Read Sweet Surrender Online

Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

Sweet Surrender (40 page)

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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“No, I’m not. I’m fat, Nate.” She chuckled.

“Not to me, you’re not. You’re perfect in every fuckin’ way!” he growled.

He moved her backwards towards her room, laid her gently down on the bed, and then just stood there, gazing down at her body. Her hand shot out and she wrapped as much as she could around his erection, and he let out a moan at the contact.

He heard the zipper come down and then her hand was inside of his jeans, moving over him. He wasn’t going to last, he was already on the verge of coming just from seeing her in a bloody towel.

“Baby, this is going to be over too quickly if you keep that up.”

Giggling, she moved away from him and further up the bed, spreading her legs. “Why are you still standing there for then?”

Groaning at the sight in front of him, he crawled up the bed and latched onto her nipple. Her back arched off the bed and she whimpered as he nipped lightly, while her hips grinded against him.

She lifted her legs around him as her nails scratched up his back, making him cry out. Trying to control his breathing, he propped himself up on his hands, looking down at her. Grinning wickedly, he slid down her body, lightly kissing everywhere he could, until he was between her legs. Her aroma hit him like nothing before, making his mouth water as her taste lingered on the tip of his tongue.

“Pinch your nipples, baby. Let me see you do that for me.”

As she reached down to do exactly that, he swirled his fingers around her opening, and more of her juices coated his fingers before he pushed them inside of her. Her core clenched so hard he thought she would break them.

Her head fell back against the pillow and her eyes rolled upwards, her hips lifting, urging him to move his fingers. He was going to take his time, whether she liked it or not.

As his fingers slid in and out of her, her foot snuck out and start rubbing over him. The way her toes massaged along him, had him shooting his hips forward, wanting more.

“Nate, I need more, please,” she panted.

“Want more of what, sweetheart, this?” He slowly pulled his fingers out and then plunged them back into her, harder. She moaned louder, letting go of her nipples to grip the sheet beside her. Nate pushed her legs further apart, watching as his fingers disappeared deep inside of her pussy.

His cock was throbbing painfully as she clenched around his fingers. Pulling them out, he slipped them in his mouth, tasting her.
God, I love the taste of her.

Moving up between her legs, he lifted one as much as he could without hurting her. “I need to be inside of you, now. I can’t wait any longer.”

He leaned back a little as he started pushing in, loving how she gripped him. Pulling out, then thrusting back in further, inch by inch, he eased himself inside, loving how she thrashed around on the bed before he was even fully inside of her. Once he was seated fully in, he panted, “You alright, babe?”

“Yes, you have to move, Nate, now. I’m close,” she pleaded.

She twisted her hips more to the left to make herself comfortable, as he pulled out and pushed in, deeper. He did this several times, twisting his own hips. He knew exactly when he hit that magic spot deep inside of her as she arched full of the bed. He had to hold her down or she might have knocked him off the bed.

Her hands gripped his shoulders as she screamed out his name at the force of the orgasm. He followed only seconds behind her. As they laid there panting for breath, his phone dinged with a message. He knew he should have left it at home, but he was waiting for a phone call.

Reaching over the edge of the bed, he read the text. Damn, he wasn’t up to working right then.

“Baby, I have a truck coming in that needs some work. I’ll come over tonight and we can have dinner together, how does that sound?” he said as he got up off the bed and pulled on his jeans.

“Sounds good. Just let me know when you’re done, I need to duck into town for a couple of things before you come over.”

“I shouldn’t be that long, maybe three hours max, but will let you know. Is anyone going with you when you go into town?”

“No, I can go by myself, Nate. I’m not a child.”

“I know you’re not, Sky. But you are pregnant and I want someone with you at all times just in case something happens. Can you do that for me, please?”

“Fine, I’ll ask Craig if he will go with me.”

“Thank you.” Leaning over the bed, he kissed her hard, not wanting to pull away after. “I’ll see you later on.”

After that, he left. He wanted to spend more time with her, proving that he had changed for himself, for her, and their unborn child. He couldn’t wait to be a father. He was stupid when he had thought at one stage that he didn’t want his child.

He wanted many more after this one, and only with Skylar. She was his everything. He loved her more than anything in the world, and would continue to for the rest of his life.

Chapter 37


oey sat at his desk going through all of the applications for the job he was offering. Why did it have to be so difficult to pick someone? It wasn’t a hard job, but he wanted someone that he didn’t have to train, someone that had the skills already. He didn’t have time to train them, which is why the want ad he placed in the local paper listed experience was required.

He had it down to four people: two woman and two males. As this job was for handling the bar and only a little waitressing, even though he wasn’t sexist at all, he figured a male would be better suited for the position.

But, both the women had enough experience to run the place if he wasn’t around, which was a good thing to him. As he waited for the first to arrive for their interview, he went over the orders that he needed to place for the week. He really needed a secretary for his office. Things were lying around, not in their right place, and half the time he could not find what he was looking for.

After the first two had come in, he started to get nervous. Mark, the first guy, he didn’t like. He would be more trouble than he was worth, and the woman, Jesus. None of his male workers would actually get any work done. She would bring in the customers for sure, but a lot of bar fights would happen if he hired her.

The other guy couldn’t make the interview and rescheduled for the next day, leaving the last female. The one with the most experience. Glancing at the clock, he saw that she was late by twenty minutes, not a good sign on his part. This was an interview for a job, bad first impression.

Sitting there staring out the window, he was glad that he had finally gotten over his infatuation with Chantal. He still loved her, don’t get him wrong, but it was one-sided. He would do anything for her, anything she asked, but no more sleeping with her; it was not well for his heart.

As he was going over his thoughts, there was a knock at the door. Turning in his seat, his breath seized up in his lungs. The woman standing at the door was breathtaking. Long brown hair, up in a ponytail, tight leggings moulded to her legs, which went on forever, and a loose white top, concealing what was underneath. Her figure was tiny compared to his, really tiny. By the look of her standing at the door, she would come up to his chest.

Joey crossed his arms over his chest. “Can I help you?”

“Hi, umm, I’m here for the bartender and waitressing job you advertised,” she answered.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?”

“Kristen Murdock.”

“Take a seat.”

He watched as she walked over and sat opposite him, damn the site of her in those leggings had him hard instantly. He was glad to have the desk in between them to hide his growing erection. Not a good thing to display in front of a potential employee. Her gaze never left his. Those green eyes of hers, there was something that drew him in. Something that felt familiar to him, like he had seen them before. He looked back to her name on the paper in front of him. The name didn’t ring any bells with him.

“So, first up, you do realise that you are late for this interview, right?”

“Sorry, I was having car troubles.”

“Well, next time remember to maybe leave a little earlier than the time that you need to be somewhere.”

“Excuse me? I did, I left an hour early for this interview,” she snapped back.

Well, she is a feisty one
. He grinned, baiting her. “Next time, maybe get a lift to be on the safe side, then.”

“Whatever. Is the job taken or not?” she mumbled.

“No, it’s not. I’m looking for someone to arrive on time, possibly fifteen minutes before the shift starts. Is that going to be a problem?”

He couldn’t help but stir her up. She was a cute thing when she was fired up, and that was a good thing in this line of work. She would not take shit from anyone that came into the bar.

“No, it won’t. I live twenty minutes away. If my car doesn’t start, I’ll walk.”

“You can’t be walking late at night, if you don’t have your car, someone will drop you home. Understood?”

“I can find my own way home. So, do I have the job or not? If I don’t, I need to leave since I have several interviews today.”

Lifting up her resume, he glanced over it. He knew she was the perfect candidate for the job, but he liked to watch her squirm a little in her chair.

She sat there for several minutes, fiddling with her hands in her lap as she looked around the office.

“Ok, you’re the best for the job, it’s all yours,” he said with a smile.

“Thank you, thank you! You won’t regret it.”

“You will be on a one month trial, if everything is good after that, you will be on full-time. Shifts vary, so you will have to put in what hours you prefer. Mostly, you will be on the bar serving, but some nights will be both that and waitressing. Since you have worked at several bars, you shouldn’t have a problem with that.”

“I’m fine with all that. Is there anything else that I need to know?”

“I don’t allow my staff to date one another. And I don’t like boyfriends, husbands, or girlfriends coming in causing a scene. Other than that, everything is pretty basic here.”

“Well, I don’t have neither of them, so nothing to worry about there,” she said.

“Good. Now, as to the work uniform, black pants are preferred, and the top will be a bar shirt with the logo. I will give you one after I show you around. As to wages, everything is written down on here for you. Do you have any questions regarding anything?”

After she read the paperwork in front of her, she signed her name and handed it back to him.

“No, no questions. Pretty basic to me. When do I start?”

“If you want, I can show you around now. Then you can show me how you work on the bar before it opens, and if that’s good, you can start tonight. How does that sound?”

“Sounds great.” He could tell she was trying to act indifferent about the job, but she was struggling.

He chuckled at how excited she seemed. “Ok. Let’s go out and start the tour.”

After an hour of showing her around and twenty minutes of observing how she worked the bar, he was impressed. She handled every kind of drink order he threw at her, even the cocktail drinks. She definitely knew her way around the bar. Once the uniform was sorted, he stood there and watched as she left.

She would be back for tonight’s shift. He really wanted to see how she coped during rush hour. And tonight was going to be one of those nights. Since it was footy season, Friday nights were the busiest. If she could handle that, she would be able to handle any night here at the bar.

Now, the only thing he had to do was keep all the males away from her. She would be the first female that he had behind the bar in a long time. The last girl he had, Amanda, was good at getting people to buy drinks, but he had caught her several times fucking his customers, either in the toilets or back room, and that was a major no go.

He would work the bar with her for that first shift, to keep a close eye on her. He thought about watching her, about how she would work the bar and deal with customers.
Maybe I should get one of the other guys to watch her tonight?
He didn’t know if he could handle it, working next to her all night, with her wearing God knows what type of pants. He was certain he would be trying to tend to the bar with a hard on all evening.

He had done it before, but it was already painful now, and they haven’t even started the shift yet. If in just the little amount of interaction they already had she could do that to him, things could only get worse. He needed to steer clear of her tonight and every other night. She was going to be the death of him.

He was not going to have a fling with another worker, the last one ended bad. That is why he implemented that rule. Plus, it causes too much drama when both working the same shift. He would be pissed constantly with every bloody hot-blooded male talking to her.

He really should have considered one of the guys instead of Kristen. But he couldn’t help it when she stood there at his door, looking so freakin’ sexy in the plainest of clothing, and biting back at him when he hit a nerve.

Damn, what the hell am I going to do?
He needed to see first how she went, hoping she would screw up on something, anything, tonight so he would have to let her go. He knew that wasn’t going to be the case, but had his fingers crossed, anyway.

It was going to be a long ass night.

Chapter 38


hantal had been frustrated all week. She had tried to relieve the
herself, but she could never even come close. Dom never answered any of her calls, and that was really getting to her. She regretted what had happened at the club. It wasn’t intentional, but Jesus, how many times could you apologise to someone? She would have left well and truly over fifty voice messages by this point!
God, I’m pathetic

She woke the next morning, flushed from the wet dream she had. She couldn’t even come in the damn dream. She hadn’t tried to call Dom for the over twelve hours; maybe he really wanted nothing more of her after what had happened at the club. Or maybe he wanted space. No one had seen him. He never rocked up to work at Nate’s and was never at the pub, which she would know since she stayed out in the parking lot every damn night.

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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