Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7) (12 page)

BOOK: Switch (The Forever Series, Book 7)
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Having enough of this damn barrier, with a quick zing, I
bring G.I. to my hand and he quickly steps back again, but regains his
composure straight away and chuckles at me. “You can’t get to me. You don’t
know how.”

Well I would if he would drop this bloody barrier. That is
something other Liv forgot to mention. “I will figure it out and end you once
and for all,” I say, keeping up the pretense of knowing nothing and trying to
slice the sword through the force field, to no avail. Damn, it’s powerful. If
even the fake G.I. can’t get through it, I am screwed without assistance.

“I look forward to your efforts, my dear,” he says before he
vanishes and the force field drops as Cole wakes up.

“Liv?” he sits up as he sees me standing there with my
Hellfire sword brandished at nothing and a murderous look on my face. “What
happened? Did you get rid of it?”

“No. I wouldn’t be standing here with this in my hand if I
had,” I whine, waving the sword about and he flinches, so I send the sword back
to the armory. “Other me forgot to mention how to get it out from behind that
fucking force field.”

“Oh. Maybe same as last time? Get him to pull you into it

“Gee that was a funfest…not. There must be another way.” I
chew my lip as I crawl back onto the bed beside him.

“Goad him out. Call him a coward or something. You know,
like in a Western movie,” Cole says with a chuckle and I smile at him.

“Do you feel better?”

“Yes,” he checks the clock. “We’re going in an hour. Go feed
and then get changed.”

“Yes sir.” I salute and he grabs me.

“Hm, now that is what you can call me,” he murmurs against
my mouth before he bites my bottom lip.

“You like that, don’t you?” I ask seductively as I push him
back to the bed and climb on top of him. He grins at me but pushes me off.

“I told you, later,” he says.

“Don’t reject me,” I say, pouting.

“I’m not rejecting you, I’m postponing you. Think of it as
foreplay,” he teases.

“Humph, I remember that feeling of having to wait. It’s not
fun,” I complain.

“But remember how incredible it was when we didn’t have to
wait any more?” he reminds me and I sigh.

“Yes, all I wanted to do was bite you and fuck you
senseless,” I say, snuggling into him.

He laughs. “It seems so strange that I didn’t know what you
were then. I feel like I have known you forever,” he whispers.

“We were destined,” I whisper back. “In this world you are
my destiny. The Chosen One.” I pull him to me for a kiss and he kisses me back
with fervor but then pulls away.

“Oh no, you don’t get to manipulate me into fucking you
before we get to the party,” he says and I flop back to the bed with a groan.

“You are no fun.”

“Oh, I will be later. I promise you,” he says. “Now, go

And on cue there is a knock at the door and it is Ramon and

I approach him, starving, and he smiles at me as CK eyes me
warily and coldly. “Aefre,” he says. “He is here for you, do not forget about

“But I do,” I say. “I think I need to take a leaf out of her

“And what was that?” he asks, distracted about something and
not in a good mood at all.

“She had regimented feeds. Specific times every day. No
matter what, she was interrupted and had to feed.”

“And you know this how?” CK asks curiously as Cole frowns at

Err, watch what you say…“Because I was fast asleep and was
woken up by her servants to feed. They were the only ones I saw while I was
there,” I say, feeling bad that it wasn’t exactly how it happened, but they
believe me and decide between themselves that this is a good idea.

“Very well. 6:30 AM and 6:30 PM are now your designated
feeding times,” CK declares and Cole agrees.

“You have to keep it up, Liv, especially if you are to go
after that thing.”

“Fine. But I won’t be responsible for seeking it out. He
comes up or it gets forgotten,” I say. Don’t get me wrong, I love to feed on
humans. But there is always this icky side to me that reminds me of what I
could do to them if I let the beast out. I don’t want to be that person anymore
and if I could get away with it, I wouldn’t feed on humans at all. But Queen
Powers are draining and the only thing for it is human blood.

“Done,” CK says and pushes Ramon towards me, which is
unnecessary as he is eager for the bite and that concerns me as well.

Chapter 7

After taking my fill, Cole asks them to leave as we have to
get ready for our night out. CK is reluctant to leave but with a lingering
glance at me he goes, bending down to whisper in my ear that he has spoken to
Sebastian and the rules have been set, but he needs to talk to me about
something, before he kisses me.

I nod and step back and in a swirl of fog, I am ready to go
as he leaves.

“No,” Cole says. “You are also too recognizable with your
Dragon. Change.”

I look down at myself and sigh. Fine, back-covered clothing
it is. I choose a black crushed velvet dress, which reaches my mid-thigh, with
a plunging neckline but with a full back and long flared sleeves.

“Happy?” I ask as I twirl in a circle.

“Very,” Cole says as he kisses me.

“Time to go,” Devon says, breezing in with a very excited
Jess next to him.

“Dev…” I start, but he holds his hand up.

“Liv, it’s time. She’s fine.”

I’m not so sure and he can see it on my face.

“I promise you, I won’t let anything bad happen, but she
needs this and I want to give it to her,” he says glancing at her with a small
smile that breaks my heart.

“You’re ready?” I say quietly and he nods.

“Yes. She is mine and I will take care of her,” he replies
just as quietly as he wraps his arms around her and she beams up at him
adoringly. Well I can’t fault either of them for that.

“Okay,” I say, accepting it but with bad grace on the
inside. I take Cole’s hand and he leads us down to Grayson and the waiting

Masks already waiting for us as well, I am getting quite
excited about this myself.

Several minutes later we pull up to a huge mansion that I
quite like the looks of for myself, and we don our masks and get out of the
car. Nothing too fancy, for any of us, as we are all trying to keep as low a
profile as possible, we slink into the house and give our names. Turns out that
pseudonyms are the norm and I chuckle as Cole gives ours as Mr. and Mrs.
Coortan, which is of course my maiden name from when I was a human.

“Funny,” I murmur as we glide into the foyer.

“Well, I thought it was kind of cute being your real name
and all,” he says with a sideways glance at me.

Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer (which by the way almost made me choke)
join us and we get a glass of wine each and then just stand there.

“So? What now?” I ask and Cole looks at me in question.

“Never been to one of these parties, have you?”

“Well yes,” I say. “But you arranged this, I don’t know what
your plans are.”

“Hm, I think my plan starts upstairs. We’ll be seeing you
two later,” he says to Devon and Jess and they wave us off, lost in their own
erotic bubble, as Cole pulls me towards the staircase.

“Eager, aren’t you?” I murmur.

“Definitely,” he mutters back as he pushes a door open and
pulls me inside.

“Oh yes, this is our room,” he says to me quietly, as he
eyes up the girl blindfolded and tied up spread-eagled on the bed.

Gee that looks familiar, I think wryly.

He closes the door and I feel a thrill go through me, which
passes to him as I place my hand on his back. I look up at him and he looks
slightly uncertain now that he is here, and I take pity on him and move
forward, taking my dress and mask off as I go. That lights a fire under him,
which I knew it would, and he too moves further into the dark room, lit only by
several candles scattered about.

I kick my shoes off and climb onto the bed with a seductive
look back at him. “Where do you want me?” I breathe at him and he pulls his
mask off and moves quickly to my side.

He turns me around to face the girl. “Here,” he says
quietly. “I want to watch you please her.”

Well, fair enough. I haven’t been with a woman for a long
time, but it is not like I have never done it before, I just prefer the company
of men, obviously. But if this is what he wants then I will oblige. I crawl
over her and whisper to her what I am going to do before I kiss her softly and
I hear Cole’s sharp intake of breath and feel him lie down on the bed to watch
us. I smile against her lips as I move my hand down lightly over her breasts,
tweaking her nipples before I move slowly down and take one in my mouth,
squeezing her heavy breast as I tug gently. She gasps and Cole rumbles softly
and I am reveling in this, pleasing them both in very different ways. Spurred
on, I trail soft little butterfly kisses down her stomach as I lower my hand
and circle her clit as she writhes against the tethers holding her in place. I
sense Cole hovering and look up at him, he is desperate to touch and I smile my
permission and he lowers his hand to her and caresses her gently as I continue
to make my way slowly down her body until my mouth reaches her, wet and
wanting. Cole hesitantly dips his head to her breasts and sucks on her nipple,
as I lick her and she is squirming in pure pleasure as we both please her. I
can sense him watching me now as I pulse my fingers in and out of her and he
sits up, shedding his shirt in the process. He moves behind me and thrusts his
fingers into me as I am doing to her and it doesn’t take me long to come,
moaning against her, causing her to spasm around my fingers and thud against my

“Oh baby,” Cole whispers. “I want you.”

“Not yet,” I whisper back. “This is your fun time. Play with
her,” I say as I turn around and undo his pants. “Or do you want her to play
with you?”

He nods at the latter and I quickly untie her wrists and
ankles and position her where she needs to be as she is still blindfolded. Cole
lies down in the middle of the bed and I push her head down to him and she
takes him hungrily in her mouth as I shuffle up the bed and kiss him. Matching
my rhythm to hers, it drives him crazy as I slide my hand down his perfect
chest and rock hard abs. I climb onto him facing the girl as she continues to
lick him and he traces his hands down my back causing V.A. to flutter rapidly
which makes me shiver in delight. I lean forward and whisper to her what I want
her to do and she nods and speeds up her actions on him as he cries out,

I shush him as I shuffle back up his chest and rise up to my
knees. “Oh Christ,” he says quietly as he plunges his tongue into me and just
before he comes in quick spurts, she pulls back and I drop my mouth to him
taking it all in as he orgasms intensely, all the while fucking me with his
tongue, causing my own orgasm to be of epic proportions as I pull back from him
and the girl kisses me, tasting him in my mouth.

I push her back and turn to Cole, whose eyes look almost
black in this light. “Do you want to feed?” I ask him and he nods. I pull the
girl towards him and he rises to his knees facing her. I push her hair away
from her neck and sniff her delicately, AB Neg, mmm. I lick her and my own
fangs drop, but I don’t touch her. She is for Cole and I whisper to him, “How
much do you want her?”

He doesn’t answer me, but his own fangs drop, as his
breathing speeds up.

I whisper to the girl, eyes firmly on Cole, “I don’t think
you have pleased him very well. I can see he wants to drink from you, he wants
to take it all, he wants to kill you.”

Her heartbeat jumps erratically at my words and at my
sweetly menacing tone and Cole’s eyes go wide in a mixture of disbelief and
lustful hunger. The fear is rolling off her as she struggles uselessly in my
tight grip and we both breathe in deeply. Fear is intoxicating.

I hadn’t planned on doing this, it was something that just
came to me in the heat of the moment. Cole has never experienced the sweetness
that fear brings and I know deep down I am being irresponsible and possibly
setting off a reaction in him that could be destructive and damaging, but I can
see how much he wants to drain her.

Don’t get me wrong. I have no intention of letting him kill
her, but in order to have the fear she needs to think that he will. I am also
pretty sure that Cole knows I won’t let him.

She is sweating with the effort of her useless struggles and
I lick her again, pushing her roughly towards Cole, who spins her around and
with a tight fist in her hair sinks his fangs into her. He growls as he can
taste the spike in her blood and slaps his hand over her mouth as she tries to
scream. I have maybe ten seconds to get him off her before she becomes useless
to us. That won’t do, so I lunge forward and pull his hand away from her mouth
and kiss her to quiet her down as I push my other hand towards where his fangs
are deep inside her. It will hurt for all of a few seconds but I push him away
with a firm hand on his forehead, ripping his fangs from her neck. With a howl
of frustration he tries to get back to her, but I now have him by the throat as
I slowly lick her wounds to soothe them and heal them and let her slump to the
bed to regain her composure as I pull him in for a kiss to distract him.

It works briefly then he pulls back with a scowl. “No fair,”
he says and I smile sweetly at him.

“You should know I wasn’t going to let you kill her,” I
murmur. “I just wanted you to enjoy her panic.”

“Hm, I know. You are too good,” he says before he kisses me

“Now, what do you want to do with her?” I ask
conversationally. “Do you want to fuck her?”

“No. I want to fuck you, while she watches,” he says

Well I have no qualms with that plan, so I grab my mask off
the floor and hand him his.

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