Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7) (23 page)

BOOK: Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7)
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I nod in understanding and feel a pang of guilt for the
secret I am covering up.

“Have you spoken to Devon?” I ask to change the subject.

“Yep, I’m glad he’s going to ask her. It will be good for
them both.” He wraps his arms around me, pulling me back to his chest.

“I agree,” I say and he chokes back his surprise.


“Yes,” I snap unnecessarily. “He needs someone in his life
who can love him the way he needs to be loved,” I add gently.

“We all do,” he says wistfully and I turn in his arms.

“You don’t think that I love you the way you need to be
loved?” I ask.

“Of course I do,” he replies. “What makes you say that?”

“Your tone was wistful. There was definite wist in your
tone,” I accuse him.

“Well, I won’t deny I wouldn’t mind some changes in your
other relationships, but there is nothing I would change about ours.” He is trying
to placate me and I let him, not really wanting another argument about this. “I
also know he told you he didn’t want his day anymore,” he adds in my ear. “Are
you okay with that?”

“Yes, I am fine with that. I want whatever he wants.”

“Liv, he won’t leave you again. You don’t have to be worried
about that.”

“I’m not. I already told him he couldn’t. I don’t want you
to leave me either.”

Startled by my vehemence he says, “I’m not going anywhere.
That is something you definitely don’t have to worry about.”

He sounds so sure but I know differently and it breaks my
heart that if he ever found out (again) he would go and never come back.

“I should go. I have a big scene on the river today.”

“Oh?” I perk up, interested.

“Yeah, spies, boats, and guns! It’s going to awesome,” he
says excitedly.

“Well then, don’t let me keep you,” I say with a smile and
he kisses me for a few minutes before he reluctantly turns to leave.

I step back into the bedroom to find Lincoln awake but still
lying on the bed. He peers at me curiously with his big green Wolf eyes and I
know he has heard all of our conversation. While we didn’t say anything
intensely private, it bothers me just a little bit that he eavesdropped. I like
things with Cole to be separate. As much “just ours” as I can get them, which
isn’t very much in this life. I sit next to him and scratch behind his ears and
he huffs out a breath and licks my fingers as I rub under his chin. I climb
back in bed and snuggle into the pillows as Cole, showered and dressed, kisses
me goodbye and with a quick pat to Lincoln who snaps his teeth at him, albeit
in play, he leaves for the city. I stay in bed for a bit longer, having a nice
lazy morning on my own. Sort of. I get up and have a long soak in the bath. The
house is empty when I go downstairs, followed closely by Lincoln. I can’t even
remember the last time I had this much time to myself. It’s nice. I decide to
do a bit of work. I hardly have anything to do anymore, even with this Queen
thing. Jess is superb and deals with everything and she always goes to the
delegates first before coming to me, if there is something she can’t sort out.
There is, however, nothing for me to do. All taken care of. Wow, do I even
really need to be here? Seems The Underworld can be run quite nicely by a
weeks-old teenage Vampire and a handful of well-respected and well-chosen
Ambassadors. Jess wasn’t kidding when she said she could do this. Harvard’s
loss is definitely my gain. I decide then to read in the library and flop down
on the sofa with my feet up and Lincoln’s head on my lap. I get all of two
pages into my book when I feel a presence. Lincoln lifts his head and growls,
stepping in front of me protectively. I pat him absently, more irritated than

I glare into the corner. “Remiel, what a shocker. What do
you want?” I ask rudely. “Come to fling me around the room a bit more?”

He sits in the chair a few feet away from me and sighs
dramatically. “I’m bored,” he says, his clipped British accent even more posh
than my own.

“So you thought bothering me would light up your day?”

“I thought killing you would light up my day,” he crosses
his legs and folds his hands in his lap, his bright blue eyes showing some
trace of amusement.

“You know, as much as I would love to help you with that,
it’s not going to happen.”

“I knew engaging in conversation with you would be a
mistake. You harbor no fear of me anymore,” he sulks.

“Can’t say I had much to start with,” I lie and he chuckles,
catching me in it.

“Liar,” he says easily. “But I am loathe to admit, as much
as I prefer flinging you around the room, I also like talking with you. You are
blunt and your questions are intelligent. It has been so very dull these last
centuries with no witty banter or insult trading.”

“The crossed-over spirits not a chatty bunch, then?” I ask
with a wry twist to my lips.

He lets out a loud guffaw, which startles me as much as it
does Lincoln, who starts howling and turning in a circle. He is clearly
confused, as I am relaxed and at ease sharing a joke with this creature who wants
nothing more than to kill me. Or does he? It’s hard to tell anymore.

“Not particularly, no. Can I stay here for a while? This
room is pleasant.” He stands up to browse my impressive collection of books.

“You want to stay and visit with me? I thought that next
time I was ‘in for it’?” I ask.

“Well, the room more than you, but seeing as you are in it,
I suppose you may stay. Yes, I have had a change of heart. You are stronger
than I gave you credit for and I see a bigger picture now.” He pokes through my
books while I just gape at him.

“A change of heart?” I ask, adding, “What bigger picture?”

He nods absently as if he is not really listening to me. He
picks up a book and starts flicking through it.

“Can I get you a cup of tea to go with that?” I ask sarcastically,
not in the least surprised that he ignored my question.

“Oh, if it’s no bother,” he says offhandedly and nods
decisively and returns to his seat with my book. My very precious, first
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
book that is worth a small
fortune and more.

“Be careful with that,” I snap at him as he opens it to read
haven’t even read it, choosing to preserve it as much as possible.

“Yes, your favorite, isn’t it. They didn’t have storybooks
such as these back in my day. In fact they didn’t have storybooks.”

“How did you know it was my favorite?” I ask, keeping my
eyes firmly on my prized possession.

“How do I learn anything, my dear? By picking it up out of
your head. You said something about tea?” he reminds me with an imperious look
that I have seen before, oh yes, he is definitely closely related to Tiamat.

I stand up and humor him although I have no idea why,
pouring one for myself in the process. I hand it to him, but it bounces off the
force field he still has up and in a flash of Vampire speed, I catch the
delicate China cup before it crashes to the floor, the tea still inside.

“Impressive,” he says. “Do you do children’s parties as
well? You can just put it on the table.”

“Why don’t you drop the barrier, hmm?” I ask him, putting
the cup and saucer down with more force than I intended.

“Oh no,” he says with a chuckle. “I have seen what you can
do with that sword.” He leans forward and grabs the tea quickly, pulling it
through the barrier with ease. “Your Wolf friend has me intrigued,” he says,
indicating Lincoln with his cup before taking a savoring sip.

“Leave him out of it,” I say.

“Oh I mean him no harm, not unless I have to of course. What
I mean is, I am surprised he hasn’t Shifted back to human form to guard you
from me.”

“He can sense that I am not afraid of you,” I say. “He is
the one that trusts me the most and my capability to defend myself should the
need arise.”

“You should be afraid, but yes, he does think you are
capable. You do have a special bond with him. I can see it. It is like a silver
ribbon,” he turns back to his tea and the book on his lap.

I look at Lincoln, who looks back at me. He can see it? As
in see it with his eyes? Huh, neat.

“So you are really just going to sit there and read my book
and drink my tea?” I ask him.

He looks up at me. “Indeed. I haven’t tasted tea quite like
this in a while.”

“That brings me back to what I said the other day. You are
clearly corporeal, you can handle objects and sit on things, taste tea, etc.
How are you not able to just be alive?”

“Because I am dead. I told you it doesn’t work that way,” he
frowns unpleasantly.

“Why not?” I ask in genuine confusion.

“All of this that you see takes an immense quantity of
energy. There aren’t enough dead creatures on the planet to pull this off full

Oh. I gulp at that revelation.

“So to what do I owe the honor of your bodily presence

“I told you, I’m bored,” he dismisses me and goes back to
reading. I cross my arms and stare at him long and hard over the sofa where I
am standing. He looks normal enough, now that he is in his natural guise. Black
hair, blue eyes, a black suit that looks quite fetching on him. He has the
poise and grace that only royalty brings and enough Power to blow us all to
Hell and back, so why doesn’t he? What is this bigger picture he spoke of?

Lincoln whines and it distracts my attention away from my
guest. I turn to the door and Sebastian walks in. “Interesting pose,” he says,
indicating my defensive stance.

I look back to the chair and Remiel has gone. And taken my
book with him! The exasperating beast. He had better bring it back or I
will…err…what exactly will I do? Can’t say a lot, really. I still can’t get
round his barrier and he refuses to drop it.

I uncross my arms and huff, “Hello, to you too.”

He chuckles. “My, my touchy today, aren’t you, little one.
But all alone for a change.” He crosses over to me and peers down at me,
tilting my chin up to look at him.

“Didn’t notice the big, black Wolf over by the chair?” I ask
him to his surprise. He glances over to where Lincoln has taken up residence in
Remiel’s spot.

“Ah, no I did not,” he says stepping back. “How come I can’t
sense him?”

“Beats me.” I shrug and turn from him. “Where is CK?”

“Geneva, he had something to sort out.”

“Geneva? You had better tell me he flew there and didn’t

“He flew, Christ, keep your knickers on,” he says with a
slight leer.

“You are too interested in my knickers,” I scold and flop
back down on the sofa. “What something?”

“I don’t know. I am not his secretary. Something to do with
the bank, I suppose. Have company?” He points to the cup that Remiel left. I’d
rather he took the tea than my book.

“No, it’s Lincoln’s,” I say with a pointed look at him and
he growls.

“Okay, don’t tell me,” Sebastian grouses and sits next to me
on the sofa.

“I’m going for a swim,” I say and stand up.

“I’ll come with you,” he says standing as well.

“Suit yourself,” I mutter and head towards the indoor
swimming pool. I change out of my casual sweats and into a tiny black bikini,
and dive in. I swim a couple of laps but then notice I am alone in the pool.
“You not swimming?” I ask Sebastian, who is sitting on the edge watching me.

“You are a good swimmer,” he says instead.

“Thanks,” I say, eyeing him weirdly. “Are you coming in?”

“No, not today,” he says in an odd tone.

“Do you not know how to swim?” I ask, although judging by
the insulted look on his face he does.

“Of course I do. I would just rather not, right now.” He
puts his hand over his shoulder and taps his back idly.

Ah, the penny drops. He doesn’t want Lincoln to see his
markings. I nod and drop it and swim a few more laps.

“So will you be turning into a Wolf tonight?” he asks me,
now lying on his back and trailing his hand in the water.

“Yes,” I say.

“Is it something you have to do, or want to do?”

“Want to do. Why the questions?” I hoist myself out of the
water and sit next to him, dripping wet.

“I don’t know much about your other parts. Just trying to be
informed. You have many, many parts,” he says with a wicked glint.

“That I do.” My attention wanders over to Lincoln pacing by
the French doors and I stand and walk over to him. “What’s up?” I say to him,
kneeling in front of him. He nods towards the doors and I get that he wants
out. I open the doors and, telling him I’ll join him in a bit, he races off to
the woods, leaving me all alone with Sebastian. Not exactly a genius plan
there, Linc. Thanks a bunch. I sense Sebastian behind me and turn with a
dismissive smile but he doesn’t buy it and presses me up against the windows.
“How about a little preview before tomorrow,” he murmurs close to my ear.

“Uh, no,” I say, pushing on his chest.

“Why not? It’s not like we haven’t played before.”

“Under a different arrangement that is now null and void,” I
say tightly.

“Please,” he says, his lips now dangerously close to mine.
“I want to see you pleasure yourself. It will make it all the more exciting
when I get to touch you myself.” He slowly takes my hand and moves it in
between us and places it where he wants it. His eyes are blazing into mine,
almost hypnotic, and a warning goes off in the back of my head. I try to clear
my thoughts but they are being swarmed now, consumed by a fog that I try to
fight off but can’t and then there is nothing except the sound of his melodic
voice, almost singing to me. He is speaking in a language I don’t understand,
so all I follow is the cadence. I see his sad, sweet smile before he kisses me
and I close my eyes, breathing heavily as he breaks the kiss. I open my eyes
and blink at him.

“Liv?” he asks me, full of concern. “Are you okay? We don’t
have to do this if you don’t want to. I just thought it might be fun.”

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