Read Switch Hitter Online

Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary

Switch Hitter (10 page)

BOOK: Switch Hitter
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“You aren’t kidding, are you? You really love her?”

“I do, and God help me, I love fucking her.”

“What about what we did?”

“I liked fucking with you, too. I’m sorry about the things I said in the restaurant the other day. I was out of line. I think I knew, deep down, if I pushed you hard enough you might do something like you did—force the issue between us. It wasn’t rape or anything. I could have stopped you. We might have ended up in jail for busting up a hotel room, but I could have stopped you.”

“You could have. I like to think I would have stopped, but damn it, Bent, after all these years of wanting you, I had to have you. I had to make you see.”

“I saw. Too much. I saw you. I saw myself. I saw your courage and my cowardice.”

“You planned tonight. You didn’t just
to be in the third floor stairwell at the same time I was.”

“I heard the trainer tell you to take the stairs. I was the only player in my elevator, so I got off on the third floor then crossed over to the stairs. I thought once I did it, you would be out of my system and I could go back to being me.”

“Did your plan work?”

“Goddamn it, Sean. You know it didn’t.”

Sean adjusted his legs to ease his aching package.

“You didn’t come,” Bent said.

“No. I couldn’t.”

“I can help you, if you want.”

Sean had to strain to hear the softly spoken offer. “What do you have in mind?”

“Can I…you know…suck you?”

Hell, yes!
“Is it something you want to do?”

“Yeah. I mean, I’ve wanted to ever since the shower.” He closed his eyes. Sean waited for him to gather his thoughts. “I was torn between wanting to fuck you and wanting to suck you. I was so damned scared. Scared of my feelings. Scared shitless when you turned around. I saw your huge dick, and I knew you were thinking the same things I was. I was scared out of my mind someone would see us.”

“What if there hadn’t been any possibility of someone seeing?” Sean asked.

“I would have let you do anything you wanted to me and begged you to let me do the same.”

“There’s no one here now. Just us.” Sean reached for his belt buckle. “Take your clothes off. All of them.”

Bent stilled. Sean could almost see the wheels turning in his lover’s head before he stood and removed his suit jacket.

“You, too. No clothes. If I’m going to suck your dick, I want to see all of you, just like in the shower.”

Sean stood. Together they disrobed until they both stood naked, nothing but the expanse of the king-sized bed between them. Bentley Randolph, gloriously naked, willingly so, almost brought him to his knees. His fair skin was tanned except for a band of lily-white skin below his navel to the top of his thighs. Smooth-chested, his physique was one of an athlete in top physical condition. He’d trimmed his sandy pubic hair to a neat puff surrounding the base of his cock. Sean sort of remembered the manscaping from the other night. He’d been too out of his head to commit details to memory.

Bent’s cock, soft when he’d first undressed, rose under Sean’s gaze. Like the rest of him, it was fair, pink with a head shading more toward purple the larger it became.

“Nice grooming,” he said.

“Ashley likes to do it. As long as she doesn’t cut off anything important, I let her.”

Bent’s face flushed at the mention of the intimate details of his relationship with his fiancée. It was time to change the subject. There was room for just one other person in his bed. “Where do you want me?”


Bentley inwardly cursed. Why had he brought up Ashley at a time like this? Thankfully, Sean hadn’t seemed disturbed by the slip. But even with Sean standing naked, his enormous cock demanding attention, Bent felt as if his fiancée was there with him. She was a part of him. He couldn’t just wipe her out of his mind or his heart, but if there was ever a place and time when he should, this was it. He was about to suck another man’s cock.

Ashley would hate him if she knew.

“On the bed,” he said, sweeping his arm to indicate the giant piece of furniture in the center of the room.

Don’t hate me, Ashley. Please don’t hate me. I hate myself enough for what I’m going to do, but I want to suck his cock so damn bad. I have to do it.

Sean’s body was the epitome of strength and good health. Tight, bronzed skin defined every muscle in his torso. Even the skin below his belt was dusky, indicating it was his natural coloring. His dark cock bobbed as he bent to turn the covers back then adjusted the pillows. Bent caught a glimpse of his firm ass before he lay down on the white sheets.

His feet seemed glued to the floor. Blood rushed past his ears to pool in his groin. Licking his dry lips, he stared at Sean’s hand shifting his balls to rest on top of his thighs.

“Just lay with me a while.” Sean patted the expanse of white cotton beside him.

“I…I can do that.” He forced one foot off the floor, placing his knee on the edge of the mattress. He moved like molasses to lie stiff as a board on his back beside Sean. They weren’t even touching, but he could feel the heat radiating off Sean’s body, could smell him. He hadn’t been this nervous when he’d gone down on his first girlfriend in the back seat of his car following Junior Prom.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he said.

“You’ve been around naked men almost every day of your Major League career,” Sean reasoned.

“This is different. I’ve never been in bed with any of them.”

“I know. Why don’t you start by touching me? Anywhere. We’ve sort of skipped the getting to know each other phase.”

Closing his eyes, Bent blew out a breath, willing himself to relax. “I guess we have.” He rolled to his side, propping up on one elbow. His free hand hovered over Sean’s chest.

“I won’t break, Bent. Touch me.”

He lowered his palm to the center of the other man’s chest as if expecting a bomb to detonate on contact. Sean hissed in a sharp breath, but otherwise remained still.

“You take good care of yourself,” he said, admiring the firm skin and muscle beneath his hand.

“For an old guy?” Sean teased.

“You’re just a couple of years older than me.”

“In years, yeah, but I’m not the man I used to be.”

He trailed his hand lower to Sean’s left hip, his arm hovering above his engorged cock. “The hip injury?”

“Yeah. It’s better. I can play on most days.”

“I’m sorry.” He traced the scar that hadn’t been there five years ago. “I heard about it when it happened. You’re lucky you came back from it at all.”

“You’re killing me, Bentley. I said I wouldn’t push, but if you’re going to help me, could you get on with it? I promise to let you touch all you want…after.”

He stared at the massive appendage twitching with need, inches from his face. He’d never been close to a cock before. The reality of what he was going to do hit him square in the gut.

“Okay,” he breathed. “Cut me some slack, will you? I’ve never done this before.”

“Just open your goddamn mouth and put it in, for Christ sakes.”

Bent smiled at the tension in Sean’s voice, so different from the kitten pleas Ashley made when she needed to come. Knowing Sean’s powerful body was enslaved to him for even the next few minutes filled him with masculine satisfaction and pride. He closed his hand around the base then raised the head to his lips.

How does Ashley do it?

He flicked his tongue over the head. Sean bucked his hips.

“Fuckin’ asshole. Suck it. Now!”

Bent opened wide, taking in as much as he could.

Sean arched his back, forcing his cock farther toward the back of his throat. “Ahh, Christ almighty that feels so fuckin’ good.”

God, he tasted good, salty and like nothing he’d ever tasted before. Forced to breathe through his nose, he reveled in Sean’s clean scent, enhanced by the heat emanating off his body. It didn’t take long to figure out how to drive Sean crazy, he just remembered the things Ashley did to him that sucked his brains out through his dick then tried them himself.

With his fiancée, he was careful not to move too much, afraid being so much stronger than she was he might hurt her, but Sean had no such sensibilities. He bucked, arched, and gyrated to an almost non-stop litany of curses. At some point, he placed a hand on the back of Bent’s head and it remained there holding him in place, as if he had any intention of stopping now. No, controlling Sean by his dick was too much fun.

Bent shifted in order to use both hands. Sean raised his left knee allowing him better access to the goodies. Taking advantage of the new position, he cupped Sean’s balls in the palm of his hand then tugged hard.

“Shit!” Sean’s hips came off the bed.

Bent tugged his scrotum again, adding a not too gentle twist. He smiled inside as Sean tried to rip a chunk of his hair out. Sucking dick was more fun than he could have imagined. Like sex with Sean, it was rough, almost primal, yet there was an element of sweetness about the act that warmed him to the core. He knew how much trust it took to let a woman suck his dick, but to let another man? Yeah, that took some big balls.

Remembering another move Ashley was especially fond of, he dipped his middle finger lower to stroke the soft skin between Sean’s scrotum and his anus. A hissed insult to his parentage told him he’d found the right spot. He pressed hard.

Sean jerked Bent’s mouth free then rolled to a kneeling position.

“Fuck that, asshole,” Sean said. “On your knees.”

Power drained from his body, replaced by the surprising contentment of submission as he positioned himself in front of Sean, his shoulders to the mattress, his ass in the air.

“Show me your ass,” Sean commanded.

Bent spread his cheeks, exposing himself literally and figuratively to his lover. This was what he craved with Sean. No flowery words, just raw, elemental fucking.

Sean drove deep in one powerful thrust, then wrapping his arms around Bent’s waist, he lifted him so he sat on his thighs, his back to Sean’s chest.

“Jack yourself,” Sean said. “I want to see you come.” He pried Bent’s right hand from between them, bringing it to his mouth. Sean’s tongue swiped over Bent’s palm in a gesture so tender it made his heart ache. After moistening Bent’s palm, Sean placed a kiss in the center then guided it to his cock.

“I won’t last long, so you better work fast.”

Ashley never demanded. She was never crude. He loved her lady-like ways, but he loved Sean’s no bullshit language, too. He loved the way Sean ordered him around, the way he took charge, the way he didn’t hold anything back.

“It won’t break off,” he said when Bent slowed his pace. “Harder. Faster.”

Bent jacked himself, his hand sliding along his length while the other held his ass open for Sean. He was still a little sore from the last time, but after the pain of the initial penetration, he was able to enjoy the fullness, the push and pull of the cock reaming him.

“Harder,” he pleaded. “Fuck me harder.”

“Ah, shit, Bent.”

Sean tightened his arms around Bent’s waist, half lifted him. Bent let go of his ass cheek and thrust his hand forward to brace himself off the mattress. Sean rocked him to the core, his balls slapping Bent’s with each savage thrust. His own cock swelled in his grasp. It was a matter of minutes before he came with a gut-wrenching orgasm that weakened him, leaving him completely at the mercy of the man at his back.

“Fuck, you’re killing me,” Sean said. With one more powerful thrust, he filled Bent’s ass with hot cum.






Chapter Nine


They lay side by side, their arms making contact from shoulder to wrist. Bent hadn’t made any effort to leave, yet. He would have to. No way could he be seen leaving Sean’s room in the morning.

Watching the play of city lights from the street and adjacent buildings cross the ceiling, Sean hated to bring the subject up. But someone needed to.

“Where do we go from here?” he asked.

“I don’t have a fuckin’ clue.”

“Are we going to do this again?”

Bent was silent for so long he began to think the worst.


Sean breathed a sigh of relief.

“You were right, you know. I’m messed up. I can’t stop thinking of ways to fuck you, but at the same time, I want to tell Ashley all about it. How’s this for fucked up? I want you to watch me fuck her. Maybe play with my ass while I do her.”

“That’s fucked up all right.” Sean mulled the possible scene over in his mind. “Do you think she’d do it?”


“Then you’re screwed.”

“Yeah, I figured that out on my own.”

“I think I’d like to watch you fuck her. You ride her while I ride you. It could be fun.”

“She’d never go for it.”

“How do you know?”

Silence stretched while he supposed Bent contemplated asking his fiancée to do a threesome with his male lover.

“If she won’t, and I keep you, I’m going to lose her. If I keep her, am I going to lose you?”

“You mean if you don’t tell her?”

“Yeah. If I don’t tell her about us. Would you walk?”

Sean took his time answering. One thing he was sure of, Bentley was in love with his fiancée. He wasn’t going to let her go if he had any choice in the matter.

“I guess it depends on how you feel about me. I love you, Bentley. I always have, and I always will. I believe you when you say you love Ashley, so the question is, do you love me, too? Or am I just a novelty you’ll tire of one day?”

“I don’t think I’m going to get tired of you. Maybe we could just let things play out for a while, see where it goes between us?”

“You aren’t going to tell Ashley about us?”

“No. Not right away. I feel like I’m cheating on her, but I need some time to figure this out before I tell her.”

Sean remained silent letting him collect his thoughts. Whatever Bent decided, he had no choice but to go along, no matter how much it hurt. Bent was the one with everything to lose, a successful career, a fiancée, as well as a family in the future. He, on the other hand, had nothing but Bent.

“I’ll tell her, Sean. I promise. Give me some time, okay?”

“So, while you’re figuring out what to tell your fiancée and when, how does our relationship work? I get you on road trips, she gets you during home stands?”

Bentley groaned. “I’m doing the best I can here, asshole. I don’t hear any constructive ideas coming from you, so just shut the fuck up.”

“Point taken.” Sighing, Sean rolled to his side so he could see his lover’s face. “I don’t know what to tell you to do. All I know is I’ve waited a long time to be with you, and I don’t want to lose you. I don’t think I could share you with another man, but I might be able to come to terms with you and Ashley being together.”

“That’s all I’m asking, a little patience and understanding. I had no intention of cheating on Ashley. I never would have if you hadn’t showed up. When you were thousands of miles away, it was easy to forget you. But having you here…I tried to fight my feelings for you. I gave it everything I had. But seeing you every fucking day drove me out of my mind.”

“I know the feeling. I’m sorry, Bentley. I didn’t want to be traded to the Mustangs. I did everything I could to keep the trade from happening. You can’t imagine how much I hated you for leaving the Pioneers.”

“I left because—”

“Because of me. I know. Hating you was easier than loving you.”

“I hate you, too.” Bent smiled.

Sean kissed him, putting five years of longing and a lifetime of hope into it.


BOOK: Switch Hitter
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