirt that Bastian had pulled out of Jacob’s closet. “Maybe one in the penis instead of the nipples...”

Bastian gasped and Walt went bright red. Jacob tossed his head and chuckled. “Do it and this hair is

Gus chuckled. “The real problem is Jacob knows my weak spot.” He gave Walt a wink. “I’m not a bad guy, Walt. Just rather missing my Precious.”

Bastian snuggled into his side, hand on his belly.

Jacob gave Bastian a look, a nod. “Thank you for being kind to Walter. I appreciate it.”

Walter beamed and nodded. “Yes. You were wonderful, Bastian, thank you.”

Gus tried to keep his surprise that Jacob would speak so kindly to Bastian off his face. He knew it would be like waving a red flag in front of Jacob. Like with him and Bastian’s hair. “So,” he finally said after the silence spread between them. “We eat, and then we go and see if these monks can help us with this little problem?”

Bastian nodded, enthusiastically. “Yes, yes, please, Augie.”

Jacob hooted. “Hey, you have the not-itchy body.”

“Yes, but my body can take Gus’ hand.”

Walter’s mouth had dropped open with a squeak and Gus chuckled, holding out his hand for them all to see and slowly curling it into a fist. “Bastian is a wonder.”

Even Jacob looked impressed. “That must take a lot of trust. And lube.”

Gus nodded and gave Bastian a soft kiss. “He amazes me every day we have been together.”

Bastian melted against him, eyes shining, warm. Loving him.

“Oh, heavens. They’re
! Walt, let’s feed them!”

“Yes, Master,” murmured Walt, eyes on him and Bastian. “It’s rather nice, isn’t it?”

“Nice. Sweet. A little creepy. Pick one.” Jacob’s hand slid down Walt’s spine, cupping the thin buttocks. “Give me what we have any day.”

“I’m yours, Master. You have it any time you want it.” Walter pushed into the touch, eyes just as adoring on Jacob as Bastian’s were on Gus.

Gus shook his head and pulled out a chair, sitting in it and pulling Bastian onto his lap. He wasn’t letting go of his lover too easily. Bastian settled in, lips on his jaw, his throat, the soft little sounds so sweet, so happy.

He purred, and when Walter dished him up a large plate of omelet, he took a few pieces of toast from the plate in the middle of the table and fed both himself and Bastian, the routine familiar and much missed in the last two months.

“I just don’t look
playing sub,” murmured Jacob.

Bastian chuckled. “I’m not playing. I’m registered.”

“And damned good at it,” murmured Gus.

“Registered?” asked Walter, eating quickly and efficiently, each mouthful of food divided on his plate.

Bastian nodded. “Our government allowed us to register as dominant and submissive. It means Gus is responsible for my care, takes care of any public scenes and stuff...”

“It means he is mine.” Gus interrupted. “We have officially declared ourselves to the government. To everyone. When I have finally found the design I like, he will wear my mark on his body, permanently.”

“A mark?” asked Walter, looking interested.

Gus nodded. “Here,” he said, sliding his finger alongside Bastian’s navel. “And a smaller version here,” this time he stroked the side of Bastian’s face, by his right eye. “Where everyone can see it.”

“Except in the right body.” Jacob’s hand slid over Walter’s scalp, petting.

“Yes,” Gus agreed and then sighed. He hated to bring it up. But... “Have you considered what we will do if this cannot be reversed?”

Walter whimpered and put down his knife and fork, eyes wide, haunted.

Jacob sighed. “If it cannot be reversed, then we simply cope with it. Our bodies are not so dissimilar.”

Bastian shook his head. “But what if we go home and it happens again?”

Gus nodded. “I must admit that is my concern as well. I would get used to this body, to any body as long as I had my Precious within it, but if it happens again... I suppose if it is a real worry, we could arrange to live closer. I know Bastian would like to remain friends with Walter. And I would like to see you both grow closer again. You are twins! It would be good if you spoke with each other more than once every ten years.”

Not to mention the need that drove Bastian’s body. Jacob had not even known what it was; how could he be expected to know how to relieve the urges without Gus there to do it for him if he was stuck in Bastian’s body? If Gus didn’t take care of it, whoever was in that body would be hooked back on cappers, or something equally as bad, in no time at all.

“Well, I suppose you could move back to the city, Sebastian...”

Bastian’s eyes went wide, head shaking furiously. “No. No, I can’t. I
, Jacob.”

Gus’ hand slid along Bastian’s spine, soothing his Precious. “Could you not move to the new settlement, Jacob? It is really starting to boom, and there is a lot of call for a craftsman of your caliber. I can think of a half dozen jobs for you off the top of my head. I understand Walter does not work, so there is just the one position to consider.”

Gus had to admit that he enjoyed Jacob’s company, their sparring, though he would enjoy it more once Jacob was in his rightful body and some of the barbs felt less... personal against Bastian.

Jacob frowned. “I don’t know. I would need to discuss it with Walter; his needs are my priority.”

“I am thinking of his needs.” Gus sat forward. “If this happens again, it would be best for everyone if we are close. Several hours by carriage, or on foot, instead of weeks, months before we can return to our lovers. They managed this time, beautifully. I am not sure we should tempt fate a second time.”

Walter shook his head. “I do not think I could do it again, Master. I would disappoint you.”

Jacob sighed, drew Walter close. “Are you suggesting the move whether or not the monks can return us, Gus?”

He shrugged, but he supposed that was what he was suggesting. “Yes. If you and Bastian can find a peace between you.”

Jacob shook his head. “You’re asking to give up our home, my job...” Jacob looked at Bastian. “Couldn’t you consider...”

“I can’t, Jacob. I can’t. The need

“You felt it,” he reminded Jacob.

Jacob nodded. “But you don’t now.”

“Not in my body, no. In my head.”

“It’s never going to go away, Jacob. That’s not how addiction works.” Gus leaned forward. “He lives with the need, the urge, every single day, and every day he chooses not to give in to it. That makes him stronger than any man I know.”

“I never said he wasn’t strong now, Gus. I said he was an insufferable little prick when he was using.”

Gus growled softly, knowing Jacob was winding him up, reacting anyway. “You’ve said many things.”

Walter fluttered between them, clearing the table with sharp, hard little movements.

Jacob reached out, grabbed Walter’s wrist. “What do you think, baby?”

Walter stilled as soon as Jacob touched him. “Think? About what, Coby?”

“About all of this, baby. About this whole mess.”

Walter bit his lip and laid his free hand over Jacob’s, holding on to the hand that held him. “I think... All I know is I need you, Coby. I can’t think without you. I can’t focus, I can’t... I just can’t.”

“Surely you have wants and needs.” Gus interjected.

Walter nodded jerkily in reply to his words. “I want Coby. I need him.”

Bastian made a soft, gentle noise. “We could live close enough to be friends, Walt. I’d like that.”

Walter nodded. “Oh. Yes, I would like that. I don’t. I don’t have a lot of friends. Not many people understand. You understood, though, didn’t you, Sebastian? You never mocked me for the things I did, you helped.”

“Well, of course, Walt.” Bastian smiled over. “Friends don’t mock each other.”

Gus purred, fingers stroking over Bastian’s skin. He was very proud of his lover.

Walter gave Bastian a smile. “I would not be upset if we moved closer to Sebastian and Gus.”

Jacob stroked Walter’s shoulder. “I will need to research it, Gus. Make sure there is a place for us there.”

Gus nodded. “Of course. And with any luck it will be a move that is only necessary for friends to be closer, not to facilitate body jumping!”

Bastian nodded, sighing. “I want things right again.”

Gus nodded and pushed his plate away. “Can we go and see if these monks are our answer?”

Jacob nodded. “Leave the dishes, baby. Let’s go fix things.”

“Leave them?” Walter looked panicked for a moment, and then he focused on Jacob’s face and nodded. “Yes, Master.”

Gus grunted and stood, hand wrapping around Bastian’s. “Yes, let’s go.”

He would have left the worry that this wasn’t going to work behind, but it followed too closely upon his heels. Instead he ignored it. No matter what happened, they would work it out. They had to.


Gemin Temple, outskirts of Bellock, Southern Reaches, Brandish Planet

The travel took most of the day, Coby holding Walt through the entire train ride over the dead land, mind working furiously.

What if it didn’t work?

What if it happened again?

Should they move?

Should they stay?

Where was Walt safest?

Was Sebastian trustworthy?

Was Gus?

Gus held Sebastian just as he held Walt, wide face happier than he’d seen it ever in the two months they’d been thrown together, big hands wandering restlessly over Sebastian’s body.

Coby looked over, met Gus’ eyes, tried to smile. “Walt likes Sebastian.”

Gus nodded. “The feeling is mutual, I believe. They share a common bond. Several in fact.”

“Yes? They don’t seem too alike.”

“No? Both subs. Both thrown together in a difficult situation without the men they’ve grown to rely on. Both have needs that are addressed by their lifestyle. And I’ll bet my last paycheck you’re thinking of getting rings for Walter’s nipples.” Gus gave him a wink.

“I think he would find them endlessly fascinating.” He grinned. “I will admit, the ability to be acknowledged by the government is tempting. I think it would soothe Walt.”

Gus nodded, face serious, all teasing gone. “It made a big difference for Bastian. It’s one thing for me to tell him I will always be with him, another for me to put it on paper. Make it permanent, yes?”

“Tell me about how you met him?”

“I saw him at a party. And I knew. I could feel the connection between us and I came on strong.” Gus chuckled. “I might have scared him a little, but I only know how to come on strong, you know?”

“No... You? Did he freak out on you?” He tried not to wake Walt up with his laughter.

“I didn’t let him.” Gus was grinning.

“I imagine there were fireworks.” He stroked Walt’s head. “I found Walt at a party. He was being mistreated. I wouldn’t have it.”

“He seems very... he has specialized needs,” finished Gus. “I don’t mean to be insulting.”

“He’s special. He loves like no one else, but he needs someone to focus on.” Coby knew not everyone could understand his lover, but everyone didn’t need to, just him.

“Sounds like that makes you a good match,” murmured Gus. “You like being his focus. Perhaps even need to be.”

“I love him.” It was simple as that. Walt was his life. “What does Sebastian give you?”

“Everything,” growled Gus, hands tightening on Sebastian’s body. “He is my life. My home.” Sebastian shifted, hands reaching up to pet and soothe Gus, still sound asleep.

“He listens to you.”

“He knows I love him. Knows I would never steer him wrong.” Gus shrugged. “We work. It isn’t something I examine.”

Coby nodded. He understood that, agreed with it. “I hadn’t until the last few weeks. I miss working.”

Gus nodded. “Soon, yes? These monks will fix things. And if they don’t... well, we know how to make your bodies your own again.”

“Yes.” The train came to a stop, their station called. “Walt? Baby? We’re here.”

Walt woke with a jerk, eyes searching him out, body relaxing against him as soon as Walt met his eyes.

Gus woke Bastian as well, and the four of them made their way through the streets to the temple. Belloch was not as grand as T’ven or Rinnalin, but the buildings still rose from the ground like giant, steel animals.

The temple was marble, stunning, a jeweled shrine to the twin gods, Gemin. The light-colored stone was a sharp contrast to the steel structures around it, the jewels that adorned it shimmering in the light of the suns, sending purple and red and blue and green and yellow reflections in all directions.

BOOK: switched
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