Sweet Charity (23 page)

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Authors: Sherri Crowder

Tags: #Black Mavericks MC

BOOK: Sweet Charity
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“Well as you know, I haven’t been back to work that long so most of the summer has been spent either lounging on the deck at home or down at the beach sitting beside the lake.  I really love living with Jackson and he’s been so good to me.  He wouldn’t let me do anything strenuous all summer.  He took care of everything including all of the housework for me while my rib was healing,” she told the girls.  “I never thought I would miss vacuuming but, you know, I actually did,” she said.  “And now that I’m back to work he’s hired a cleaning lady so that when I get home I don’t have to worry about taking care of the house,” she told them.

“Sign me up for that,” Melissa said.  “I hate housework!

“I’m so happy for you Charity,” Faith said.  “Jackson is a really great guy and you deserve to have someone who takes such good care of you.  As a matter of fact, since we’ve known each other, I’ve never seen you be so happy or smile so much,” she told her friend.

“Awe Faith, thank you so much honey,” Charity replied as she moved over and gave Faith a hug.  “Jackson is so incredible and I am blessed to have him in my life.  I love him,” she told the girls.  

Just then the young cutie patootie waiter arrived at their table with their drink order.  Six glasses...three shots of Patron, along with their next cocktail orders.

When the waiter left the table, Melissa picked up her shot of tequila and waiting for her friends to follow suit she then said, “Here’s to love and friendship.  Cheers ladies!”

The tequila burned all the way down and Charity couldn’t believe she drank it.  She hadn’t drank tequila since her college days.  “So Mel, how are things with Animal now that you’ve moved in?” she asked.

“You know what?  He’s so great. I know he looks a little rough around the edges but really he’s just a big teddy bear,” she told them.  “I’ve never had a man respect me or care about me the way he does.  I couldn’t be happier than I am right now,” she said.  As she told the girls how happy she was she couldn’t help noticing that Faith had a hint of a sad look cross her face and she felt sorry for her friend.  If Patrick were alive, Faith and he would be married by now and she couldn’t imagine how hard it must be to listen to she and Charity talking about their loves. 

“What do say ladies?” Melissa asked. 

“About what?” Faith laughed as she asked her.

“About hitting that dance floor of course,” she smiled.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Faith said but Charity wasn’t having any of it. 

She gave her a shove towards the end of the booth and said, “Let’s go girls!”

The three of them hit the dance floor and even the reluctant Faith was having fun.  They moved and grooved and laughed and sang along with the music just like they always loved to do.  It was awesome.  Then after about twenty minutes or so they were all ready for a drink and headed back to their table.  They just sat down at the booth when Jackson, Animal and Aiden appeared before them. 

Charity took a long appreciative look at Jackson and couldn’t believe that the sexy man standing in front of her was hers.  He wore crisp black dress pants and a cobalt blue dress shirt and damn he looked hot.  The blue of his shirt was a perfect complement to those gorgeous eyes of his.  “Well hey there sexy!” she said as she looked up at him with a beaming smile.  She reached for his hand and pulled him down to sit beside her at the end of the booth.  When he slid onto the seat beside her he pulled her in for one of his toe-curling, breath stealing, leave your panties wet kisses.  For a few minutes Charity forgot where she was as she completely lost herself in the kiss. It wasn’t until she heard Aiden say something that she and Jackson stopped kissing and turned to look around.  Sitting opposite to her and Jackson were Melissa and Animal. Melissa was sitting on Animal’s lap while Faith who was sitting at the back of the booth on the inside was looking down at her lap.  Charity felt a bit bad for losing control in front of Faith but Jackson’s kisses were just so intoxicating that she couldn’t help herself. 

Aiden still standing said, “Do you have room for one more in this booth?” 

Feeling embarrassed that they hadn’t given him a seat Charity said, “Of course we do.  We always have room for you Aiden.”

Melissa added in, “We sure do honey.”  She scooted off of Animal’s lap and the two of them slipped out of the booth directing Aiden to slide in.  This put him beside Faith and you could practically feel the chill around the table when he slid over beside her. 

“So boys what brings you by?” Melissa asked as she looked around the table at the boys. 

Jackson was the first to speak up saying, “I’ll be honest, I missed my Sweet Charity.”  He squeezed her knee which he’d been holding when he said it. 

“And I missed my Lissa,” Animal added.

Then surprising them all Faith spoke up and asked, “And why are you here Aiden?” Her voice was almost censoring in its tone and Melissa, Animal, Charity and Jackson all looked at one another in horror. 

After a moment Aiden spoke up and said, “The guys called me up and asked if I wanted to come with them to see their ladies and check out the new club so I thought why not.  Maybe I’ll meet a pretty lady or two...you just never know. I didn’t know that you would be here.” Melissa and Charity looked at one another and their eyes went huge for a minute.  They couldn’t believe that Aiden said that but when Charity thought about how poorly Faith treated Aiden, she was kind of glad he said what he did.  Faith needed to stop being so cold and unfriendly towards the poor guy.  Aiden really did seem like a stand up guy she thought and he certainly had never done anything to Faith. So he kissed her the night he drove her home from the Maverick’s clubhouse. It was harmless.

The rest of the night passed by without incident however while Melissa, Animal, Charity and Jackson all danced as couples, Faith refused Aiden on the few occasions he asked her to join him on the dance floor.  Instead she sat alone at their table nursing her drink the remainder of the evening. 



Later that evening when Jackson and Charity went home, Jackson asked Charity what was going on with Faith.  “I really don’t know Babe.  I wish I did.  She’s been grieving over Patrick for over a year and a half and I understand how horrible it must be losing him but she needs to move forward with her life. Nothing excuses her behaviour towards Aiden though.  I don’t know what that’s all about,” she said.

Jackson pulled her in close for a hug and said, “Babe as much as I never want you to be with another guy, if something should ever happen to me, I want you to move forward with your life.  I want you to be happy and love again.  Promise me you would do that.”

“Babe, do we really have to talk about this?” she asked him as she slowly began to unbutton his shirt and stood on her tip toes to reach up and kiss him. 

“Mmm hmm,” Jackson mumbled in between their drugging kisses.  He pulled back for a second and said, “Charity it’s important to me that you be happy whether I’m here or not.  I love you Babe and I don’t want to see you not living your life if anything should happen to me.  I would never want you to be as miserable as Faith is.”

By now Charity had Jackson’s shirt open and was running her soft palms down over the light dusting of hair on his chest.  “If I promise can we stop talking?” Charity asked him.

“If you promise I will make you moan and scream.  How’s that?” he asked. 

“I promise then.” Charity said.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Jackson reached down and picked her up holding her in his arms.  Charity let out a little squeal as Jackson carried her down the hall and into the bedroom.  When they got to the bedroom Jackson told her to kick off her shoes and once she did he placed her so she was standing upon the bed.  He then looked her up and down like she was something delicious to eat, which he thought she was.  Next he placed one hand on her waist to steady her and the other he placed just underneath her short flared skirt.  He slowly slid his hand under her skirt up her thigh towards her pussy.  As he neared the top of her thigh he let out a satisfied moan at discovering that she was wearing those hot as fuck thigh highs that he loved her in.  Charity was moaning as she ran her fingers lightly over his face and head, caressing him while planting soft kisses all over his face.  Then as Jackson slowly moved his hand further up the inside of her thigh, he came to her bare, warm, wet pussy and he couldn’t hold back the groan that came out of his mouth at discovering she wore no panties underneath her sexy skirt.

“Babe you went out without panties?  I’m thrilled right now but I don’t like the thoughts of you out there with no panties on and all those other men sniffing around.  Why’d you do that?” he asked. 

“Because I knew I’d be coming home to you,” she told him.

He let out another moan and then said, “Well in that case. Fuck I’m glad,” he said as he slid two fingers up inside her passage and used his thumb to massage her clit. 

Charity clung to Jackson as she threw her head back in ecstasy and moaned.  “Oh God Jackson that feels so good,” she ground out. 

Removing his fingers from her, Charity let out a whimper at the loss but she knew he had a reason as he turned her around and unzipped her skirt and let it drop down to the bed at her feet.  He also unfastened the back clasps holding her halter blouse in place.  When he turned her around she was naked save for those sexy black thigh highs.  He ran his hands down her legs and said, “These we leave on.” 

Bending down a little and leaning in he licked her pussy lips from one end to the other.  Charity let out a moan that was half groan.  “Oh Jackson,” she sighed.  Jackson however needed her down so that he could taste her better so he stood up straight and lifted her down off of the bed and stood her on the floor.  He then told her to sit down and lie back but to keep her bottom at the edge of the mattress.  Next he pulled his already unfastened shirt the rest of the way off, kicked off his black dress shoes, and tore off his socks, leaving only his trousers and briefs on.  He got down on the floor and kneeled between Charity’s knees and stretching them open further, he began to taste her pussy again.

This time he showed her no mercy as he voraciously licked and nipped at her all the while pressing his thumb over her clit. Then removing his thumb he wrapped his lips around her swollen clit and began sucking on it.  Charity couldn’t hold back her moans or the increasing moisture that was flooding her pussy.  Jackson once again inserted two fingers and curled them slightly as he stroked them in and out of her warmth.  Increasing the speed of his strokes and lightly rubbing his teeth against her clit had Charity detonating like a fourth of July firecracker.  Jackson swore the sight of Charity coming got more and more beautiful every time.  He continued to work her clit and her pussy until she finally released her grip on the sheets and the worst of the tremors past.

Standing up Jackson unfastened his belt and tore open his pants shedding both them and his boxers at the same time.  Next he helped Charity up so she could move fully up onto the bed and that he lied down beside her.  He lay on his side, head propped on his elbow, and gently massaged her belly while looking down at her.  She continued her decent from her powerful orgasm.  “You are the sexiest woman I have ever laid eyes on my Sweet Charity,” he said.  The light caresses he was placing upon her stomach were creating a whole new set of goose bumps and tremors racing upon and through Charity’s body.

She reached up and stroked her hand down the side of his head and over his cheek while they paused in their talking to just looking at one another. “I love you Jackson,” she told him. 

“I love you too Babe,” he told her as he raised himself up over her and leaned in to once again kiss her.  Jackson’s powerful tongue sensually danced with Charity’s as they tasted one another for several minutes. There was no mating dance that was more potent than kissing Jackson. The he moved down and kissed her in that extra sensitive spot Charity had, just under her ear, which caused chills to race down through her whole body.  He loved how her body reacted when he kissed her there. He felt her shudder and smiled as he slowly made his way down to her breasts.  After paying homage to each of her breasts, Jackson slowly raised himself up while Charity reached down between them and placed the head of his cock at her moist entrance.  Then looking into those emerald eyes of hers, Jackson thrust all the way home. That’s exactly how he felt about Charity.  She was his home.  He never had nor would he ever love another woman the way he loved his Sweet Charity.    









































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