Sweet Talking Cowboy (18 page)

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Authors: M.B. Buckner

BOOK: Sweet Talking Cowboy
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Briann glared at his broad shoulders as he moved to place
the trophy in her tack box.  “Thank you, Mr. Bailey!!  We
class!!  When I feel the need for your instructions, I’ll attend one of your

Her voice did nothing to conceal her anger as she turned to
begin pulling the saddle off the mare.

He moved to take her place, gently but firmly shouldering
her out of the way.  “You’ve got less than half an hour before the English
Class starts.  Go change and I’ll have the geldin’ ready for you.  I’ve already
got his tack down here.”  His voice was edged with anger, but anyone other than
Briann wouldn’t have known it.

“I can do it myself!”  She snapped angrily.  When she moved
back toward the mare, Slade wheeled and faced her.

“Don’t fight with me now.  It’s not the time or the place! 
You are here as a professional, so act like one!  Go get ready for your next
class.”  His words stung her ears.

She glared at him as he turned back to the chore before
him.  “When we are at a show, we should always look like the professionals we
are.  Our disagreements are between the two of us!”  He continued, lifting the
saddle off the mare.  Without looking at Briann again, he led the mare into the
stall and silently started working on the tail braid that would be slipped into
a mesh bag to keep the snowy white hair clean and well groomed.

Knowing he was right didn’t do a lot to improve her
attitude, but Briann turned and went to the dressing room to change into her
breeches and coat for the English Pleasure class that was coming up.  In spite
of her anger at Slade, she couldn’t help being grateful for his help, any more
than she could help looking forward to allowing the bay gelding to show the
judge just how ready he was for the World Show.  By the time she had changed
and stepped out of the dressing room, a big smile was spread across her face.

It all but disappeared when she saw Slade holding the
perfectly groomed and geared gelding, smiling down at one of the two girls she
thought of as the ’bouncy twins’ laughing up at him as she rubbed the gelding
face.  It was more than obvious that the flirty blond was trying to entice
Slade’s interest.

Briann kept the smile pasted in place as she walked over to
join them.

“Hello again,….Bambi, isn’t it?”  She knew full well the
girls name was Barbie.

The girl quickly corrected her, then excused herself and
melted away.

Briann’s eyes flashed angrily at Slade.  “Was I being
professional enough for you?”

“You were downright rude, and you know it.”  He wasn’t
prepared for the sight of her in tight breeches, with her hair pulled back in a
knot on the back of her head.  She looked totally professional, and so lovely
he wanted to snatch the riding helmet off her head and take her hair down.

She took the reins from him and without his help, mounted the
bay horse.  She couldn’t resist the urge to stick her tongue out at him as she
turned her mount and rode toward the arena.

“Careful what you do with that little tongue,” his gravel
rough voice followed her.  “I can think of some real interestin’ things we can
do with it.”

He could make her mad quicker than any man she’d ever known
and it scared her to death that in a few days, she was going to be married to
him.  She looked down at the ring on her finger and again wondered how he’d
managed to find a jewelry store open on a Sunday morning.  And he’d chosen such
a beautiful ring!  How could a man who could be so pushy and hardheaded, have
such a sharp sense of style?

The class was a large one, but the horse she rode was headed
for the national shows and the judge could see it.  The gelding easily won the
class and Briann couldn’t hide the pride in her smile as she rode forward to
accept the trophy.  She had recognized the heart of a champion the day the colt
was unloaded at the barn in Atlanta as a two year old.  She had been very
disappointed to discover that he’d already been gelded.  In her mind, the vet
who had castrated the animal had committed a travesty.  He should have seen the
perfection in the conformation of the horse and cautioned the owners to at
least wait and see how his attitude developed during training.   But the damage
was done when she got him to train, and although his owners, Jim and Evelyn
Yarro, knew they had made a mistake, they loved the horse deeply and would do
whatever it took to let him accomplish as much as he could.

Briann regretted that this was the last time she would show
him.  Although the Yarros wanted her to continue as his trainer and exhibitor,
she knew it wasn’t conceivable for her to be gone the weeks at a time that would
be required for her to compete on him nationally.  She was a mother and just
couldn’t be away from home that much.  She rode the animal to the exit gate and
was surprised to find Jim and Evelyn standing behind Slade, waiting to walk to
the stall with her and the gelding.  She dismounted and greeted them, and then
because he was there she introduced them to Slade.

Evelyn’s green eyes flashed with recognition of the name,
Slade Butler.  “Not the Slade Butler that worked with Cooper Harding?”

Slade smiled easily at her as he nodded.  “Guilty, I’m

Jim looked at Briann a smile lighting his handsome face. 
“You never told us you were so well connected.”

Briann’s smile was forced.  “Actually, I wasn’t.  I knew
Slade years ago.  Before he became famous.”

Evelyn turned her attention to the younger woman.  “Briann,
since we haven’t been able to talk you into going on the road with Cowboy,
would you object if we talk to Mr. Butler about the possibility?”

Briann didn’t know what to say.  Of all the people she
wanted to turn the bay gelding over to, Slade would not even be on her list. 
She knew in her heart that it was strictly personal.  Slade was a gifted
trainer, better than she was and she felt her face flush as she swallowed the
knot that formed in her throat, then she shook her head negatively.  “Of course

Jim frowned at his wife.  “Don’t you think you could have
waited and not put her on the spot?”

Evelyn felt her face grow warm.  “Oh my gosh!  I’m so sorry,
Briann.  Sometimes I just think things and they jump right out of my mouth.”

Briann forced a weak laugh.  “It’s alright.  Y’all gave me
the first chance and plenty of time to change my mind.  You’re perfectly right
to seize the opportunity when it presents itself.”

Slade had followed the conversation with interest and when
Evelyn turned hopeful eyes on him, he waited, but the light of curiosity was in
his eyes.

Evelyn pushed on with her cause.  “Mr. Butler, we feel, and
Briann agrees that our horse has the skill and talent to compete against the
best horses in the country and we’d like to see that happen.  We’re hoping for
a World Championship for him, but because of her family obligations, Briann
doesn’t feel that she can take the time to campaign him.  I’m sorry I didn’t
wait for a more opportune moment to ask, but would you consider taking him?”

That charming smile spread his lips wider and deepened the
grooves carved into each of his deeply tanned cheeks.  “I really appreciate you
askin’ me, and I have to agree that this animal is exceptional.  He certainly
should go to the big shows, but this is something we should all give a lot of
thought, before any decisions are made.”  His eyes swung back to look at
Briann, his attention drawing her to return the look.  “There’s goin’ to be a
major change in mine and Briann’s future.”  Now he reached out and lifted her
left hand for them to see.  Their eyes were drawn to the ring on her third
finger.  “Briann and I are gettin’ married in a few days.”

Jim and Evelyn were enthusiastic in their congratulations
and insisted on knowing more about the wedding plans.

Briann shrugged her shoulders to their questions.  “It just
happened so suddenly.  We really don’t have any plans other than to get
married.  There hasn’t been time.”

Evelyn shook one elegantly manicured finger at Slade.  “It
is not fair for her not to have time to plan a proper wedding.  I understand
how impatient men can be, but every woman wants a nice wedding!”

Quickly Briann shook her head negatively.  “No, Evelyn.  I
appreciate your support, but I really don’t want a big wedding.”

Slade looked from Evelyn’s finger to Briann; silently
wondering if that might have anything to do with her resentment of the wedding,
but then decided it didn’t.  Still, he knew that it would make Poog happy and
probably Tris, too.

“It doesn’t have to be a big wedding, to be a nice wedding,”
Evelyn said.  “When Jim and I got married, it was just our immediate families,
but it was wonderful to have them there to share the beginning of our dreams.”

Briann began to shake her head negatively again, but Slade
spoke before she could voice her objections, his eyes holding hers with the
intensity of his thoughts.

“Our families might like a chance to see us get married. 
Maybe that’s something for us to think about.”

Briann could hardly believe the words that came out of his
mouth.  “You’re kidding, right?”  She could just imagine Jeffery and Tanya
wanting to witness her wedding to Slade.

“Poog would love to help you make plans and Tris could be
part of it.  I know Jeffery and Tanya wouldn’t come, but my dad would.  We
could have it at the church where Poog goes.”  Now that the thought had taken
seed in his mind, Slade was certain it was a good idea.  “Jim and Evelyn could
come, and anyone one else we decide to invite.”

Briann cut a cold look at him.  “You don’t have any idea
what planning would go into something like that.  I don’t think we want to go
there.”  Hoping to end the discussion, she began to lead the gelding toward the
barn where he would be stalled.

The other three fell in behind them, and Briann purposely
occupied her mind with other things, in order to ignore the voices behind her.

At the stall, she quickly pulled the saddle off Cowboy’s
broad back and began to wipe him down, using a soft, absorbent rag.  Then she
squatted and removed the splint boots he’d worn during the class, making sure
she gently massaged each leg for a few seconds once the boot was removed.  The
gelding enjoyed the attention and stood quietly, like her, ignoring the
constant murmuring of the three people who waited patiently for her to emerge. 
Finally, assured that Cowboy was comfortable and relaxed, she stood and gave
him a gentle pat on the rump as she exited the stall.

“That’s his last class for a couple of hours.”  She managed
to smile at the Yarros.  “He should walk off with first in the saddle classes
he’s entered in.  I was worried about English Pleasure because I’m not an
English rider, but now that that’s over with, I don’t think there’s a horse
here that can beat him in Western Pleasure, Trail, or Western Riding Horse. 
Cowboy is just so…..honest.  I was wondering if Jim would like to enter and
ride him in the Amateur Reining Class?”

Jim’s face flushed.  “No.  That judge doesn’t need to see
anyone else on Cowboy today.  And Cowboy shouldn’t have to deal with any rider
but you.  Y’all are….connected.  It wouldn’t be fair for him to have to try to
adjust to me.”

The rest of the day flew by for Briann.  She had been
correct in her estimation of Cowboy winning the rest of his classes.  The
palomino filly did very well, too for her age, taking a first in Trail, a
second in Western Pleasure and a third in Western Riding Horse.  It was almost
eight o’clock before Briann finished her classes and she and Slade finished
getting the horses bedded down for the night.

When she could find nothing else to do, she glanced at Slade
and caught him looking at her.

“I’m starvin’,” he said firmly.  “Whatever you have planned
next will just have to wait.  We are goin’ to find supper first.”

Reluctantly she nodded, knowing that after they ate, there
was nothing left but to return to the hotel for the night.  As desperately as
she wanted to avoid that, it was going to happen.

Together they found his truck and Slade headed to the
nearest steak house he could find.

Once at the restaurant, they saw and briefly visited with
several people they knew from the show grounds, but found a booth near the back
of the dining room and were almost silent as they waited for their food.  When
the meal was finished, they left and drove to the back of the hotel.  Entering
the back door near the room, the silence seemed strained, but once they entered
the room, she turned to him.

“I’m exhausted and when I get in the bathroom, I intend to
soak for a while, so if you’d like to get a shower first, I’ll wait.”  She
didn’t look at him, but began pushing things around in her bag, gathering the
things she’d take with her when she went into the bathroom.

He grabbed his pajama bottom and underwear from his valise
and left her to her own devises while he took advantage of her offer.

Soon he was back so Briann scooped up her necessaries and
took her turn.  She locked the door before she started the tub filling while
she stripped out of her clothes.  The water in the tub was as hot as she could
stand it, and she hoped that when she got out, Slade would be asleep.  The heat
of the water relaxed her and she enjoyed her time there until the water lost
most of its warmth, then she reluctantly toweled off and slipped into her
panties and her oversized t-shirt.

Slade was stretched out on the bed, apparently engrossed in
a crime show.  She threw back the spread and the top sheet and slipped into
bed, making sure her back was turned toward him.

Slade looked at the back of her head and smiled.  She was
trying to pretend he wasn’t there.

“Why did you tell the Yarros that you weren’t interested in
goin’ on the road with Cowboy?”  He asked.

“Because I’m not,” she fired back at him.

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