Sweetest Sin: Bad Boy Bundle (28 page)

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“Let’s go,” he whispers.

I let him lead me back inside the dance club. Broken glass and crushed paper lay scattered across the floor. The carpet is stained with spilled drinks and bodily fluids. The same bartender from that night stands behind the bar, clipboard and pencil in hand. He stops scribbling when we walk up to the bar.

“Hey hey! Miss soda! I thought I’d see you again.”

“You did?” I ask.

“Of course! I knew you’d be back for this.” He reaches under the bar and pulls out my purse.

I smile and reach inside.

Everything is still intact.

“You kept it safe for me. Thank you so much.”

“One of the waitresses, Tia, found it in the bathroom last night. I recognized it right away with that crazy typewriter charm hanging off the zipper.”

“Thank you,” I say with a breath of relief.

“Hey no problem. Listen. I guess there was a pretty bad fight in the bathroom last night. Tia found three guys in the women’s room who were beat up pretty bad. Do you remember seeing anything while you were back there?”

I can feel Jackson’s fingers tense up at the small of my back.

My breath dried and caught in my throat. The sight of the men hitting the ground last night shakes me up. “No,” I tell him. “No I didn’t see anything. Must have happened after I got out of there.”

“Well, that’s good. Glad you didn’t get hurt. But you might want to get out of here quick then. Police have been in and out all morning, looking for witnesses. The guys aren’t talking but the owner is pretty upset, you know?”

“Right,” I say as I offer another smile. “Well, I wish I could be more help. Thanks again.”


Chapter Twelve


and I leave the dance club and walk further up the beach. He stops to buy a map from a street vendor and we head deeper into town. “You didn’t tell him what happened? Why not?” Jackson asks.

I shake my head and follow him into a line for a paddleboat ride along the river. “I just. They’re looking for someone who beat up those guys. Beat them up. As in attacked them.”

“Yea, and?”

“That’s you. Those guys, they think they’re the victims. If I had said anything, the police would have assumed you attacked them.”

“So. They attacked you. We could have just—.”

“What? Explained it all? That never works.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it turns into a big he said she said thing. And that’s when it’s not complicated. I don’t know about you, but I only have two days left of my vacation. I didn’t want to take the chance that those would be wasted in a police station. Especially since I didn’t get hurt. Just, no need.”

Jackson studies me for a minute and then nods and glances away. “Okay,” he says. “So two days left of your vacation?”


“We better make the most of it,” he says as he helps me out onto the paddleboat.

“What the hell is this?”

“This is fun. Come on. Legs go here. Feet go here.” He positions my limbs accordingly and then climbed up onto the seat behind me.

He’s right. This is fun. We paddle up the river and find a line of shops. Everything from goofy hats to island fashion. If there is an island vacationer stereotype, it’s here. Jackson walks with me along the road and takes me up to a small cafe. “How much do you like Thai food?” he asks.

I can’t answer but to giggle like an idiot at him.

Inside the restaurant, I can’t believe my eyes. No tables, no chairs. Instead, people are standing around tall tables cooking.

Actually cooking.

I turn back to Jackson, cocking an eyebrow to ask him what the hell he expects us to do here. He smiles and waits for someone to lead us to our own tall table.

Or rather, private cooking class.

As we tie on the complimentary aprons, I’m concentrating on our teacher’s every word. Jackson’s smile is spread from ear to ear. Then the teacher asks us to choose who will be cooking. Actually cooking. He sets a hot plate and a wok down on the table in front of me.

And then he starts spitting out instructions. I’m not even sure my ears work that fast. Jackson is slicing away at the vegetables, watching the teacher and mastering the task at hand. And I’m feeling lost. After a few minutes, the teacher finally stops talking and he stares at me and smiles.

I have no idea what he’s just said.

Jackson chuckles and walks over behind me. He rests his hand on my wrist and wraps my fingers around the handle of the wok. “You ready?” he asks.

“I don’t know about this. I’m horrible in the kitchen.”

“Oh come on, you can’t possibly be that bad.”

“I’ve burnt water.”

He bursts out laughing. Completely unbridled. Didn’t even try to stifle it. “That’s not even possible.”

“It is possible, and I’ve done it.”

“Okay, okay. Well, I actually want to eat today so let’s just take it slow then, okay? Toss in the tofu like this.”

The wok hisses and sizzles as Jackson tosses in food. Some of the food I can’t even pronounce. I just watch him and let him manipulate my hands in a mock play at cooking our food.

A few minutes later, he’s done. And sitting before us is a beautiful Pad Thai. It looks like it belongs pictured in a menu for a restaurant. It’s beautiful.

The teacher smiles at us, nods his head and bows and walks off with the hot plate to teach a new table.

Jackson takes a seat and grabs a fork to dig into the plate.

“I can’t believe my hands touched this,” I say as I shovel a forkful of bean sprouts into my mouth.

Jackson chuckles and shakes his head.



The rest of the afternoon goes by in a jumble of giggles and a blur. Between walking, sight-seeing, and the occasional tourist trap, Jackson and I completely lose track of time until we realize the sun is setting.

Jackson grabs a shuttle and we head back to the hotel. It’s all very nice. But the tense night followed by the three hours of sleep and a day filled with activity is catching up to me. By the time we reach our doors to our hotel rooms, I can barely hold my eyes open.

I slide my key through the lock and bid Jackson goodbye.

Nap time.

I toss my purse over onto the small desk, kick my shoes off, and throw myself across the bed.

I have no idea how much time went by as I slept. The sun is gone, hidden behind the waves of the horizon. I roll over and stretch. No lights floating in from next door. Jackson either isn’t awake or he isn’t in his room.

Slowly, I lean over to check on the time. Fifteen minutes before midnight.

I roll over again and stare at the patio door. A little disappointed that Jackson isn’t around.

“Ugh, what is wrong with me?” I ask the empty room. I roll out of the bed and saunter over to the bathroom.

I’m not sure if the music had already been playing and it just took me a while to notice it, or if the music just started while I was staring at my reflection. Either way, drum beats catch my attention. I rummage through the closet and grab a small sundress. Something modest that covers everything but still lets me move. If there’s a party going on, I want to be able to dance and move without being encumbered by tight, heavy clothing.

I trot across the room and slide the patio door open. The music is definitely coming from the beach. Bonfires, groups of people mingling and dancing. A huge party. I smile and grab my hotel key and head down the stairs.

“Hi, Miss Anders. How can I help you?”

“I would like to leave my key with you, if that’s okay? I don’t want to lose it and I don’t have any pockets. So can I leave it with you for now and when I get back you can just give it back to me then?”

“Sure, I can take care of that for you,” the front desk clerk says. He grabs my key and tucks them away in a drawer.

“Great, thank you so much,” I say with a smile and skip outside.


Chapter Thirteen


, the drum beats are easy to follow from the hotel to the beach. I glance up to the sky. Full moon.

I thought these full moon parties were banned?
I think to myself.

Of all the times to be out and about without a notebook.

“Vacation,” I tell myself. “Come on, Kirsten. You’re not here to work. You’re here on vacation.”

Someone runs past me, her shoulder ramming into mine and knocking me forward. “Oh, sorry!” she yells back over her shoulder without slowing down.

More girls follow up behind her. One girl grabs my hand as she runs by. “Are you coming to the party?” she asks.

“Oh, yea. I’m actually on —.”

She locks her lips onto mine. Drowning out my words. Her hot tongue plunges into my mouth. She wraps her arms around my waist, reaching down and squeezing my ass as she kisses me. And before I am back in control of my body, able to pull away, she withdraws her tongue from my mouth and licks her lips.

“Mmm,” she whispers and rubs her fingers along the curves of my ass. “I’ll see you there.” And with that she skips along in front of me and heads down to the party.

My feet stay stuck in the sand for a moment. Caught somewhere between aroused and curious. I never expected to have a woman show me such attention. And what’s more, I never expected my body to react this way.

Once I could trust my legs to carry me again, I follow the crowd over to the beach. The bonfires roar as waves lap just inches from the wood. Groups of people are scattered between them. Music is pumping and bodies are writhing. Tongues battling together. Lips locked.

My eyes fall on a familiar, broad set of shoulders leaning back against a beach chair.

“Jackson?” I ask as I walk up behind him.

He’s moaning. His hands reaching behind him and grabbing the top of the chair. As I walk up closer, a patch of blonde hair is working on his cock.

I glance around at the rest of the group nearby.

Two women lay on the beach. Glowing in each other’s arms against the firelight. Grinding their hips against each other.

I turn back to the man in the chair. The woman on her knees is clawing her way up his chest. Her mouth wrapped around his cock. My stomach lurches and I hold my hand over my mouth.

“Hey,” I hear as I turn away from the beach chair.

Jackson grabs my hand. “You okay?”

I whirl around to get another look at the man in the chair. Then back to Jackson. They could be brothers. At least in firelight.

“Yea,” I say with a laugh. “Yea, I’m fine. I just. Sorry. I thought.” Embarrassment floods my cheeks with pink.

He glances around behind me and nods his head as if someone just revealed a big secret to him. “Oh I get it,” he says. “You were jealous.”


“You were. You saw that chick giving him a blow job and you thought it was me and you got jealous.”

“I didn’t get jealous. I just. I thought it was rude, that’s all.”

“You thought it was rude?”

“Yes. Exactly. I mean, after a day like we had today, for you to turn around and let some other girl suck your dick would be rude.”

“Because you want to suck my dick?”

“What? No.”

“You don’t want to suck my dick?”

“Ugh,” I gasp and push him away from me.

He chuckles and wraps his arms around me from behind. “Come on. Dance with me.” He nestles his lips into my neck. His hand pulls me back into him as his hips rock to the beat of the drums.

I close my eyes and revel in the feel of his lips grazing against my neck. The heat of the fire dancing along my nerves. I reach back and run my fingers through his hair. I let my hips follow his rhythm and forget about the rest of the people there.




Another girl waltzes up to us. She reaches into my dress and massages my breast, waking me up from my daze as she clamps her lips down over my nipple. The shock makes me jump back against Jackson. But the girl sucks my breast harder. Refusing to release my nipple. She reaches around and grabs my hand and brings it to her breast. Shoving her hard nipple into the palm of my hand as her tongue pulls my nipple deeper into her mouth.

My nerves light up.

I close my eyes again, trying to pretend that Jackson is front of me. That his lips are suckling at my breast.

My core heats up. But I open my eyes and see the long brown hair in front of me and I’m overcome with disappointment at not seeing Jackson there. His lips are still nestled in my neck. His hips rocking against mine. His hand reaching down along my torso. Pulling me tight against him.

Another man walks up behind the girl as she sucks on my nipple. He reaches beneath her skirt and thrusts up against her. She groans, sending new vibrations along the nerves of my nipple as he plunges deep into her.

Jackson reaches his hand around, gliding it down toward the hem of my skirt. His other hand caresses and fondles my other breast. Rolling my nipple between his fingertips. Lightly flicking as it hardens.

The other guy smirks as he rams his cock into the woman still suckling at my breast.

The heat wells up in my core as Jackson’s hand pulls my hemline up further. His fingers sip into my panties.

Her teeth nip on my breast a little. Sending light tingles through from my nipple down to every inch of my body.

I twist my head around, locking lips with Jackson. His tongue parting my lips.

The other man cums, yelling in triumph as he floods her pussy. His orgasm forces her to release my nipple. She grabs my hand from her breast and pulls it down toward her hot opening.

I take the opportunity to pull away from her and turn around to face Jackson. The man and woman behind me grunt and grind together. Realizing I’m not going to fuck her, she grabs his hand and shoves it between her legs. I grab the side of Jackson’s face and gaze into his eyes. He smiles and tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear.

“I don’t want—.” I start to whisper.

He glances around me and nods. Hoists me up and carries me away from the fire.

Sometime during our brief session, the crowd around the fire grew. Dozens of people grinding against each other. Exploring each other. Bodies rubbing. Hair pulling.

Jackson carries me to a small alcove set away from the fires. We duck inside and he sets me back on my feet. “I had no idea you’d even be into a party like this.” He chuckles.

“I didn’t. Um.”

“You didn’t know it was that kind of party.”

I shake my head and bite my lip. “I know. I’m a real bore.”

“No,” he says. “Makes more sense now, though.”

“What makes more sense?”

“Well, you said this was a vacation. You wanted to do things you’ve never tried before. Yesterday that meant watching yourself cum in the mirror. And today, you show up to a full moon party. Either you are drunk off your rocker, or you are lost.”

I mock punch his shoulder. “Don’t laugh at me.”

“I’m not,” he chuckles. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”

“So, wait. So you knew what kind of party this was?”

He smiles and rubs my shoulder. “I heard rumors. And I wanted to check it out.”

“Because you were interested in something like this?”

“Not specifically. I just wanted to see what it was all about. I had no idea what was actually going to happen or who was going to be here. Why did you come down here?”

“I heard the music and thought it was a party, so I wanted to come check it out. I just didn’t realize until I was already down here what kind of party it was.” I gazed out of the alcove at the groups of people getting it on by firelight along the beach. Easily a hundred people had gathered around and were now in some form or another either being pleasured or pleasuring someone else.

Or both.



I close my eyes and let him usher me onto my back. The wet sand is cold and hard against my back. He leans over and pins me against the sand with his body. His manhood bulging from beneath his shorts and rubbing along my clit.

“I don’t want anyone else involved,” I whisper.

He reaches down under my dress and rubs his fingers against my swollen clit. I arch my back and writhe beneath him.

I need to stop this. I know I need to stop. But he feels so good against me. I can’t bring myself to pull away from him. His fingers. His unrelenting fingers. Swirling along my sensitive clit. He pulls my panties down and leans in closer to my waiting pussy.

And his hot tongue follows his fingers along my clit. Licking and suckling as I wriggle and moan. His fingers finally plunge deep inside. Twisting at the wrist. Grinding as I writhe. I groan and claw at the sand around us.

Still, he licks. And sucks. His tongue dances around my clit while his fingers drill into me.

My eyes roam around the alcove. Before long, we aren’t the only people moaning there. Another couple leans against the alcove wall. His hand as far up her dress as Jackson is with me.

I clench my eyes shut again. Once again, the heat wells up in my core. I grab the back of Jackson head and fist my fingers into his hair. As the muscles in my torso tighten and clamp down, my pussy floods. He moans as he laps up every drop. His hand still grinding against my rocking core.

Before my orgasm finishes, Jackson stop licking. He pulls up closer to me, watching my face against the moonlight as he rides the rest of my orgasm with his fingers. He reaches into his pocket to pull out a condom and groans as we hastily roll it onto his shaft.

He leans back against the wall of the alcove as I climb on. My breasts line up neatly with his hot mouth. A fact he does not let go to waste. As I saddle his cock, he suckles at my breasts. My clit rubs against the base of his cock. I rock my hips. Back and forth. Up and down.

The couple behind us are moaning in time with my hips. But other than that they are nonexistent. I lean back, throwing my head back as I shake and cum all over Jackson’s cock. He rubs his hand up the length of my torso. Groaning and grabbing my ass with his free hand. Until he can’t take anymore.

His orgasm is powerful. He thrusts deep into me, shoving me down onto his cock with all his might. After a couple deep thrusts, he rolls me over onto my back and rams his cock deep into my shivering pussy. With every thrust, his cock stiffens more. I wrap my legs around him and clamp down on him. Pulling him in close and milking him for every drop.

Every. Luscious. Drop.

When he finally finishes, we are both out of breath.

He rolls over, letting his cock slide out of me, and stares at the stars just outside the alcove. The gentle purring of the waves is matched only by the soft hum of the moaning by everyone around us.




shit,” I whisper between deep breaths.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just can’t believe that I. I mean that we. Nothing. Never mind.”

He rolls back over onto his elbow and plays with my hair.

“I thought these types of parties got banned a couple years ago?” I say.

“No idea,” he whispers as he brushes his lips against the nape of my neck.

“No, seriously,” I gently push him away and straighten out my clothing. “A couple years ago, there were a couple tourists got killed at one of these parties. And the government banned them to save their tourism business.”

“You’re doing it again.”

“Doing what?”

“Getting too serious.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I glance around the alcove. I’m not sure how I can take anything seriously when I’m staring at another man shoving his fingers up one woman’s pussy while another woman sucks on his shaft. “Hey, can we get out of here?”

“You mean leave the party?”

“Just. Go for a walk or something?”

He lets out a sigh and nods. “Sure.” Jackson sits up to adjust himself and tosses the condom aside.

We walked down the beach until we found another, smaller bonfire. Surrounded by a small group of people who were either over their sexual escapades or uninterested in getting those started. They’re sitting around the fire, telling stories and sharing beers.

Much closer to the type of party I had expected to see when I first heard the music. One girl leans into a young man’s embrace, her gaze lost in the firelight. Someone else reaches into a cooler and tosses a couple beers toward Jackson and me.

“Thanks,” Jackson says as he takes a seat by the fire.

I smile and sit down next to Jackson.

“Where is everyone from?” One of the other guys tries to strike up a conversation.

“Well, I live on the main land.” one girl answers.

“I’m from the United States,” another girl answers. “New York.”

Jackson smiles and speaks up. “California,” he says.

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