Sweet Renegade (17 page)

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Authors: Andria Large

BOOK: Sweet Renegade
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“When did you learn sign language?” I ask my brother.


He shrugs. “I picked it up years ago when I was deployed. One of my buddies has a son who is deaf so he taught me; I figured it might come in handy someday.”


“I can read lips pretty well, too,” Tucker says with a crooked grin.


I smile as him. “Well, I will be sure not to talk any shit about you.”


Tucker laughs. The guy is seriously good looking. He has short dark brown hair and a five o’clock shadow. His eyes are the lightest blue I have ever seen, even lighter than Beau’s. He has full, sinful, bow shaped lips, and a naturally flirtatious and sexy smile. He is a little shorter than Dennis and Beau, but still at least six feet tall. And from what I can tell, the man has a body to rival Beau’s, and that’s saying a lot.


Tucker and Dennis sit back down in their chairs. Beau and I sit on the nearest bed. I can’t get over how much my brother has changed in a week and a half. It seems like just yesterday that he was holding a gun to Beau’s head in my darkened living room.


“So what’s been going on?” I ask him.


“Well, they’ve started me on some meds and have me in a two hour private therapy session, along with a couple of different group sessions. I’m finding a lot of different ways to release all of the anger that I’ve been holding inside,” Dennis murmurs.


“There is a lot of support here, a lot of guys who have been through the same shit as you, you know?” Tucker adds.


Dennis nods in agreement.


“That’s fantastic. It really makes me so happy that you are finally getting the help you need, Denny,” I say sincerely.


“I know, Lizzie. How are you two doing?” he asks, sending Beau a smile.


“Couldn’t be any better.” Beau smiles and glances at me lovingly.


“You are such a sap, Beau,” Dennis chuckles.


Beau laughs and shrugs, not caring one bit.


We all talk for a couple of hours, having some great laughs. Tucker is a really great guy and it seems like he and Dennis are becoming really good friends, which is exactly what my brother needs. Tucker is actually in for his own problems with PTSD and is supposed to be getting out around the same time as Dennis. They have been talking about getting an apartment together once they can both find jobs and make some money. I have mixed feelings about it; I’m glad that Dennis feels ready to be out on his own, but I’m also sad because that means he wouldn’t be living with me anymore, and I will miss him always being there.


Rob pops his head in the doorway. “Beau, we’ve got problems.” he sighs.


“Dammit!” Beau bites out. “How?”


Rob shrugs. “Someone must have recognized you and called the paparazzi. The front of the hospital is swarming. NYPD just arrived.”


“Shit, alright,” he grinds out and looks at me. “You can stay if you want. I’ll just meet up with you later.”


“Really? Are you sure?” I frown.


“Absolutely, love,” he says as he stands.


Beau then leans down and gives me a tender but smoldering kiss on the lips.


“Love you,” he whispers to me before giving Dennis a hug and shaking Tucker’s hand.


Beau sends me a wink before following Rob down the hall. I stare at the empty doorway for a moment, my lips still tingling from his kiss. My chest tightens at the thought that in a few days I’m going to break his heart.


“Please don’t do it, Lizette,” Dennis murmurs, bringing my attention back to him.




“Don’t break up with him. You don’t have to, you guys are great together,” he pleads.


I shake my head. “The longer that I’m with him, the more I realize that he’s too good for me. It’s not even about the age difference or that I’m his manager anymore. I don’t deserve him,” I say sadly.


“That is the stupidest thing that I’ve ever heard you say,” Dennis scoffs.


“I’m gonna go to the vending machine, anybody want anything?” Tucker says and starts for the door. No doubt, he feels uncomfortable with the conversation.


Both Dennis and I decline, so he quickly leaves, shutting the door behind him.


“How can you even think that, Lizzie?” Dennis asks in disbelief.


“You don’t know him like I do, Denny. It’s becoming blatantly clear that I do not deserve such a wonderful man. I mean, I only took this deal because I wanted him to stop asking me out, and now he’s in love with me and treats me like gold. I don’t deserve him or the way he treats me,” I say. “I’m a bitch, Dennis. He should be with someone who will treat him better than I do.”


“You know he’s not thinking like that. He wants you, only you. You will be making a horrible mistake if you leave him. He will be crushed, Lizzie. He’s so in love with you!”


“I’m in love with him, too, Dennis, but I can’t…I can’t keep him when I know that there is possibly someone else out there who will be better for him than I am.”


Dennis makes an exasperated noise and stands. He paces to the window, one hand on his hip, the other pinching the bridge of his nose. “You’re so fucking stubborn, Lizette. Once you get something in your head, there is no changing your mind, no matter how wrong you are. And you are wrong about this, Lizette, just so you know,” he says tightly.


I stare down at my hands. “He’ll get over me,” I murmur.


Dennis turns and glares at me. “Will he? You sure about that?” He bites out. “You are really being stupid about this and if I were Beau, I’d never forgive you,” he hisses.


“Alright, Dennis, I got your message, loud and clear,” I snap and stand. “If you’re going to continue to lecture me, I’m just going to leave.”


Dennis sighs. “Damn it, Lizzie. I’m just trying to help you see what’s right in front of you. You could really have happiness with Beau if you would just think better of yourself and let yourself just live.”


“Do you have any idea what it was like to have mom show up while Beau was over and have her mentally and physically abuse me in front of him? Do you have any idea how mortified I was?” I hiss.


“She hit you?” Dennis bites out. “I can’t believe she hit you! That bitch!”


“Slapped me across the face – twice - because she is convinced that I put you in here. That I’m turning you into a little bitch. Do you really expect me to believe that I am even close to being in the same league as Beau after that happened? Please, Dennis, quit fooling yourself,” I scoff, shaking my head. “I have to go.”


I grab my purse from the bed and start for the door, leaving Dennis in stunned silence. As I walk toward the exit, I see Tucker heading back to his room. He gives me a charming smile and waves. I can only give him a tight smile and return the wave. When I get to my car, I drop my forehead against the steering wheel. Damn Dennis. He just made everything worse for me. I want so badly to believe him, to think that I’m good enough for Beau, but I just can’t. Not with a family as fucked as it is. Beau has a wonderful family that I have no business being a part of. Beau might not care, but I do.







Chapter Eleven



Tomorrow is do or die.
I plan on making this the best night of Lizette’s life. I have our whole night planned out. I’ve hired a five star chef to come to her condo and cook us an amazing five course dinner, since I really can’t take her out without being noticed. I figure this is more romantic anyway. While she’s at work, I straighten up her condo and set up a bunch of candles. The chef gets there an hour before she does to prep the food. About ten minutes before the love of my life arrives, I light the candles and turn on soft music. The dining room table is set for the two of us and the delicious aroma of dinner cooking fills the air.


This past month just solidified for me that Lizette is the only woman for me. I want to marry her, have kids with her, and grow old with her. We have had the best time together. At least, I think so. Not only do we have out-of-this-world sex, but we also get along really well. We actually have a lot in common despite our age difference. And I love her with all of my heart. I will never love another woman like I love her. I believe that I’ve found my soul mate in her.


I hear the key turn in the lock and my heart flutters nervously. I hope that she likes everything I’ve done for her. I stand in the living room and wait for her to open the door. I dressed up a little - gray slacks and a baby blue dress shirt, nothing overly fancy. I’ve left a little stubble on my face because I know she likes it. I rub my sweating hands on my thighs as the door opens.


Lizette’s reaction is classic. She opens the door, kicks off her shoes like she normally does and shuts the door behind her. She rakes her hand through her hair and finally looks up. Her eyes widen and her pouty lips part as she slowly walks forward, looking around the candle lit condo. Her eyes flick to mine, disbelief and awe swirling in them.


“What is all this?” she asks, her voice hushed as if she’s afraid to speak too loudly.


“Dinner,” I reply with a soft smile and pull her into my arms.


I press a soft kiss to her lips.


“This is incredible,” she breathes, looking around again. She catches sight of the chef. “You hired a cook?” She gawks.


“A chef, and he has a whole meal planned out for us. Why don’t you come sit down,” I say, leading her over to the table.


I pull out her chair for her and push it in as she sits. Then I go and sit adjacent to her. I have already poured us glasses of wine, so I lift mine and offer a toast. She follows, touching her glass to mine.


“To whatever the future brings,” I murmur, hoping that it brings me happiness with her.


She nods, nothing on her face giving anything away of what she is thinking. We both take a sip of our wine. I’m not much of a wine person, but Dean is, and I asked for recommendations earlier today. I have to say that Dean came through for me; the wine is fantastic. Lizette seems to think so, too, because she hums in delight after taking a sip. The chef brings over our first plate and it’s a small salad that looks absolutely delicious.


We both dig in, the conversation between us is easy and light. She looks stunning sitting there in the candlelight. Her dark blonde hair is hanging in waves over her shoulders and down her back. Her makeup today is subtle, accentuating her best features - her eyes and her lips. I can’t take my eyes off her. I am seriously debating on skipping dinner, dragging her into the bedroom, and eating her for dessert.


After the salad comes a soup that is to die for, then an appetizer, the main course, and dessert. By the time we are finished eating and the chef leaves, both Lizette and I are stuffed to capacity.


“Good lord, Beau, that was fantastic. The food was amazing!” She groans, rubbing her stomach from her seat on the couch next to me.


“Mmm, yeah, it was,” I agree.


“Thank you for that,” she says, giving me an adoring smile.


“You’re welcome, love,” I murmur, returning her smile.


I brush my fingers over her cheek as I lean in and kiss her. It starts out as a soft, tender meeting of lips, but soon turns into a sensual dual of tongues. I press her down onto the couch, covering her body with mine. I wedge myself between her legs, rubbing my erection against her heated center. She moans into my mouth and clutches the back of my neck.


“I’ve been dying to…take you from behind,” I gasp against her mouth.


“God, yes,” Lizette groans as she pushes me back and starts tearing at the buttons on my shirt.


I start on my pants while she’s doing that. Once I’m naked, we work together to get her clothes off. With both of us kneeling on the couch, we crash back into each other, mouths ravaging, hands groping. Pushing me back, we fall to the couch with her on top. She kisses her way down my body, stopping only to bite my nipples. I hiss out a breath, she kills me when she does that. When she gets to my throbbing cock, she immediately takes me into her mouth, pulling me in deep. A strangled cry escapes me. I shove my hands into her hair to keep it out of her face so that I can watch her plump lips wrap around my dick.


“Jesus, Lizzie, that is so fucking hot,” I rasp.


She rolls her eyes up to look at me while she sucks me off. The feeling is incredible; the warmth and wetness of her mouth is a lethal combination. I pull her off by her hair before she makes me lose it. I’m not ready to come yet. I need to be inside of her when I do that. Keeping a hold on her hair with one hand, I maneuver us so that she bends over the arm of the couch, her ass up and facing me like an offering. I can’t help but give one cheek a sharp smack. She gasps and glances over her shoulder at me. Her gaze heavy lidded and glazed over with desire. My hand is still wrapped up in her hair and I can’t help but think that this is the sexiest she’s ever looked.


“I gotta get a condom,” I murmur huskily.


“Don’t worry about it, I’m on birth control,” Lizette pants.


My heart skips a beat. “Are you sure?”


“Yes! I need you now!” she cries, arching her back, making her ass lift higher.


Fuck, I don’t need to be told twice. I enter her in one swift thrust that has us both crying out in pleasure. The difference in feeling is obvious, and damn, it’s so much better. My grip on her hair tightens as I crank her head back so that I can kiss her messily as I slam into her. My free hand is between her legs, rubbing circles around her clit.


The noise our bodies are making as they slap together turns me on even more, and so does manhandling Lizette. The fact that she really seems to like it is a plus, also. I shift, taking the hand from her hair and grabbing the front of her neck, just under her chin. I then pull her up so that her shoulder blades are against my chest.


My mouth is next to her ear so I whisper, “You like this, Sugar?”


“Yes,” she whimpers.


I continue my fevered assault, taking her hard and fast. I never want it to end; it feels too fucking good. Lizette’s cries and moans become more and more frequent so I know she’s getting close. She has one hand clutching my hip, while the other is clawing my ass cheek. I press my cheek against hers, loving every second of being so close to her.


“Come for me, baby, I know you want to,” I breathe.


I switch up from circling her clit to running my finger back and forth over it. That does it. A strangled scream rips up her throat as her whole body starts to jerk and tremble. I hold onto her tightly and help her ride the waves of her ecstasy. Her whole body relaxes and I let her slump forward. She folds over, smashing her face against the arm of the couch, her ass still in the air. I grip both of her hips and hold her steady while I pump into her. She is moaning lazily and I can feel my orgasm closing in. A few thrusts later, I feel the jolt in the pit of my stomach, and my release is quick and sharp. I shout as I drive deep into her one last time, my fingers digging into the flesh of her hips. I pant hard, dropping my head back. Holy fuck that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.






I wake to Beau’s warm breath on the back of my neck, his hard body against my back. His hand is slowing gliding up my side toward my breast; his rock hard cock is already sliding between my legs. My breath catches as he slowly enters me. He groans, his lips brushing against my jaw. His hips roll forward, pushing inside of me again. I bring my hand up to clasp the back of his neck as I arch my body against him. His large hand covers my breast, squeezing gently.


He makes love to me slowly and sensually. I feel every thrust and retreat with aching precision, never experiencing anything so amazing in my life. I can’t help but gasp every time he drives deep into me.


“Beau,” I breathe, clutching his neck tight.


My emotions are all over the place. My heart is being torn in two - one half loving him with everything I have, the other half fighting to put up walls for the pain it’s going to feel in the morning. My eyes well up but I fight back the tears.


In my moment of weakness, I whisper, “I love you.”


He moans, plunging deeper inside of me than the last time. “I love you, too,” he pants, his breath fanning across my cheek.


Beau crushes me to his chest, holding me tight. His rhythm picks up, as he gets closer to coming. I can feel mine building, also. We end up coming together, both crying out in ecstasy. We don’t even bother to clean up; instead, we almost immediately fall back to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.




I wake up to an empty bed. Last night had been amazing. The sex was…no words can describe it; it was unreal. Lizette had been incredible, loving, and emotional. Today is the last day of our month together and after last night, I can’t imagine that she would break it off with me. After our incredible month, there is no way that she can say that we aren’t meant to be together. We are made for each other, that much is obvious.


I get up and get dressed. I make a pit stop at the bathroom before going out into the living room to find her standing over by the window, looking silently out at the city. I can practically feel the tension coming off her. My confidence falters as a swirl of doubt hits me. I walk up behind her and place my hands on her shoulders. She stiffens.
Oh god…no!
My heart drops and I suddenly feel sick to my stomach.


“Lizzie?” I ask softly.


“It’s the last day, Beau,” she rasps.


“It doesn’t have to be,” I reply, my hands tightening on her shoulders.

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