Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series)
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My breathing starts to get shallow and quick. I see Lucas look up. Making his decision, he hauls me over to the trunk of a large oak. Right against my ear, he whispers for me to climb as quickly as I can. When I balk at his order, he pushes me closer to the tree, whispering through clenched teeth,
“Get your ass up that tree!”

He holds a hand down for me to step into for a boost up. “Sofie,” he continues in a hushed tone, looking up into my face, “no matter what happens, you stay up there.”

The tree is good for climbing, but it’s still difficult in the dark. Being unfamiliar with it makes for slow going, but I climb as quickly as I can. I see Lucas’ shape dimly through the falling snow as he stands away from the tree and faces the sounds. I hear them now too.

He just stands there with his legs apart and his arms extended. I’m on the brink of climbing back down to help him.

Stay in the tree, girl.

“Seriously? Even when I’m up a tree?” I mutter softly.

I sigh in exasperation, but my breath catches when I see four dark shapes moving in on Lucas. They get within fifteen feet, and I think about crying out to warn him, when he moves. He is a blur, and in a matter of seconds, each dark shape falls. I barely see him move. He quickly stands as before, same spot, same stance. I can’t take my eyes from him.
What did he just do?

I see three more dark shapes move in. He waits for the moment when they see their fallen comrades crumpled on the ground. As they turn to flee, he strikes. I hold my breath as the attack appears in slow motion. He moves like a choreographed dancer, twisting, bending, and turning. Then, he is standing back where he started. Three more bodies on the ground.

He waits.

I search through the dark, trying to discern any movement. An eternity passes before Lucas is at the bottom of the tree, telling me to come down and to be quick about it. Easy for him to say. He’s standing on the ground while I’m sliding around on icy limbs, shaking from the cold. I’m having trouble hanging on to my perch.

“Hurry, Sofie!” he calls up the tree.

“I-I am!” I stutter down at him.

I think I hear him laugh, and the next thing I hear is him scaling the tree. In no tim
e flat, he’s beside me. He tells me to wrap my arms around his shoulders because I’m going down hanging on his back.

“The alternative is you can jump, and I’ll catch you.” He laughs when he hears my gasp. “Okay, hold on the best you can.” With no further warning, down we go.

“You’re slipping,” he tells me, and I try to tighten my grip. I can’t feel my hands well enough to know if I’m holding tight or not. Being this cold scares me. “Don’t freak,” he warns. He grabs one of my arms and the opposite leg, which I’m trying to keep wrapped around his waist. With a quick, “ready?” he drops, and I let out one of those girlie squeals.

I remember squeezing my eyes shut, and the next instant, we’re on the ground. He lets me slide down, and before my feet touch the ground, he grips my wrist and we’re running as fast as I’m able. He only lets me slow long enough to catch my breath. I lose all track of time, and I’m certain hours have passed. We finally come out of a holler, clear the hill, and we’re at the Hummer. Wolf waits beside it. Lucas opens the door for me, and I hear him say something to Wolf. He stashes my shotgun in the back and then he slides in and starts the engine. I glance out the window and see Wolf running into the trees.

“Where’s he going?” I ask, worried for him.

“He’ll be all right.” Lucas guns the engine, and we roar down the road. “He’s going to find Sawyer.”

“Do you think they’re okay?” I look at Lucas’ face, illuminated in the dash lights.

“I do. They’ve been training for weeks now, and I’ve sent a few of my men into the area to meet up with them.”

Still, I can’t help but worry. I continue to watch Lucas. I imagine him as he stood below me while we waited for our pursuers. There was something so... noble and resolute about the way he just stood there—waiting.


He barely slows the Hummer when we turn off the road at his driveway. I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad as to see those gates. They are already swinging open, and we glide right through. I notice several of his men standing around, some armed with crossbows. We pull into the parking area and the old house is a glorious sight. Every window is alight, as if a welcoming beacon.

Lucas comes around to help me out. He moves to pick me up, and I start to protest, but then I realize I want nothing more than for him to hold me. I wrap my arm around his neck, lay
ing my head against his shoulder. I’m exhausted. I snuggle my face in the spot where neck and shoulder join.
Oh, this man smells good.

As he carrie
s me into the living room, he turns his face toward mine. I raise my head, and I notice a dried blood streak on his neck—a small amount of blood, but—

“You have blood on your neck,” I tell him softly. I glance from the spot to his eyes.

“Sorry.” His eyes hold mine, and I nod as if to say, “It’s okay.” He lets me down, sliding along his body. “You need to get into the shower, get your core temp up.”

He heads down the hall to his bedroom and stops, waiting for me to follow, which I do. He flips on the light in the bathroom and turns on the water in the shower. As he moves past me out of the bath, he holds my gaze. I pull my coat off, let it drop, and take my hair from its ponytail. I run my fingers through the tangled curls, massaging my head. When I turn, he’s watching me, and my breath catches at the smoldering heat in his gaze.

“You can wear this robe after you shower.” His voice is deep and husky.

“Thank you. I’ll hurry so you can get in.” I have to lick my dry lips when I think of Lucas showering with me.

“I have other bathrooms. I’ll shower in one of them.” His voice sounds hoarse.

“Okay,” I whisper.

He looks at me a moment longer before leaving. I bring the robe up to my face; it smells
of Lucas.

The hot water does wonders for me. I towel dry my hair and leave it hanging down my back. Lucas’ robe is overly large, so I roll up the sleeves and secure it around me with the belt tie. The length is a little difficult, but I solve the problem by letting the bottom gap open. The hem trails behind me like a train, and I can walk without tripping.

I decide, as I look in the mirror, that the robe’s deep, red-wine, satin brocade would look fantastic on Lucas with his dark coloring. My heart rate increases with the thought of him wearing it and nothing else.

I put my panties back on, but I don’t have a bra. The cami I wore has a built-in one, and it’s filthy. I’ll have to find out where Lucas’ washer is and throw my clothes and coat in. I come out of the bathroom, but Lucas isn’t in the bedroom. I decide to go in search of him and find him in the kitchen.

He smiles seductively as I walk in. “Your robe’s a little big.” I glance down. “I probably look—” I exhale. I feel shy all of a sudden with the way he’s watching me.

“I was thinking—you look like a queen.” His deep voice is husky as he pushes away from the counter, walking sinuously toward me. He’s wearing soft, worn jeans and a black T-shirt. His hair is slightly damp and, like me, he is barefoot. He looks good enough to eat, and I swallow with difficulty.

“Are you hungry?” He smooths my hair behind my shoulder, tucking it behind my ear.

If I can turn any redder, I’m sure I do. It’s as though he knows what I’m thinking, and he’s teasing me. “I-I don’t think I could eat anything.” My heart beats madly at his nearness.

“You at least need something to drink. Something sugary would be best.” He takes a ginger ale from the fridge and pours it for me. “Straw?” He asks, his lips twitching with a smile.

“No, thank you,” I answer softly.

He clasps my wrist and leads me back to the living room. The lamplight is low, and the fire in the fireplace, gives the room a pleasant ambience. A comfortable couch faces the fire with a large, fluffy, white rug stretching toward the fire’s heat.

“Sit.” Lucas gestures toward the couch. He points at my glass. “Drink,” he orders.

He is so bossy!

I sit on one end of the couch, pull my legs up, and tuck the robe around me.

“Would you like something stronger to drink?” he asks, holding up a bottle. He’s standing next to a liquor cabinet.

“No, thank you.” I finish my soda and set the empty glass on the end table next to me. The room is warm, and as I watch the flames of the fire dance, my eyelids grow heavy. Music is coming from the sound system, and the soft guitar surrounds us. Lucas sits on the couch, pulling up a hassock for his feet and stretching them out toward the fire. He pulls me to him, pushing me down, so I can lay my head on his thigh. He helps me cover my legs and feet with his robe.

Oh, my! I like this.

“Are you warm enough?” he asks.

“Mm-hmm.” I wiggle. “And comfy.”

“Good.” I hear the smile in his voice.

“What’s this song?”

Cartas de Amor.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yes, it is.” He weaves his fingers through my hair, smoothing it off my forehead.

“Are the others coming?” I ask.

“Max and Taylor will, since they live here.”

“Taylor’s living here too?”

“He is.” He’s quiet for a moment. “I’m not sure about Sawyer. I called Jake while you were in the shower. Sawyer, his friends, and my men did join Taylor and Max.”

“Sheena?” I’m almost afraid to ask.

“We don’t know anything yet.”

“What if—” I’m not able to finish the sentence.

“Now is not the time for the Kihn to alert the law or the media of their presence in such a way. I believe they will let her go.” His silence is ominous. “However she may not be unharmed.”

“Why would they hurt her?”

His hand stills in my hair. When he doesn’t say anything, I look up at him and his eyes lock on mine.

“They aren’t concerned about her welfare, Sofie. They are violent, and they can be viciously—cruel.”

Just like in my dreams.

I close my eyes, knowing they might deliberately hurt Sheena, and say a prayer for her. We stay quiet in thought with Lucas holding his brandy in one hand and the other hand smoothing across my forehead in that soothing way he has. I have several questions, and I make up my mind that they need answering. I sit up because if I don’t, I’m going to fall asleep. Lucas watches as I tuck the robe around me. “I could use a cup of coffee,” I say.

He stands and holds his hand out. I hesitate before placing mine in his. As I stand, he yanks gently, pulling me close. “You’re going to interrogate me now, aren’t you?” he asks, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

“Yes,” I breathe.

He leans in, and before he touches his lips to mine, he growls softly, “Yes.”

He strokes my lips with his tongue. His hand curves around the side of my neck before moving to my shoulder under the robe and making me tremble. Sliding his hand down my arm, he pushes the robe loose as his lips nip and suck down my neck to my collarbone, making my knees go weak. I moan and grab hold of his waist to steady myself as I tilt my head to give him better access.
Mmmm, I like this.

He growls, deep in his chest, and his hand rests against my bottom, pushing me close against him. The hardness of his erection presses against my stomach. I can’t keep my hand from his hair and I run my fingers through its thickness. He loosens the robe even more as he licks a hot trail across my breast to my nipple and takes it between his teeth. My sharply indrawn breath is loud as I jerk in reaction, arching my body closer to his.

Lucas makes a low, dark sound deep in his throat and draws my nipple into his mouth, firmly sucking. “Oh!” I can’t stop my cry or my knees buckling, and I grasp his arms to hold myself upright.

He brings his lips back to mine and scorches me with a wild and possessive kiss, as if branding me, marking me for life so I will always crave him. He grasps my hair and pulls my head back. His lips skim along my jaw line to my ear, and he nips my earlobe. He breathes softly, “Sweet.” He runs his tongue around my ear as I cling to him. “Mine.” His deep voice is soft as velvet. The phone ringing sobers me, brings me back to reality. I pull his robe more securely around me.

“Stay right here,” he warns with a dark smile. “Don’t move.” He answers the phone, and I listen. I watch his face as he talks. He turns away, but I can still hear him.

“Was she harmed?” He turns back toward me, and his gaze meets mine. He shakes his head, and my eyes fill with tears at my relief. “That’s probably for the best. Yes.” He listens for a moment. “She’s staying here.” His gaze bold
ly touches me.

My senses are settling down, and I’m thinking more clearly. I sit on the couch.

Lucas turns his back again. “It may be the only place we can keep her safe.” I stand, my blood beginning to boil. If he thinks he can decide my life for me while keeping me in the dark—he has another thing coming.

“Will he understand?” Lucas turns to face me. His eyebrow cocks in that arrogant way of his when he sees my narrowed gaze. To my amazement, he has the nerve to grin! “Right, we’ll discuss it when you get here.” He hangs up and takes his time pouring himself another brandy. I cross my arms under my breasts, waiting for him to face me.

Without looking up from his drink, he says, “I believe I told you—to stay where you were and not to move.”

His words catch me by surprise, causing me to grit my teeth. “Well now... that’s where you’re confused. I don’t stay on command,” I retort.

When he turns, I see a twinkle in his beautiful green eyes. I’m sure he sees red in mine. “Who was on the phone?” I demand, and I’m pleased my voice sounds calm.

“That was your Uncle Jake,” he answers casually. He takes a sip from his glass, his eyes watching me over the rim.

“Is he on his way to pick me up?”

He studies my mutinous expression for a moment. “I think you know from hearing this end of the conversation that’s
going to happen.”

I take a deep breath. “You can’t force me to stay here.” He continues looking at me. At least the smug humor has left his face. I get angrier at his silence. “You think you can do anything you want!” I snap.

He looks down into his glass as he swirls the contents before downing the liquor. He casually sets the glass down. “I think I will do whatever I have to, to keep you safe.” He looks at me and his eyes display a menace that steals my breath.

“Why?” I whisper.

His gaze moves over my body like a physical touch. “You know why.”

I shake my head in denial. He is instantly in front of me, grabbing my arms and jerking me against his hard length. His mouth comes down on mine with tender violence. I want to push him away, but my body has a mind of its own.

He bites my bottom lip, and I moan in response. Pulling his mouth from mine, he leaves me gasping for breath. “
—belong to me,” he says roughly.

I look into his eyes and see the knowing gleam there. I tear my gaze from his and turn my head. His arms tighten possessively around me. My voice is raw with emotion when I speak. “I can... never be yours... as long as you keep things from me.”

“Sofie,” he says hoarsely. I look up into his eyes. “You already are mine.” He brushes his lips against my forehead. I squeeze my eyes closed. Please God, don’t let me cry. He caresses my cheek with his knuckles, which is close to my undoing, his sudden gentleness. Inhaling deeply, he sighs. “Let’s get you your cup of coffee. Jake and the others should be here anytime.”

I don’t look at him again as we move to the kitchen, and I’m quiet as my coffee brews.

He surprises me when he says, “Don’t sulk, Sofie.”

I’m not sulking.
Am I?
My emotions are in such turmoil I know if I try to talk, I’ll start crying. I think I am just overly tired and need rest. I sit at the island as Lucas leans against the counter across from me. I feel his eyes on me.

BOOK: Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series)
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