Sweet Succubus (6 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #romance

BOOK: Sweet Succubus
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Her face turned side to side, her nostrils sniffing at his body, dragging in his scent. A low humming sounded all around him, and he almost smiled because her features softened.

“Is that your pleasure look? I like it, baby,” he whispered.

Her eyes narrowed on his face.

But Moses wasn’t worried. He slowly raised his hands and placed them over her breasts, cupping her, massaging her tight mounds, enjoying the scrape of her hard nipples.

She wriggled her ass, grinding herself down his shaft until their groins met. Then she angled her torso, leaning her chest into his hands as he pressed and molded her soft flesh.

“You’re all woman, even when you’re a blue bitch. I like it, baby. Now why don’t you move a bit? I know you need to. Do it. Take us both.”

Behind her body, her wings snapped outward, framing her like a naked angel. Her head tilted back, eyes still watching him warily. But she began to move on his dick, circling around and around, deep internal contractions caressing his shaft, the ripples so strong he felt them shuffle along his length.

With a push, he came up on his elbows and rooted at a breast, snaking his tongue around the tip, and then flicking it before latching on. As soon as he began to draw on the stem like it was a straw, she lifted herself, coming off his cock then slamming down, over and over.

Moses slid a hand around her back, between her wings, and anchored himself on her breast, suctioning hard as she pumped, consuming his cock, slamming her pussy down again and again. The heat building between them became incendiary, doused only by the fluid washing down her channel to ease her rapid strokes.

When she flung back her head, her entire body spasmed, racked with a delight so pleasurable, so addictive for him that he never wanted it to stop.

She fucked and fucked, her mouth opening wide, desperate howling cries ripping from her throat.

So beautiful was her orgasm that he was pulled along. His body spasming, jerking, rutting hard, but still he didn’t come. They beat against each other, both straining. Moses’s body was so tight, so tense now, he begged and cursed, wondering at the last if this was how the others had died—in exquisite agony, unable to give up the pleasure but dying to come.

Abruptly, she came off him then urged him up, her hands guiding him around, pushing roughly until he was on his hands and knees. What the hell was going on?

His body was too consumed with need to care.

Until he felt something prod his ass. He froze, his gaze flying to a mirror.

Blue Girl stood behind him, her legs spread so wide her crotch was even with his ass, but she held something in her hand that jutted from her body.

Fuck, she held a cock!

Moses didn’t know how she had one, didn’t much care. He scrambled forward on the bed, trying to escape. But her hand clamped on his ankle, crunching painfully.

Please, neeed,
” she said softly.

His gaze met hers again. It was still her. Still Blue Girl, but now he could tell she hadn’t just grown a dick and a pair of balls. Her clitoris had expanded about three inches, and she stroked it. Which might have been sexy as hell if he’d been facing her.

“Not my ass, baby. Please, not my ass.”

Her head wagged, and a little smile turned up the corners.

Moses moaned and gave a little naked sob, because he wasn’t gonna deny her—and Viper would never let him live this down.

Her hands parted his buttocks, and he faced forward, grimacing. However, when she prodded him this time, she sent a wave of heat pulsing through him. Moisture slid between his cheeks, and he braced himself, blowing hard to relax while she slid inside, her hot, slick little appendage fucking him.

“Sweet, fucking sweet,” he moaned, as she began to rock. He pushed back to take her deeper, and the humming started. Her pleasure sound.

Her body folded over him, riding his back. A hand reached around to stroke his cock. His arousal, which hadn’t abated one iota, surged, and he thrust in unison with her moves. At last his body seized, suspended for an agonizing moment before his balls burst and come striped the bedding.

In the distance, he heard the door crash open, felt arms prying them apart, but he fought, come jetting through his dick, until her fingers slid away. He rolled to his back, shaking but determined to protect her.

Moses lay breathing hard on the bed as Viper struggled, forcing her to the bed to hold her down, his hands clamped around her wrists to keep her from scratching at him.

“Viper, it’s okay. I’m okay,” Moses gasped.

Inigo crept around the end of the bed, holding the necklace, but didn’t bother trying to pass it over her head. He laid the stone over her heart.

Melanie’s body shuddered then changed. She lay panting, sweating under Viper, her hands falling back against the mattress.

When her face turned toward him, tears flooded her eyes. “Did I go too far? Did I hurt you?”

“It was perfect, baby.” His words rasped. “Un-fucking-believable.”

“Idiot, she nearly had you.”

“Viper, get off her.” Moses struggled to move his heavy limbs. “I wasn’t dying. I’d know. And she wasn’t raping me.”

Viper cast him a glare. “Sure about that? You two were fucking like—”

Moses shook his head. “Viper, we were fucking. She released me. Took off the mojo. What we were doing was…just fucking.”

His brows wrinkled. “She had a cock.”

“No. Not quite,” Moses said, feeling heat creep across his skin, but holding it together because Melanie looked mortified.

Viper’s frown didn’t lessen, but he eased off Melanie. “Are you all right?”

She sat up, closing her legs, but otherwise seemingly unconcerned that she was naked. A slim hand shoved back hair from her face, and she peeked at Moses. “I took from you. I could feel the energy surging into me. But I stopped…feeding. That thing at the last? I don’t know why… It just felt so good.”

Moses gave her a slow, sweet smile and opened his arms.

Melanie pushed up and crawled eagerly toward him.

Viper cursed.

When she rested against his chest, he gave Viper a glare. “She passed the test. End of story.”

Inigo cleared his throat, drawing all their gazes. “Shall I prepare a repast?”

“If it’s food you’re talkin’ about,” Moses grumbled, “I’m starved. How ’bout you, sweetheart?

Melanie kissed his jaw. “Plates and plates of it.”

Moses laughed, the sound echoing around the room.

Viper straightened, his disapproval clear in his rigid posture. “I have to report to Navarro.”

“No, you don’t.” Moses swept an arm at the far wall. “You know damn well he watched the whole goddamn thing. Probably had Sidney perched on his lap the whole time.”

Viper’s lips pressed into a line, but then he relented, the frown easing. A dark brow rose. “No doubts about that. Sidney’s a horny thing.”

“Cut the feed now.” Moses aimed a glare around the room. “We need our privacy. I mean it.”

When the door
closed behind Viper, Moses pulled back his head to stare down at Melanie. “No bad moments, baby?” he whispered.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Melanie met his gaze and sighed, relieved to still be breathing. “I know I’ll never be the master of her, but she likes you, Moses. Every bit as much as I do.”

He gave a grimace. “Likes?”

“Okay, well, she’s convinced she loves you.
need a little more time.” Only she didn’t. Not really. She remembered everything, knew he’d sacrificed his pride to please her.

“We have time to get to know each other, Melanie. As much as we need to get this thing right.”

Her breath hitched. “You mean until they’re sure they can use me?”

His gaze sharpened. “I mean, until you’re sure you belong with me.”

“But we just met,” she said, shaking her head. She struggled to believe he wanted her, cared for her so deeply.

His strong shoulder lifted. “Sometimes, you just know. It happens so fast all you can do is hold on for the ride.”

His words echoed her earlier thought, and she couldn’t help but smile. Something inside her did let go. If he and “Blue Melanie” thought they belonged together, then who was she to fight it?

“One thing though,” she said softly.

He arched a brow. “You wanna sleep on the left? ’Cause I’m not sure I can budge on that one.”

“No.” She laughed and drew the stone over her head. “It needs a longer chain.”

“Seems sturdy enough. You afraid it’s gonna break?”

“No, for you to wear. I want you protected at all times.” A finger traced the metal chain. “From me. Just in case you need to put it around my neck…”

“Suits me fine. That means Blue Girl’s free to come visit whenever she wants.”

Melanie settled her head on him and walked her fingers across his chest. “Which me do you like better?”

“Now, is that a trick question?” His fingers ran through her hair. “Why don’t you ask which one of you I first fell for?”

“Me?” she asked hopefully.

He nodded. “First time I saw you, when I looked at you through that two-way mirror. Didn’t matter if you were crazy or not, I didn’t like that you were scared.”

She hid her smile against his skin. “I knew the moment our hands touched. There was a spark.”

“Meant to be, I guess.” He let out deep breath and tugged her closer. “You tired?”

“You fishing to see whether I want to do it again?”

A chuckle escaped at her bluntness. “Well, do ya?”

“Moses Brown, you are insatiable—which makes you the right man for me.” Melanie sat up beside him then climbed over his hips.

His cock stirred between them. “Didn’t think he’d be up for a month. You both wore him to a nub.”

“Hardly a nub.” Her brow quirked. “You’re a big man.”

“What are you thinkin’?”

“That there’s lots of you I still haven’t explored,” she purred.

His hand cupped her rear. A finger slid between her buttocks.

She laughed. “Lots of me you haven’t explored either, I take it?”

“One of these days…” His finger tapped.

“You’ll need to talk to the other me, because I don’t know if I will ever be up for that.”

He gave her ass a gentle slap. “Sooner or later, you’re gonna give.”

The way his finger began to swirl again, she was sure she’d be caving


As Melanie eased
down Moses’s body, her moist kisses smacking, Viper sat back in his chair. He turned his head to the other monitor, the one with a view into an office where Navarro sat, his still features unmoving as Sidney stuck her tongue in his ear.

Viper suppressed a smile. Sidney didn’t have any qualms about messing with the vampire master, even when he managed to look so grim. “So what do you think?” he asked.

Sidney’s laughter gurgled. “He’s hard. He’s thinking about having sex with me the minute we turn the computer off.”

Navarro gave an uncharacteristic roll of his eyes. “Sidney…”

“Oh right. No PDA. I keep forgetting that.” She kissed his cheek and waved at Viper. “Later!” Her footsteps faded away.

Viper waited until Navarro’s gaze came back. No doubt he’d been watching Sidney’s ass as she left. “Can we use her?”

“I can’t help but feel that finding her now is more than coincidence. We’re gathering strengths, allies, as Zachary amasses his own.”

“Do I cut her loose?”

Navarro gave a sharp shake of his head. “Absolutely not. She’s not safe in the open.”

He leaned toward the monitor. “Flip her then? Keep her here while we train her?”

Navarro steepled his fingers under his chin. “She’s a librarian. I’ll arrange a job for her in records at police headquarters. She’ll be safe enough there until I return. But Viper, how are you?”

Viper grew still. “I’m fine. Holding down the fort. The club’s a great cover, by the way. Zachary’s people haven’t any clue I’m working with you.”

“That’s not what I’m talking about.”

Viper lifted his chin. “We’re not going there. I wiped Mariah’s mind the last time I saw her. I let her go.”

Navarro’s expression eased. Compassion glowed in his eyes. “I know you mean to keep her safe. But some things are just meant to be.”

“Is there anything else we need to talk about?” Viper asked, hoping to end the conversation. “I need to rest. The day’s almost gone.”

Navarro nodded. “We’ll talk when I return…”

The monitor winked out. Viper released a breath and shoved up from his chair. Everyone had found a mate—even Navarro. Moses had been the last of what was left of his friends, his oldest one, the only one remaining from his former life. Now Moses would be preoccupied exploring his new relationship and falling in love.

Viper climbed the stairs to the guest room he’d taken for his own. The thick curtains were drawn and the covers turned down. As he stripped, he remembered the last time he’d seen his wife, how lovely and sad she’d looked before he’d taken that final bite.

But he’d made a mistake. He’d left her wedding ring on her finger. If fate smiled on her, she’d place it in a trinket box and forget about it.

Inside him, however, he wished with every fiber of his being that her endless curiosity would be stirred. His loneliness ate a hole in his gut. If she found him again, he’d never let her go.

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