Sweetest Desires (A Sweetest Day Romance) (13 page)

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Chapter 17




Week after week after week,
Katharine had tried the alternative medicines and mechanical gadgets the manufacturers promised would give her a larger cup size and enhanced buttocks in as little as fifteen days. Unfortunately, despite her dedication, good dietary habits, and daily exercise routines, the results weren’t there after twenty days or even after thirty days.

With Carson living away from the family, she was growing desperate.  After reading her own pe
rsonal copy of “A New You” edition of
Atlanta Medical Today
, she decided her only alternative was breast and buttocks implants. She had to save her marriage, her future, and if implants were what it took to make and keep her husband happy, then so be it.

Katharine opened the drawer and pulled out the cutout magazine ads that lay beneath her slips t
ogether with the photocopied picture of Carson and Cindy. She picked up the telephone and called Natalie.

“I’ve decided to go through with it.”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Have you asked yourself the question: do praying women and Godly women do this kind of thing?”

“It’s been on my mind.”

“Obviously, you feel it’s okay to do.”

Katharine answered with absolute quiet.

“I don’t know, Kat. This vanity-type cosmetic surgery all seems unnatural to me.”

“Unnatural? What’s so unnatural about it? I mean, you wear makeup, dye your hair, have your fingernails manicured and paint your toenails, right? And all that to enhance your appearance. Am I right?” She didn’t wait for Natalie to respond. “So is it vain and unnatural for
to do those things to

A brief silence followed before Natalie asked, “Has Carson stolen all your self-esteem?”

“This has nothing to do with my self-esteem. I’m not concerned about my appearance—”

“Obviously your husband is,” Natalie said sharply.

“Precisely. And this is for my husband’s happiness. A wife should always please her husband, no matter what.”

Natalie was silent and Katharine guessed she was biting back a sarcastic remark. “Sounds like low self-esteem to me,” Natalie said finally.

“Well, it’s not,” Katharine said defensively. “Carson’s awards banquet is in three months and I intend to look my best.”

Natalie had taken a quiet position again before saying, “Remember the rapper, Kenya, or something like that?”

“Yeah, I know who you’re talking about—Kanye West.”

“I read an article that suggested his mother had died of cosmetic surg
ical complications. It stated she went into cardiac arrest.”

Katharine’s expression went dim. “That was pretty sad. I believe she was in her fi
fties, which makes it more risky. I’m in my thirties, so the risk factor is decreased.”

“Has Carson asked you to attend?” Natalie jumped off the surgery subject.

Katharine allowed her to throw in the towel, recognizing Natalie had lost the power to reason another course. “No, but since I helped to get him this award, I feel I’m entitled to be there. I believe I deserve this award as much as he does.”

“What if he takes Cindy?”

The question was met with a wide-eye look of offense. “So what!”

“Won’t you feel embarrassed?”

“Why should I? I didn’t walk out on him.”

Natalie remained silent.

“Can you imagine his face when he sees the new me?” Katharine said, grinning into the phone as if Natalie could see her glowing.

“Kat, have you really given this much thought? I mean, have you sat down with a consultant or anyone about this cosmetic surgery?”

“Of course I have. My family doctor recommended a surgeon. I’ve researched his background, and he has an impeccable success record. He came highly endorsed by his clients. I’ve called a few for references, and they gave him the seal of approval. And, on top of that, I’ve even met two of them and they looked fabulous. I have a meeting with the doctor tomorrow afternoon.”

“Why don’t you talk to Stephen about this first? He—”

“Stephen’s not a plastic surgeon,” she cut in.

“No, but he could probably provide you with some valuable medical advice.”

“No, thanks. I know what you’re trying to do. You’ll try to get him to talk me out of it. Exactly why I didn’t go to him in the first place.”

“Shucks.” Katharine heard Natalie snap her fi
ngers. “You know me all too well.” She paused and then said resignedly, “Well, I guess your mind’s made up. If it’s okay, I’d like to be there with you. I have a couple of questions to ask him myself.”

“What for? You’re well endowed—front and back. I’m sure Stephen doesn’t have any complaints in that department.”

Natalie chose not to comment. Instead she asked, “How do you propose to keep your new look away from Carson until the banquet? He comes by twice a week to spend with the kids when he’s home. Naturally, he’ll see you too.”

“Simple. I’ll wear the one thing he hates the most—my oversized muumuu.”

“Okay, Sinatra. Go ahead and do it your way, but there may be dire consequences.” She exhaled heavily into the phone. “Lord, the things we women do for our men,” Natalie harrumphed. “I hope you know what you’re in for.”

“Believe me, I do. And, I’ve already scheduled time off from work for the surgeries and recovery times.”

* * *


Katharine stood in the doorway of the most elaborately furnished waiting room she had ever seen. It was like looking into the office of Donald Trump. She could easily have spent two hours just admiring the paintings and the strategically placed statues.

Dr. Cordova rose from behind his oversized m
ahogany desk and motioned them inside. “Ah, Mrs. O’Connor. Please, please come in and have a seat.”

“This is my friend, Mrs. Natalie Harper,” Katharine said, shaking the surgeon’s soft hand. I
ntroducing Natalie as the wife of a locally, well-known surgeon with whom Dr. Cordova was no doubt acquainted would only divert attention from the topic she wanted to discuss.

Dr. Cordova extended his hand to Natalie. “Dr. Cordova. Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Harper.”

“Thank you,” Natalie responded, shaking his hand. “Likewise.”

“Mrs. O’Connor, I want to start this off with any questions you may have. And any information I haven’t covered through your questioning, I will pr
ovide afterward. I’ve found this approach much more effective and comfortable for the patient than my talking first.”

“Okay.” Katharine took a deep breath in and out. “Well, I’ve decided to have the augmentation surge
ries and, as you know, I’ve researched your background, read your periodicals, and spoken with a few of your patients who have had the implants, and I’m convinced you’re the right surgeon for me. But for the sake of my dear friend here,” she nodded in Natalie’s direction, “my questions will all be geared toward what to expect from the surgery itself.”

Dr. Cordova smiled. “Sounds good.” He gave Natalie a friendly wink and turned to Katharine. “Okay, shoot.”

“How should I prepare for the surgery?”

“Have you had a recent mammogram?” Dr. Co
rdova inquired.


“Very good. I’ll need to review it. Breast and buttocks augmentations are usually performed as outpatient procedures. Just be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you at least the first night following surgery.”

“Okay. I will.” She and Natalie exchanged glances. “What will the day of surgery be like?”

“For both procedures, you’ll be anesthetized. You can choose either local anesthesia or intravenous sedation. If it seems necessary, we’ll administer general anesthesia. Before the surgery, I’ll examine your breasts and buttocks and possibly take photographs for your medical record. If your breasts are sagging, I may recommend a breast lift in conjunction with the augmentation.”

“What are the risks?” Natalie inquired anxiously.

The doctor looked at Katharine as he answered Natalie’s question. “Naturally, no surgical procedure is risk free, but we do our best to minimize the risks for our patients. One of my consultants will discuss your medical history to make sure you’re a suitable candidate. Thousands of women undergo successful augmentation surgery every year. However, anyone considering surgery should be aware of the risks as well as the benefits. There is no scientific evidence that breast augmentation increases the risk for breast cancer, but infection and bleeding can occur. Other surgical risks include nerve and/or muscle damage, slippage of the implants, and asymmetry. I perform at least four to five implant surgeries every month—that’s one a week on average. I can assure you’ll receive the best possible results.”

“How is the surgery performed?” Natalie qu

Dr. Cordova opened a book of surgical illustr
ations and turned it to face Katharine. “After we’ve determined your appropriate breast size based on your personal preferences and body type, an incision will be made either in the crease of the breast, the armpit, the navel or the pigmented area of skin that surrounds the nipple, and the implants will be placed based on your choice of procedure. You will want to take into consideration the procedure that leaves virtually undetectable scarring.

He turned a few pages. “For the buttocks, a two- or three- inch incision is made between the buttocks in the midline and the buttock muscle is lifted up to make a pocket just large enough for the implant to be inserted into it.”

“How long can the results last and what about recovery time?” Natalie barged in before Katharine could ask the same question.

“The results will be long-lasting. However, gravity and the effects of aging will eventually alter the size and shape.” His eyes cut back and forth b
etween the two women as he spoke. “And, as for recovery, after the bandages are removed, if your stitches are the traditional variety, they will be dislodged between one and two weeks after your breast implant placement surgery.

“The breasts are wrapped and supported with a gauze bandage. You will then be fitted with a special surgical bra that provides support for the first several weeks. This will help expedite the healing process and minimize any discomfort.

“It is extremely important to keep the area around the stitches clean. Avoid submerging your incision site in water and do not let dirt or products come in contact with the area. You should also avoid any strenuous activity, lifting, or stretching that could pull the sutures. This will prolong healing time and make your scar more noticeable.

“For the buttocks, a post-surgery undergarment must be worn which will help to get rid of infla
mmatory process as well as helping the implants to heal and settle properly.

“If after several years you become dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts and buttocks, you may choose to undergo a lifting to restore their yout
hful contour.”

“Last question, doctor. What are the costs?” Katharine asked in an I-really-don’t-care-how-much-it-costs tone.

“Ah,” he said, grinning. “Save the best for last. Breast implants cost anywhere between seven and eight thousand dollars and buttock augmentation around nine thousand.”

“What!” Natalie exclaimed. “That’s highway robbery.” She turned her face away from Dr. Co
rdova’s full view and whispered out of the side of her mouth to Katharine. “My instincts are telling me this is a big mistake, Kat.  I—”

“Shh,” Katharine whispered, cutting Natalie off.

Dr. Cordova gave Natalie a disapproving look.

“Mrs. Harper,” he began calmly, his fingers i
ntertwined and resting comfortably on top of his desk. “I’m a professor of plastic surgery and have lectured nationally and internationally. I have performed successful breast and buttocks augmentation surgeries for more than twenty years. I have published books and journal articles in my fields of expertise and am frequently called upon for consultation by other surgeons around the world or to donate my services. I can assure you these prices are extremely competitive and reasonable.” He cut his eyes at Natalie and looked more kindly at Katharine.

“Do you have any further questions, Mrs. O’Connor?”

“None I can think of at the moment.” She gave Natalie a sideways glance. She wanted to see how she looked swallowing her size eight shoe.

Natalie glared at Dr. Cordova for so eloquently setting her straight.

“Should any questions arise, please feel free to contact me or any member of my staff. My goal, as your plastic surgeon, is to make your surgical experience as easy and comfortable for you as possible. And, if necessary, we also provide a payment plan for your convenience.”

Natalie couldn’t get beyond his rebuttal. “Did he just cuss me out?” she asked Katharine in a low voice.

Katharine nudged her arm. She turned to Dr. Cordova, who acted as if he hadn’t heard them. “I don’t want to delay this procedure any longer than I have to,” she said. “I’d like to schedule the surgeries as soon as possible, doctor.”

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