Sweetest Temptations (13 page)

Read Sweetest Temptations Online

Authors: J.C. Valentine

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humour

BOOK: Sweetest Temptations
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“I think it went well,” Kennedy mused, interrupting the silence. “Your dad is definitely in love with me.”


I snorted. That was so not the case, but I wasn’t lying when I told him that I thought he liked him well enough. My dad could be a hard man to read, but he was also very outspoken when he thought something needed to be said. It wasn’t unheard of for him to kick a person out of his home if he thought they were up to no good or if he didn’t like how they looked at his daughters. He was a fierce papa bear, to be sure.

“Dad respects you. He’s still a long ways away from liking you.”

“I know,” Kennedy sighed, rubbing the back of my arm. “Is it bad of me to say that I’m just happy I didn’t get shot tonight? You really should have warned me that your dad specializes in intimidation tactics.”

“Really? Because I think it helps build character.”

A low rumble began to build in Kennedy’s chest, just beneath my ear. “You’re a real pain sometimes, Abigail Satcher.”

I shrugged. “Yeah, but what are you gonna do?”

It was a rhetorical question. I had no idea Kennedy would take it so seriously. Before I could wrap my head around what was happening, he was sitting up with his back against the headboard and had me tossed over his legs, face down, ass up. When I squirmed and attempted to free myself, he braced one arm between my shoulder blades and the other over my legs, holding me down with little effort on his part.

“Kennedy Harper, you brute. Let me go!” The fish out of water technique had served me well as a child, and had gotten me out of a lot of punishments because my parents were simply unable to hold me still. But none of my flailing and flopping were getting me anywhere this time.

I felt Kennedy shift beneath me, his hot breath fanning my ear. “When you’re through, we can get started.”

“You are not spanking me!” I struggled again, to no avail.

“Do you have something against spanking, Abigail?”

My name rolled off his tongue like smooth silk, and I found myself relaxing just the tiniest bit. “It’s humiliating. I’m not a child. I’m a grown adult, dammit.”

“Yes, you are. I’ve seen the pictures, and you, my sweet Abby, have grown into a beautiful woman.”

“Then why are you trying to spank me?” I really wanted to know. Was this his idea of punishment—or pleasure? I had heard of people doing these things as part of some twisted fantasy, but honestly, I just didn’t understand the appeal. Who got off on having a red ass?

“Not all spankings are meant to hurt, though this one might sting a bit. In the right hands, spanking can be an excellent way to work out aggression while bringing the couple closer together.” Running his calloused palm up the back of my thigh, I felt a tingling sensation begin in my stomach and work its way south. When he traced the curve of my ass where cheek met thigh, my core clenched tight.

“You’re mad at me?” I asked, embarrassed that I sounded so breathless.

“I’m not mad at you at all, sweet. On the contrary, I’m quite enamored with you. You challenged me. I don’t think I have ever been so out of my element as I was tonight at your parents’ house, and every time you sassed off, all I could think about was all the ways I wanted to use that luscious mouth.”

“If it’s my mouth you want, why are you paying so much attention to my ass?”

Tickling my exposed cheeks with the tips of his fingers, Kennedy trailed them down, tracing the crack until he reached the apex of my thighs. I knew that if he moved my panties aside, he’d find out just how turned on his little touches were making me. When he did just that, a mixture of a gasp and moan poured out of me as his fingers pressed in.

“Mmm, already so wet for me,” he murmured, his tone approving. My core clenched hard against his invading fingers and I buried my face in the bunched-up blankets to muffle the carnal noises I was making. “Is this what you need, sweet? You need this sweet pussy played with?” Kennedy stroked my inner walls, pumping his fingers rhythmically, then withdrawing to circle my clit, then delving back inside to stroke some more.

I was writhing on top of him, my fingers curling in the blankets as he worked his magic, when he suddenly stopped. I lifted my head, ready to protest, when I felt his hand crash against my right butt cheek. The crack split the otherwise quiet of the room. I screamed, more from shock than pain, and then glared at him over my shoulder. He did it again, whacking my other cheek, and I shouted again. After each smack, Kennedy shoved his fingers back into me, twisting and curling them until my shouts turned into cries for more. The orgasm caught me by surprise, washing over me like a tidal wave of sensation, locking every muscle down tight. It left as quick as it came, leaving me in a boneless heap.

Kennedy shifted out from underneath me, and carefully rolled me onto my back. I watched in groggy appreciation as he pushed down his boxers, releasing his hard, thick length. Spreading my thighs open, he looked down at me with a certain amount of satisfaction glimmering in his eyes.

Because I lacked the strength to move, Kennedy hooked one of my legs over his arm and pressed it back against my chest. I was quite impressed with myself. From that angle, I could literally kiss my own knee without much effort.

Threading my fingers through his hair, I pulled Kennedy’s mouth down to mine and slid my tongue into his mouth as he slid the hardest part of himself into me. We fit together like a dream, and with each languid thrust of his hips, I heard my mother’s voice repeating her questions back to me. Where was all of this headed? What did it all mean?

Instead of closing my eyes, I looked straight into Kennedy’s, focusing on the most important thing—getting lost in the most beautiful man I had ever met.


















Working late on a Saturday instead of having a date night with Kennedy blew chunks. My earlier concerns about dating someone who was gone so often were quickly becoming realized, but even as I cursed and pouted over it, I knew I wouldn’t change anything. Like me, Kennedy was doing something that he loved, and I respected the hell out of him for it.

Plus, I was a strong, independent woman. I didn’t need to have a man around in order to feel complete. I did, however, need a steady supply of chocolate donuts. Unfortunately, stepping on the scale that morning told a grim story of overindulgences and under exercising as of late, so I’d vowed to cut back on the thigh-busting treats and get back on the salad wagon with Hope. Which was why I had spent the past two days creating a new line of healthy snacks to stock the shelves with. So far, I had an assortment of granola bars and low-fat, heart-healthy muffins to choose from, all of which had passed Dexter’s, Ronnie’s, and my close and thorough inspections.

After wrapping my latest treats up in cellophane and stacking them in the refrigerator, I wiped down the kitchen and shut out the lights. It was a quarter to eight and I could feel the lethargy building in my muscles. I’d been on my feet for a solid twelve hours and I knew as soon as I got home, I was going to crash. It was a new routine I was working on. When Kennedy was away, I kept busy. So busy, in fact, all I had time for was work and sleep. If not for the calories I got from sampling, I’d probably die of starvation.

I felt a trill of excitement thinking of Kennedy’s pending arrival. Tomorrow he would be heading home, and then he would be mine for a couple days. I lived for those days. Staying up late, tangled around each other when we slept, crafting recipes together, and generally spending every waking moment breathing each other in. It was how life was meant to be spent.

Approaching the counter, I saw Dex and Ronnie cleaning the dining area. They were deep in conversation and were smiling. Hope flared bright at the thought that I might have made my first love match. If this worked out, maybe I would open a dating service. I’d call it
Loving Embrace
, or something equally cheesy.

“Hey, guys,” I called out, leaning my elbows on the counter. “How was business tonight?” Hiding in the kitchen all day made me feel somewhat detached from the other aspects of the business.

Dex straightened from wiping down a table, while Ronnie finished mopping the floor. “Business was great. I think we’re selling more now than when we first opened. Say what you will about fire starters, but ours definitely did us a solid.”

“But didn’t he land you in the hospital?” Ronnie questioned skeptically.

“Yep, but you know what? That little scar he gave me helped me find the best hair style I’ve ever had. How does that saying go? Necessity is the mother of invention?”

“Well, aren’t we just a regular ray of sunshine?” I teased. “Has the register been cashed out yet?”

“Already taken care of,” Dex chirped. “Hey, Abs, would you mind if I took off early? I promised Ron I’d take him to the drive-in. It starts in a few minutes and you know how vicious those Neanderthals are if you so much as shine a penlight after the movie starts.”

I froze, unsure how to respond. Kennedy’s instructions about being alone were firm. Then again, so were those about working after dark. Having broken that rule for a solid month, I wondered just how terrible it would be if I broke one more. Just once. As long as I didn’t make a regular thing of it, what was the worst that could happen? Well, I knew what the worst could be, but what were the odds that Dex’s attacker would return tonight, or ever?

I decided to take a chance. After all, taking chances was what made me a profitable business owner. “Absolutely,” I said, flipping my hand in the air, “you two go have fun. I’ll finish up here.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, go. I promise, I still remember how to lock up.”

As the two came around the counter and retrieved their jackets, Dex paused to give me a warm hug. When he stepped back, he held my shoulders in a firm grip. “Are you sure you’re sure? The more I think about it, the less I like the idea of you being here alone.”

“I’m totally fine,” I said, my voice hitting a high note.

His eyes narrowed, and I could almost see the wheels turning inside his blond head. “I changed my mind. We’ll hang around.”

“Are you serious? What about your date? Ronnie, tell Dex I’ll be fine.”

But Ronnie didn’t have my back at all. “He’s right, Abby. It wouldn’t be right to leave you here holding the bag, especially at night, alone, and after the crap that went down. We’ll finish up here and walk you out.”

As one of my oldest friends, I had mad love for Dex, but I could already tell that Ronnie was going to own a piece of my heart before too long. If these two hot men didn’t end up together, it would break my heart.

I held up my hands in surrender. “Fine, but if the Neanderthals attack you, don’t come crying to me.” We all shared a laugh, but I knew it wouldn’t sit right if I was the cause of them missing any part of their date. “You know what? Let’s close up now. The rest of the cleanup can wait until morning.”

Dex’s eyes grew wide. “Hold up. Are you suggesting we leave stones unturned?” He pressed the back of his hand to my forehead. “She doesn’t feel feverish. How many fingers am I holding up?”

I swatted him away, chuckling. “I’m not sick and I am perfectly coherent. The place is basically done already anyway. The only thing left to do is put fresh bags in the garbage cans and discount the stuff that didn’t sell today. Between the three of us, we can get that done in no time tomorrow morning.”

Dex passed Ronnie a look, and once they reached a conclusion, he nodded. “Okay, that works for us.”

“Good, then let’s get out of here.” Grabbing my purse and keys, we quickly turned out the lights and locked up. After walking me to my car and another warm goodbye, I drove home. But as soon as I walked through the door, I knew that it wasn’t where I wanted to be.

Changing into a fresh pair of clothes, I packed Wilbur into his carry container. We arrived at Kennedy’s apartment a few minutes later, and after releasing Wilbur, I grabbed the throw from the back of the couch, opened the patio door, and stepped out onto the small balcony. The sounds of the marina were soft and soothing this time of night. Sitting in one of the two cushioned lounge chairs, I wrapped myself in the blanket and closed my eyes against the starry night sky. The sound of gentle waves breaking against the shore coupled with distant fog horns from passing boats settled me in a way that being in my own bed in my own home never could. As much as I had gotten used to the late night heavy metal sounds coming from the neighboring apartment, nothing beat falling asleep surrounded by the serene sounds produced by nature and fishing trawlers.

Those same sounds greeted me when I jolted awake the following morning, and I shielded my eyes at the beaming sun cresting over the horizon. As a diehard city girl, I had never slept outside before. The fact that I’d just had my most blissfully resplendent night’s sleep was enough to make me consider taking up camping. That idea was nixed the moment a giant insect buzzed past my face.

Hearing a noise behind me, I turned around and realized the reason I had woken up in the first place. Kennedy stood in the open doorway, his arms braced against the frame in a way that accentuated all of his finer assets. At his feet, Wilbur wove an S-shaped path through his legs, purring and meowing for attention. When I looked up and met Kennedy’s bright blue eyes, I couldn’t contain myself.

Squealing, I cast the blanket aside and leapt out of the chair and into his arms. Kennedy’s arms came around me, and his hard body swayed from the impact. Burying my face in his chest, I inhaled his clean, fresh scent. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages,” I said, pressing kisses through his shirt.

The low rumble in his chest told me he thought I was being silly, but I didn’t care. As long as he was standing here, alive and well in my arms, he could laugh all he wanted. There was no greater tension than the kind created by putting your life on hold until the person you loved returned home.

My thoughts screeched to a halt. Loved? As Kennedy’s fingers sifted through my hair and he told me how much he missed me, too, I ran my thoughts through the rinse cycle a few times. Did I love Kennedy? Instantly, I formed a mental checklist. He was great in bed. He made mean cookies. We spent every spare minute together. We worried about each other. He never got on my nerves. If we fought, they were passionate and always ended up with the two of us naked. He loved Wilbur almost as much as me. Wilbur loved him more than he loved me. He came with a parental stamp of approval. When he was away, I felt as if I couldn’t truly breathe until he returned. My heart thumped wildly every time he gazed into my eyes with that heated, adoring, worshipful look—just like he was now.

All put together, it felt an awful lot like love.

“What did you say?” I asked, realizing that I hadn’t heard a word he’d said.

His smile was patient. “I said that I didn’t expect to find you here when I got home.”

I blushed and dropped my gaze to the floor. Kennedy had told me where he kept the spare key—hidden in a crack he’d carved out of the top of the doorframe—but he’d never given me express permission to use it. I’d known the moment I made the decision to come that I was walking a thin line, but I hadn’t cared at the time. I just wanted to be as close to him as possible.

“I’m sorry. When I went home last night, everything was so quiet and empty. I just couldn’t stay there alone another night.”

Forming a fist in my hair, he tilted my head back. “I liked coming home to you. I would have liked it even better if you’d been in my bed.”

“Oh, well, okay.” My insides were flipping in celebration. I wasn’t in trouble. Kennedy actually liked seeing me in his home. Lifting onto my tiptoes, I slung my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his, careful not to breathe my morning breath on him.

“What do you say we go christen the shower, and then if you’re not too tired, there’s someplace I want to take you that I think you’d like.”

“As long as I’m back in time to open the bakery, I think that’s a mighty fine idea, Mr. Harper.”

Backing toward the bathroom, Kennedy pulled me along. “Thank you. You give me a lot of inspiration.”

As Kennedy and I divested each other of our clothes and climbed into the steamy shower stall, I couldn’t help comparing what my life had been like before he’d come into it. I thought I was happy being single, as long as I had my cat and my bakery. But now I understood what Amy had been telling me all along. It wasn’t that my life wasn’t good. It was that it wasn’t full. There was still space to fill, and while I might have continued being happy before I knew Kennedy, I was certain that with my recent revelation, if I had to live without him now, I would never be happy again.

Thank heavens for meddling big sisters!

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