Sweet Charity (5 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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“Oh, I’m sorry!  You don’t like it do you?  I’ll be right back with something else for you,” she said.

Reaching out, Jackson grabbed hold of Charity’s wrist just as she was turning to walk away from the table.  As he circled her wrist with his hand, Jackson could feel Charity’s pulse beating in double time.  Smiling he said, “Charity I love it.  I just haven’t seen or eaten it since my grandmother used to make it.  This looks just like hers.”

Charity let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding and looked down at Jackson’s handsome smile.  “Well um, that’s great.  I’ll just let you enjoy your lunch then while it’s hot.”  As she said those words, she looked down to her wrist, which Jackson still held gently in his grasp.  He was slowly rubbing his thumb over the inside of her wrist and if he didn’t stop, she thought for certain she would melt into a puddle on the floor right there in the middle of
Sweet Charity’s

Jackson was in no hurry to let go of her, but he knew she was waiting for him to do just that so that she could make her escape from him and he wasn’t about to let her get away that quickly.  Just then, Charity looked up from watching where he was touching her and looked directly into his eyes.  For a few seconds, neither said anything, just kept starring into each other’s eyes.  Then they both started to talk at once, each saying the other’s name.  Charity said, “you first Jackson.”

“I was hoping that you would join me so we could talk for a few minutes,” he said still without letting go of her wrist. 

Charity turned slightly and looked around the cafe.  It appeared that her waitresses had everything under control.  “Um sure, I can sit for a few minutes,” Charity said with uncertainty. “Ah, you’ll have to let go of me though.”

Jackson cleared his throat and released his hold on Charity.  As she took a seat across from him and looked over at him, Jackson wasn’t sure why, but he suddenly felt like a nervous teenager about to have sex for the first time.  Just as Jackson was about to speak, Charity spoke up.  “Is everything alright Jackson?  I mean, are there any residual costs from the renovation that we need to discuss?”

“No, this isn’t about anything like that Charity.  I asked you to come sit with me because I want to ask you something.  I’d like to take you out,” Jackson said as he expelled a breath he looked as though he too had been holding. 

“Out, out like on a date?” she asked, as an even deeper flush came over her face.

“Yes. Will you go out on a date with me Charity?” Jackson asked.

“I...Jackson, um, I don’t know what to say.  I’m surprised.  You’ve never, we’ve never,” Charity stuttered.

“I never asked you out before because you had a boyfriend Charity, not because I didn’t want to.  I would have asked you out months ago, but I respect you too much to put you in a difficult position.  I would never do that to you. I must confess that last week while you were speaking with your friends, I couldn’t help overhearing that you and Tommy aren’t together anymore,” he said.

“Um, Jackson, I really don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes Charity... just say yes,” Jackson encouraged.

Charity looked down at the table and over to Jackson’s lunch.  “You should really eat your lunch you know, before it gets cold,” she said without looking up.

Jackson reached over and gently placing his fingers under her chin he slowly raised Charity’s face until her green eyes met his blue ones. Then he lightly caressed her cheek and said, “Say yes Baby.  Just say you’ll have dinner with me.”

With Jackson’s words and his soft caress it was all Charity could do to breathe.  She’d been attracted to Jackson from the minute she first saw him.  Then, when he came into
Sweet Charity’s
with his proposal for the renovations well, let’s just say, he was a striking figure to say the very least.  He had the bluest eyes, the most beautiful smile with those dimples that made her knees weak, and he wore just the lightest scruff on his face that she wanted to reach out and touch.  The fact that she was now sitting across from him, with his hand stroking her face was too much.  She was sure that he must be able to hear her heartbeat, because it sounded like a base drum in her head.  As she let out a deep sigh, that sounded more like a moan she said, “Yes Jackson, yes I’ll go out with you.”
































Chapter 6


“I’m so nervous!  What am I going to wear? Oh my God and what about my hair?  What should I do with it? Help me girls,” Charity shrieked as she ran from the bathroom into her bedroom, still wrapped in a towel.

Charity’s best girlfriends, Faith and Melissa, had come by earlier at her insistence that she needed them to help her get ready for the first date she’s had since Tommy first asked her out almost two years ago. Tommy never made her feel the way Jackson does.  “I’ve never seen you like this Charity.  You really like this guy don’t you?” Faith asked.

Before Charity had the chance to answer, Melissa chimed in with, “Of course she likes Mr. Dimples.  I mean look at how hot and sexy he is and the way he was lookin’ at you the other day girl...whew, I mean what woman wouldn’t be all a flutter over that tall drink of water?”

Faith looked over at Melissa and gave her an eye roll. “You’re not helping right now Melissa.  She’s already a wreck.  Why don’t you do your magic with her hair, and I’ll go look in her closet for something for her to wear?” she told Melissa.  “Come Charity, come and sit down and let Melissa do your hair.”

After she took a seat, Melissa brushed and dried Charity’s long golden hair and discussed with Charity what she had thought about doing with her hair for tonight.  Next, she got out her curling iron and added some loose curls here and there.  When she was done, Charity stood and hugged Melissa, thanking her for making her hair look just the way she’d imagined. 

Next up was Faith. She had laid out three outfits from Charity’s closet for her to choose from for the evening including shoes and jewelry for each. “You said tonight was casual, so I’ve laid out a few cute outfits for you.  All you have to do is decide which you want wear,” Faith said to Charity. 

“You girls are so wonderful. Thank you both for helping me through all this,” Charity said as she pointed towards her hair and then waved at the clothes lying on the bed. 

After another forty-five minutes went by, Charity was dressed, had her make-up done, and her jewelry on.  The girls had tidied up her bedroom putting everything back in the closet, leaving her room in perfect shape-- just in case she had a guest later that night, they had teased.  Faith and Melissa had hugged her and said their goodbye’s before Jackson arrived.  As she stood in front of the mirror, she felt beautiful and nervous.  As she took a deep breath, and looked over at the clock, she heard a truck in the driveway, as Jackson arrived right on time.         
































Chapter 7


Charity opened the door just as Jackson was about to knock.  For several seconds they both just stood still, Jackson with his hand in midair as he had been about to reach for the brass doorknocker, and Charity with her hand resting on the door knob.  Jackson slowly lowered his hand to his side, taking his time as he took in Charity from head to toe.  She was wearing her golden brown hair down floating around her shoulders with a few curls here and there, a look he’d never seen before, because working at the restaurant, it was usually up in a ponytail.  He could imagine running his hands through that hair and he just knew it would smell so good.  As his eyes travelled down her body, he took in her soft pink blouse that she was wearing under a light creamy sweater. There were a few buttons undone at the top of her blouse and he could see her cleavage and a hint of a pink satin bra underneath.  His mouth watered at the thoughts of unbuttoning that blouse and removing that sexy bra.  Still not speaking, but taking a deep breath, he let his eyes move down to her short denim skirt, followed by her seemingly mile long legs, and ending with of all things, fuck me red heels.  Who would have thought sweet Charity would own a pair of these, but fuck me heels they definitely were.  It was all he could do to not take her in his arms right now and carry her to her bed. He couldn’t do that knowing Charity isn’t just some slight skirt like at the club, she’s special. 

Just then Charity cleared her throat and asked, “Is everything alright Jackson?”

Jackson looked back up looking directly into those beautiful green eyes.  “You’re gorgeous Charity, sexy as hell, and for the first time in my life, I’m speechless,” he said.

“Thank you,” she timidly replied and then looking at him she said, “you look pretty hot yourself.”

Jackson wore dark denim jeans, with a blue and white plaid shirt under a black leather jacket.

After a few more seconds of them both standing there Jackson asked, “Are you ready?”

“Ah, yes...yes I’m ready.  Just let me lock up,” Charity replied.


After Charity locked the door, she was surprised to turn around and see Jackson standing at the foot of the few stairs with his hand reaching out for hers.  She looked him in the eye and smiled and placed her hand in his as she walked down the three steps to the front walkway.  Instead of letting go of her hand once she was safely down the stairs, he continued to hang on to her as he walked her over to what looked to be a pretty new looking RAM 2500.  He opened the door for her and realizing it would be a bitch to climb into the truck in those heals, he turned around and picked her up in his arms, setting her up on the seat facing him. 

When he picked her up, she let out a small gasp in surprise.  Once her ass touched the seat he didn’t immediately let her go.  Instead, Jackson placed his hands on either side of her hips, kneading his fingers into her ass, while he moved in close and looked her in the eye and said, “fuck Charity...I want you.”  He then slowly moved his hands up her arms and placing them on either side of her face he leaned in and kissed her.  A breath stealing, toe curling kiss that left Charity wanting more.  Jackson finally pulled away but, Charity leaned forward and began to lose her balance. Jackson quickly caught her, as she placed her hands on his shoulders and he gasped, “Whoa Baby, are you okay?”

Still holding onto each other, Charity licked her lips, then smiled and nodded her head yes.  She let go of Jackson and once he was sure she wasn’t going to fall again, he let go of her as well, waiting for her to turn forward in her seat before he closed the door.  As he walked around the back of the truck towards the driver’s door, he had the biggest grin on his face he’d ever had.

























Chapter 8


It was all Jackson could do to not reach over and put his hand on Charity’s knee as they drove to the restaurant for dinner.  And if he was interpreting all the fidgeting Charity was doing correctly, he was pretty sure that she was having trouble not reaching out for him.  On the way to dinner they talked about Sweet Charity’s and his business as well.  When they arrived at the restaurant, Jackson hurried around the truck to open Charity’s door for her.  As she turned to get out, Jackson reached up and grabbed her around the waist, then slowly lowered her out of the truck.  As he did so he made sure to hold her so that her body made contact with his until her feet touched the ground. Charity let out a quick breath and continued to hold onto Jackson’s muscular shoulders while she looked up into his blue eyes as if she was hypnotized by them.  She could hear her own pulse beating in her ears and could see Jackson’s chest quickly rising and falling as though he had just been running.  She thought he was going to kiss her again, so before that could happen, she nervously asked, “Should we go inside?” Something she cursed herself for later.

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