Switch (A BDSM Romance Novel) (9 page)

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“May I please you, Sir?” She asked softly, her eyes wide as they stared up at him beseechingly.

He gave the briefest nod, and she the smallest flicker of a smile.

The rough material grazed her cheek as she laid her face against him, tugging the cold hard metal of the zip between her teeth. It felt all at once bizarre and familiar as she pulled it down, feeling it push against her tongue like a bit in a horse’s mouth.
She was overcome with the desire to be harnessed and ridden, but she forced it aside, the stronger part of her longing for the exquisite feel of his silky length thrusting between her parted lips. Unconsciously, she licked them as the released the zipper, and lifted her hands to remove his hard cock.

Impatiently, she finished tugging the impeding material out of her way, and bent her head to lap kittenishly at the salty tip.
She watched him, her eyes caught on his expression as he avidly watched her lift the substance into her mouth. She groaned as she ran light circles around his head, and he pulled her mane into his hands as she teased the base. Her slow, careful movements became frenzied, and Henry tugged at her hair and thrust up his cock, silently guiding her movements. He pushed up once more and Jenna sucked him into her orifice, wrapping her lips around him tightly and running her tongue over him as he thrust. Her hands moved down and stroked his base and balls in the rhythm that Henry’s thrusts set.

“Perfect pet.” He purred, and Jenna’s pride grew, she felt that truly happy feeling rise in her as if from nowhere as she doubled her efforts, pulling more of him into her mouth and feeling him brush the back of her throat as she forced herself not to gag. As he pulled back she swallowed lightly and swirled her tongue around him dizzyingly. When he pushed forwards, she did too, taking him in as deeply as she could manage.

Still, it wasn’t enough, and Jenna moaned around him frustratingly, her eyes begging and watering as she coaxed him to come.

The edges on his zip scratched at one slim pale hand as she moved it below him, parting his legs further as she moved closer to him and probed gently at the tight ring of muscle. The hand on his cock swirled as it moved upwards, and her tongue laved down his underside. With one final suck she drew him gracefully into climax, fighting with her body’s urge to pull away from the precious liquid that made its way onto her greedy tongue and
down her throat.

She was more responsive now as he tugged her onto his lap, her hands tracing innocently over every part of him that she could reach as his breathing calmed.
She was emptied again, but serenely this time. She felt as if she were a puppet as he slid his hand under her skirt and tugged at her strings. She was pliable, thoughtless; effortlessly following the direction that her Master wanted her to take. As he tugged her higher she was powerless but to follow, an empty doll in the most adoring of care.

A loved toy, when she fell he caught her.

Together they lay in her garishly coloured living room, staring at the window with their thoughts silently in tandem as they watched the final embers fade from the sky.  

Chapter Ten


Luckily the hectic nature of the next
few days caused Jasmine’s incident to fade in terms of the hostility it caused, and when the woman phoned a couple of days later, the entire event was brushed under the carpet with a quick apology and a polite invitation to dinner at Jenna’s with a few friends. With that in mind, Henry and Jenna spoke little of Jasmine while they counted the days and the amount of things they had left to do. Henry found work for December, handing out leaflets for seasonal attractions. It would only last three weeks but it lifted him; lifting Jenna, too. Despite a slight disagreement on the topic of where Henry’s money should go, they continued on as normal. Swept up in a wave of the new and busy, the time flew and soon enough the day of the mini-party came; a mere few days before Christmas itself, and the pair spent a pleasant evening decorating the bright flat with decorations that Jenna had kept from years past. Jenna wrapped up the gifts that she had carefully chosen for her friends and her lover, deliberately ignoring the plastic bags that had somehow found their way on top of her tall wardrobe; a height that she herself could not reach.

The rest of the evening was spent rescuing the cats from the tree.

Eventually they slunk off to hide far away from the prick of pine leaves and Henry and Jenna sat drinking mulled wine, giggling over corny Christmas movies and yawning into each other’s arms. Only tender kisses were exchanged before sleep, and they woke the next day still wrapped together, peaceful and well-rested.

The sky was still dark, as it is wont to be in winter, and so they didn’t rise, the bustle of the day hidden from them.

Henry’s gently hands ran over her face, tracing over her pink lips and running down over the column of her throat.

“I have something for you.” He stated, rolling aside to leave the bed and slinking half-asleep to the wardrobe, pulling down one of the bags that he had placed on it.

With a sharp interest, and a slight tug from somewhere inside of her, Jenna rose to sit up on the beg and reach for the meticulously wrapped gift that he placed in front of her.

“Aren’t we supposed to wait until Christmas?” She asked teasingly, a smile tweaking her lips upwards as she fiddled with the tidy red bow.

“Yes. But this one is for today, not for Christmas.”

Jenna laughed loudly, her finger tracing over the
reindeer that decorated the wrapping paper. “Then what’s it for, and why’s Rudolf on it?”

He growled softly.
was with me when we bought wrapping paper, and absolutely refused to use anything without cartoon animals on it.”

Jenna grinned.

“Thank you, Henry!” Sh
e removed the bow, wrapping it around her hand, and then tugged the sticky tape off, running her fingers under it and carefully removing the paper to reveal the box beneath. Thin and black with a familiar logo on it, Jenna laughed loudly once more as opened it to find something that sent another happy jolt through her.

A black and deep green lead lay in the box next to a matching flogger. With removable buckles and multiple notches in its design it could easily be worn either alone or clipped onto a collar. The main clip resembled climbing gear, and the idea of it clipped to a collar around her neck made her smile.

After all, he’d bought one that could have the buckles removed.

And the flogger itself just excited her.

“Ooh…” She cooed happily as she lifted the toy and ran it over her arm, Henry taking it from her and giving her a light swat with it. “Thank you!”

“Just a reminder,” He told her calmly. “That everything that we do is right, and if Jasmine reverts back to her usual self today you should whip her ass.”

A tickle of bells met him, and Henry pressed a kiss to her forehead at the sight of her sparkling eyes.

d rather you whipped my ass, Henry.”

“I think I should; for bad language.”

“I think so, too. Even if you did say it first.”

They sat a little longer, bantering playfully as they egged each other on into a hyperactive state that saw them flicking flour at each other in the kitchen as they attempted to cook for their guests.

“I think you should go shower now.” Henry commented, his chest heaving as he caught his breath, his hair covered in powdery white.

Still energised, Jenna laughed again and flicked more flour at him, not noticing the subtle shift that told her that the game was over. “Aren’t you going to shower with me?”

Henry arched an eyebrow and leant his arms back against the messy surface behind him. “Don’t you want something edible to feed your guests?”

“Our guests,” She pouted. “Know full well that I’m not a great cook.”

“Go shower, and I’ll finish up here.”

voice made her stand a little straighter, sobering her quicker than anything else could. “Yes, sir.” She murmured.

The smells of wonderful, tasty sustenance reached her when she shuffled back down the stairs, her hair freshly dried and neat clothes adorning her body.
Tight black jeans hugged her bottom and a loose fitting black shirt hung off of her delicate shoulders. A small smattering of make-up evened her skin tone, and all in all she looked ready to host a dinner party.

It really was a shame that she hadn’t actually done any of it.

“Smells great, Henry.” She moaned exaggeratedly, breathing in deeply the aromas with a sigh. “You are absolutely amazing.”

“I’ve heard that before, pet.”

“Yeah, but you are….”

Henry chuckled softly and pulled her close, dragging his lips over her cheek in a sweet gesture that caused her to turn and seek his lips out with her own.

She pouted when he pulled away.

“No, pet!” He chastised playfully, tapping her on the nose like she were an errant puppy. “I must go shower; I smell like kitchen.”

“You smell yummy.”

“You always think so.”

Jenna snickered. “Because I like eating you.”

“Sounds like something that I usually say.”

“Keep a hold of that thought for later.”

As Henry left the kitchen the oven timer pinged, and Jenna drew out the correct tray, placing the savoury snacks aside to cool just as a loud knocking invited her to open the door.

Viola and Aaron stood politely outside, smiling a genuinely and offering Jenna a bottle of wine. The door closed quickly behind them, and Jenna grinned as she ushered them into the kitchen and sat them around the neatly laid table.
Henry quickly made his way back down and immediately engrossed himself in conversation with them, leaving Jenna to get the door when the others arrived. Daniel and Craig were next to arrive, Amelia and Dom joining them just as Jenna invited them inside.

Of course, she could have predicted who would be late.

Jasmine was around fifty minutes late in the end, leaving the couple thankful that they had chosen to serve a buffet style meal. Daniel’s vegetarian diet and Viola’s general pickiness made it the logical choice.

Oh, and it couldn’t be spoiled by little brats who wanted everyone to fit her schedule.

The group ate slowly, talking among themselves, and Jenna kept the flow of the warm foods; having prepared them beforehand (or rather having Henry done so), she simply slid the trays into the oven and wove through the multiple conversations offering polite banter and incisive opinions. By the time Jasmine got there, everyone was happily moving away from the food and into the living room, having stopped eating in favour of idle chatter and casual photographs on the part of Viola. The radio was on, and Jenna and Henry were dancing when the doorbell rang.

ensing the energy coming from the easily irate woman, Jenna urged them all to carry on, and instead stayed in the kitchen, listening to her sister chatter. She began by talking about her job, and Jenna allowed herself to breathe, playing the part of perfect hostess as she offered food and drink, speaking politely to her sister despite her lack of interest. This conversation lasted all of around half a minute. Then the fury fought its way forth.

“So,” Jasmine began. “How’s your bloke?”

“His name is Henry.” Jenna replied. “He’s fine.”

“Found a job yet?” She asked, and Jenna studied her for traces of malicious intentions. She found nothing to jump on and calmed herself, helped somewhat by the knowledge that Henry was in the next room.

“Yes, actually, he’s found some seasonal work.”

“Seasonal as in the job will be over quickly?”

“Yes.” Jenna snapped. “But it’ll provide a reference, should he want to get a job after that.”

“A reference better than whatever shite would have been on the last one.” Jasmine continued. Despite her harsh, antagonising words, her voice was level and sweet sounding; it was as if she were complimenting someone on their curtains.
Jenna battled with herself to keep her temper; if she shouted then everyone would hear. And Henry would have to know what Jasmine thought of him.

The girl never could keep her opinion to herself.

“Maybe then he’ll be able to pay his way, instead of you taking in strays.”

Jenna breathed in deeply, mentally counting as she attempted to steady her breath. It was useless. She was a ticking time bomb where Henry was concerned. She couldn’t stop the uncontrollable tempest that rose inside of her demanding that she be taken along with it or drowned. She could feel her perfect calm being swept from her, and in waves her fury rose.

“Get out.” She hissed, her nostrils flaring as the huge gasps or air escaped.

“Well, it’s true!” Jasmine sang. “If you want to go by old fashioned values and all that,” Her lips twisted around the distasteful words, her opinion as clear as day. “Then isn’t the bloke supposed to be the breadwinner?
Y’know, obedient housewife and all that.”

Jenna roared, immediately losing the control that Henry’s presence gave her.

Forget the god-damned guests. Her bloody neighbours would have heard her too, and Jenna was animalistic as she stalked her prey. Jasmine didn’t bother moving, but Jenna didn’t bother bluffing. Roughly she grabbed onto the collar of Jasmine’s shirt and tugged, pulling the younger woman out of the kitchen. She escorted her out and slammed the door behind her, finding her flat afterwards to be coated in the heaviness of absolute silence.

She could even hear the clock ticking.

Leant against the door, Jenna’s hand rose up to her temples
, rubbing as if she could remove the memory of Jasmine’s words. She made her way into the living room just as Henry passed her, offering a soft smile as he went off to the kitchen.

She was met with wide eyes and polite conversation that blatantly avoided the elephant in the room.

In a lull where she lingered in the corner beside Viola she let loose the question. “How much did you guys hear?”

“Everything. And by that I mean


“Yes.” Viola’s wide eyes peered at her in concern. “And I think that Henry did, too. You might want to talk to him about it. Do you think that we should leave soon?”

“I-uh.” Jenna pondered a moment, sighing in defeat. “If you wouldn’t mind. Not that we want you to go, and you are all welcome round here whenever, it’s just not the right time.”

“All right.” And so shortly after, Viola left. She dragged Aaron with her, and the others swiftly followed, offering sympathetic glances and hugs along with their heartfelt best wishes.

When the place was empty, Jenna turned to the man beside her, all at once at home with her and out of place.
His eyes were distant and his body unresponsive as she placed a gentle hand on his arm.

“I’m so, so sorry about her.” She whispered. “She was so out of line.”

“She wasn’t.” Henry’s voice rumbled. “Everything that she said then was true, and I am only thankful that she didn’t attack you like she did last time.”

“But she did. She was so horrid.”

“She was truthful, Jenna. And that went a lot better than we had been hoping for.”

“What had we been hoping for?” She hissed
tearfully. “All’s fine so long as no one gets killed?”


“So you think that I was out of line?” She asked, her voice both pleading and demanding. He looked at her piercingly, his gaze shrewdly sizing her up.

“Yes, Jenna. You may have been out of line.”

“Am I not allowed to defend you?”

“I don’t need defending.”

“But I want to.”

“And I don’t understand why.”

The confusion hit her quickly, filling her with a deep sorrow at having displeased her dominant, the Master that she wanted for her own. The heaviness grew in her, holding her down and filling her with displeasure at her own actions.

“I’m sorry, sir.” She whispered. “What should my punishment be?”

Something foreign, almost fearful, flickered over his features as he gravely considered her.

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