Swept Away: A Squeaky Clean Honeymoon Novella (Squeaky Clean Mysteries Book 12) (10 page)

BOOK: Swept Away: A Squeaky Clean Honeymoon Novella (Squeaky Clean Mysteries Book 12)
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“There are no cars here right now. Let’s peek inside.”

We crept closer to the house, remaining low and quiet. Finally, once we reached the edge of the woods, we gave one last glance at the driveway. When we saw no one was coming, we darted toward the house and pressed ourselves against the grungy wood siding.

The crawlspace was propped up on cinder blocks, and numerous pieces of trash littered the ground beneath it. High grass shot up around the edges.

If there was ever a good place for a snake to hide, this was it.

Riley glanced in the first window.

“What do you see?” I asked. The window was too high for me to get a good look.

“Nothing. Just an empty, dumpy living room. There are some chip bags and soda bottles that look fairly new.”

“Let’s keep looking. We don’t have much time.”

We hurried to the next window. An empty kitchen.

We skirted around the backside of the house, and, as I did so, I spotted a boathouse at the end of a bulkheaded pier.

Was this where the men had disappeared when we followed them that day on the water? It was a good possibility.

We darted to one of the windows on this side of the house. This would be a perfect spot for that picture to have been taken. It was facing the water.

I glanced back.

And I could see the causeway.

Riley boosted himself up to get a better look. “They’re here, Gabby. Vivian and Cheryl. They’re really here.”

My adrenaline surged. “Are they okay?”

“They’re tied up, but they’re alive.”

Just then, I heard a boat humming in the distance. The men were coming back.

“We’ve got to hide,” I mumbled.

We darted back into the thick grove of creepy-looking banyan trees before we could be spotted.

“Let’s call the chief,” I told Riley. “We can’t do this on our own. If these guys are as scary as Joey said, we shouldn’t mess with them.”

“I agree.” Riley pulled out his phone and dialed.

As he did, the boat pulled into the decrepit boathouse. A few minutes later, three men got out.

I recognized one of them as Skip. I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Hardly anything, at least.

I did hear, “Grab Joey, and get out of here.” “Load up the boat.” “Rest of the crew arriving soon.”

Great. Time was working against us.

Even more-so than I’d assumed.

Five minutes after the men entered the house, they exited with Vivian and Cheryl in tow.

The good news was that the women were alive. We just had to keep it that way.

“Those two nosy neighbors are dead,” Skip muttered. “Apparently their bodies washed up on shore this morning. Plus Wally sent me pictures.”

“What are you doing with these two?”

“They know too much. We need to get rid of them.”

“And Joey?”

“Her too. Her testimony at trial would put me away for life. I can’t let that happen.”

His words left a cold sense of urgency in my gut.

I needed to quickly come up with a plan to keep all of us from getting killed.

Chapter Eleven

e need to stop them
,” Riley muttered as he crouched beside me.

I stared at the scene playing out in front of us. “I know. But we need to do it without getting ourselves killed. I mean, honeymoon tragedies are the worst. It’s not the way I want to make it onto

“Maybe we could just buy time until Old Yeller arrives,” Riley said.

“What else can we do?”

My muscles tensed, ready to act. Before I could act, movement in the distance caught my eye.

Someone charged from the other side of the lawn.

My eyes widened when I saw who it was. Homer Murphy.

What was he doing here? Was he a part of this? If not, how had he found us? My gut told me he wasn’t on their side.

“He’s going to get himself killed,” I whispered. I closed my eyes, praying for wisdom. And a good outcome. So many innocent lives were on the line.

Skip pulled out his gun and aimed it at Homer. The women screamed. Skip’s minions jumped into action.

“The police are offering a reward for anyone with information on you,” Homer yelled. “I need that money, so hand those ladies over.”

This was just awesome. Homer was not only trying to be a hero, but he was high while doing so. He had no idea the consequences he might face.

I expected the men to shoot him on the spot. Instead, Skip started laughing. He thought this was hysterical, I realized.

“You think we’re just going to hand them over?” Skip said. “In case you haven’t noticed, you’re outnumbered.”

“I tracked you down after talking to some guys at the bar,” Homer said. “I heard you’ve been taking people’s boats on joyrides. It wasn’t hard to find you here.”

The good news was that Homer had bought us some time. Where was Yeller? This island wasn’t that big. It shouldn’t take him too long to get here.

Skip’s minions shoved the women closer to the woods—closer to us. If we could just grab them . . .

“What do you want to do?” Riley whispered.

“We’ve got to get the women away from those guys, especially if they start firing.” The problem was, how did we safely do that? I wasn’t sure.

Homer stepped closer, all drunken courage and ignorance. “Hand them over.” He held up his gun. “Now.”

Skip laughed even harder. “You’re crazy if you think we’re going to hand them over.”

I reached into my purse and pulled out my own gun. I didn’t want to use it. I
didn’t want to use it. There was so much that could go wrong.

But if Skip got away with these women, they were going to die.

Which was the lesser of two evils?

I couldn’t let the innocent suffer, I realized. I had to do something.

“We need to grab them while we can,” I whispered. “They get on that boat and they’re dead.”

Just then, Homer charged toward Skip. The men fired. The women screamed.

Riley and I jumped into action.

We dove toward Vivian and Cheryl, desperate to keep them away from the gunfire. Riley threw Cheryl on the ground, covering her body with his. I grabbed Vivian, knocking her out of the line of fire. The pain that ripped across my skin on contact was the least of my worries at the moment.

Her eyes widened in fear when she saw me, but I didn’t have time to explain other than muttering, “We’re here to help.”

Bullets continued to fly around us. Our arrival had offered a distraction, apparently. While Skip looked back to see what was going on, Homer managed to hit him in the arm with a bullet.

The man muttered in pain and clutched his bicep.

One of Skip’s men fired back, and Homer fell to the ground.


That was when Skip turned his full attention on Riley and me. He still grasped his arm, where blood burst. But his adrenaline and vengeance must have kept him going.

“Well, well, well,” he said. “I guess good old Wally didn’t finish the two of you off after all. I’m going to have to have a long talk with him about that.”

“Just let us go,” I told him. “We don’t want trouble.”

“You couldn’t prove that by me,” Skip said. He reached for his gun, his face twisted with pain. Nothing was going to stop him. “Now we have four people to take care of. I should have just finished you all off myself and saved all of us a ton of trouble.”

I hovered in front of Vivian, trying to shield her from this.

Just then, another gunshot rang out. I froze, fearing I’d been fired on.

Then I saw Skip sink to the ground.

My gaze jerked behind him. Homer. Homer wasn’t dead. He’d found enough strength to pull the trigger one more time.

As Skip’s men turned toward Homer, I kicked Skip’s gun out of the way before grabbing my own.

Homer hit another of the men in the shoulder. The gun flew from his hand.

I aimed and shot the knee of another man.

Just as I did, police cars pulled down the road. Old Yeller was here.

Maybe all of this was really over.

Chapter Twelve

, we have two more days here in Florida,” Riley said as we lounged on the beach watching the sunset. “The bad guys are in jail. Your sunburn is healing nicely. We have no more excuses not to enjoy ourselves.”

That was right. We’d found an all-natural sunburn solution of using vinegar and coconut oil. I’d slathered it all over me last night, and, to my surprise, my burn was considerably better this morning.

I leaned over and kissed him. “That’s right. No more excuses.”

“Though this wasn’t the way I’d planned to spend our honeymoon, I’m glad we were able to help Vivian, Cheryl, and Joey,” Riley said. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if we’d sat back and done nothing.”

“Just one more thing to love about you.”

Commotion in the distance caught my eye. The cast of
Looking for Love
was packing up and getting ready to call it quits. With Wally being questioned as part of this investigation, Vivian having been kidnapped, and Elite having been framed, the whole season didn’t stand a chance.

The good news was that Ricky had been offered a part in a movie, and Alastair was talking about using the women in a new series he was producing about life as modern singles. I had a feeling everything would work out.

Someone came running over to us across the sand. Joey.

She gave both Riley and me a hug. “I just wanted to say thank you. Without you both I might be dead right now. I can finally have my life back—a life without Skip. Devin thinks he’ll be spending a long time in jail.”

“One piece of advice,” I started. “Stay away from guys like him. And Ricky.”

“Of course. I’m not interested in dating anyone right now.”

“Did Vivian ever tell you what she wanted to talk with you about?”

“Apparently Skip cornered her at the airport on our way here. We took two separate flights, so he didn’t see me. He asked her if I was on the show. Anyway, she got weirded out, but for some reason she wanted to share that with me as a warning. Maybe she’s not heartless after all.”

Alastair lumbered through the sand to join us. “I wanted to add my thanks as well. We’ll be airing two more episodes of the show. Ratings are through the roof, and we’re hoping to start up next season early. If the two of you ever want to think about reality TV . . .”

“Definitely not interested,” Riley said. “But thanks.”

“Enjoy the rest of your vacation.” Alastair waved before he and Joey walked away.

I drew in a long, contented breath.

Skip and his men were in jail. Homer had been scared straight and was now in rehab. The charges against Wally would probably be dropped, considering the circumstances. His wife was safe. Vivian was safe.

Meanwhile, Larry and Leonard were practically legends in town after people heard about their role in helping us put the bad guys away. Both of the men might as well have been Cary Grant the way all the single lady retirees looked at them now.

All in all, everything had worked out.

“I say we enjoy the beach, enjoy each other, and chill out,” I finally said.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed. “I think that’s a great idea.”

“I love you, babe.”

“I love you too.”

“I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do with you by my side,” I told him, meaning it with every ounce of my being.

“That’s the highest compliment ever. Now, let’s get to enjoying this honeymoon. You are wearing sunscreen, right?”

I touched my shoulder. “You know it.”

“Just making sure.”

I slid my sunglasses on before leaning toward him and planting another kiss on his lips. “We got swept away in this mystery. Now it’s time to get swept away with each other.”

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BOOK: Swept Away: A Squeaky Clean Honeymoon Novella (Squeaky Clean Mysteries Book 12)
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