Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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I grunt. “Smart move, Doc.”

She chuckles, not offended in the least, and leads me through a set of double doors marked ‘hospital staff only’ before taking me down the hall to a room on the right. She stands outside the open door and gestures for me to walk in first.

As soon as I enter, I come to an abrupt halt at the sight before me. My Cupcake, lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines with tubes coming out of her. A nurse is beside her, monitoring her vitals.

The surgery may have gone well but she looks…sick—weak—and I don’t fucking like it.

Dr. Schaefer puts a hand on my back. “Go on. She’s fine. Like I said, she’s just coming around.”

At the sound of her voice Grace slowly looks over at me, her beautiful, warm eyes tired as the softest smile curves her lips. “Sawyer,” she whispers, so low I barely hear her. She turns her palm up where it lays on her lap.

With a painful breath I walk over and sit down next to her bed. Taking her cold hand with the IV in it, I clasp it between my own and bring it to my mouth.

“Hey, Cupcake,” I finally manage to say, the words thick as they work their way past the burn in my throat.

“Lucy?” she croaks, her eyes falling closed before forcing them back open.

“Lucy’s good. Dr. Schaefer says everything went well. Piper said to say hi and everyone is out in the waiting room, the whole group. They came and waited with me.”

“Hmmm, that’s so nice,” she muses softly. Her fingers move against my lips, her eyes never leaving mine. “Thank you.”

Another excruciating breath leaves me, my eyes starting to burn as much as my throat. “I didn’t do shit, baby, but you’re welcome.”

Her weak smile spreads, yet she’s too tired to say more.

Standing, I lean over and kiss her lips, resting my forehead on hers. “You did so good, Grace. Everything’s going to be okay, and it’s all because of you.”

I feel like shit when a sudden wetness leaks from my eyes onto her face.

“Love you,” she whispers, her lips barely brushing mine.

“Love you, too, Cupcake. Always.”



week later I’m being discharged and I’ve never been so happy to be going home. I hate that I’ll be leavin’ Lucy here, since her road to recovery is a lot longer than mine, but so far it’s looking hopeful for her and that’s what’s most important.

Sawyer hasn’t left my side once. He’s even slept here, and I know he must be missin’ the kids as much as I am. Even though they have come to see us every day, it’s not the same.

I’ve been so blessed with all my friends and family over the past few days. Not only have they been so supportive in coming to see me, but also with helpin’ out with all of the things I can’t do at the moment, especially the bakery. Something I miss desperately. I can’t wait for the day to get the all clear to work again. However, Sawyer has made it abundantly clear he doesn’t want me to pull as many shifts anymore and wants me to hire more help. He doesn’t want me risking my health and getting run down. I know he’s still worried but hopefully, as time goes on and once I’m fully healed, he’ll see that everything will be okay.

As if my thoughts conjured him, Sawyer walks into my room, pushing a wheelchair. Closing the door he holds up a hand, clutching an unopened bag of the crackers I’ve enjoyed eating this last week whenever I felt nauseous.

A sexy grin curves his lips. “Look what I snagged when I walked by the snack room.”

“Sawyer, you can’t take those. That’s stealin’.”

“No, it’s not. It’s open to the public.”

“It’s open for patients. I’m not a patient any longer. You’re not allowed to take them home.”

“Fuck that. This hospital has gotten a shit-ton of my money. I’ve more than paid for these crackers. So if I want to swipe my Cupcake’s favorite crackers I’m fucking going to.”

I gape at him before a painful laugh explodes past my lips. Clutching my side, I moan. “Stop, don’t make me laugh.”

All of his amusement vanishes. “Shit, sorry.” He rushes over and kneels down in front of me where I sit on the edge of the bed. His hands slip under my sundress, stroking the tops of my thighs. “When’s the last time you had something for pain?”

“Not since early this mornin’. I’ve been trying to hold off, because I don’t want to be sleepy when we get home so I can spend time with the kids. But I think it may be inevitable.”

“Baby, you’ll have all the time in the world with the kids. Worry about yourself. I don’t want you in pain,” he says, dropping a kiss on my bare thigh.

Reaching out, I stroke his cheek with my hand. “Know what would make it feel better?”


“If you kissed me.”

With a growl he stands and does exactly that. He seals his mouth over mine, sending heat to explode through every part of my body, especially my heart.

“I can’t wait until I can do more than kiss you,” he groans, pulling back reluctantly.

“Me, too.”

He presses his lips to my forehead. “Come on, Cupcake. Let’s go home.”


The most beautiful place on earth because of the people it’s filled with.

“I wanna stop and see Lucy before we go,” I say, slipping off the bed and into the wheelchair.

“Yeah, I’ll take you there, but first this.” He hands me a pain pill with a glass of water, which I accept since I’m feeling pretty uncomfortable. Just as he takes the glass from me, someone knocks on the door.

I frown, wondering who it could be since all of the discharge papers have been signed. “Come in,” I call out.

When the knob turns, the last person I expected to see walks through the door—my father. I haven’t seen him other than when I was first moved to my room and he came with Barbara.

“Hi, Grace.” He nods, looking uncomfortable.

“What do you want?” Sawyer asks tightly, the room seeming to drop in temperature with the icy disdain in his voice.

My father clears his throat. “I was hoping I could speak with Grace for a moment.”

My heart kicks up nervously, having an idea of what he wants to talk about.


I put my hand on Sawyer’s arm. “It’s okay. Give us a minute, will you?”

He shakes his head. “No way, I’m not leaving you.”

I sigh, understanding he’s worried, but this is a conversation that’s long overdue and needs to happen, whether I want it to or not. “Just right outside the door. I promise I’ll call you if I need you.” He stares down at me, not budgin’. “Please, Sawyer.”

“Fine,” he relents with a growl. “Right outside the door.” He points.

I nod, biting back a smile. “Right outside the door.”

He drops a swift kiss to my forehead then moves for the door, his hard eyes trained on my father. “You make her shed one fucking tear and I’ll rip you apart.”

“Sawyer,” I hiss in warning.

He spins around, flashing that charming smile on me, his arms spread out. “Just making sure he understands, Cupcake.” With a wink the sexy bugger heads out the door.

My father expels a shaky breath. “That man of yours. He’s…” He pauses, trying to find the right word.

“Intense? Protective?” I offer.

“Yes, those are good words to describe him.”

“Those are qualities I love most about him. I was alone for a long time and had nobody to protect me when I needed it most, so it’s nice to have that now.”

Something that looks a lot like guilt flashes in his eyes before they drop to the floor. He nods, and I hear him swallow before bringing his eyes to mine. “I’ve made a lot of mistakes.”

That’s a major understatement.

“Unfortunately, back when I met your mother I was not strong enough to stand up to my family and their expectations of who they thought my wife should be.”

That comment has my blood heating. “Well, the only one who lost out was you. Because my mother was too good for the likes of you and your family.”

He nods. “Yes, she was, and I’m the first to admit it.”

My eyes narrow as I try to figure out what his deal is.

“I really want a chance to try and fix the mistakes I’ve made, because I know I’ve made a lot. Especially with you.”

A bitter laugh escapes me. “Mistakes? Do you have any idea who I had to live with and what I endured because I had no one. Because of your

The pain from my past begins surfacing, setting my chest on fire, and it spreads like wildfire.

“I’m sorry. I know it means nothing now, and if I could change what I’ve done, I would.”

He’s right. It doesn’t mean anything. However, as horrible as what I went through was, I can’t regret how things turned out.

“I wouldn’t change it,” I whisper, surprising him. “My mother and I had a beautiful life. Even though we didn’t have much, we always had each other. Not only that, but if you had stayed there would be no Lucy or Piper, and for that I can’t be sorry. They’ve come to mean an awful lot to me.”

He watches me, something weighing in his eyes that I can’t decipher. I duck my head, feeling uncomfortable now. A long moment of silence stretches between us, and I expect him to walk out the door since that’s what he does best, but he doesn’t.

“I loved her.” My head snaps up and I see his throat bob as he struggles to hold in his emotion. “I know it might be hard for you to believe, but nothing has ever been more true. When she smiled it would make everything in my world that was wrong, right. Her warm, innocent eyes led me to see right down to her beautiful soul. She had the kind of voice that was so soft and genuine it would make me believe in things I didn’t think existed.”

I’m completely frozen as I listen to his perfect description of my mother.

“I love Barbara, a lot. But I had yet to ever meet anyone like your mother until…” He pauses and clears his throat, tears welling in his eyes. “Until seven years ago when you walked into that restaurant and I saw the same eyes, same smile, and same soul. And after what you’ve done for Lucy, you’ve proven that your heart is just as beautiful as hers was. You’re exactly like your mother, Grace.”

Pressing my lips together, my chest constricts with pain as I think about her, a tear slipping down my cheek.

“Shit,” he says, surprising me. “Can you do me a favor and try really hard not to cry, because your husband scares the hell out of me.”

Laughter erupts from me and that’s when I really lose my composure. Covering my face with my hands, I shake my head, having no idea what to think or feel. Hearing him speak that way about my mother has me missing her even more.

I hear him release a heavy sigh and move toward me. But I keep my face hidden until he pulls one of my hands away and I see him kneeling in front of my chair.

“I’m sorry for hurting you, more than you will ever know,” he says, his voice strained with emotion. “I can’t change the past but I’d like to change the future. I know it will be a lot of work on my part but I’m willing to show you. I want you to be a part of my family, Grace, because you are my daughter. Just as much as Lucy and Piper are.”

I only stare at him, because I’m too scared to say anything. I’m not ready to accept his apology.

“It will take time and I understand that. I’ll be patient but I won’t leave you. Not this time.” He leans in and kisses my cheek. “Thank you, not only for what you did for Lucy but also for being you.”

Standing, he walks out of the room, leaving me to stare after him with all of my old, painful wounds resurfaced.

Sawyer walks in and stops in his tracks when he sees me, fury washing over his expression. “I knew it! That motherfucker is dead,” he spits, turning to charge after my father.

“Sawyer, please don’t leave.” The sound of my plea stops him. He turns back to me, his furious expression softening. “I need you right now,” I whisper.

He doesn’t hesitate, coming to drop down in front of me. I reach out and grab him, hugging him tightly as I cry out the pain of my past. His strong arms hold me close, his lips murmuring in my ear as he comforts me.

Eventually, he leans back, taking my face between his hands. “Did he hurt you?”

“No,” I whisper. “He was actually really nice. It’s just…old wounds.” I shrug. “Some that I thought were healed but I guess not.”

He watches me, sympathy dark in his intense green eyes. “We’ll heal them, baby. I promise I won’t give up until every wound you bear is gone.”

This man and the way he loves me is something I will never have enough of. He’s been my one constant since finding him. No one will ever own my heart the way he does.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“For what?”

“For takin’ such good care of me, especially this week, and more than anything for loving me, even when it hasn’t always been easy.”

His thumb strokes my cheek before his lips replace it, erasing the remainder of my tears as he trails them to my ear. “The easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life is love you, Grace.”

My eyes fall closed as my heart tumbles beautifully in my chest, a warm peace blanketing my soul.

He always knows what to say.

“You ready to go see Lucy, baby?”


After pressing a kiss to the side of my head, he stands and begins wheeling me to Lucy’s room down the hall. Her door is open for us to enter, and the smile she has when seeing me brings a matching one of my own.

“I was hoping you were going to come see me before you left,” she says.

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss saying good-bye to you.”

Barbara and Piper come over with a smile, leaning down to give me a hug. By the way they look at me it’s clear they know I’ve been crying but don’t call notice to it. Lucy, on the other hand, doesn’t hold back.

“Why does it look like you’ve been crying?” she asks as Sawyer wheels me closer to her bed.

I’m sure Barbara knows why but is probably the only one. I reach over and grab Lucy’s hand. “It’s been an emotional few weeks. And as happy as I am to be going home, I’m going to miss you,” I tell her, which is all true.

“You can come back and see me,” she whispers, and there’s no denying the hope in her eyes.

I nod and give her a small smile. “I will. I’ll try to come every day until you’re out. Then hopefully, you and Piper can come visit me out in Sunset Bay.”

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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